BPHS Chapter 24. Results of Eleventh Bhāva
Sharma (11 ślokas) / Santhanam (11 ślokas) / Devachandra Jha (11 ślokas):
अथ लाभभावफलाध्यायः॥२४॥
atha lābhabhāvaphalādhyāyaḥ ||24||

Translation: Now (atha), a chapter about results of the 11th house (‘house of gains’) (lābha-bhāva-phala-adhyāyaḥ).

Tara Chandra (9 ślokas) / Girdhari Lal (9 ślokas):

Translation: Now (atha), the results of the 11th house (ekādaśa-bhāva-phalam).

Ganesh Datta Pathaka (9 ślokas):
Translation: Now (atha), the chapter about the results of the 11th house (ekadaśa-bhāva-phalam-āha).

āha – a day, a portion of a book appointed for a day.

Sharma / Santhanam:
लाभभावफलञ्चाथ कथयामि द्विजोत्तम | श्रूयतां जातको लोके लोके यच्छुभत्वे सदा सुखी ॥१॥
lābhabhāvaphalañcātha kathayāmi dvijottama | śrūyatāṃ jātako loke yacchubhatve sadā sukhī ||1||
Translation: And now (ca-atha), I will explain (kathayāmi) the effects of the 11th house (lābha-bhāva-phalam), oh the best of the Brahmins (dvijottama), listen to me (lit. ‘let me be heard’) (śrūyatāṃ). The person (jātako) will always be happy (sadā sukhī) in worldly matters (loke), if there is auspiciousness of this house (yad-śubhatve).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such śloka.

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.257) / Girdhari Lal / G. D. Pathaka (śl.228):
लाभाधिपो यदा लाभे तिष्ठेत्केन्द्रत्रिकोणयोः । बहुलाभं तदा कुर्यादुच्चे सूर्यांशगोऽपि वा ॥२॥
lābhādhipo yadā lābhe tiṣṭhetkendratrikoṇayoḥ | bahulābhaṃ tadā kuryāducce sūryāṃśago ’pi vā ||2||
Translation: If the 11th Lord (lābha-adhipo yadā) is situated in the 11th house (lābhe tiṣṭhet) or in a kendra or in a trikoṇa (kendra-trikoṇayoḥ), or it is in exaltation (ucce) or in the Leo navāṁśa (sūrya-aṃśa-go ’pi vā), then it will bring many gains (bahu-lābhaṃ tadā kuryād).

Note: kuryāducce sūryāṃśago -> kuryāduccasūryāṃśago (meaning is the same)

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.258) / Girdhari Lal / G. D. Pathaka (śl.229):
लाभेशे धनराशिस्थे धनेशे केन्द्रसंस्थिते । गुरुणा सहिते भावे गुरुलाभं विनिर्दिशेत् ॥३॥
lābheśe dhanarāśisthe dhaneśe kendrasaṃsthite | guruṇā sahite bhāve gurulābhaṃ vinirdiśet ||3||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is placed in the 2nd house (lābheśe dhana-rāśi-sthe), the 2nd Lord is situated in a kendra (dhaneśe kendra-saṃsthite) and Jupiter occupies the 11th house (guruṇā sahite bhāve), then the great gains should be declared (guru-lābhaṃ vinirdiśet).

Sharma / Santhanam:
लाभेशे विक्रमे भावे शुभग्रहसमन्विते । षट्त्रिंशे वत्सरे प्राप्ते सहस्रद्वयनिष्कभाक् ॥४॥
lābheśe vikrame bhāve śubhagrahasamanvite | ṣaṭtriṃśe vatsare prāpte sahasradvayaniṣkabhāk ||4||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is placed in the 3rd house (lābheśe vikrame) and the 11th house is occupied by benefic (bhāve śubha-graha-samanvite), then [the person] in the 36th year (ṣaṭtriṃśe vatsare) will gain 2 000 golden coins (‘niṣka’) (prāpte sahasra-dvaya-niṣka-bhāk).

