BPHS Chapter 23. Results of Tenth Bhāva
Sharma (22 ślokas) / Santhanam (22 ślokas) / Devachandra Jha (22 ślokas):
अथ कर्मभावफलाध्यायः॥२३॥
atha karmabhāvaphalādhyāyaḥ ||23||

Translation: Now (atha) a chapter about results of the 10th house (‘house of actions’) (karma-bhāva-phala-adhyāyaḥ).

Tara Chandra (20 ślokas) / Girdhari Lal (17 ślokas):
अथ दशमभावफलम्
atha daśamabhāvaphalam
Translation: Now (atha) results of the 10th house (daśama-bhāva-phalam).

Ganesh Datta Pathaka (17 ślokas):
अथ दशमभावफलमाह
atha daśamabhāvaphalamāha
Translation: Now (atha), the chapter about the results of the 10th house (daśama-bhāva-phalam-āha).

āha – a day, a portion of a book appointed for a day.

Sharma / Santhanam:
कर्मभावफलं चाथ कथयामि तवाग्रतः । सृणु मैत्रेय तत्त्वेन ब्रह्मगर्गादिभाषितम्‌ ॥१॥
karmabhāvaphalaṃ cātha kathayāmi tavāgrataḥ | sṛṇu maitreya tattvena brahmagargādibhāṣitam‌ ||1||
Translation: And now, I will explain (ca-atha kathayāmi) in front of you (tava-agrataḥ) the effects of the 10th house (‘house of actions’) (karma-bhāva-phalaṃ). Oh Maitreya, listen (sṛṇu maitreya) that, which was truly uttered by Brahma, Garga and others (tattvena brahma-garga-ādi-bhāṣitam‌).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such śloka.

Sharma / Santhanam:
सबले कर्मभावेशे स्वोच्चे स्वांशे स्वराशिगे । जातस्तातसुखेनाढ्‌यो यशस्वी शुभकर्मकृत्‌ ॥२॥
sabale karmabhāveśe svocce svāṃśe svarāśige | jātastātasukhenāḍh‌yo yaśasvī śubhakarmakṛt‌ ||2||
Translation: If the 10th Lord (karma-bhāveśe) is in the strength in exaltation, in own navāṁśa or own sign (sa-bale sva-ucce sva-aṃśe sva-rāśi-ge), the person (jātas) is endowed with happiness from father (tāta-sukhena-āḍh‌yo), famous (yaśasvī) and performing good deeds (śubha-karma-kṛt‌).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesh Datta Pathaka:

There is no such śloka.

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.237) / Girdhari Lal (śl.240) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.211):
कर्माधिपो बलोनश्चेत्कर्मवैकल्यमादिशेत्‌ । सैंहिः केन्द्रत्रिकोणस्थो ज्योतिष्टोमादियागकृत्‌ ॥३॥
karmādhipo balonaścet‌karmavaikalyamādiśet‌ | saihiḥ kendratrikoṇastho jyotiṣṭomādiyāgakṛt ‌||3||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is weak (karma-adhipo bala-ūnaś-cet), ‌then difficulties in accomplishment of work (karma-vaikalyam) should be declared (ādiśet). If Rāhu (saihiḥ) is places in kendra or trikoṇa‌ (kendra-trikoṇa-stho), then the person performs Jyotiṣṭoma (Soma ceremony, lit. ’Praise of light’) and other sacrifices (jyoti-ṣṭoma-ādi-yāga-kṛt).

vaikalya – imperfection, weakness, defectiveness, defect, frailty, incompetency, insufficiency

Sharma / Santhanam:
कर्मेशे शुभसंयुक्ते शुभस्थानगते तथा । राजद्वारे च वाणिज्ये सदा लाभोऽन्यथान्यथा ॥४॥
karmeśe śubhasaṃyukte śubhasthānagate tathā | rājadvāre ca vāṇijye sadā lābho ’nyathānyathā ||4||
Translation: If the 10th Lord (karmeśe) is conjoined by benefic (śubha-saṃyukte) and also placed in the benefic house (śubha-sthāna-gate tathā), [the person] will be always obtain gains (sadā lābho) at the gates of a royal palace (rāja-dvāre) and through commerce (ca vāṇijye). In the reverse situation there will be opposite result (anyathā-anyathā).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesh Datta Pathaka:

There is no such śloka.

Sharma / Santhanam:
There is no such śloka.

