BPHS Chapter 21. Results of Eight Bhāva
Sharma (15 ślokas) / Santhanam (15 ślokas) / Devachandra Jha (15 ślokas):
अथ आयुर्भावफलाध्यायः॥२१॥
atha āyurbhāvaphalādhyāyaḥ ||21||

Translation: Now (atha) a chapter about results of the 8th house (āyur-bhāva-phala-adhyāyaḥ).

Tara Chandra (12 ślokas) / Girdhari Lal (12 ślokas):
Translation: Now (atha) results of the 8th house (aṣṭama-bhāva-phalam).

Ganesh Datta Pathaka (12 ślokas):
Translation: Now (atha), the chapter about the results of the 8th house (aṣṭama-bhāva-phalam-āha).

āha – a day, a portion of a book appointed for a day.

Sharma / Santhanam:
आयुर्भावफलं चाऽथ कथयामि द्विजोत्तम । आयुःस्थानाधिपः केन्द्रे दीर्घमायुः प्रयच्छति ॥१॥
āyurbhāvaphalaṃ cā’tha kathayāmi dvijottama | āyuḥsthānādhipaḥ kendre dīrghamāyuḥ prayacchati ||1||
Translation: And now (cā ’tha), I will explain the effects of the 8th house (‘house of longevity’) (āyur-bhāva-phalaṃ kathayāmi), oh the best of Brahmins (dvijottama). If the 8th Lord is in kendra (āyuḥ-sthāna-adhipaḥ kendre), it gives long life (dīrgham-āyuḥ prayacchati).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such śloka.

Sharma / Santhanam:
आयुःस्थानाधिपः पापैः सह तत्रैव संस्थितः । करोत्यल्पायुषं जातं लग्नेशोऽप्यत्र संस्थितः ॥२॥
āyuḥsthānādhipaḥ pāpaiḥ saha tatraiva saṃsthitaḥ | karotyalpāyuṣaṃ jātaṃ lagneśo’pyatra saṃsthitaḥ ||2||
Translation: If the 8th Lord (āyuḥ-sthāna-adhipaḥ) is placed together with malefics (pāpaiḥ saha saṃsthitaḥ) and Lagna Lord is also placed there (lagneśa ’pi-atra saṃsthitaḥ), then (tatra-eva) it makesthe person short-lived (karoti-alpa-āyuṣaṃ jātaṃ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal (śl.191) / Ganesh Datta Pathaka (śl.170):
आयुःस्थानाधिपः पापैः सहैव यदि संस्थितः । करोत्यल्पायुषं जातं लग्नेशोऽप्यत्र संस्थितः ॥१८९॥
āyuḥsthānādhipaḥ pāpaiḥ sahaiva yadi saṃsthitaḥ | karotyalpāyuṣaṃ jātaṃ lagneśo ’pyatra saṃsthitaḥ ||189||

Translation: If (yadi) the 8th Lord (āyuḥ-sthāna-adhipaḥ) is placed together with malefics (pāpaiḥ saha-eva saṃsthitaḥ) and Lagna Lord is also placed there (lagneśo ’pi-atra saṃsthitaḥ), it makesthe person short-lived (karoti-alpa-āyuṣaṃ jātaṃ).

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.190) / Girdhari Lal (śl.192) / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.171):
एवं हि शनिना चिन्ता कार्या तर्कैर्विचक्षणैः । कर्माधिपेन च तथा चिन्तनं कार्यमायुषः ॥३॥
evaṃ hi śaninā cintā kāryā tarkairvicakṣaṇaiḥ | karmādhipena ca tathā cintanaṃ kāryamāyuṣaḥ ||3||
Translation: By the same logic (evaṃ hi tarkair), consideration should be made (cintā kāryā) with Saturn (śaninā) by wise men (vicakṣaṇaiḥ), and with the 10th Lord (karma-adhipena ca) also in that manner (tathā cintanaṃ kāryam) – for longevity (āyuṣaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.191) / Girdhari Lal (śl.193) / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.172):
षष्ठे व्ययेऽपि षष्ठेशो व्ययाधीशो रिपौ व्यये । लग्नेऽष्टमे स्थितो वाऽपि दीर्घमायुः प्रयच्छति ॥४॥
ṣaṣṭhe vyaye ’pi ṣaṣṭheśo vyayādhīśo ripau vyaye | lagne ’ṣṭame sthito vā’pi dīrghamāyuḥ prayacchati ||4||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is in the 6th or in the 12th house (ṣaṣṭhe vyaye ’pi ṣaṣṭheśo) and if the 12th Lord is placed in the 6th, in the 12th house, in the Lagna or in the 8th house (vyayādhīśo ripau vyaye lagne ’ṣṭame sthito vā ’pi), it gives long life (dīrgham-āyuḥ prayacchati).