Note: another interpretation – the same as in Devachandra Jha edition – if we treat bhāve as just ‘house’, not ‘11th house’.

G. D. Pathaka (śl.259 ½) / Tara Chandra (śl.259 ½) / Girdhari Lal:
लाभेशे लाभभावस्थे शुभग्रहसमन्विते । षट्त्रिंशे वत्सरे प्राप्ते सहस्रद्वयनिष्कभाक् ॥२३०॥
lābheśe lābhabhāvasthe śubhagrahasamanvite | ṣaṭtriṃśe vatsare prāpte sahasradvayaniṣkabhāk ||230||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is in the 11th house (lābheśe lābha-bhāva-sthe) conjoined by benefic (śubha-graha-samanvite), then [the person] in the 36th year (ṣaṭtriṃśe vatsare) will gain 2 000 golden coins (niṣkas) (prāpte sahasra-dvaya-niṣka-bhāk).

Note: G.D.Pathaka says that 11th Lord is in the 11th house, not in the 3rd . In Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal edition first line is totally missed!

Devachandra Jha:
सौम्ययुक्ते तृतीयस्थे लभेशे सति जातकः । षट्त्रिंशे वत्सरे प्राप्ते सहस्रद्वयनिष्कभाक् ॥४॥
saumyayukte tṛtīyasthe labheśe sati jātakaḥ | ṣaṭtriṃśe vatsare prāpte sahasradvayaniṣkabhāk ||4||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is placed in the 3rd house (tṛtīyasthe labheśe sati) and conjoined with benefic (saumya-yukte), then the person (jātakaḥ) in the 36th year (ṣaṭtriṃśe vatsare) will gain 2 000 golden coins (niṣkas) (prāpte sahasra-dvaya-niṣka-bhāk).

Sharma / Santhanam:
केन्द्रत्रिकोणगे लाभनाथे शुभसमन्विते । चत्वारिंशे तु सम्प्राप्ते सहस्रार्धसुनिष्कभाक् ॥५॥
kendratrikoṇage lābhanāthe śubhasamanvite | catvāriṃśe tu samprāpte sahasrārdhasuniṣkabhāk ||5||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is placed in a kendra or a trikoṇa (kendra-trikoṇa-ge lābha-nāthe) conjoined with benefic (śubha-samanvite), then [the person] in the 40th year (catvāriṃśe tu) will gain 500 golden coins (samprāpte sahasra-ardha-su-niṣka-bhāk).

G. D. Pathaka / Tara Chandra (śl.259) / Girdhari Lal (śl.259):
केन्द्रत्रिकोणगे भावनाथे शुभसमन्विते । चत्वारिंशे तु सम्प्राप्ते सहस्रार्धं च निष्कभाक् ॥२३१॥
kendratrikoṇage bhāvanāthe śubhasamanvite | catvāriṃśe tu samprāpte sahasrārdhaṃ ca niṣkabhāk ||231||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is placed in a kendra or a trikoṇa (kendra-trikoṇa-ge bhāva-nāthe) conjoined with benefic (śubha-samanvite), then [the person] in the 40th year (catvāriṃśe tu) will gain 500 golden coins (samprāpte sahasra-ardhaṃ ca niṣka-bhāk).

Note: Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal: bhāvanāthe -> bhāvenāthe

Devachandra Jha:
केन्द्रत्रिकोणगे चांयनाथे शुभसमन्विते । चत्वारिंशे तु सम्प्राप्ते स सहस्रार्धनिष्कभाक् ॥५॥
kendratrikoṇage cāṃyanāthe śubhasamanvite | catvāriṃśe tu samprāpte sa sahasrārdhaniṣkabhāk ||5||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is placed in a kendra or a trikoṇa (kendra-trikoṇa-ge cāṃya-nāthe) conjoined with benefic (śubha-samanvite), then the person (sa) in the 40th year (catvāriṃśe tu) will gain 500 golden coins (samprāpte sahasra-ardha-niṣka-bhāk).