Girdhari Lal / Tara Chandra (śl.238):
अत्रायुषश्चिंतनं च कार्यं स्यात्कर्मणस्तथा । शत्रुनीचगृहं त्यक्त्वा षष्ठाष्टमगृहं तथा ॥२४१॥
atrāyuṣaściṃtanaṃ ca kāryaṃ syātkarmaṇastathā | śatrunīcagṛhaṃ tyaktvā ṣaṣṭhāṣṭamagṛhaṃ tathā ||241||
Translation: Now (atra), consideration of duration of life (āyuṣaś-ciṃtanaṃ) and work/actions (ca kāryaṃ) should be done (syāt) from the 10th house (karmaṇas) in the following manner (tathā): [for the 10th Lord] better to avoid (tyaktvā) enemy houses and house of its debilitation (śatru-nīca-gṛhaṃ) and also the 6th and the 8th houses (ṣaṣṭha-aṣṭama-gṛhaṃ tathā).

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.239) / Girdhari Lal (śl.242) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.212):
दशमे पापसंयुक्ते लाभे पापसमन्विते । दुष्कृतिं लभते मर्त्यः स्वजनानां विदूषकः ॥५॥
daśame pāpasaṃyukte lābhe pāpasamanvite | duṣkṛtiṃ labhate martyaḥ svajanānāṃ vidūṣakaḥ ||5||
Translation: If the 10th house is occupied by malefic (daśame pāpa-saṃyukte) and the 11th house is connected to malefic (lābhe pāpa-samanvite), the person (martyaḥ) is getting gains through bad deeds (duṣkṛtiṃ labhate) and disgracing own kindreds (sva-janānāṃ vidūṣakaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.240 ½) / Girdhari Lal (śl.243 ½) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.213):
कर्मेशे नाशराशिस्थे राहुणा संयुते तथा । जनद्वेषी महामूर्खो दुष्कृतिं लभते नरः ॥६॥
karmeśe nāśarāśisthe rāhuṇā saṃyute tathā | janadveṣī mahāmūrkho duṣkṛtiṃ labhate naraḥ ||6||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is placed in the 8th house (karmeśe nāśa-rāśi-sthe) and also conjoined by Rāhu (rāhuṇā saṃyute tathā), the person (naraḥ) is hating people (jana-dveṣī), very foolish (mahā-mūrkho) and getting gains through bad deeds (duṣkṛtiṃ labhate).

Note: Tara Chandra, Girdhari Lal: rāhuṇā saṃyute tathā -> karmeśa rāhusaṃyute; G. D. Pathaka: tathā -> ’pi ca (meaning is the same)

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.240-241 ½) / Girdhari Lal (śl.243-244 ½) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.214):
कर्मेशे द्यूनराशिस्थे मन्दभौमसमन्विते । द्यूनेशे पापसंयुते शिश्नोदरपरायणः ॥ ७॥
karmeśe dyūnarāśisthe mandabhaumasamanvite | dyūneśe pāpasaṃyute śiśnodaraparāyaṇaḥ ||7||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is placed in the 7th house (karmeśe dyūna-rāśi-sthe) and connected to Saturn and Mars (manda-bhauma-samanvite), if the 7th Lord is conjoined by malefics (dyūneśe pāpa-saṃyukte), the person is attached to sexual pleasures and filling the stomach (śiśna-udara-para-ayaṇaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.241-242 ½) / Girdhari Lal (śl.244-245 ½) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.215):
तुङ्गराशिं समाश्रित्य कर्मेशे गुरुसंयुते । भाग्येशे कर्मराशिस्थे मानैश्वर्यप्रतापवान्‌ ॥८॥
tuṅgarāśiṃ samāśritya karmeśe gurusaṃyute | bhāgyeśe karmarāśisthe mānaiśvaryapratāpavān‌ ||8||
Translation: If the 10th Lord (karmeśe) is occupied the sign of own exaltation (tuṅga-rāśiṃ samāśritya) and conjoined by Jupiter (guru-saṃyute), and if the 9th Lord (bhāgyeśe) is placed in the 10th Lord (karma-rāśi-sthe), then [the person is] is endowed with honourable, powerful and splendour (māna-aiśvarya-pratāpavān‌).

