BPHS Chapter 26. Results of Bhāveśa
Sharma (page 274) / Santhanam (page 157):
अथ भावेशफलाध्यायः ॥२६॥
atha bhāveśaphalādhyāyaḥ ||26||
Translation: Now (atha) a chapter (adhyāyaḥ) about results of Lords of the houses (bhāveśa-phala)

Tara Chandra (page 165) / Girdhari Lal (page 141):
अथ लग्नेशद्वादशभावस्थितफलमाह
atha lagneśadvādaśabhāvasthitaphalamāha
Translation: Now (atha) a chapter about results of Lords of the houses situated in 12 houses (lagneśa-dvādaśa-bhāva-sthita-phalam-āha)

Ganesha Datta Pathaka (page 182)
अथ भावेशफलाध्यायः अथ लग्नेशभावफलम्
atha bhāveśaphalādhyāyaḥ atha lagneśabhāvaphalam
Translation: Now (atha) a chapter about results of Lords of the houses (bhāveśa-phala-ādhyāyaḥ), part about results of lagneśa in houses (lagneśa-bhāva-phalam).

Lomasha Samhita. Chapter 9 [Page 152)


Sharma / Santhanam:
लग्नेशे लग्नगे देहसुखभाग्भुजविक्रमी । मनस्वी चञ्चलश्चैव द्विभार्यः परगोऽपि वा ॥१॥
lagneśe lagnage dehasukhabhāg‌bhujavikramī | manasvī cañcalaścaiva dvibhāryaḥ parago ’pi vā || 1||
Translation: If the Lagna Lord is in the Lagna (lagneśe lagnage), [the person] is enjoying physical wellbeing (deha-sukha-bhāj) and have physical strength (bhuja-vikramī ‘arm-fighter’). He is wise and intelligent (manasvī), unsteady / fickle-minded (cañcalaś-ca-eva), has two wives (dvi-bhāryaḥ) or relationship with other woman than wife (parago ’pi vā).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
लग्नेशे लग्नगे पुंसः स्वदेहस्वभुजाक्रमी । मनस्वी चातिचांचल्यो द्विभार्यः परगोऽपि वा ॥१५॥
lagneśe lagnage puṁsaḥ svadehasvabhujākramī | manasvī cāticāṃcalyo dvibhāryaḥ parago ’pi vā || 15 ||
Translation: If the Lagna Lord is in the Lagna (lagneśe lagnage), the native (puṁsaḥ) is earning wealth with his own hands (sva-deha-sva-bhuja-ākramī). He is wise and intelligent (manasvī) and very unsteady / fickle-minded (ca-ati-cāṃcalyo), has two wives (dvi-bhāryaḥ) or relationship with other woman than wife (parago ’pi vā).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
लग्नेशे लग्नगे पुंसः सुखी भुजपराक्रमी । मनस्वी चातिचाञ्चल्यो द्विभार्यः परगोऽपि वा ॥१॥
lagneśe lagnage puṃsaḥ sukhī bhujaparākramī | manasvī cāticāñcalyo dvibhāryaḥ parago ’pi vā || 1||
Translation: If the Lagna Lord is in the Lagna (lagneśe lagnage), the person (puṁsaḥ) is happy (sukhī), has courage and strength in hands (bhuja-parākramī). He is wise and intelligent (manasvī) and very unsteady / fickle-minded (ca-ati-cāṃcalyo), has two wives (dvi-bhāryaḥ) or relationship with other woman than wife (parago ’pi vā).

Sharma / Santhanam:
लग्नेशे धनगे बालो लाभवान्‌ पण्डितः सुखी । सुशीलो धर्मविन्मानी बहुदारो गुणैर्युतः ॥२॥
lagneśe dhanage bālo lābhavān‌ paṇḍitaḥ sukhī | suśīlo dharmavinmānī bahudāro guṇairyutaḥ || 2||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 2nd house (lagneśe dhanage), the child (bālo) has gain or advantage (lābhavān‌), is learned (paṇḍitaḥ), happy (sukhī), well-disposed (suśīlo), virtuous (dharmavin), highly honoured (mānī), has many wives (bahudāro) and good qualities (guṇair-yutaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
लग्नेशे धनगे लाभे सलाभः पीडितो नरः । सुशीलो धर्मविन्मानी बहुदारगुणैर्युतः ॥१६॥
lagneśe dhanage lābhe salābhaḥ pīḍito naraḥ | suśīlo dharmavinmānī bahudāraguṇairyutaḥ || 16||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 2nd house (lagneśe dhanage) or in the 11th house (lābhe), the person (naraḥ) has gains (sa-lābhaḥ), is injured (pīḍito), well-disposed (suśīlo), virtuous (dharmavin), highly honoured (mānī), polygamist (i.e. has qualities of man with many wives) (bahu-dāra-guṇair yutaḥ).

Note: pīḍito (not paṇḍito) is in all three versions (including Khemraj edition from museum in Kurukshetra, see scans in the end of document), and Hindu translation. It could make sense since 2nd house is māraka.

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
लग्नेशे धनगेलाभे सलाभःपण्डितो नरः। सुशीलोधर्मविन्मानी बहुदारगुणैर्युतः ॥२॥
lagneśe dhanage lābhe salābhaḥ paṇḍito naraḥ | suśīlo dharmavinmānī bahudāraguṇairyutaḥ || 2 ||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 2nd house (lagneśe dhanage) or in the 11th house (lābhe), the person (naraḥ) has gains (sa-lābhaḥ), is learned (paṇḍito), well-disposed (suśīlo), virtuous (dharmavin), highly honoured (mānī), polygamist (i.e. has qualities of man with many wives) (bahu-dāra-guṇair yutaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
लग्नेशे सहजे जातः सिंहतुल्यपराक्रमी । सर्वसम्पद्युतो मानी द्विभार्यो मतिमान्सुखी ॥३॥
lagneśe sahaje jātaḥ siṃhatulyaparākramī | sarvasampadyuto mānī dvibhāryo matimān‌sukhī || 3||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 3rd house (lagneśe sahaje), the person (jātaḥ) is equal to lion in valor (siṃha-tulya-parākramī), has all kinds of success and perfection (sarva-sampad-yuto), is highly honourable (mānī), has two wives (dvi-bhāryo), he is intelligent (matimān‌) and happy (sukhī).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.3):
लग्नेशे सहजे षष्ठे सिंहतुल्यपराक्रमी । सर्वसम्पद्युतो मानी द्विभार्यो मतिमान्सुखी ॥१७॥
lagneśe sahaje ṣaṣṭhe siṃhatulyaparākramī | sarvasampadyuto mānī dvibhāryo matimānsukhī ||17||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 3rd house (lagneśe sahaje) or in the 6th house (ṣaṣṭhe), [the person is] equal to lion in valor (siṃha-tulya-parākramī), has all kinds of success and perfection (sarva-sampad-yuto), is highly honourable (mānī), has two wives (dvi-bhāryo), he is intelligent (matimān‌) and happy (sukhī).