Sharma / Santhanam / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.173):
स्वस्थाने स्वांशके वाऽपि मित्रेशे मित्रमन्दिरे । दीर्घायुषं करोत्येव लग्नेशोऽष्टमपः पुनः ॥५॥
svasthāne svāṃśake vā’pi mitreśe mitramandire | dīrghāyuṣaṃ karotyeva lagneśo’ṣṭamapaḥ punaḥ ||5||
Translation: Lagna Lord (lagneśo) placed in own house and own navāṁśa, [possibly: or in friendly navāṁśa] or friendly house (sva-sthāne sva-aṃśake vā’pi mitreśe mitra-mandire), gives long life, indeed (dīrgha-āyuṣaṃ karoti-eva), and similarly the 8th Lord does (’ṣṭama-paḥ punaḥ).

Note: meaning of मित्रेशे (mitreśe) is not clear here, it could be मित्रांशे (mitrāṁśe) (‘in friendly navāṁśa’) as additional possibility in condition – as it is in Girdhari Lal edition.

Tara Chandra (śl.192) / Girdhari Lal (śl.194):
स्वस्थाने स्वांशकेनापि मित्रेशे मित्रमंदिरे । दीर्घायुषं करोत्येव लग्नेशोऽष्टमपः पुनः ॥१९२॥
svasthāne svāṃśakenāpi mitreśe mitramaṃdire | dīrghāyuṣaṃ karotyeva lagneśo’ṣṭamapaḥ punaḥ ||192||
Translation: Lagna Lord (lagneśo) placed in own house with also own navāṁśa, [possibly: or in friendly navāṁśa] or in friendly house (sva-sthāne sva-aṃśakena-api mitreśe mitra-mandire), gives long life, indeed (dīrgha-āyuṣaṃ karoti-eva), and similarly the 8th Lord does (’ṣṭama-paḥ punaḥ).

Note: Girdhari Lal: mitreśe -> mitrāṁśe (‘in friendly navāṁśa’), which looks like more correct.

Sharma / Santhanam:
लग्नाष्टमपकर्मेशमन्दाः केन्द्रत्रिकोणयोः । लाभे वा संस्थितास्तद्वद्दिशेयुर्दीर्घमायुषम्‌ ॥६॥
एवं बहुविधा विद्वन्नायुर्योगाः प्रकीर्तिताः । एषु यो बलवांस्तस्याऽनुसारादायुरादिशेत्‌ ॥७॥
lagnāṣṭamapakarmeśamandāḥ kendratrikoṇayoḥ | lābhe vā saṃsthitāstadvad‌diśeyurdīrghamāyuṣam‌ ||6||
evaṃ bahuvidhā vidvannāyuryogāḥ prakīrtitāḥ | eṣu yo balavāṃstasyā’nusārādāyurādiśet‌ ||7||
Translation: If Lagna Lord, the 8th Lord, the 10th Lord and Saturn (lagna-aṣṭama-pa-karmeśa-mandāḥ) are placed in the kendra, trikoṇa or in the 11th house (kendra-trikoṇayoḥ lābhe vā saṃsthitās) the long life is also granted (tadvat-diśeyur-dīrgham-āyuṣam‌).
In such a manner (evaṃ) various yogas for longevity (bahuvidhā āyur-yogāḥ) are proclaimed by wise (vidvannā prakīrtitāḥ). The longevity should be indicated according to that planet (tasya-anusārād-āyur-ādiśet), which is the strongest among them (yeṣu yo balavāṃs).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal (śl.195):
लग्नाष्टमपकर्मेशमंदाः केंद्रत्रिकोणयोः । लाभे वा संस्थितास्तद्वद्दिशेयुर्दीर्घमायुषम् । येषु यो बलवांस्तस्यानुसारादायुरादिशेत् ॥१९३॥
lagnāṣṭamapakarmeśamaṃdāḥ keṃdratrikoṇayoḥ | lābhe vā saṃsthitāstadvaddiśeyurdīrghamāyuṣam | yeṣu yo balavāṃstasyānusārādāyurādiśet ||193||
Translation: If Lagna Lord, the 8th Lord, the 10th Lord and Saturn (lagna-aṣṭama-pa-karmeśa-mandāḥ) are placed in the kendra, trikoṇa or in the 11th house (kendra-trikoṇayoḥ lābhe vā saṃsthitās) the long life is also granted (tadvat-diśeyur-dīrgham-āyuṣam‌). The longevity should be indicated according to that planet (tasya-anusārād-āyur-ādiśet), which is the strongest among them (yeṣu yo balavāṃs).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
लग्नाष्टमपकर्मेशमन्दाः केन्द्रत्रिकोणयोः । लाभे वा संस्थितास्तद्वद्दिशेयुर्दीर्घमायुषम्‌ ॥१७४॥
lagnāṣṭamapakarmeśamandāḥ kendratrikoṇayoḥ | lābhe vā saṃsthitāstadvad‌diśeyurdīrghamāyuṣam‌ ||174||
Translation: If Lagna Lord, the 8th Lord, the 10th Lord and Saturn (lagna-aṣṭama-pa-karmeśa-mandāḥ)are placed in the kendra, trikoṇa or in the 11th house(kendra-trikoṇayoḥ lābhe vā saṃsthitās)the long life is also granted (tadvat-diśeyur-dīrgham-āyuṣam‌).