Note: G. D. Pathaka: māna -> yāna (leading)

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.242) / Girdhari Lal (śl.245-246 ½) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.216):
लाभेशे कर्मराशिस्थे कर्मेशे लग्नसंयुते । तावुभौ केन्द्रगौ वापि सुखजीवनभाग्‌ भवेत्‌ ॥९॥
lābheśe karmarāśisthe karmeśe lagnasaṃyute | tāvubhau kendragau vāpi sukhajīvanabhāgbhavet ‌||9||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is placed in the 10th house (lābheśe karma-rāśi-sthe) and the 10th Lord is in Lagna (karmeśe lagna-saṃyute), or they both are placed in kendras (tau-ubhau kendra-gau vāpi), then the person will be enjoying happy life (sukha-jīvana-bhāg-bhavet).

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.243) / Girdhari Lal (śl.246-247 ½) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.217):
कर्मेशे बलसंयुक्ते मीने गुरुसमन्विते । वस्त्राभरणसौख्यादि लभते नात्र संशयः ॥१०॥
karmeśe balasaṃyukte mīne gurusamanvite | vastrābharaṇasaukhyādi labhate nātra saṃśayaḥ ||10||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is strong (karmeśe bala-saṃyukte) and conjoins Jupiter in sign Pisces (mīne guru-samanvite), then [the person] will obtain clothes, ornaments, comfort, etc. (vastrā-bharaṇa-saukhya-ādi labhate), there is no doubt (na-atra saṃśayaḥ).

कर्महीनयोगः karmahīnayogaḥ
Yoga of destroyed karma

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.244) / Girdhari Lal (śl.247-248 ½) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.218):
लाभस्थानगते सूर्ये राहुभौमसमन्विते । रविपुत्रेण संयुक्ते कर्मच्छेत्ता भवेन्नरः ॥११॥
lābhasthānagate sūrye rāhubhaumasamanvite | raviputreṇa saṃyukte karmacchettā bhavennaraḥ ||11||
Translation: If the Sun is placed in the 11th house (lābha-sthāna-gate sūrye) and conjoined by Rāhu, Mars (rāhu-bhauma-samanvite) and also by Saturn (ravi-putreṇa saṃyukte), the person will be (bhaven-naraḥ) destroying own karma (failed to perform duties) (karma-cchettā).

Sharma / Santhanam:
There is no such śloka.

Girdhari Lal / Tara Chandra (śl.245-246):
माने च राहौ यदि चोच्चकांशे भागीरथीस्नानफलं लभेन्नरः | माने च मीने यदि वार्कपुत्रे संन्यासयोगं प्रवदंति तस्य॥२४८॥
māne ca rāhau yadi coccakāṃśe bhāgīrathīsnānaphalaṃ labhennaraḥ |
māne ca mīne yadi vārkaputre saṃnyāsayogaṃ pravadaṃti tasya ||248||
Translation: If Rāhu is in the 10th house (māne ca rāhau yadi) and in exaltation in Navāṁśa (ca-uccaka-aṃśe), the person will get (labhen-naraḥ) the opportunity to take a bath in Gaṅgā (bhāgīrathī-snāna-phalaṃ).
Or if Saturn is in the 10th house in Pisces (māne ca mīne yadi va-arka-putre), then the person will become sannyasi (saṃnyāsa-yogaṃ tasya), they say (pravadaṃti).

bhāgīrathī – another name of Gaṅgā. Bhagīratha – son of Dilipa (son of Aṃśumān), who performed very severe austerities to bring the Ganges to this material world.
snāna – bath for purity
Note: Tara Chandra: māne ca rāhau -> mīne ca rāhau (‘Rāhu is in Pisces’), but we are inclined to trust Girdhari Lal's version, since Rāhu in Pisces cannot be exalted in Navāṁśa.
sannyāsa – giving up of karmas by; renunciation

शुभकर्मयोगाः śubhakarmayogāḥ
Yogas of good karma

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.247) / Girdhari Lal (śl.249 ½) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.219):
मीने जीवे भृगुयुते लग्नेशे बलसंयुते । स्वोच्चराशिगते चन्द्रे सम्यग्‌ज्ञानार्थवान्भवेत्‌ ॥१२॥
mīne jīve bhṛguyute lagneśe balasaṃyute | svoccarāśigate candre samyag‌jñānārthavān‌bhavet‌ ||12||
Translation: If Jupiter and Venus are conjoined in Pisces (mīne jīve bhṛgu-yute), Lagna Lord is strong (lagneśe bala-saṃyute)and the Moon is placed in the sign of own exaltation (sva-ucca-rāśi-gate candre), [the person] will have right knowledge and will be wealthy (samyag-‌jñāna-arthavān‌-bhavet).