Note: cāmya n. food. Devachandra Jha translates this word as 11th house, but it could be 2nd.

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.260) / Girdhari Lal (śl.260) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.232):
लाभस्थाने गुरुयुते धने चन्द्रसमन्विते । भाग्यस्थानगते शुक्रे षट्सहस्राधिपो भवेत् ॥६॥
lābhasthāne guruyute dhane candrasamanvite | bhāgyasthānagate śukre ṣaṭsahasrādhipo bhavet ||6||
Translation: If Jupiter is placed in the 11th house (lābha-sthāne guru-yute), the Moon occupies the 2nd house (dhane candra-samanvite) and Venus is situated in the 9th house (bhāgya-sthāna-gate śukre), [the person] will own 6 000 golden coins (ṣaṭ-sahasra-adhipo bhavet).

Note: Sophia Loren Chart ($150 million in net worth).

Sharma / Santhanam:
लाभाच्च लाभगे जीवे बुधचन्द्रसमन्विते । धनधान्याधिपः श्रीमान्त्रत्नाद्याभरणैर्युतः ॥७॥
lābhācca lābhage jīve budhacandrasamanvite | dhanadhānyādhipaḥ śrīmāntratnādyābharaṇairyutaḥ ||7||
Translation: If Jupiter is in the 11th house from 11th (i.e. in the 9th house) (lābhād-ca lābha-ge jīve) and conjoined with Mercury and the Moon (budha-candra-samanvite), then [the person] is endowed with wealth, grains (dhana-dhānya-adhipaḥ), beautiful gems and other ornaments (śrīmānt-ratna-ādi-ābharaṇair-yutaḥ).

Note: Illustration. Brooks, Gwendolyn Chart (Net income was estimated to be between $ 1–5 million. She has made wealth from her primary career as Poet.)

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / G. D. Pathaka (śl.233)
लाभाच्च लाभगे जीवे गुरुचन्द्रेण संयुते । धनधान्याधिपः श्रीमान्रत्नाद्याभरणैर्युतः ॥२६१॥
lābhācca lābhage jīve gurucandreṇa saṃyute | dhanadhānyādhipaḥ śrīmānratnādyābharaṇairyutaḥ ||261||
Translation: If Jupiter is in the 11th house from 11th (i.e. in the 9th house) (lābhād-ca lābha-ge jīve) and conjoined with strong Moon (guru-candreṇa saṃyute), then [the person] is endowed with wealth, grains (dhana-dhānya-adhipaḥ), beautiful gems and other ornaments (śrīmān-ratna-ādi-ābharaṇair-yutaḥ).

Devachandra Jha:
लाभाच्च लाभगे जीवे चन्द्रे चान्द्रिसमन्विते । धन-धान्याधिपः श्रीमान् रत्नाद्याभरणैर्युतः ॥७॥
lābhācca lābhage jīve candre cāndrisamanvite | dhanadhānyādhipaḥ śrīmānratnādyābharaṇairyutaḥ ||7||
Translation: If Jupiter and Moon is in the 11th house from 11th (i.e. in the 9th house) (lābhād-ca lābha-ge jīve candre) and conjoined with Mercury (‘son of Chandra’) (cāndri-samanvite), then [the person] is endowed with wealth, grains (dhana-dhānya-adhipaḥ), beautiful gems and other ornaments (śrīmān-ratna-ādi-ābharaṇair-yutaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.262) / Girdhari Lal (śl.262) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.234):
लाभेशे लग्नभावस्थे लग्नेशे लाभसंयुते । त्रयस्त्रिंशे तु सम्प्राप्ते सहस्रनिष्कभाग्भवेत् ॥८॥
lābheśe lagnabhāvasthe lagneśe lābhasaṃyute | trayastriṃśe tu samprāpte sahasraniṣkabhāgbhavet ||8||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is placed in Lagna (lābheśe lagna-bhāva-sthe) and Lagna Lord is in the 11th house (lagneśe lābha-saṃyute), [the person] will gain 1000 golden coins (samprāpte sahasra-niṣka-bhāg-bhavet) in the 33rd year (trayas-triṃśe tu).