Sharma / Santhanam:
लग्नेशे सुखगे बालः पितृमातृसुखान्वितः । बहुभ्रातृयुतः कामी गुणरूपसमन्वितः ॥४॥
lagneśe sukhagebālaḥ pitṛmātṛsukhānvitaḥ | bahubhrātṛyutaḥ kāmī guṇarūpasamanvitaḥ || 4||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 4th house (lagneśe sukhage) the child (bālaḥ) is blessed with happiness from/of father and mother (pitṛ-mātṛ-sukha-anvitaḥ), has many brothers (bahu-bhrātṛ-yutaḥ), he is desirous/impassioned (kāmī), virtuous and charming (guṇa-rūpa-samanvitaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.4):
लग्नेशे दशमे तुर्ये पितृमातृसुखान्वितः । बहुभ्रातृयुतः कामी गुणसौंदर्यसंयुतः ॥१८॥
lagneśe daśame turye pitṛmātṛsukhānvitaḥ | bahubhrātṛyutaḥ kāmī guṇasauṃdaryasaṃyutaḥ ||18||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 10th house or 4th house (lagneśe daśame turye) [the person is] blessed with happiness from/of father and mother (pitṛ-mātṛ-sukha-anvitaḥ), has many brothers (bahu-bhrātṛ-yutaḥ), he is desirous/impassioned (kāmī), virtuous and beautiful (guṇa-sauṃdarya-saṃyutaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
लग्नेशे सुतगे जन्तोः सुतसौख्यं च मध्यमम्‌ । प्रथमापत्यनाशः स्यान्मानी क्रोधी नृपप्रियः ॥५॥
lagneśe sutage jantoḥ sutasaukhyaṃ ca madhyamam‌ | prathamāpatyanāśaḥ syānmānī krodhī nṛpapriyaḥ ||5||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 5th house (lagneśe sutage), the person has (jantoḥ) happiness through child (suta-saukhyaṃ) who is middleborn (madhyamam‌), but the first child will not live (ca prathama-apatya-nāśaḥ). [The person] will be highly honourable (syāt-mānī), wrathful (krodhī) and favorite to a king (nṛpa-priyaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
लग्नेशे पंचमे मानी सुतसौख्यं च मध्यमम् ।। प्रथमापत्यनाशः स्यात्क्रोधी राजप्रवेशकः ॥१९॥
lagneśe paṃcame mānī sutasaukhyaṃ ca madhyamam | prathamāpatyanāśaḥ syātkrodhī rājapraveśakaḥ ||19||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 5th house (lagneśe pañcame), [the person] is highly honourable (mānī), has happiness through child (suta-saukhyaṃ) who is middleborn (madhyamam‌), but the first child will not live (ca prathama-apatya-nāśaḥ). [The person] will be wrathful (syāt-krodhī) and favorite to a king (rāja-praveśakaḥ).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
लग्नेशे पञ्चमे दानी सुतसौख्यं च मध्यमम् । प्रथमापत्यनाशः स्यात्क्रोधी लोभी नृपप्रियः ॥५॥
lagneśe pañcame dānī sutasaukhyaṃ ca madhyamam | prathamāpatyanāśaḥ syātkrodhī lobhī nṛpapriyaḥ ||5||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 5th house (lagneśe pañcame), [the person] is charitable (dānī), has happiness through child (suta-saukhyaṃ) who is middle-born (madhyamam‌), but the first child will not live (ca prathama-apatya-nāśaḥ). [The person] will be wrathful (syāt-krodhī), covetous (lobhī) and favorite to a king (nṛpa-priyaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
लग्नेशे षष्ठगे जातो देहसौख्यविवर्जितः । पापाढ्‌ये शत्रुतः पीडा सौम्यदृष्टिविवर्जितः ॥६॥
lagneśe ṣaṣṭhage jāto dehasaukhyavivarjitaḥ | pāpāḍh‌ye śatrutaḥ pīḍā saumyadṛṣṭivivarjitaḥ ||6||
Translation: If the Lagna Lord is in the 6th house (lagneśe ṣaṣṭhage) the person (jāto) is deprived of bodily pleasures (deha-saukhya-vivarjitaḥ), if Lagna Lord is under the influence of a malefic (pāpa-āḍh‌ye); [there will be] suffering (pīḍā) from enemies (śatru-tas), if there is no aspect from benefics (saumya-dṛṣṭi-vivarjitaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.3):
लग्नेशे सहजे षष्ठे सिंहतुल्यपराक्रमी । सर्वसम्पद्युतो मानी द्विभार्यो मतिमान्सुखी ॥१७॥
lagneśe sahaje ṣaṣṭhe siṃhatulyaparākramī | sarvasampadyuto mānī dvibhāryo matimānsukhī ||17||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 3rd house (lagneśe sahaje) or in the 6th house (ṣaṣṭhe), [the person is] equal to lion in valor (siṃha-tulya-parākramī), has all kinds of success and perfection (sarva-sampad-yuto), is highly honourable (mānī), has two wives (dvi-bhāryo), he is intelligent (matimān‌) and happy (sukhī).

Note: In Sharma/Santhana version in last words in 2nd and 4th lines are the same.
Tara Chandra, Girdhari Lal, Ganesha Datta Pathaka editions have the same śloka for lagneśa in the 3rd and the 6th houses; Santhanam and Sharma editions suggest two different ślokas – the one for the 3rd house is pretty the same as from Tara Chandra etc. editions, but the one for the 6th house looks like take the information from other chapters of BPHS - from 14(12) Tanubhāvaphala Adhyāyaḥ, śloka 1 and also others.

Sharma / Santhanam:
लग्नेशे सप्तमे पापे भार्या तस्य न जीवति । शुभे ऽटनो दरिद्रो वा विरक्तो वा नृपो ऽपि वा ॥७॥
lagneśe saptame pāpe bhāryā tasya na jīvati | śubhe ’ṭano daridro vā virakto vā nṛpo ’pi vā || 7||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 7th house (lagneśe saptame) and a malefic (pāpe) person's wife will not live (bhāryā tasya na jīvati). [If Lagna Lord is] a benefic (śubhe), [the native is] an aimless wanderer (aṭano) or poverty (daridro vā) or of ascetic disposition (virakto vā) or becomes a king (nṛpo ’pi vā).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.6):
लग्नेशः सप्तमे यस्य भार्या तस्य न जीवति ॥ विरक्तो वा प्रवासी वा दरिद्रो वा नृपोऽपि वा ॥२०॥
lagneśaḥ saptame yasya bhāryā tasya na jīvati | virakto vā pravāsī vā daridro vā nṛpo’pi vā || 20||
Translation: If person’s Lagna Lord is in the 7th house (yasya lagneśaḥ saptame) his wife will not live (bhāryā tasya na jīvati) or [he will be] of ascetic disposition (virakto vā) or dwelling abroad (pravāsī vā) or povery (daridro vā) or will become a king (nṛpo ’pi vā).

Sharma / Santhanam:
लग्नेशेऽष्टमगे जातः सिद्धविद्याविशारदः । रोगी चौरो महाक्रोधी द्यूती च परदारगः ॥८॥
lagneśa ’ṣṭamage jātaḥ siddhavidyāviśāradaḥ | rogī cauro mahākrodhī dyūtī ca paradāragaḥ ||8||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 8th house (lagneśa ’ṣṭamage), the person (jātaḥ) is having the knowledge of occult powers (siddha-vidyā-viśāradaḥ), sickly (rogī), a thief (cauro), extremely wrathful (mahā-krodhī), a gambler (dyūtī) and dates others’ wives (ca para-dāra-gaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.7):
लग्नेशे व्ययगेऽष्टस्थे सिद्धविद्याविशारदः ॥ द्यूती चौरो महाक्रोधी परनार्यतिभोगकृत् ॥२१॥
lagneśe vyayage ’ṣṭasthe siddhavidyāviśāradaḥ | dyūtī cauro mahākrodhī paranāryatibhogakṛt ||21||
Translation: If the Lagna Lord is in the 12th or the 8th house (lagneśe vyayage ’ṣṭasthe) [the person is] having the knowledge of occult powers (siddha-vidyā-viśāradaḥ), a gambler (dyūtī), a thief (cauro), extremely wrathful (mahā-krodhī) and enjoys others’ wives (ca para-nārī-atibhoga-kṛt).

Note: In Śloka chandas (8*4 syllables) 5th, 6th, 7th syllables in 1st and 3rd lines should be ‘short-long-long’; In Sharma version it is ‘long-long-long’ in 1st line.

