General concept about Mangalika Doṣa you can read in the article of Pandit Sanjay Rath - https://srath.com/jyoti%e1%b9%a3a/amateur/ma%e1%b9%85galika-do%e1%b9%a3a/
I just put here 3 ślokas from BPHS (from chapter 82/80 ‘Strī jātaka’).
Interesting, that G.Ch.Sharma, R.Santhanam, P.N.Sharma and S.Ch.Mishra editions have the similar versions of these ślokas, whereas in the edition of Devachandra Jha the meaning 2nd shloka is different (he adds condition of houses from the Moon, and in houses from the Moon he also considers Saturn as doṣa – see the details below). In editions of Tara Chandra, Girdhari Lal and Ganesh Datt Pathaka I have not found such chapter and ślokas.
All the above publications say that if Mars has an aspect or conjunction of a benefic planet, then Mangalika Doṣa will not be there. And the verb hanti I translated as "to destroy" (from the root 'han' - to hit, to beat, to pound, to thrash, to strike, to kill, to beat, to kill, to spoil, to destroy, to execute, to prevent, to cause pain, to wound the heart), since it does not necessarily mean 'death'. An interesting meaning of this word is 'to beat').
Also please note that all the above mentioned authors say that if Mangalika Doṣa is present for both spouses, then there will be an auspiсious result, doṣa is canceled (which confirms the Russian proverb "there is no defense against a crowbar, if there is no other crowbar...").
Please see below translation of two versions and also a few illustrations.
And note the order of houses in the 1st śloka in Devachandra Jha's edition - first comes the 4th house, then the 1st, then the 7th, 8th and 12th. Perhaps this is the order of decreasingdanger of Mangalika Doṣa.
अथ स्त्रीजातकाध्यायः ॥ ८०॥
atha strījātakādhyāyaḥ ||80||
Translation: Now (atha) the chapter about female horoscope (strī-jātaka-adhyāyaḥ).
***śloka 1***
G.Ch.Sharma, R.Santhanam, P.N.Sharma, S.Ch.Mishra:
लग्ने व्यये सुखे वापि सप्तमे चाऽष्टमे कुजे । शुभदृग्योगहीने च पतिं हन्ति न संशयः ॥४७॥
lagne vyaye sukhe vāpi saptame cā’ṣṭame kuje |
śubhadṛgyogahīne ca patiṃ hanti na saṃśayaḥ ||47||
Translation: If Mars (kuje) (in the female horoscope) is in the Lagna, in the 12th house, the 4th house, the 7th house or the 8th house (lagne vyaye sukhe vā-api saptame ca-aṣṭame) and bereft of the aspect or conjunction of the auspicious planets (śubha-dṛg-yoga-hīne ca), it will certainly destroy the husband (patiṃ hanti na saṃśayaḥ).
Devachandra Jha - pati-ghātaka-yoga (yoga of destroying the husband)
पाताले ऽपि तनौ रन्ध्रे जामित्रे वापि च व्यये । स्थितः कुजः पतिं हन्ति न चेच्छुभयुतेक्षितः ॥४८॥
pātāle ’pi tanau randhre jāmitre vāpi ca vyaye |
sthitaḥ kujaḥ patiṃ hanti na cecchubhayutekṣitaḥ ||48||
Translation: If Mars is located (sthitaḥ kujaḥ) in the 4th, in the 1st, in the 7th, in the 8th or the 12th house (pātāle ’pi tanau randhre jāmitre vāpi ca vyaye) and devoid of auspicious yoga or aspect (na ced-śubha-yuta-ikṣitaḥ), it will destroy the husband (patiṃ hanti).
***śloka 2***
G.Ch.Sharma, R.Santhanam, P.N.Sharma, S.Ch.Mishra:
यस्मिन् योगे समुत्पन्ना पतिं हन्ति कुमारिका । तस्मिन् योगे समुत्पन्नो पत्नीं हन्ति नरोऽपि च ॥४८॥
yasmin yoge samutpannā patiṃ hanti kumārikā |
tasmin yoge samutpanno patnīṃ hanti naro’pi ca ||48||
Translation: Which yoga (yasmin yoge) in female horoscope (samutpannā kumārikā) destroys the husband (patiṃ hanti), the same yoga (tasmin yoge) in male horoscope also (samutpanno naro’pi ca) destroys the wife (patnīṃ hanti).
Devachandra Jha:
इन्दोरप्युक्त गेहेषु स्थितो भौमोऽथवा शनिः । पतिहन्ता स्त्रियाचैवं वरस्य यदि, स्त्रीमृतिः ॥ ४९ ॥
indorapyuktageheṣu sthito bhaumo’thavā śaniḥ |
patihantā striyāścaivaṃ varasya yadi strīmṛtiḥ ||49||
Translation: If from the Moon (indor-api), Mars or Saturn (bhaumo ’thavā śaniḥ) is present in the mentioned houses (ukta-geheṣu sthito), for female chart (striyāś) it destroys the husband (pati-hantā). And for male chart (ca-evaṃ varasya yadi) there will be wife’s death (strī-mṛtiḥ).
