Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.266-267) / Girdhari Lal (śl.266-268 ½) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.237-238):चन्द्रो व्ययाधिपो धर्मलाभमन्त्रेषु संस्थितः ॥२॥स्वोच्चे स्वर्क्षे निजांशे वा लाभधर्मात्मजांशके । दिव्यागारादिपर्यंको दिव्यगन्धैकभोगवान् ॥३॥परार्ध्यरमणो दिव्यवस्त्रमाल्यादिभूषणः । परार्ध्यवित्तसंयुतो विज्ञो दिनानि नयति प्रभुः ॥४॥candro vyayādhipo dharmalābhamantreṣu saṃsthitaḥ ||2||
svocce svarkṣe nijāṃśe vā lābhadharmātmajāṃśake |
divyāgārādiparyaṃko divyagandhaikabhogavān ||3||
parārdhyaramaṇo divyavastramālyādibhūṣaṇaḥ |
parārdhyavittasaṃyuto vijño dināni nayati prabhuḥ ||4||
Translation: If the Moon is the 12
th Lord
(candro vyaya-adhipo) and is placed in 9
th, the 11
th or the 5
th house
(dharma-lābha-mantreṣu saṃsthitaḥ)in sign of own exaltation or in own sign or in own navāṁśa
(sva-ucce sva-rkṣe nija-aṃśe) or in the 9
th, the 11
th or in the 5
th house in Navāṁśa
(vā lābha-dharma-ātmaja-aṃśake), then the person is endowed with beautiful houses, beds etc.
(divya-agāra-ādi-paryaṃko), enjoys wonderful exclusive fragrances
(divya-gandha-eka-bhogavān), most excellent lover / enjoyer
(parārdhya-ramaṇo), is endowed with beautiful clothes, garlands and other ornaments
(divya-vastra-mālya-ādi-bhūṣaṇaḥ), very wealthy
(parārdhya-vitta-saṃyuto), learned
(vijño) and lordly
(dināni nayati prabhuḥ -
lit. ‘master, leading days’
Note: Tara Chandra / G.D. Pathaka: parārdhyaramaṇo -> parārthyaramaṇo; parārdhyavittasaṃyuto -> parārdhyasaṃyuto vitto; Girdhary Lal / G.D. Pathaka: parārdhyavittasaṃyuto -> parārthasaṃyatāṃ vitto (meaning is similar).