Sharma / Santhanam:
लग्नेशे भाग्यगे जातो भाग्यवाञ्जनवल्लभः । विष्णुभक्तः पटुर्वाग्मी दारपुत्रधनैर्युतः ॥९॥
lagneśe bhāgyage jāto bhāgyavāñjanavallabhaḥ | viṣṇubhaktaḥpaṭurvāgmī dāraputradhanairyutaḥ ||9||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 9th house (lagneśe bhāgyage) the person (jāto) is fortunate (bhāgyavān), dear to the people (jana-vallabhaḥ), devotee of Lord Viṣṇu (viṣṇu-bhaktaḥ) skilful eloquent speaker (paṭur-vāgmī) and endowed with wife, sons and wealth (dāra-putra-dhanair-yutaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.8):
लग्नेशे नवमे पुन्सो भाग्यवान् जनवल्लभः । विष्णुभक्तः पटुर्वाग्मी पुत्रदारधनैर्युतः ॥२२॥
lagneśe navame puṃso bhāgyavān janavallabhaḥ | viṣṇubhaktaḥ paṭurvāgmī putradāradhanairyutaḥ ||22||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 9th house (lagneśe navame) the person (puṃso) is fortunate (bhāgyavān), dear to the people (jana-vallabhaḥ), devotee of Lord Viṣṇu (viṣṇu-bhaktaḥ), skilful eloquent speaker (paṭur-vāgmī) and endowed with sons, wife and wealth (putra-dāra-dhanair-yutaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
लग्नेशे दशमे जातः पितृसौख्यसमन्वितः । नृपमान्यो जने ख्यातः स्वार्जितस्वो न संशयः ॥१०॥
lagneśe daśame jātaḥ pitṛsaukhyasamanvitaḥ | nṛpamānyo jane khyātaḥ svārjitasvo na saṃśayaḥ ||10||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 10th house (lagneśe daśame), the person (jātaḥ) is endowed with happiness from father (pitṛ-saukhya-samanvitaḥ), enjoys royal favour (nṛpa-mānyo), is famous among men (jane khyātaḥ), and has self-earned wealth (sva-arjita-svo) without doubt (na saṃśayaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.4):
लग्नेशे दशमे तुर्ये पितृमातृसुखान्वितः । बहुभ्रातृयुतः कामी गुणसौंदर्यसंयुतः ॥१८॥
lagneśe daśame turye pitṛmātṛsukhānvitaḥ | bahubhrātṛyutaḥ kāmī guṇasauṃdaryasaṃyutaḥ ||18||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 10th house or the 4th house (lagneśe daśame turye) [the person is] blessed with happiness from/of father and mother (pitṛ-mātṛ-sukha-anvitaḥ), has many brothers (bahu-bhrātṛ-yutaḥ), he is desirous / impassioned (kāmī), virtuous and beautiful (guṇa-sauṃdarya-saṃyutaḥ).

Note: Tara Chandra, Girdhari Lal, Ganesha Datta Pathaka editions have the same śloka for lagneśa in the 10th and the 4th houses; Santhanam and Sharma editions suggest two different ślokas – the one for the 4th house is pretty the same as from Tara Chandra etc. editions, but the one for the 10th house looks like take the information from other chapters of BPHS, mentioning kārakatva and phala of the 10th house.

Sharma / Santhanam:
लग्नेशे लाभगे जातः सदा लाभसमन्वितः । सुशीलः ख्यातकीर्तिश्च बहुदारगुणैर्युतः ॥११॥
lagneśe lābhage jātaḥ sadā lābhasamanvitaḥ | suśīlaḥ khyātakīrtiśca bahudāraguṇairyutaḥ || 11||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 11th house (lagneśe lābhage), the person (jātaḥ) always (sadā) has gains (lābha-samanvitaḥ), well-disposed (suśīlaḥ), of celebrated renown (khyātakīrtiś) and polygamist (i.e. has qualities of man with many wives) (bahu-dāra-guṇair yutaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
लग्नेशे धनगे लाभे सलाभः पीडितो नरः ।। सुशीलो धर्मविन्मानी बहुदारगुणैर्युतः ॥ १६॥
lagneśe dhanage lābhe salābhaḥ pīḍito naraḥ | suśīlo dharmavinmānī bahudāraguṇairyutaḥ ||16||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 2nd house (lagneśe dhanage) or in the 11th house (lābhe), the person (naraḥ) has gains (sa-lābhaḥ), is injured (pīḍito), well-disposed (suśīlo), virtuous (dharmavin), highly honoured (mānī), polygamist (i.e. has qualities of man with many wives) (bahu-dāra-guṇair yutaḥ).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
लग्नेशे धनगे लाभे सलाभः पण्डितो नरः । सुशीलो धर्मविन्मानी बहुदारगुणैर्युतः ॥२॥
lagneśe dhanage lābhe salābhaḥ paṇḍito naraḥ | suśīlo dharmavinmānī bahudāraguṇairyutaḥ ||2||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 2nd house (lagneśe dhanage) or in the 11th house (lābhe), the person (naraḥ) has gains (sa-lābhaḥ), is learned (paṇḍito), well-disposed (suśīlo), virtuous (dharmavin), highly honoured (mānī), polygamist (i.e. has qualities of man with many wives) (bahu-dāra-guṇair yutaḥ).

Note: In fact, Sharma/Santhanam version repeats own sloka for 2nd house, with little variation, whereas Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal and Ganesha Datta Pathaka editions have one sloka for 11th and 2nd (they also have one sloka for 3/6, 4/10 and 8/12 houses).

Sharma / Santhanam:
लग्नेशे व्ययभावस्थे देहसौख्यविवर्जितः । व्यर्थव्ययी महाक्रोधी शुभदृग्‌योगवर्जिते ॥१२॥
lagneśe vyayabhāvasthe dehasaukhyavivarjitaḥ | vyarthavyayī mahākrodhī śubhadṛg‌yogavarjite || 12||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is placed in the 12th house (lagneśe vyaya-bhāva-sthe), [the person is] deprived of bodily pleasures (deha-saukhya-vivarjitaḥ). He will unfruitfully spend his wealth (vyartha-vyayī) and will be extremely wrathful (mahā-krodhī) if there is no benefic aspect or conjunction (śubha-dṛg‌-yoga-varjite).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.7):
लग्नेशे व्ययगेऽष्टस्थे सिद्धविद्याविशारदः ॥ द्यूती चौरो महाक्रोधी परनार्यतिभोगकृत् ॥२१॥
lagneśe vyayage ’ṣṭasthe siddhavidyāviśāradaḥ | dyūtī cauro mahākrodhī paranāryatibhogakṛt || 21 ||
Translation: If the Lagna Lord is in the 12th or the 8th house (lagneśe vyayage ’ṣṭasthe) [the person is] having the knowledge of occult powers (siddha-vidyā-viśāradaḥ), a gambler (dyūtī), a thief (cauro), extremely wrathful (mahā-krodhī) and enjoys others’ wives (ca para-nārī-atibhoga-kṛt).

Note: In Sharma/Santhanam version the word ‘dehasaukhyavivarjitaḥis repeated from shloka about 6th house, ‘mahākrodhī’ - from shloka about 8th house. Other versions have one shloka for the 8th and 12th house.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
अथ धनेशद्वादशभावस्थितफलमाह
atha dhaneśadvādaśabhāvasthitaphalamāha
Translation: Now (atha) chapter about results of 2nd Lord ('Lord of wealth') situated in 12 houses (dhaneśa-dvādaśa-bhāva-sthita-phalam-āha).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
अथ लग्नेशभावफलम्
atha lagneśabhāvaphalam
Translation: Now (atha) a chapter about results of 2nd Lord ('Lord of wealth') in houses (dhaneśa-bhāva-phalam).

Sharma / Santhanam:
धनेशे लग्नगे जातः पुत्रवान्‌ धनसंयुतः । कुटुम्बकण्टकः कामी निष्ठुरः परकार्यकृत्‌ ॥१३॥
dhaneśe lagnage jātaḥ putravān‌ dhanasaṃyutaḥ | kuṭumbakaṇṭakaḥ kāmī niṣṭhuraḥ parakāryakṛt‌ ||13||
Translation: When the 2nd Lord is in the Lagna (dhaneśe lagnage), the person (jātaḥ) is endowed with sons and wealth (putravān‌ dhana-saṃyutaḥ), is inimical to his family (like a thorn) (kuṭumba-kaṇṭakaḥ), desirous / impassioned (kāmī), cruel (ni-ṣṭhuraḥ) and performs job / service for others (para-kārya-kṛt‌).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.9):
धनेशे च तनौ पुत्री स्वकुटुंबस्य कंटकः । धनवान्निष्ठुरः कामी परकार्येषु तत्परः ॥३१॥
dhaneśe ca tanau putrī svakuṭuṃbasya kaṃṭakaḥ | dhanavānniṣṭhuraḥ kāmī parakāryeṣu tatparaḥ ||31||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord in the Lagna (dhaneśe tanau) [the person] is possessing children (putrī), inimical to his family (like a thorn) (kuṭumbasya kaṇṭakaḥ), wealthy (dhanavān), cruel (ni-ṣṭhuraḥ), desirous / impassioned (kāmī), and eagerly engaged in service to others (ca para-kāryeṣu tat-paraḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
धनेशे धनगे जातो धनवान्‌ गर्वसंयुतः । द्विभार्यो बहुभार्यो वा सुतहीनः प्रजायते ॥१४॥
dhaneśe dhanage jāto dhanavān‌ garvasaṃyutaḥ | dvibhāryo bahubhāryo vā sutahīnaḥ prajāyate ||14||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is in the 2nd house (dhaneśe dhanage), the person born (jāto prajāyate) is wealthy (dhanavān), proud (garva-saṃyutaḥ), has two or many wives (dvi-bhāryo bahu-bhāryo vā) but is bereft of son / offspring (suta-hīnaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
धनेशे धनगे सोऽथ धनवान् गर्वसंयुतः । भार्याद्वयं त्र्यं चापि सुतहीनः प्रजायते ॥२३॥
dhaneśe dhanage so ’tha dhanavān garvasaṃyutaḥ | bhāryādvayaṃ tryaṃ cāpi sutahīnaḥ prajāyate ||23||
Translation: Now (atha), if the 2nd Lord is in the 2nd house (dhaneśe dhanage), the one born (saḥ prajāyate) is wealthy (dhanavān), proud (garva-saṃyutaḥ), has two or three wives (bhāryā-dvayaṃ tryaṃ) and still (ca-api) bereft of son / offspring (suta-hīnaḥ).