***śloka 3***
G.Ch.Sharma, R.Santhanam, P.N.Sharma, S.Ch.Mishra:
स्त्रीहन्त्रा परिणीता चेत् पतिहन्त्री कुमारिका । तदा वैधव्ययोगस्य भङ्गो भवति निश्चयात् ॥४९॥
strīhantrā pariṇītā cet patihantrī kumārikā |
tadā vaidhavyayogasya bhaṅgo bhavati niścayāt ||49||
Translation: If (cet) a man with yoga of destroyer of wife (strī-hantrā) marries (pariṇītā) a woman with yoga of destroyer of husband (pati-hantrī kumārikā), then (tadā) there will be certainly (bhavati niścayāt) a cancellation of widowhood yoga (vaidhavya-yogasya bhaṅgo).
Devachandra Jha - vaidhavya-yoga-bhaṅga (cancellation of widowhood yoga)
स्त्रीणां वैधव्यदो योगः पुंसां जन्मनि चेद् भवेत् । तदा पत्नीविनाशः स्यादुभयोथेच्छुभं स्मृतम् ॥ ५० ॥
strīṇāṃ vaidhavyado yogaḥ puṃsāṃ janmani ced bhavet |
tadā patnīvināśaḥ syādubhayoścecchubhaṃ smṛtam ||50||
Translation If (ced) the widowhood yoga (vaidhavya-do yogaḥ) for women (strīṇāṃ) is in the horoscopes of a man (puṃsāṃ janmani bhavet), then there will be wife’s death (tadā patnī-vināśaḥ syād). If [this yoga is] in the horoscopes of both (ubhayoś-ced), then auspicious result is declared (śubhaṃ smṛtam).
Joe Biden was widowed at 30; his wife and daughter were killed and his two sons injured in an auto accident (Mars is in the 12H, with Mercury, but Mercury becomes malefic by conjunction of other malefics and it is 8&11L, no other benefic influence)
Catherine de Medici, Italian noblewoman who was queen consort of France from 1547 until 1559, by marriage to King Henry II, who died early, and Queen mother of kings Francis II, Charles IX and Henry III from 1559 to 1589. (Mars is in the 4th house, without any benefic influence.)
Roman Polanski - first wife left him, second wife was killed. (Mars is in the 2nd house without any benefic influence.) See concerning Mars in the 2H the article of Pandit Sanjay Rath mentioned above.
G.Ch. Sharma:
I just put here 3 ślokas from BPHS (from chapter 82/80 ‘Strī jātaka’).
Interesting, that G.Ch.Sharma, R.Santhanam, P.N.Sharma and S.Ch.Mishra editions have the similar versions of these ślokas, whereas in the edition of Devachandra Jha the meaning 2nd shloka is different (he adds condition of houses from the Moon, and in houses from the Moon he also considers Saturn as doṣa – see the details below). In editions of Tara Chandra, Girdhari Lal and Ganesh Datt Pathaka I have not found such chapter and ślokas.
All the above publications say that if Mars has an aspect or conjunction of a benefic planet, then Mangalika Doṣa will not be there. And the verb hanti I translated as "to destroy" (from the root 'han' - to hit, to beat, to pound, to thrash, to strike, to kill, to beat, to kill, to spoil, to destroy, to execute, to prevent, to cause pain, to wound the heart), since it does not necessarily mean 'death'. An interesting meaning of this word is 'to beat').
Also please note that all the above mentioned authors say that if Mangalika Doṣa is present for both spouses, then there will be an auspiсious result, doṣa is canceled (which confirms the Russian proverb "there is no defense against a crowbar, if there is no other crowbar...").
Please see below translation of two versions and also a few illustrations.
And note the order of houses in the 1st śloka in Devachandra Jha's edition - first comes the 4th house, then the 1st, then the 7th, 8th and 12th. Perhaps this is the order of decreasingdanger of Mangalika Doṣa.
अथ स्त्रीजातकाध्यायः ॥ ८०॥
atha strījātakādhyāyaḥ ||80||
Translation: Now (atha) the chapter about female horoscope (strī-jātaka-adhyāyaḥ).
***śloka 1***
G.Ch.Sharma, R.Santhanam, P.N.Sharma, S.Ch.Mishra:
लग्ने व्यये सुखे वापि सप्तमे चाऽष्टमे कुजे । शुभदृग्योगहीने च पतिं हन्ति न संशयः ॥४७॥
lagne vyaye sukhe vāpi saptame cā’ṣṭame kuje |
śubhadṛgyogahīne ca patiṃ hanti na saṃśayaḥ ||47||
Translation: If Mars (kuje) (in the female horoscope) is in the Lagna, in the 12th house, the 4th house, the 7th house or the 8th house (lagne vyaye sukhe vā-api saptame ca-aṣṭame) and bereft of the aspect or conjunction of the auspicious planets (śubha-dṛg-yoga-hīne ca), it will certainly destroy the husband (patiṃ hanti na saṃśayaḥ).