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.263) / Girdhari Lal (śl.263) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.235):
धनेशे लाभराशिस्थे लाभेशे धनराशिगे । विवाहात्परतश्चैव बहुभाग्यं समादिशेत् ॥९॥
dhaneśe lābharāśisthe labheśe dhanarāśige | vivāhātparataścaiva bahubhāgyaṃ samādiśet ||9||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is placed in the 11th house (dhaneśe lābha-rāśi-sthe) and the 11th Lord is in the 2nd house (labheśe dhana-rāśi-ge), then after marriage (vivāhāt-parataś-caiva) a great good fortune (bahu-bhāgyaṃ) should be declared (samādiśet).

Note: Chandra / Lal / Pathaka: labheśe -> tadīśe (meaning is the same)

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.264) / Girdhari Lal (śl.264) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.236):
भ्रातृपे लाभराशिस्थे लाभेशे भ्रातृसंस्थिते । भ्रातृभावाद्धनप्राप्तिर्दिव्याभरणसंयुतः ॥१०॥
bhrātṛpe lābharāśisthe lābheśe bhrātṛsaṃsthite | bhrātṛbhāvāddhanaprāptir-divyābharaṇasaṃyutaḥ ||10||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord (‘Lord of brothers’) is placed in the 11th house (bhrātṛ-pe lābha-rāśi-sthe) and the 11th Lord is situated in the 3rd house (lābheśe bhrātṛ-saṃsthite), then obtaining wealth (dhana-prāptir) and excellent ornaments (divyā-bharaṇa-saṃyutaḥ) will happen through brothers (bhrātṛ-bhāvād).

Note: Chandra / Lal / Pathaka: bhrātṛpe -> dhairyeśe (‘Lord of courage’, it also means 3rd Lord)

Sharma / Santhanam / Devachandra Jha:
लाभेशे नीचभेऽस्ते वा त्रिके पापसमन्विते । कृते भूरिप्रयत्नेऽपि नैव लाभ: कदाचन ॥११॥
lābheśe nīcabhe’ste vā trike pāpasamanvite | kṛte bhūriprayatne ’pi naiva lābhaḥ kadācana || 11 ||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is in the sign of own debilitation or in combustion (lābheśe nīca-bhe ’ste) or in the Trika houses (6th, 8th or 12th) (vā trike), associated with malefic (pāpa-samanvite), then even after making numerous efforts (kṛte bhūri-prayatne’pi) there will never be gains (na-eva lābhaḥ kadā-cana).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such sloka

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
लाभे पापे च व्यये पापयुक्ते दृष्टे पापे क्षेत्रयुक्तेन युक्ते । लाभात्कामे लाभविघ्ने निरर्थं सौम्यार्थं यो वीक्षणं विघ्ननाशः ॥२६५॥
lābhe pāpe ca vyaye pāpayukte | dṛṣṭe pāpe kṣetrayuktena yukte |
lābhātkāme lābhavighne nirarthaṃ | saumyārthaṃ yo vīkṣaṇaṃ vighnanāśaḥ ||265||
Translation: If both the 11th house and the 12thhouse are conjoined by malefic planet (lābhe pāpe vyaye pāpa-yukte), or if there will malefic planet aspect (dṛṣṭe pāpe) by planet in own house (= 11th Lord) or by that which is conjoined it (kṣetra-yuktena yukte), from the 11th house to the 7th house (lābhāt-kāme), then there will be obstacles in profit (lābha-vighne) unless there is benefic aspect, that will remove obstacles (nirarthaṃ saumya-arthaṃ yo vīkṣaṇaṃ vighna-nāśaḥ).

Note: the verse has ideal Śālinī’ chandas (11 syllables x 4)
Sharma / Santhanam / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such sloka
End of Labha Bhāva Phala Adhyāya (24)
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