Note: Girdhari Lal – so’tha -> puṃso

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
धनेशे धनगे मर्त्यः धनवान् गर्वसंयुतः । भार्याद्वयं त्रयं वापि पुत्रहीनः प्रजायते १०
dhaneśe dhanage martyaḥ dhanavān garvasaṃyutaḥ | bhāryādvayaṃ trayaṃ pi putrahīnaḥ prajāyate ||10||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is in the 2nd house (dhaneśe dhanage), the person born (martyaḥ prajāyate) is wealthy (dhanavān), proud (garva-saṃyutaḥ), has two or three wives (bhāryā-dvayaṃ tryaṃ vā-api) butbereft of son / offspring (suta-hīnaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
धनेशे सहजे जातो विक्रमी मतिमान्‌ गुणी । कामी लोभी शुभाढ्‌ये च पापाढ्‌ये देवनिन्दकः ॥१५॥
dhaneśe sahaje jāto vikramī matimān‌ guṇī | kāmī lobhī śubhāḍh‌ye ca pāpāḍh‌ye devanindakaḥ || 15||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is in the 3rd house (dhaneśe sahaje) the person (jāto) is a man of valor (vikramī), wise (matimān‌), virtuous (guṇī), desirous / impassioned (kāmī) and miserly (lobhī), if is connected with benefic (śubha-āḍh‌ye). And if it is connected to a malefic the person will be atheist (ca pāpa-āḍh‌ye deva-nindakaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.11):
धनेशे सहजे तुर्ये विक्रमी मतिमान् गुणी । परदाराभिगामी च लोभी वा देवनिंदकः ॥२४॥
dhaneśe sahaje turye vikramī matimān guṇī | paradārābhigāmī ca lobhī vā devaniṃdakaḥ || 24||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is in the 3rd house or in the 4th house (dhaneśe sahaje turye) [the person] is a man of valor (vikramī), wise (matimān‌), virtuous (guṇī), dates other people’s wives (para-dāra-abhigāmī), and miserly (lobhī) or atheist (deva-nindakaḥ).

Note: In Editions of Tara Chandra, Girdhari Lal, Ganesha Datta Pathaka there is śloka is for both to the 3rd and the 4th houses, which does not consist of condition for connection of the 2nd lord with benefic/malefic.

Sharma / Santhanam:
धनेशे सुखभावस्थे सर्वसम्पतसमन्वितः । गुरुणा संयुते स्वोच्चे राजतुल्यो नरो भवेत्‌ ॥१६॥
dhaneśe sukhabhāvasthe sarvasampatasamanvitaḥ | guruṇā saṃyute svocce rājatulyo naro bhavet ‌||16||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord occupies the 4th house (dhaneśe sukha-bhāva-sthe), [the person] is endowed with all kinds of wealth (sarva-sampata-samanvitaḥ). If he is in conjunction with Jupiter (guruṇā saṃyute) or is in his exaltation sign (sva-ucce), the person will be equal to a king (rāja-tulyo naro bhavet).

sarva-sampāta m. every residue, all that remains.
Note: the 2nd lord is in the 4th house in exaltation – it is applicable only for Mars.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.11):
धनेशे सहजे तुर्ये विक्रमी मतिमान् गुणी । परदाराभिगामी च लोभी वा देवनिंदकः ॥२४॥
dhaneśe sahaje turye vikramī matimān guṇī | paradārābhigāmī ca lobhī vā devaniṃdakaḥ ||24||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is in the 3rd house or in the 4th house (dhaneśe sahaje turye) [the person] is a man of valor (vikramī), wise (matimān‌), virtuous (guṇī), dates other people’s wives (para-dāra-abhigāmī), and miserly (lobhī) or atheist (deva-nindakaḥ).

Note: In Editions of Tara Chandra, Girdhari Lal, Ganesha Datta Pathaka the sloka is related both to the 3rd and the 4th houses, and do not consist of additional condition for location or connection. This information looks like to be taken from Dhana-bhāva-phala Adhyāya (15/13 chapter).

Sharma / Santhanam:
धनेशे सुतभावस्थे जातो धनसमन्वितः । धनोपार्जनशीलाश्च जायन्ते तत्सुता अपि ॥१७॥
dhaneśe sutabhāvasthe jāto dhanasamanvitaḥ | dhanopārjanaśīlāśca jāyante tatsutā api || 17||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is situated in the 5th house (dhaneśe suta-bhāva-sthe) the person (jāto) is wealthy (dhana-samanvitaḥ). And his kids also (tat-sutā api) are born with tendency of earning wealth (dhana-upārjana-śīlāś-ca jāyante).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
no śloka*

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
धनेशे सुतभावस्थे पुत्रतो धनवान् भवेत् । कृपणो दुःखभाग्जातो यशस्वी पुत्रवान् भवेत् ॥१२॥
dhaneśe sutabhāvasthe putrato dhanavān bhavet | kṛpaṇo duḥkhabhāgjāto yaśasvī putravān bhavet ||12||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is situated in the 5th house (dhaneśe suta-bhāva-sthe), the son (putrato) will be wealthy (dhanavān bhavet). The person (jāto) will be (bhavet) miserable (kṛpaṇo), feeling sorrow (duḥkha-bhāg), famous (yaśasvī) and have sons (putravān).
* if putrī is changed to putre in śloka 31 it could be read as for dhaneśa in both the 1st and the 5th
धनेशे च तनौ पुत्री स्वकुटुंबस्य कंटकः । धनवान्निष्ठुरः कामी परकार्येषु तत्परः ॥३१॥
dhaneśe ca tanau putrī svakuṭuṃbasya kaṃṭakaḥ | dhanavānniṣṭhuraḥ kāmī parakāryeṣu tatparaḥ ||31||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord in the Lagna (dhaneśe tanau) or in the 5th (putre), [the person] is inimical to his family (like a thorn) (kuṭumbasya kaṇṭakaḥ), wealthy (dhanavān), cruel (ni-ṣṭhuraḥ), desirous/ impassioned (kāmī), and eagerly engaged in service to others (ca para-kāryeṣu tat-paraḥ).

धनेशे रिपुभावस्थे सशुभे शत्रुतो धनम्‌ । सपापे शत्रुतो हानिर्जंघावैकल्यवान्‌ भवेत्‌॥ १८॥
dhaneśe ripubhāvasthe saśubhe śatruto dhanam‌ | sapāpe śatruto hānirjaṃghāvaikalyavān‌ bhavet‌ ||18||
Translation: If the 2nd lord occupies the 6th house (dhaneśe ripu-bhāva-sthe) in conjunction with a benefic (sa-śubhe), [the person will gain] wealth through his enemies (śatruto dhanam‌), if with a malefic (sa-pāpe) he will have loss though enemies (śatruto hānir bhavet‌) and will have weak legs (jaṃghā-vaikalyavān).