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.194) / Girdhari Lal (śl.196) / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.175):
अष्टमाधिपतौ केन्द्रे लग्नेशे बलवर्जिते । विंशद्वर्षाण्यसौ जीवेद्द्वात्रिंशत्परमायुषम्‌ ॥८॥
aṣṭamādhipatau kendre lagneśe balavarjite | viṃśadvarṣāṇyasau jīved‌dvātriṃśatparamāyuṣam‌ ||8||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is in the kendra (aṣṭama-adhipatau kendre) and Lagna Lord is deprived of strength (lagneśe bala-varjite), then the person’s longevity would be (asau jivet) from 20 years (viṃśad-varṣāṇi) to 32 years (dvātriṃśat), [which is] maximum lifespan (parama-āyuṣam).

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.195) / Girdhari Lal (śl.197) / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.176):
रन्ध्रेशे नीचराशिस्थे रन्ध्रे पापग्रहैर्युते । लग्नेशे दुर्बले जन्तुरल्पायुर्भवति ध्रुवम्‌ ॥९॥
randhreśe nīcarāśisthe randhre pāpagrahairyute | lagneśe durbale janturalpāyurbhavati dhruvam ‌||9||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is placed in its sign of debilitation (randhreśe nīca-rāśi-sthe), the 8th house is occupied malefic planets (randhre pāpa-grahair-yute) and Lagna Lord is weak (lagneśe dur-bale), then the person will be certainly short-lived (jantur-alpa-āyur-bhavati dhruvam).

Note: Chandra, Lal, Pathaka: jantuḥ (‘person’) -> yasya (‘whose’) meaning in general the same – “the person’s lifespan is short”

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.196) / Girdhari Lal (śl.198) / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.177):
रन्ध्रेशे पापसंयुक्ते रन्ध्रे पापग्रहैर्युते । व्यये क्रूरग्रहाक्रान्ते जातमात्रं मृतिर्भवेत्‌ ॥१०॥
randhreśe pāpasaṃyukte randhre pāpagrahairyute | vyaye krūragrahākrānte jātamātraṃ mṛtirbhavet‌ ||10||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is conjoined with malefics (randhreśe pāpa-saṃyukte), the 8th house is occupied by malefic planets (randhre pāpa-grahair-yute) and the 12th house is occupied by cruel planets (vyaye krūra-graha-ākrānte) the death occurs (mṛtir-bhavet‌) just after birth (jāta-mātraṃ).‌

Note: Chandra, Lal, Pathaka: krūragraha-ākrānte -> krūragrahair-jāte (meaning is the same)

Sharma / Santhanam:
केन्द्रत्रिकोणगाः पापाः शुभाः षष्ठाष्टगा यदि । लग्ने नीचस्थरन्ध्रेशो जातः सद्यो मृतो भवेत्‌ ॥११॥
kendratrikoṇagāḥ pāpāḥ śubhāḥ ṣaṣṭhāṣṭagā yadi | lagne nīcastharandhreśo jātaḥ sadyo mṛto bhavet‌ ||11||
Translation: If (yadi) there are malefics in kendras or trikoṇas (kendra-trikoṇa-gāḥ pāpāḥ), benefics in the 6th or the 8th house (śubhāḥ ṣaṣṭha-aṣṭa-gā), and the 8th Lord is in debilitation in Lagna (lagne nīca-stha-randhreśo), then the person will die immediately after birth (jātaḥ sadyo mṛto bhavet‌).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal (śl.199) / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.178):
केंद्रत्रिकोणपापस्थाः षष्ठाष्टशु भगा यदि । लग्ने रंध्रेशनीचस्थे जातः सद्यो मृतो भवेत् ॥१९७॥
keṃdratrikoṇapāpasthāḥ ṣaṣṭhāṣṭaśu bhagā yadi | lagne raṃdhreśanīcasthe jātaḥ sadyo mṛto bhavet ||197||
Translation: If (yadi) there are malefics in kendras or trikoṇas (keṃdra-trikoṇa-pāpa-sthāḥ), benefics in the 6th or the 8th house (ṣaṣṭha-aṣṭaśu bhagā), and if the 8th Lord is in debilitation in Lagna (lagne raṃdhreśa-nīca-sthe), then the person will die immediately after birth (jātaḥ sadyo mṛto bhavet‌).