Note: Girdhari Lal mīne -> māne (the name of the 10th house, so Jupiter and Venus should conjoin not in Pisces, but in the 10th house)
Note: Samyagjñāna refers to ‘right knowledge’, according to the 11th century Jñānārṇava, a treatise on Jain Yoga in roughly 2200 Sanskrit verses composed by Śubhacandra. Right-knowledge (samyagjñāna) is considered five-fold: mati-jñāna (judgement), śruta-jñāna (understanding scripture), avadhi-jñāna (perceiving ever what is not within the reach of the senses), manaḥparyāya-jñāna (power to read other persons’ thoughts), kevala-jñāna (omniscience; Śiva is the embodiment of the Kevalajñāna).
This term is also met in Buddhism, Shaktism etc.

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.248) / Girdhari Lal (śl.250-250 ½) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.220):
कर्मेशे लाभराशिस्थे लाभेशे लग्नसंस्थिते । कर्मराशिस्थिते शुक्रे रत्नवान्‌ स नरो भवेत्‌ ॥१३॥
karmeśe lābharāśisthe lābheśe lagnasaṃsthite | karmarāśisthite śukre ratnavān‌ sa naro bhavet‌ ||13||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is placed in the 11th house (karmeśe lābha-rāśi-sthe), the 11th Lord occupies Lagna (lābheśe lagna-saṃsthite), and Venus is in the 10th house (karma-rāśi-sthite śukre), this person will be jeweler / possessor of gems (ratnavān‌ sa naro bhavet‌).

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.249) / Girdhari Lal (śl.250-251 ½) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.221):
केन्द्रत्रिकोणगे कर्मनाथे स्वोच्चसमाश्रिते । गुरुणा सहिते दृष्टे स कर्मसहितो भवेत्‌ ॥१४॥
kendratrikoṇage karmanāthe svoccasamāśrite | guruṇā sahite dṛṣṭe sa karmasahito bhavet‌ ||14||
Translation: If the 10th Lord (karma-nāthe) is placed in kendra or trikoṇa (kendra-trikoṇa-ge), exalted (sva-ucca-samāśrite)and aspected or conjoined by Jupiter(guruṇā sahite dṛṣṭe), the person will be performing their duty (karma-yogi) (sa karma-sahito bhavet‌).

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.250) / Girdhari Lal (śl.251-252 ½) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.222):
कर्मेशे लग्नभावस्थे लग्नेशेन समन्विते । केन्द्रत्रिकोणगे चन्द्रे सत्कर्मनिरतो भवेत्‌ ॥१५॥
karmeśe lagnabhāvasthe lagneśena samanvite | kendratrikoṇage candre satkarmanirato bhavet‌ ||15||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is placed in the Lagna (karmeśe lagna-bhāva-sthe), conjoined by Lagna Lord (lagneśena samanvite), and the Moon is in the kendra or trikoṇa (kendra-trikoṇa-ge candre), then [the person] will be disposed to do good deeds (sat-karmani-rato bhavet‌).

अशुभयोगः aśubhayogaḥ
Inauspicious Yoga

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.251) / Girdhari Lal (śl.252-253 ½) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.226):
कर्मस्थानगते मन्दे नीचखेचरसंयुते । कर्मांशे पापसंयुक्ते कर्महीनो भवेन्नरः ॥१६॥
karmasthānagate mande nīcakhecarasaṃyute | karmāṃśe pāpasaṃyukte karmahīno bhavennaraḥ ||16||
Translation: If Saturn is placed the 10th house (karma-sthāna-gate mande) and conjoined by debilitated planet (nīca-khecara-saṃyute), and 10th house in Navāṁśa is occupied by malefic (karma-aṃśe pāpa-saṃyukte), then the person will be disregardful of the rites or works (karma-hīno bhaven-naraḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal (śl.253):
कर्मेशे नाशराशिस्थे रन्ध्रेशे कर्मसंस्थिते । पापग्रहेण संयुक्ते दुष्कर्म निरतो भवेत्‌ ॥१७॥
karmeśe nāśarāśisthe randhreśe karmasaṃsthite | pāpagraheṇa saṃyukte duṣkarmanirato bhavet‌ ||17||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is placed in the 8th house (karmeśe nāśa-rāśi-sthe), the 8th Lord is in the 10th house (randhreśe karma-saṃsthite) together with malefic (pāpa-graheṇa saṃyukte), the person will be disposed to do bad deeds (duṣ-karmani-rato bhavet‌).