Tara Chandra/Girdhari Lal:
धनेशे रिपुगे शत्रोर्धनं प्राप्नोति निश्चितम् । शत्रुतो वित्तनाशः स्याद्गुदे चोर्वोर्भवेच्च रुक् ॥ २५॥
dhaneśe ripuge śatrordhanaṃ prāpnoti niścitam | śatruto vittanāśaḥ syādgude corvorbhavecca ruk ||25||
Translation: If the 2nd lord occupies the 6th house (dhaneśe ripuge) [the person] will certainly (niścitam) obtain wealth of his enemies (śatror-dhanaṃ prāpnoti‌); it could be a loss of wealth though enemies (śatruto vitta-nāśaḥ syāt) and in intestine / entrail (gude) and in two things (ca-ūrvor) will be disease (bhavet-ca ruk).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
धनेशे शत्रुगे शत्रोर्धनं प्राप्नोति निश्चितम् । शत्रुतो वित्तनाशः स्याज्जंघोर्वोर्भवेच्च रुक् १३
dhaneśe śatruge śatrordhanaṃ prāpnoti niścitam | śatruto vittanāśaḥ syājjaṃghorvorbhavecca ruk ||13||
Translation: If the 2nd lord occupies the 6th house (dhaneśe śatruge) [the person] will certainly (niścitam) obtain wealth of his enemies (śatror-dhanaṃ prāpnoti‌); it could be a loss of wealth though enemies (śatruto vitta-nāśaḥ syāt) and in the shanks and the things (jaṃghā-ūrvor) will be disease (bhavet-ca ruk).

Sharma / Santhanam:
धनेशे सप्तमे जातः परदाररतो भिषक्‌ । पापेक्षितयुते तस्य भार्या च व्यभिचारिणी॥ १९॥
dhaneśe saptame jātaḥ paradārarato bhiṣak‌ | pāpekṣitayute tasya bhāryā ca vyabhicāriṇī ||19||
Translation: If the 2nd lord is in the 7th house (dhaneśe saptame), the person (jātaḥ) is attached to others’ wives (para-dāra-rato) and a physician (bhiṣak‌). If it is aspected or conjoined by a malefic (pāpa-ikṣita-yute) his wife (tasya bhāryā) is also unchaste (ca vyabhicāriṇī).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
धनेशे सप्तमे वैद्यः परजायाभिगामिकः । जाया तस्य भवेद्वेश्या मातापि व्यभिचारिणी ॥२६॥
dhaneśe saptame vaidyaḥ parajāyābhigāmikaḥ | jāyā tasya bhavedveśyā mātāpi vyabhicāriṇī ||26 ||
Translation: If the 2nd lord is in the 7th house (dhaneśe saptame), [the person] is a physician (vaidyaḥ), is dating others’ wives (para-jāyā-bhigāmikaḥ). His wife (jāyā tasya) is also a harlot and unchaste (veśyā mātā-api vyabhicāriṇī).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
धनेशे सप्तमे वैद्यः परजायाभिगामिनः । जाया तस्य भवेद्वेश्या माता च व्यभिचारिणी १४
dhaneśe saptame vaidyaḥ parajāyābhigāminaḥ | jāyā tasya bhavedveśyā mātā ca vyabhicāriṇī || 14 ||
Translation: If the 2nd lord is in the 7th house (dhaneśe saptame), [the person] is a physician (vaidyaḥ), is dating others’ wives (para-jāyā-bhigāminaḥ). His wife (jāyā tasya) is also a harlot and unchaste (veśyā mātā ca vyabhicāriṇī).

Sharma / Santhanam:
धनेशेऽष्टमगे जातो भूरिभूमिधनैर्युतः । पत्नीसुखं भवेत्स्वल्पं ज्येष्ठभ्रातृसुखं न हि॥ २०॥
dhaneśa ’ṣṭamage jāto bhūribhūmidhanairyutaḥ | patnīsukhaṃ bhavet‌svalpaṃ jyeṣṭhabhrātṛsukhaṃ na hi ||20||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is situated in the 8th house (dhaneśa ’ṣṭama-ge) the person (jāto) is endowed with abundant land wealth (bhūri-bhūmi-dhanair-yutaḥ), has little marital felicity (patnī-sukhaṃ bhavet‌ svalpaṃ) and be bereft of happiness through elder brother (jyeṣṭha-bhrātṛ-sukhaṃ na hi).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.15):
धनेशे मृत्युगेहस्थे भूमिद्रव्यं लभेद् ध्रुवम् । जायासौख्यं भवेत्स्वल्पं ज्येष्ठभ्रातृसुखं न हि ॥२७॥
dhaneśe mṛtyugehasthe bhūmidravyaṃ labhed dhruvam | jāyāsaukhyaṃ bhavetsvalpaṃ jyeṣṭhabhrātṛsukhaṃ na hi ||27||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is situated in the 8th house (dhaneśe mṛtyu-geha-sthe) [the person] will certainly obtain land wealth (bhūmi-dravyaṃ labhed dhruvam), has little marital felicity (jāyā-saukhyaṃ bhavet‌-svalpaṃ) and be bereft of happiness through elder brother (jyeṣṭha-bhrātṛ-sukhaṃ na hi).

धनेशे धर्मभावस्थे धनवानुद्यमी पटुः । बाल्ये रोगी सुखी पश्चात्तीर्थधर्मव्रतादिकृत्‌॥ २१॥
dhaneśe dharmabhāvasthe dhanavānudyamī paṭuḥ | bālye rogī sukhī paścāt‌tīrthadharmavratādikṛt‌ ||21||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is placed in the 9th house (dhaneśe dharma-bhāva-sthe) [the person is] wealthy, persevering (making effort) and smart / skilful (dhanavān-udyamī paṭuḥ). He remains sickly in childhood (bālye rogī) but happy in the remaining years of life (sukhī paścāt‌). He visits shrines and observes religious rites etc. (tīrtha-dharma-vrata-ādi-kṛt‌)

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.16):
धनेशे नवमे लाभे धनवानुद्यमी पटुः । बाल्यरोगी सुखी पश्चाद्यावदायुः समाप्यते ॥ २८ ॥
dhaneśe navame lābhe dhanavānudyamī paṭuḥ | bālyarogī sukhī paścādyāvadāyuḥ samāpyate ||28||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is placed in the 9th house or in the 11th house (dhaneśe navame lābhe) [the person is] wealthy, persevering (making effort) and smart / skilful (dhanavān-udyamī paṭuḥ). He remains sickly in childhood (bālyarogī), but happy in the remaining years of life (sukhī paścād‌-yāvad-āyuḥ samāpyate).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
धनेशे नवमे लाभे धनवानुद्यमी पटुः । बाल्ये रोगी सुखी पश्चाद्यावदायुः समाप्यते १६
dhaneśe navame lābhe dhanavānudyamī paṭuḥ | bālye rogī sukhī paścādyāvadāyuḥ samāpyate ||16||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is placed in the 9th house or in the 11th house (dhaneśe navame lābhe) [the person is] wealthy, persevering (making effort) and smart / skilful (dhanavān-udyamī paṭuḥ). He remains sickly in childhood (bālyarogī), but happy / religious ascetic in the remaining years of life (sukhī paścād‌-yāvad-āyuḥ samāpyate).

Note: In the editions of Tara Chandra, Girdhari Lal, Ganesha Datta Pathaka there is one śloka for both to the 9th and the 11th houses.

Sharma / Santhanam:
धनेशे कर्मगे जातः कामी मानी च पण्डितः । बहुदार्यधनैर्युक्तः किञ्च पुत्रसुखोज्झितः॥ २२॥
dhaneśe karmage jātaḥ kāmī mānī ca paṇḍitaḥ | bahudāryadhanairyuktaḥ kiñca putrasukhojjhitaḥ || 22||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is situated in the 10th house (dhaneśe karmage), the person (jātaḥ) will be desirous / impassioned, honourable and learned (kāmī mānī ca paṇḍitaḥ), will have many wives (bahu-dārya-dhanair-yuktaḥ) but will be bereft of happiness from children (kiñ-ca putra-sukha-ujjhitaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
धनेशो दशमे यस्य कामी मानी च पंडितः । बहुदारधनैर्युक्तः सुतहीनोपि जायते ॥ २९ ॥
dhaneśo daśame yasya kāmī mānī ca paṃḍitaḥ | bahudāradhanairyuktaḥ sutahīno’pi jāyate ||29||
Translation: [The person] with (yasya) the 2nd Lord in the 10th house (dhaneśo daśame) is born (jāyate) desirous / impassioned, honourable and learned (kāmī mānī ca paṇḍitaḥ), has many wives (bahu-dārya-dhanair-yuktaḥ) but is deprived of children (sutahīno ’pi).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
धनेशो दशमे यस्य कामी मानी च पण्डितः । बहुदारधनैर्युक्तः सुतहीनो प्रजायते १७
dhaneśo daśame yasya kāmī mānī ca paṇḍitaḥ | bahudāradhanairyuktaḥ sutahīno prajāyate ||17||
Translation: [The person] with (yasya) the 2nd Lord in the 10th house (dhaneśo daśame), is born (prajāyate) desirous / impassioned, honourable and learned (kāmī mānī ca paṇḍitaḥ), has many wives (bahu-dārya-dhanair-yuktaḥ) but is deprived of children (sutahīno).