Note: Girdhari Lal: mṛto -> mṛtir

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.198) / Girdhari Lal (śl.200) / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.179):
पञ्चमे पापसंयुक्ते रन्ध्रेशे पापसंयुते । रन्ध्रे पापग्रहैर्युक्ते स्वल्पमायुः प्रजायते ॥१२॥
pañcame pāpasaṃyukte randhreśe pāpasaṃyute | randhre pāpagrahairyukte svalpamāyuḥ prajāyate ||12||
Translation: If the 5th house is occupied by malefics (pañcame pāpa-saṃyukte), the 8th Lord is conjoined with malefics (randhreśe pāpa-saṃyute) and the 8th house is occupied by malefic planets (randhre pāpa-grahair-yukte), then the person will be short-lived (svalpam-āyuḥ prajāyate).

Sharma / Santhanam / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.180):
रन्ध्रेशे रन्ध्रराशिस्थे चन्द्रे पापसमन्विते । शुभदृष्टिविहीने च मासान्ते च मृतिर्भवेत्‌ ॥१३॥
randhreśe randhrarāśisthe candre pāpasamanvite | śubhadṛṣṭivihīne ca māsānte ca mṛtirbhavet‌ ||13||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is placed in the 8th house (randhreśe randhra-rāśi-sthe), the Moon is conjoined by malefic (candre pāpa-samanvite) and devoid of aspects from benefics (śubha-dṛṣṭi-vihīne ca), the death will occur in a month after birth (māsānte mṛtir-bhavet‌).

Note: Pathaka: śubha-dṛṣṭi-vihīne ca -> śubha-dṛg-rahite vidvan (similar meaning)

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal (śl.201):
रंध्रेशे रंध्रराशिस्थे चन्द्रे पापसमन्विते । शुभदृष्टेन सफलं मासांते च मृतिर्भवेत् ॥१९९॥
raṃdhreśe raṃdhrarāśisthe candre pāpasamanvite | śubhadṛṣṭena saphalaṃ māsāṃte ca mṛtirbhavet ||199||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is placed in the 8th house (randhreśe raṃdhra-rāśi-sthe), the Moon is conjoined by malefic (candre pāpa-samanvite) the death will occur in a month after birth (māsānte mṛtir-bhavet‌), but if the Moon is aspected by benefics, then there will no death (śubha-dṛṣṭena sa-phalaṃ).

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.200) / Girdhari Lal (śl.202) / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.181):
लग्नेशे स्वोच्चराशिस्थे चन्द्रे लाभसमन्विते । रन्ध्रस्थानगते जीवे दीर्घमायुर्न संशयः ॥१४॥
lagneśe svoccarāśisthe candre lābhasamanvite | randhrasthānagate jīve dīrghamāyurna saṃśayaḥ ||14||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in its sign of exaltation (lagneśe sva-ucca-rāśi-sthe), the Moon is in the 11th house (candre lābha-samanvite) and Jupiter is in the 8th house (randhra-sthāna-gate jīve), then there will be long life (dīrgham-āyur), without doubt (na saṃśayaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
लग्नेशोऽतिबली दृष्टः केन्द्रसंस्थैः शुभग्रहैः । धनैः सर्वगुणैः सार्धं दीर्घमायुः प्रयच्छति ॥१५॥
lagneśo ’tibalī dṛṣṭaḥ kendrasaṃsthaiḥ śubhagrahaiḥ | dhanaiḥ sarvaguṇaiḥ sārdhaṃ dīrghamāyuḥ prayacchati ||15|| 
Translation: If the Lagna Lord is very strong (lagneśo ’tibalī) and aspected by benefic planets from kendras (dṛṣṭaḥ kendra-saṃsthaiḥ śubha-grahaiḥ), then the person will have long life (dīrgham-āyuḥ prayacchati) along with wealth and all virtues (dhanaiḥ sarva-guṇaiḥ sārdhaṃ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such śloka.
End of Āyur Bhāva Phala Adhyāya (21)
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