Note: Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal: nāśa-rāśi-sthe -> vāṃśa-rāśi-sthe (vāṃśa – bamboo, lineage, family, the 9th house).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such sloka.

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.253) / Girdhari Lal (śl.254 ½) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.227):
कर्मेशे नीचराशिस्थे कर्मस्थे पापखेचरे । कर्मभात्कर्मगे पापे कर्मवैकल्यमादिशेत्‌ ॥१८॥
karmeśe nīcarāśisthe karmasthe pāpakhecare | karmabhātkarmage pāpe karmavaikalyamādiśet ‌||18||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is placed in the sign of its debilitation (karmeśe nīca-rāśi-sthe), if a malefic planet is in the 10th house (karma-sthe pāpa-khecare), and a malefic also occupies the 10th from the 10th house (i.e. the 7th house) (karmabhāt-karma-ge pāpe), then ‌the difficulties in accomplishment of work (karma-vaikalyam) should be declared (ādiśet).

vaikalya – imperfection, weakness, defectiveness, defect, frailty, incompetency, insufficiency
Note: Ganesha Datta Pathaka: nīca-rāśi-sthe -> nāśa-rāśi-sthe (the 8th house instead of sign of debilitation)

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.254) / Girdhari Lal (śl.254-255 ½) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.223):
कर्मस्थानगते चन्द्रे तदीशे तत्त्रिकोणगे । लग्नेशे केन्द्रभावस्थे सत्कीर्तिसहितो भवेत्‌ ॥१९॥
karmasthānagate candre tadīśe tattrikoṇage | lagneśe kendrabhāvasthe satkīrtisahito bhavet ‌||19||
Translation: If the Moon is in the 10th house (karma-sthāna-gate candre), the 10th Lord is in trikoṇa from the Moon (i.e in the 2nd, 6th, 10th) (tad-īśe tat-trikoṇa-ge), and if Lagna Lord is placed in the kendra (lagneśe kendra-bhāva-sthe), then [the person] will be endowed with great fame (sat-kīrti-sahito bhavet).

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.255) / Girdhari Lal (śl.255-256 ½) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.224):
लाभेशे कर्मभावस्थे कर्मेशे बलसंयुक्ते । देवेन्द्रगुरुणा दृष्टे सत्कीर्तिसहितो भवेत्‌ ॥२०॥
lābheśe karmabhāvasthe karmeśe balasaṃyukte | devendraguruṇā dṛṣṭe satkīrtisahito bhavet‌ ||20||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is placed in the 10th house (lābheśe karma-bhāva-sthe), the 10th Lord is strong (karmeśe bala-saṃyukte) and aspected by Jupiter (devendra-guruṇā dṛṣṭe), then [the person] will be endowed with great fame (sat-kīrti-sahito bhavet).

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.256) / Girdhari Lal (śl.256) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.225):
कर्मस्थानाधिपे भाग्ये लग्नेशे कर्मसंयुते । लग्नात्‌ पञ्चमगे चन्द्रे ख्यातनामा नरो भवेत्‌ ॥२१॥
karmasthānādhipe bhāgye lagneśe karmasaṃyute | lagnāt‌pañcamage candre khyātanāmā naro bhavet‌ ||21||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is in the 9th house (karma-sthāna-adhipe bhāgye), Lagna Lord is placed in the 10th house (lagneśe karma-saṃyute) and the Moon occupies the 5th house (lagnāt‌-pañcama-ge candre), then the person will be famous (khyāta-nāmā naro bhavet‌).

Note: Tara Chandra, Girdhari Lal, G. D. Pathaka: khyātanāmā naro bhavet‌ -> khyātakīrtti vinirdiśet (‘fame and renown should be declared’)

Sharma / Santhanam:
इति कर्मफलं प्रोक्तं संक्षेपेण द्विजोत्तम । लग्नकर्मेशसम्बन्धादूह्यमन्यदपि स्वयम्‌ ॥२२॥
iti karmaphalaṃ proktaṃ saṃkṣepeṇa dvijottama | lagnakarmeśasambandhādūhyamanyadapi svayam ‌||22||
Translation: The effects of the 10th house (iti karma-phalaṃ) are briefly stated (proktaṃ saṃkṣepeṇa), oh the best of the Brahmins (dvijottama). You yourself (svayam) should guess the other results (ūhyam-anyad-api) from the relationship of Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord (lagna-karmeśa-sambandhād).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such sloka.
End of Karma Bhāva Phala Adhyāya (23)
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