Sharma / Santhanam:
धनेशे लाभभावस्थे सर्वलाभसमन्वितः । सदोद्योगयुतो मानी कीर्तिमान्‌ जायते नरः॥ २३॥
dhaneśe lābhabhāvasthe sarvalābhasamanvitaḥ | sadodyogayuto mānī kīrtimān‌ jāyate naraḥ ||23||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is situated in the 11th house (dhaneśe lābha-bhāva-sthe) the person (naraḥ) has all kinds of gains (sarva-lābha-samanvitaḥ), will be ever persevering (making effort), honourable and famous (sadā-udyoga-yuto mānī kīrtimān‌ jāyate).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
धनेशे नवमे लाभे धनवानुद्यमी पटुः । बाल्यरोगी सुखी पश्वाद्यावदायुः समाप्यते ॥ २८ ॥
dhaneśe navame lābhe dhanavānudyamī paṭuḥ | bālyarogī sukhī paścādyāvadāyuḥ samāpyate || 28 ||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is placed in the 9th house or in the 11th house (dhaneśe navame lābhe) [the person is] wealthy, persevering (making effort) and smart/skilful (dhanavān-udyamī paṭuḥ). He remains sickly in childhood (bālyarogī), but happy in the remaining years of life (sukhī paścād‌-yāvad-āyuḥ samāpyate).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
धनेशे नवमे लाभे धनवानुद्यमी पटुः । बाल्ये रोगी सुखी पश्चाद्यावदायुः समाप्यते १६
dhaneśe navame lābhe dhanavānudyamī paṭuḥ | bālye rogī sukhī paścādyāvadāyuḥ samāpyate ||16||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is placed in the 9th house or in the 11th house (dhaneśe navame lābhe) [the person is] wealthy, persevering (making effort) and smart / skilful (dhanavān-udyamī paṭuḥ). He remains sickly in childhood (bālyarogī), but happy in the remaining years of life (sukhī paścād‌-yāvad-āyuḥ samāpyate).

Note: In editions of Tara Chandra, Girdhari Lal, Ganesha Datta Pathaka there is one śloka for both to the 9th and the 11th houses.

Sharma / Santhanam:
धनेशे व्ययभावस्थे साहसी धनवर्जितः । परभाग्यरतस्तस्य ज्येष्ठापत्यसुखं नहि॥ २४॥
dhaneśe vyayabhāvasthe sāhasī dhanavarjitaḥ | parabhāgyaratastasya jyeṣṭhāpatyasukhaṃ nahi ||24||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord occupies the 12th house (dhaneśe vyaya-bhāva-sthe) [the person] is rash/foolhardy (sāhasī), devoid of wealth (dhana-varjitaḥ), dependent on other’s wealth (para-bhāgya-ratas) and has no happiness of the eldest son (tasya jyeṣṭha-apatya-sukhaṃ na hi).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.18):
धनेशे व्ययगे मानी साहसी धनवर्जितः । जीविका नृपगेहाच्च ज्येष्ठपुत्रसुखं न हि ॥ ३० ॥
dhaneśe vyayage mānī sāhasī dhanavarjitaḥ | jīvikā nṛpagehācca jyeṣṭhaputrasukhaṃ na hi ||30||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord occupies the 12th house (dhaneśe vyayage) [the person] is thinking / high-minded / honoured (mānī), rash / foolhardy (sāhasī), devoid of wealth (dhana-varjitaḥ), living / dependent on king’s house (jīvikā nṛpa-gehād) and has no happiness of the eldest son (ca jyeṣṭha-putra-sukhaṃ na hi).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
अथ तृतीयेशद्वादशभावस्थितफलमाह
atha tṛtīyeśadvādaśabhāvasthitaphalamāha
Translation: Now (atha) chapter about results of 3rd Lord situated in 12 houses (tṛtīyeśa-dvādaśa-bhāva-sthita-phalam-āha).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
अथ सहजेशभावफलम्
atha sahajeśabhāvaphalam
Translation: Now (atha) chapter about results of 3rd Lord (‘Lord of co-born’) (sahajeśa-bhāva-phalam).

Sharma / Santhanam:
लग्नगे सहजाधीशे स्वभुजार्जितवित्तवान्‌ । सेवाज्ञः साहसी जातो विद्याहीनोऽपि बुद्धिमान्‌ ॥२५॥
lagnage sahajādhīśe svabhujārjitavittavān‌ | sevājñaḥ sāhasī jāto vidyāhīno’pi buddhimān‌ ||25||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is in the Lagna (lagnage sahaja-adhīśe) the person (jāto) posseses wealth earned through his own efforts (“with his own hands”) (sva-bhuja-arjita-vittavān‌), is engaged in the service (sevā-jñaḥ), violent (sāhasī), devoid of learning although wise (vidyā-hīno ’pi buddhimān‌).

sahaja – born or produced together, brother

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal (śl.37) / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.19) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.38):
तृतीयेशे तनौ लाभे स्वभुजार्जितवित्तवान् । मूर्खः कृशो महारोगी साहसी परसेवकः ॥३७॥
tṛtīyeśe tanau lābhe svabhujārjitavittavān | mūrkhaḥ kṛśo mahārogī sāhasī parasevakaḥ ||37||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is in the Lagna or in the 11th house (tṛtīyeśe tanau lābhe) [the person] posseses wealth earned through his own efforts (“with his own hands”) (sva-bhuja-arjita-vittavān‌), is foolish (mūrkhaḥ), emaciated (kṛśo), suffering from a severe illness (mahā-rogī), violent (sāhasī) and a servant for others (para-sevakaḥ).

Note: in Lomasha Samhita 9.38 – instead of mahārogī -> mahākrodhī (extremely angry temperament), which would be right.

Sharma / Santhanam:
द्वितीये सहजाधीशे स्थूलो विक्रमवर्जितः । स्वल्पारम्भी सुखी न स्यात्‌ परस्त्रीधनकामुकः ॥२६॥
dvitīye sahajādhīśe sthūlo vikramavarjitaḥ | svalpārambhī sukhī na syāt‌ parastrīdhanakāmukaḥ ||26||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is in the 2nd house (dvitīye sahaja-adhīśe) [the person] is heavyset (sthūlo), devoid of valour (vikrama-varjitaḥ), unenterprising (i.e. less inclined to take the initiative) (svalpa-ārambhī), not happy (sukhī na syāt‌) and longing after others’ wives and wealth (para-strī-dhana-kāmukaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal (śl.38) / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.20) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.39):
गुदाभंजनिकः स्थूलः परभार्याधने रुचिः । स्वल्पारंभी सुखी न स्यात्तृतीयेशे धने गते ॥३८॥
gudābhaṃjanikaḥ sthūlaḥ parabhāryādhane ruciḥ | svalpāraṃbhī sukhī na syāttṛtīyeśe dhane gate ||38||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is situated in the 2nd house (tṛtīyeśe dhane gate) [the person] is having disease of anus (gudā-bhaṃjanikaḥ), heavyset (sthūlaḥ), longing after others’ wives and wealth (para-bhāryā-dhane ruciḥ), unenterprising (i.e. less inclined to take the initiative) (svalpa-ārambhī) and not happy (sukhī na syāt‌).