Devachandra Jha - pati-ghātaka-yoga (yoga of destroying the husband)
पाताले ऽपि तनौ रन्ध्रे जामित्रे वापि च व्यये । स्थितः कुजः पतिं हन्ति न चेच्छुभयुतेक्षितः ॥४८॥
pātāle ’pi tanau randhre jāmitre vāpi ca vyaye |
sthitaḥ kujaḥ patiṃ hanti na cecchubhayutekṣitaḥ ||48||
Translation: If Mars is located (sthitaḥ kujaḥ) in the 4th, in the 1st, in the 7th, in the 8th or the 12th house (pātāle ’pi tanau randhre jāmitre vāpi ca vyaye) and devoid of auspicious yoga or aspect (na ced-śubha-yuta-ikṣitaḥ), it will destroy the husband (patiṃ hanti).
***śloka 2***
G.Ch.Sharma, R.Santhanam, P.N.Sharma, S.Ch.Mishra:
यस्मिन् योगे समुत्पन्ना पतिं हन्ति कुमारिका । तस्मिन् योगे समुत्पन्नो पत्नीं हन्ति नरोऽपि च ॥४८॥
yasmin yoge samutpannā patiṃ hanti kumārikā |
tasmin yoge samutpanno patnīṃ hanti naro’pi ca ||48||
Translation: Which yoga (yasmin yoge) in female horoscope (samutpannā kumārikā) destroys the husband (patiṃ hanti), the same yoga (tasmin yoge) in male horoscope also (samutpanno naro’pi ca) destroys the wife (patnīṃ hanti).
Devachandra Jha:
इन्दोरप्युक्त गेहेषु स्थितो भौमोऽथवा शनिः । पतिहन्ता स्त्रियाचैवं वरस्य यदि, स्त्रीमृतिः ॥ ४९ ॥
indorapyuktageheṣu sthito bhaumo’thavā śaniḥ |
patihantā striyāścaivaṃ varasya yadi strīmṛtiḥ ||49||
Translation: If from the Moon (indor-api), Mars or Saturn (bhaumo ’thavā śaniḥ) is present in the mentioned houses (ukta-geheṣu sthito), for female chart (striyāś) it destroys the husband (pati-hantā). And for male chart (ca-evaṃ varasya yadi) there will be wife’s death (strī-mṛtiḥ).
***śloka 3***
G.Ch.Sharma, R.Santhanam, P.N.Sharma, S.Ch.Mishra:
स्त्रीहन्त्रा परिणीता चेत् पतिहन्त्री कुमारिका । तदा वैधव्ययोगस्य भङ्गो भवति निश्चयात् ॥४९॥
strīhantrā pariṇītā cet patihantrī kumārikā |
tadā vaidhavyayogasya bhaṅgo bhavati niścayāt ||49||
Translation: If (cet) a man with yoga of destroyer of wife (strī-hantrā) marries (pariṇītā) a woman with yoga of destroyer of husband (pati-hantrī kumārikā), then (tadā) there will be certainly (bhavati niścayāt) a cancellation of widowhood yoga (vaidhavya-yogasya bhaṅgo).
Devachandra Jha - vaidhavya-yoga-bhaṅga (cancellation of widowhood yoga)
स्त्रीणां वैधव्यदो योगः पुंसां जन्मनि चेद् भवेत् । तदा पत्नीविनाशः स्यादुभयोथेच्छुभं स्मृतम् ॥ ५० ॥
strīṇāṃ vaidhavyado yogaḥ puṃsāṃ janmani ced bhavet |
tadā patnīvināśaḥ syādubhayoścecchubhaṃ smṛtam ||50||
Translation If (ced) the widowhood yoga (vaidhavya-do yogaḥ) for women (strīṇāṃ) is in the horoscopes of a man (puṃsāṃ janmani bhavet), then there will be wife’s death (tadā patnī-vināśaḥ syād). If [this yoga is] in the horoscopes of both (ubhayoś-ced), then auspicious result is declared (śubhaṃ smṛtam).
Joe Biden was widowed at 30; his wife and daughter were killed and his two sons injured in an auto accident (Mars is in the 12H, with Mercury, but Mercury becomes malefic by conjunction of other malefics and it is 8&11L, no other benefic influence)
Catherine de Medici, Italian noblewoman who was queen consort of France from 1547 until 1559, by marriage to King Henry II, who died early, and Queen mother of kings Francis II, Charles IX and Henry III from 1559 to 1589. (Mars is in the 4th house, without any benefic influence.)
Roman Polanski - first wife left him, second wife was killed. (Mars is in the 2nd house without any benefic influence.) See concerning Mars in the 2H the article of Pandit Sanjay Rath mentioned above.
G.Ch. Sharma:

Devachandra Jha:

Suresh Chandra Mishra: