BPHS Chapter 25. Results of Twelfth Bhāva
Sharma (14 ślokas) / Santhanam (14 ślokas) / Devachandra Jha (14 ślokas):
अथ व्ययभावफलाध्यायः ॥ २३॥
atha vyayabhāvaphalādhyāyaḥ || 23||
Translation: Now (atha), a chapter about results of the 12th house (‘house of expenses’) (vyaya-bhāva-phala-adhyāyaḥ).

Tara Chandra (14 ślokas) / Girdhari Lal (15 ślokas):
अथ व्ययभावफलम्
atha vyayabhāvaphalam
Translation: Now (atha), the results of the 12th house (‘house of expenses’) (vyaya-bhāva-phalam).

Ganesh Datta Pathaka (11 ślokas):
अथ द्वादशभावाफलम्
atha dvādaśabhāvāphalam
Translation: Now (atha), the chapter about the results of the 12th house (dvādaśa-bhāva-phalam-āha).

āha – a day, a portion of a book appointed for a day.

Sharma / Santhanam:
अथाह व्ययभावस्य कथयामि फलं द्विज । व्ययेशे शुभसंयुक्ते स्वभे स्वोच्चगतेऽपि वा ॥१॥
व्यये च शुभसंयुक्ते शुभकार्ये व्ययस्तदा ।
athāha vyayabhāvasya kathayāmi phalaṃ dvija | vyayeśe śubhasaṃyukte svabhe svoccagate’pi vā ||1||
vyaye ca śubhasaṃyukte śubhakārye vyayastadā | 2 ½
Translation: And now (atha-aha), I will explain (kathayāmi) results of the 12th house (vyaya-bhāvasya phalaṃ), oh Brahmin (dvija).
If the 12th Lord is conjoined by benefic planet (vyayeśe śubha-saṃyukte), is placed in own house or in house of its exaltation (sva-bhe sva-ucca-gate ’pi vā), and the 12th house is conjoined by benefic planet (vyaye ca śubha-saṃyukte), then the person’s expenses (vyayas-tadā) are made on auspicious things (śubha-kārye).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesh Datta Pathaka:
There is no such śloka.

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.266-267) / Girdhari Lal (śl.266-268 ½) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.237-238):
चन्द्रो व्ययाधिपो धर्मलाभमन्त्रेषु संस्थितः ॥२॥
स्वोच्चे स्वर्क्षे निजांशे वा लाभधर्मात्मजांशके । दिव्यागारादिपर्यंको दिव्यगन्धैकभोगवान् ॥३॥
परार्ध्यरमणो दिव्यवस्त्रमाल्यादिभूषणः । परार्ध्यवित्तसंयुतो विज्ञो दिनानि नयति प्रभुः ॥४॥
candro vyayādhipo dharmalābhamantreṣu saṃsthitaḥ ||2||
svocce svarkṣe nijāṃśe vā lābhadharmātmajāṃśake | divyāgārādiparyaṃko divyagandhaikabhogavān ||3||
parārdhyaramaṇo divyavastramālyādibhūṣaṇaḥ | parārdhyavittasaṃyuto vijño dināni nayati prabhuḥ ||4||
Translation: If the Moon is the 12th Lord (candro vyaya-adhipo) and is placed in 9th, the 11th or the 5th house (dharma-lābha-mantreṣu saṃsthitaḥ)in sign of own exaltation or in own sign or in own navāṁśa (sva-ucce sva-rkṣe nija-aṃśe) or in the 9th, the 11th or in the 5th house in Navāṁśa(vā lābha-dharma-ātmaja-aṃśake), then the person is endowed with beautiful houses, beds etc. (divya-agāra-ādi-paryaṃko), enjoys wonderful exclusive fragrances (divya-gandha-eka-bhogavān), most excellent lover / enjoyer (parārdhya-ramaṇo), is endowed with beautiful clothes, garlands and other ornaments (divya-vastra-mālya-ādi-bhūṣaṇaḥ), very wealthy (parārdhya-vitta-saṃyuto), learned (vijño) and lordly (dināni nayati prabhuḥ - lit. ‘master, leading days’).

Note: Tara Chandra / G.D. Pathaka: parārdhyaramaṇo -> parārthyaramaṇo; parārdhyavittasaṃyuto -> parārdhyasaṃyuto vitto;

Girdhary Lal / G.D. Pathaka: parārdhyavittasaṃyuto -> parārthasaṃyatāṃ vitto (meaning is similar).

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.268-269) / Girdhari Lal (śl.268-270 ½) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.239-240):
एवं स्वशत्रुनीचांशेऽष्टमांशे वाऽष्टमे रिपौ । संस्थितः कुरुते जातं कान्तासुखविवर्जितम् ॥५॥
व्ययाधिक्यपरिक्लान्तं दिव्यभोगनिराकृतम् । स हि केन्द्रत्रिकोणस्थः स्वस्त्रियाऽलंकृतः स्वयम् ॥६॥
evaṃ svaśatrunīcāṃśe ’ṣṭamāṃśe vā’ṣṭame ripau | saṃsthitaḥ kurute jātaṃ kāntāsukhavivarjitam ||5||
vyayādhikyapariklāntaṃ divyabhoganirākṛtam | sa hi kendratrikoṇasthaḥ svastriyā ’laṃkṛtaḥ svayam ||6||
Translation: If in the same manner (evaṃ) [the Moon is the 12th Lord and] it is placed in Navāṁśa in the 8th house or in sign of its enemy or in sign of own debilitation (sva-śatru-nīca-aṃśe ’ṣṭamāṃśe), or situated in the 6th or 8th house [in Rāśi chart] (vā’ ṣṭame ripau saṃsthitaḥ), it makes the person (kurute jātaṃ) be bereft of happiness from wife (kāntā-sukha-vivarjitam), be exhausted from excessive expenditure (vyaya-ādhikya-pariklāntaṃ) and deprived from good enjoyments (divya-bhoga-nirākṛtam).
If such Moon [even weak] is placed in kendra or trikoṇa (sa hi kendra-trikoṇa-sthaḥ), the person (svayam) will be adorned (filed with happiness) by own wife (sva-striyā-alaṃkṛtaḥ).

Note: Tara Chandra: ’ṣṭamāṃśe -> aṣṭāṃśe (the same meaning)

Sharma / Santhanam:
यथा लग्नात् फलं चैतदात्मनः परिकीर्तितम् । एवं भ्रात्रादिभावेषु तत्तत्सर्वं विचारयेत् ॥ ७॥
yathā lagnāt phalaṃ caitadātmanaḥ parikīrtitam | evaṃ bhrātrādibhāveṣu tattatsarvaṃ vicārayet ||7||
Translation: As these results from Lagna (yathā lagnāt phalaṃ) were proclaimed for the person (ca-etad-ātmanaḥ parikīrtitam), in the same manner (evaṃ) from the 3rd house etc. (bhrātṛ-ādi-bhāveṣu) the results for person’s brothers and others (tat-tat-sarvaṃ) should be considered (vicārayet).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal (śl.270):
एवं भ्रात्रादिभावेषु तत्तत्सर्वं विचारयेत् ।
evaṃ bhrātrādibhāveṣu tattatsarvaṃ vicārayet | 270 ½
Translation: In the same manner (evaṃ) from the 3rd house etc. (bhrātṛ-ādi-bhāveṣu) the results for person’s brothers and others (tat-tat-sarvaṃ) should be considered (vicārayet).

G. D. Pathaka:
There is no such śloka.

Sharma / Santhanam:
दृश्यचक्रार्धगाः खेटाः प्रत्यक्षफलदायकाः । अदृश्यार्धगताः खेटाः परोक्षे फलदाः स्मृताः ॥८॥
dṛśyacakrārdhagāḥ kheṭāḥ pratyakṣaphaladāyakāḥ | adṛśyārdhagatāḥ kheṭāḥ parokṣe phaladāḥ smṛtāḥ ||8||
Translation: The planets (kheṭāḥ) situated in visible half of Zodiac (dṛśya-cakra-ardha-gāḥ) give explicit / visible results (pratyakṣa-phala-dāyakāḥ); planets placed in invisible half (adṛśya-ardha-gatāḥ kheṭāḥ) are known (smṛtāḥ) as givers of results in an invisible or imperceptible manner (parokṣe phala-dāḥ smṛtāḥ).

parokṣe - behind the back; one’s self not being present.
Note: visible half of Zodiac (dṛśya-cakra-ardha) should refer to houses from the 7th house to Lagna sphuṭa through 8,9,10,11,12 houses, and Invisible half (adṛśya-ardha) should refer to half of Zodiac from Lagna sphuta to the 7th house through 2,3,4,5,6 houses. Other editions (see below) have another version.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal (śl.271):
लग्नस्य पूर्वार्द्ध १०।११।१२।१।२।३। गता नभोगाः फलं प्रदद्युस्त्वपरोक्षकं ते । परार्द्ध ४।५।६।७।८।९। षट्कोपगताः परोक्षं फलं वंदतीति बुधाः पुराणाः ॥२७०॥
lagnasya pūrvārddha 10|11|12|1|2|3| gatā nabhogāḥ phalaṃ pradadyustvaparokṣakaṃ te |
parārddha 4|5|6|7|8|9| ṣaṭkopagatāḥ parokṣaṃ phalaṃ vaṃdatīti budhāḥ purāṇāḥ ||270||
Translation: Planets (nabho-gāḥ) situated in the fore half of the Lagna (10th, 11th, 12th, 1st, 2nd and 3rd houses) (lagnasya pūrva-arddha gatā) would give direct / visible results (phalaṃ pradadyus-tu-aparokṣakaṃ te). The planets situated in the 6 signs in the opposite half [from the Lagna] (4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th) (para-arddha ṣaṭka-upagatāḥ) give results in an invisible or imperceptible manner (parokṣaṃ phalaṃ vaṃdati) – this is the statement of the ancient sages (iti budhāḥ purāṇāḥ).

pūrvārdha – the front or upper part, eastern side, the fore or first half.
aparokṣa – not invisible, perceptible to the senses, visible; not distant, not remote.
parārdha – the more remote or opposite side or half.
parokṣam – out of sight, behind one's back, in the absence or without the knowledge of smth.

G. D. Pathaka:
लग्नस्य पूर्वार्धगतानभोगाः फलं प्रदद्युस्तु प्रत्य्ते । परार्धषट्कोपगताः परोक्षं फलं वदन्तीति बुधाः पुराणाः ॥२४१॥
lagnasya pūrvārdhagatānabhogāḥ phalaṃ pradadyustu pratyte | parārdhaṣaṭkopagatāḥ parokṣaṃ phalaṃ vadantīti budhāḥ purāṇāḥ || 241 ||
Translation: Planets (nabho-gāḥ) situated in the fore half of the Lagna (lagnasya pūrva-arddha-gatā) would give direct/visible results (phalaṃ pradadyus-tu praty-te). The planets situated in the 6 signs in the opposite half [from the Lagna] (para-arddha-ṣaṭka-upagatāḥ) [give] results in an invisible or imperceptible manner (parokṣaṃ phalaṃ) – the ancient sages say so (vadanti-iti budhāḥ purāṇāḥ).

Note: In translation G. D. Pathaka gives two versions of dividing the Zodiac – pūrvārdha - from 10th to 3rd house and another variant – from the 7th to Lagna.

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.271) / Girdhari Lal (śl.272) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.242):
व्ययस्थानगतोः राहुर्भौमार्किरविसंयुतः । तदीशेऽप्यर्कसंयुक्ते नरके पतनं भवेत् ॥९॥
vyayasthānagatoḥ rāhurbhaumārkiravisaṃyutaḥ | tadīśe’pyarkasaṃyukte narake patanaṃ bhavet ||9||
Translation: If Rāhu placed in the 12th house (vyaya-sthāna-gato rāhur) is conjoined with Mars, Saturn and Sun (bhauma-ārki-ravi-saṃyutaḥ) or if the 12th Lord is conjoined with the Sun (tadīśe ’pi-arka-saṃyukte), then [the person] will fall to hell (narake patanaṃ bhavet).

Note: Chandra/Lal: tadīśe ’pi -> tadīśena (meaning is the same)
Illustration: Mafia boss - Gaetano Badalementi

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.272) / Girdhari Lal (śl.273) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.243):
व्ययस्थानगते सौम्ये तदीशे स्वोच्चराशिगे । शुभयुक्ते सुभैर्दृष्टे मोक्षः स्यान्नात्र संशयः ॥१०॥
vyayasthānagate saumye tadīśe svoccarāśige | śubhayukte subhairdṛṣṭe moksaḥ syānnātra saṃśayaḥ ||10||
Translation: If Mercury is placed in the 12th house (vyaya-sthāna-gate saumya) and the 12th Lord is in its sign of exaltation (tadīśe sva-ucca-rāśi-ge) and conjoined or aspected by benefic planet (śubha-yukte subhair-dṛṣṭe), [the person] will attain final emancipation (mokaḥ syāt), there is no doubt (na-atra saṃśayaḥ).

Note: Chandra/Lal: mokṣaḥ syān-na-atra -> parokṣaḥ syān-na (‘the person will be ascetic’)

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.273) / Girdhari Lal (śl.274) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.244):
व्ययेशे पापसंयुक्ते व्यये पापसमन्विते । पापग्रहेण संदृष्टे देशाद्देशान्तरं गतः ॥११॥
vyayeśe pāpasaṃyukte vyaye pāpasamanvite | pāpagraheṇa saṃdṛṣṭe deśāddeśāntaraṃ gataḥ ||11||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is conjoined by malefic (vyayeśe pāpa-saṃyukte), the 12th house is occupied by malefic (vyaye pāpa-samanvite) and they are aspected by malefic planet (pāpa-graheṇa saṃdṛṣṭe), then the person moves from own country abroad (deśād deśa-antaraṃ gataḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.274) / Girdhari Lal (śl.275) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.245):
व्ययेशे शुभराशिस्थे व्ययर्क्षे शुभसंयुते । शुभग्रहेण संदृष्टे स्वदेशात् सञ्चरो भवेत् ॥१२॥
vyayeśe śubharāśisthe vyayarkṣe śubhasaṃyute | śubhagraheṇa saṃdṛṣṭe svadeśātsañcaro bhavet ||12||
Translation: If the 12th Lord occupies an auspicious sign (vyayeśe śubha-rāśi-sthe), the 12th is occupied by benefic (vyaya-rkṣe śubha-saṃyute), and they are aspected by benefic planet (śubha-graheṇa saṃdṛṣṭe), then there will be moving from own place (sva-deśāt sañcaro bhavet).

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.275) / Girdhari Lal (śl.276) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.246):
व्यये मन्दादिसंयुक्ते भूमिजेन समन्विते । सुभदृष्टेर्न सम्प्राप्तिः पापमूलाद्धनार्जनम् ॥ १३॥
vyaye mandādisaṃyukte bhūmijena samanvite | subhadṛṣṭerna samprāptiḥ pāpamūlāddhanārjanam ||13||
Translation: If the 12th house (vyaya) is occupied by Saturn etc. and Mars (manda-ādi-saṃyukte bhūmijena samanvite), and there is no benefic aspect on it (subha-dṛṣṭer-na samprāptiḥ), then wealth will be earned through sinful activities (pāpa-mūlād-dhana-arjanam).

Note: Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal: subha-dṛṣṭer-na samprāptiḥ -> śubha-dṛṣṭaiś-ca samprāptiḥ (‘and if there are benefic aspects on it’)

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.276) / Girdhari Lal (śl.277) / G. D. Pathaka (śl.247):
लग्नेशे व्ययराशिस्थे व्ययेशे लग्नसंयुते । भृगुपुत्रेण संयुक्ते धर्ममूलाद्धनव्ययः ॥ १४॥
lagneśe vyayarāśisthe vyayeśe lagnasaṃyute | bhṛguputreṇa saṃyukte dharmamūlāddhanavyayaḥ ||14||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is placed in the 12th house (lagneśe vyaya-rāśi-sthe), the 12th Lord is situated in Lagna (vyayeśe lagna-saṃyute) and conjoined with Venus (bhṛgu-putreṇa saṃyukte), then wealth will be spent on religious / dharmic activities (dharma-mūlād-dhana-vyayaḥ).

Note: Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / G.D. Pathaka: dhanavyayaḥ -> dhanavyayam (similar meaning)

Tara Chandra:
अग्रे जातं रविर्हन्ति पृष्ठे जातं शनैश्चरः । अग्रजं पृष्ठजं हंति सहजस्थो धरासुतः ॥२७७॥
agre jātaṃ ravirhanti pṛṣṭhe jātaṃ śanaiśсaraḥ | agrajaṃ pṛṣṭhajaṃ haṃti sahajastho dharāsutaḥ ||277||
Translation: The Sun will kill (ravir-hanti) siblings who are born before the person (agre jātaṃ), if it is placed in the 3rd house (sahaja-stho), Saturn (śanaiśсaraḥ) -those who are born after the person (pṛṣṭhe jātaṃ), Mars (dharā-sutaḥ) will kill all siblings – born before and after (agrajaṃ pṛṣṭhajaṃ haṃti).

Note: This śloka should be in the Chapter of 3rd house’s results.

Girdhari Lal:
लग्ने जातं रविर्हन्ति षष्ठे जातं शनैश्चरः । अग्रजं पृष्ठजं हन्ति सहजस्थो धरासुतः ॥२७७॥
lagne jātaṁ ravirhanti ṣaṣṭhe jātaṁ śanaiścaraḥ | agrajaṃ pṛṣṭhajaṃ hanti sahajastho dharāsutaḥ ||278||
Translation: The Sun placed in Lagna kills the person (lagne jātaṁ ravir-hanti); Saturn placed in the 6th house kills the person (ṣaṣṭhe jātaṁ śanaiścaraḥ); Mars (dharā-sutaḥ) placed in the 3rd house (sahaja-stho) kills younger and elder siblings (agrajaṃ pṛṣṭhajaṃ hanti).
End of Vyaya Bhāva Phala Adhyāya (25)
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