Note 1: another interpretation of gudā-bhaṃjanikaḥ could be “indulges in anal sex”.
gudābhañjan – anal intercourse, anal sex, sodomy
bhaṃjana - (the act of) breaking, breach, fracture, destruction, ruination, demolition.
guda – anus
Note 2: Ganesha Datta Pathaka: dhane -> dhanaṃ

Sharma / Santhanam:
सहजे सहजाधीशे सहोदरसुखान्वितः । धनपुत्रयुतो हृष्टो भुनक्ति सुखमद्‌भुतम्‌ ॥२७॥
sahaje sahajādhīśe sahodarasukhānvitaḥ | dhanaputrayuto hṛṣṭo bhunakti sukhamad‌bhutam‌ ||27||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is in the 3rd house (sahaje sahaja-adhīśe), [the person] is endowed with happiness through co-borns (sahodara-sukha-ānvitaḥ), possessed of wealth and children (dhana-putra-yuto), rejoicing (hṛṣṭo) and enjoys extraordinary happiness (bhunakti sukham-ad‌bhutam‌).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.21) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.33):
तृतीयेशे तृतीयस्थे विक्रमी सुतसंयुतः । धनयुक्तो महाहृष्टो भुनक्ति सुखमद्भुतम् ॥३२॥
tṛtīyeśe tṛtīyasthe vikramī sutasaṃyutaḥ | dhanayukto mahāhṛṣṭo bhunakti sukhamadbhutam ||32||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is situated in the 3rd house (tṛtīyeśe tṛtīya-sthe), [the person] is courageous (vikramī), possessed of children and wealth (suta-saṃyutaḥ dhana-yukto), very rejoicing (mahāhṛṣṭo) and enjoys extraordinary happiness (bhunakti sukham-ad‌bhutam‌).

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुखस्थे सहजाधीशे सुखी च धनसंयुतः । मतिमान्‌ जायते बालो दुष्टभार्यापतिश्च सः ॥२८॥
sukhasthe sahajādhīśe sukhī ca dhanasaṃyutaḥ | matimān‌ jāyate bālo duṣṭabhāryāpatiśca saḥ ||28||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is situated in the 4th house (sukha-sthe sahaja-adhīśe), this child born (saḥ bālo jāyate) will be happy(sukhī), wealthy (dhana-saṃyutaḥ) and intelligent (matimān‌), but his wife will be cruel (duṣṭa-bhāryā-patiś-ca).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.22) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.34):
तृतीयेशे सुखे कर्मे पंचमे वा सुखी सदा । अतिक्रूरा भवेद्भार्या धनाढ्यो मतिमान्भवेत् ॥३३॥
tṛtīyeśe sukhe karme paṃcame vā sukhī sadā | atikrūrā bhavedbhāryā dhanāḍhyo matimānbhavet ||33||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is in the 4th, the 5th or the 10th house (tṛtīyeśe sukhe karme paṃcame vā) [the person] is always happy (sukhī sadā), his wife will be very cruel (ati-krūrā bhaved-bhāryā), he will be wealthy and intelligent (dhanāḍhyo matimān-bhavet).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: bhavet -> n-ati (‘very’)

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुतस्थे सहजाधीशे पुत्रवान्‌ गुणसंयुतः । भार्या तस्य भवेत्‌ क्रूरा क्रूरग्रहयुतेक्षिते ॥२९॥
sutasthe sahajādhīśe putravān‌ guṇasaṃyutaḥ | bhāryā tasya bhavet‌ krūrā krūragrahayutekṣite ||29||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is situated in the 5th house (suta-sthe sahaja-adhīśe), [the person] has many children (putravān‌) and endowed with good qualities (guṇa-saṃyutaḥ). His wife will be cruel (bhāryā tasya bhavet‌ krūra) if [the 3rd lord] is conjoined or aspected by malefic (krūra-graha-yuta-īkṣite).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.22) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.34):
तृतीयेशे सुखे कर्मे पंचमे वा सुखी सदा । अतिक्रूरा भवेद्भार्या धनाढ्यो मतिमान्भवेत् ॥३३॥
tṛtīyeśe sukhe karme paṃcame vā sukhī sadā | atikrūrā bhavedbhāryā dhanāḍhyo matimānbhavet ||33||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is in the 4th, the 5th or the 10th house (tṛtīyeśe sukhe karme paṃcame vā) [the person] is always happy (sukhī sadā), his wife will be very cruel (ati-krūrā bhaved-bhāryā), he will be wealthy and intelligent (dhanāḍhyo matimān-bhavet).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: bhavet -> n-ati (‘very’)

Sharma / Santhanam:
षष्ठभावे तृतीयेशे भ्रातृशत्रुर्महाधनी । मातुलैश्च समं वैरं मातुलानीप्रियो नरः ॥३०॥
ṣaṣṭhabhāve tṛtīyeśe bhrātṛśatrurmahādhanī | mātulaiśca samaṃ vairaṃ mātulānīpriyo naraḥ ||30||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is in the 6th house (ṣaṣṭha-bhāve tṛtīyeśe), the person (naraḥ) is inimical to brothers (bhrātṛ-śatrur), very wealthy (mahā-dhanī); the same time (samaṃ) [has] enmity with a maternal uncle (mātulaiś-ca vairaṃ) and will be beloved by maternal aunt (mātulānī-priyo).

mātulānī - the wife of a maternal uncle.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.23) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.35):
तृतीयेशो रिपौ यस्य भ्राता शत्रुर्महाधनी । मातुलानां सुखं न स्यान्मातुल्या भोगमिच्छति ॥३४॥
tṛtīyeśo ripau yasya bhrātā śatrurmahādhanī | mātulānāṃ sukhaṃ na syānmātulyā bhogamicchati ||34||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is in the 6th house (tṛtīyeśo ripau yasya), the person is an enemy with brother (bhrātā śatrur), very wealthy(mahā-dhanī), is not having happiness from maternal uncles (mātulānāṃ sukhaṃ na syāt) and desires the enjoinment from maternal aunt (mātulyā bhogam-icchati).

mātulā – the wife of a maternal uncle, maternal aunt.

Sharma / Santhanam:
सप्तमे सहजाधीशे राजसेवापरो नरः । बाल्ये दुःखी सुखी चान्ते जायते नाऽत्र संशयः ॥३१॥
saptame sahajādhīśe rājasevāparo naraḥ | bālye duḥkhī sukhī cānte jāyate nā’tra saṃśayaḥ ||31||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is in the 7th house (saptame sahaja-adhīśe), the person is born (naraḥ jāyate) with a tendency for serving a king (rāja-seva-aparo), he is unhappy in childhood (bālye duḥkhī)and happy in the end of life (sukhī ca-ante) without doubt (nā’tra saṃśayaḥ).

apara – having nothing higher or superior, unrivalled, matchless, following, next; an enemy, opposite, similar, friendly.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.24) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.37):
तृतीयेशेऽष्टमे द्यूने राजद्वारे मृतिर्भवेत् । चौरो वा परिगामी वा बाल्ये कष्टं दिने दिने ॥३६॥
tṛtīyeśe ’ṣṭame dyūne rājadvāre mṛtirbhavet | cauro vā parigāmī vā bālye kaṣṭaṃ dine dine ||36||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is in the 8th or the 7th house (tṛtīyeśe ’ṣṭame dyūne) the person will die at the royal gate (rāja-dvāre mṛtir-bhavet), he will be a thief (cauro) or the one who is crossing the boards (like transgressor, adulterous) (vā pari-gāmī) or will suffer in the childhood (vā bālye kaṣṭaṃ) day after day (dine dine).

Note 1: ‘death at the roal gate’ possibly means – public execution as death punishment by the king.
Note 2: Ganesha Datta, Pathaka Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: cauro -> coro (meaning the same);
Girdhari Lal, Ganesha Datta, Pathaka Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ parigāmī -> paragāmī (similar meaning).

Sharma / Santhanam:
अष्टमे सहजाधीशे जातश्चौरो नरो भवेत्‌ । दासवृत्त्योपजीवी च राजद्वारे मृतिर्भवेत्‌ ॥३२॥
aṣṭame sahajādhīśe jātaścauro naro bhavet‌ | dāsavṛttyopajīvī ca rājadvāre mṛtirbhavet‌ ||32||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is in the 8th house (aṣṭame sahaja-adhīśe) the person born will be a thief (jātaś-cauro naro bhavet‌), will make a living serving others (dāsa-vṛttyā-upajīvī) will die at the royal gate (ca rāja-dvāre mṛtir-bhavet).

upajīvin – living on, subsisting by, living in dependence, dependent, subject, submissive, humble.
dāsa-vṛttyā – acting as servant.
Note 1: ‘death at the roal gate’ possibly means – public execution as death punishment by the king.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.24) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.37):
तृतीयेशेऽष्टमे द्यूने राजद्वारे मृतिर्भवेत् । चौरो वा परिगामी वा बाल्ये कष्टं दिने दिने ॥३६॥
tṛtīyeśe ’ṣṭame dyūne rājadvāre mṛtirbhavet | cauro vā parigāmī vā bālye kaṣṭaṃ dine dine ||36||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is in the 8th or the 7th house (tṛtīyeśe ’ṣṭame dyūne) the person will die at the royal gate (rāja-dvāre mṛtir-bhavet), he will be a thief (cauro) or the one who is crossing the boards (like transgressor, adulterous) (vā pari-gāmī) or will suffer in the childhood (vā bālye kaṣṭaṃ) day after day (dine dine).

Note 1: ‘death at the roal gate’ possibly means – public execution as death punishment by the king.
Note 2: Ganesha Datta Pathaka, Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: cauro -> coro (meaning the same);
Girdhari Lal, Ganesha Datta, Pathaka Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ parigāmī -> paragāmī (similar meaning).

Sharma / Santhanam:
नवमे सहजाधीशे पितुः सुखविवर्जितः । स्त्रीभिर्भाग्योदयस्तस्य पुत्रादिसुखसंयुतः ॥३३॥
navame sahajādhīśe pituḥ sukhavivarjitaḥ | strībhirbhāgyodayastasya putrādisukhasaṃyutaḥ ||33||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is in the 9th house (navame sahaja-adhīśe) [the person] is bereft of happiness from father (pituḥ sukha-vivarjitaḥ), his fortune will come forth through the wife (i.e. after marriage) (strībhir-bhāgya-udayas-tasya) and he will have happiness through children etc. (putra-ādi-sukha-saṃyutaḥ)

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.25) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.36):
तृतीयेशे व्यये भाग्ये स्त्रीभिर्भाग्योदयो भवेत् । पिता तस्य महाचोरः सुखेऽपि दुःखदर्शकः ॥३५॥
tṛtīyeśe vyaye bhāgye strībhirbhāgyodayo bhavet | pitā tasya mahācoraḥ sukhe’pi duḥkhadarśakaḥ ||35||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is in the 12th or the 9th house (tṛtīyeśe vyaye bhāgya) the fortune will come forth through the wife (i.e. after marriage) (strībhir-bhāgya-udayo), his father will be a great thief (pitā tasya mahā-coraḥ) and he will see a sorrow even in comforts (sukhe ’pi duḥkha-darśakaḥ).

Note 2: Ganesha Datta Pathaka, Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: cauro -> coro (meaning the same),
Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: darśakaḥ -> darśitaḥ (meaning the same).

Sharma / Santhanam:
दशमे सहजाधीशे जातः सर्वसुखान्वितः । स्वभुजार्जिवित्तश्च दुष्टस्त्रीभरणे रतः ॥३४॥
daśame sahajādhīśe jātaḥ sarvasukhānvitaḥ | svabhujārjitavittaśca duṣṭastrībharaṇe rataḥ ||34||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is in the 10th house (daśame sahaja-adhīśe) the person (jātaḥ) isendowed with all kinds of happiness and comforts (sarva-sukha-anvitaḥ), [posseses] wealth earned through his own efforts (“with his own hands”) (sva-bhuja-arjita-vittaś-ca), and he is disposed to maintain wicked women (duṣṭa-strī-bharaṇe rataḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.24) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.37):
तृतीयेशे सुखे कर्मे पंचमे वा सुखी सदा । अतिक्रूरा भवेद्भार्या धनाढ्यो मतिमान्भवेत् ॥३३॥
tṛtīyeśe sukhe karme paṃcame vā sukhī sadā | atikrūrā bhavedbhāryā dhanāḍhyo matimānbhavet ||33||
Translation: If the 3rd lord is in the 4th, the 5th or the 10th house (tṛtīyeśe sukhe karme paṃcame vā) [the person] is always happy (sukhī sadā), his wife will be very cruel (ati-krūrā bhaved-bhāryā), he will be wealthy and intelligent (dhanāḍhyo matimān-bhavet).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: bhavet -> n-ati (‘very’)

Sharma / Santhanam:
लाभगे सहजाधीशे व्यापारे लाभवान्‌ सदा । विद्याहीनोऽपि मेधावी साहसी परसेवकः ॥३५॥
lābhage sahajādhīśe vyāpāre lābhavān‌ sadā | vidyāhīno’pi medhāvī sāhasī parasevakaḥ ||35||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is situated in the 11th house (lābhage sahaja-adhīśe) [the person] always has a gain in business and occupation (vyāpāre lābhavān‌ sadā), is intelligent (medhāvī) although destitute of [Vedic] knowledge (vidyā-hīno ’pi); he is violent (sāhasī) and a servant for others (para-sevakaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.19) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.38):
तृतीयेशे तनौ लाभे स्वभुजार्जितवित्तवान् । मूर्खः कृशो महारोगी साहसी परसेवकः ॥३७॥
tṛtīyeśe tanau lābhe svabhujārjitavittavān | mūrkhaḥ kṛśo mahārogī sāhasī parasevakaḥ ||37||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is in the Lagna or in the 11th house (tṛtīyeśe tanau lābhe) [the person] posseses wealth earned through his own efforts (“with his own hands”) (sva-bhuja-arjita-vittavān‌), is foolish (mūrkhaḥ), emaciated (kṛśo), suffering from a severe illness (mahā-rogī), violent (sāhasī) and a servant for others (para-sevakaḥ).

Note: in Lomasha Samhita 9.38 – instead of mahārogī -> mahākrodhī (extremely angry temperament), which would be right.

Sharma / Santhanam:
व्ययस्थे सहजाधीशे कुकार्ये व्ययकृज्जनः । पिता तस्य भवेत्‌ क्रूरः स्त्रीभिर्भाग्योदयस्तथा ॥३६॥
vyayasthe sahajādhīśe kukārye vyayakṛjjanaḥ | pitā tasya bhavet‌ krūraḥ strībhirbhāgyodayastathā ||36||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is placed in the 12th house (vyaya-sthe sahaja-adhīśe) the person (janaḥ) will spend money in bad deeds (kukārye vyaya-kṛt), his father will be cruel (pitā tasya bhavet‌ krūraḥ), and the fortune will come forth through the wife (i.e. after marriage) (strībhir-bhāgya-udayas-tathā).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.25) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.36):
तृतीयेशे व्यये भाग्ये स्त्रीभिर्भाग्योदयो भवेत् । पिता तस्य महाचोरः सुखेऽपि दुःखदर्शकः ॥३५॥
tṛtīyeśe vyaye bhāgye strībhirbhāgyodayo bhavet | pitā tasya mahācoraḥ sukhe’pi duḥkhadarśakaḥ ||35||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is placed in the 12th or the 9th house (tṛtīyeśe vyaye bhāgya) the fortune will come forth through the wife (i.e. after marriage) (strībhir-bhāgya-udayo), his father will be a great thief (pitā tasya mahā-coraḥ) and he will see a sorrow even in comforts (sukhe ’pi duḥkha-darśakaḥ).

Note 2: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: darśakaḥ -> darśitaḥ (meaning the same).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal
अथ चतुर्थेशद्वादशभावस्थितफलमाह atha caturtheśadvādaśabhāvasthitaphalamāha
Translation: Now (atha) chapter about results of 4th Lord situated in 12 houses (caturtheśa-dvādaśa-bhāva-sthita-phalam-āha).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka

अथ सुखेशभावफलम् atha sukheśabhāvaphalam
Translation: Now (atha), the results of the 4th Lord (‘Lord of happiness’) in the houses (sukheśa-bhāva-phalam).

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुखेशे लग्नगे जातो विद्यागुणविभूषितः । भूमीवाहनसंयुक्तो मातुः सुखसमन्वितः ॥३७॥
sukheśe lagnage jāto vidyāguṇavibhūṣitaḥ | bhūmīvāhanasaṃyukto mātuḥ sukhasamanvitaḥ ||37||
Translation: If the 4th Lord is situated in Lagna (sukheśe lagnage), the person (jāto) is adorned with knowledge and virtues (vidyā-guṇa-vibhūṣitaḥ), endowed with lands and conveyances (bhūmī-vāhana-saṃyukto) and possessed of happiness from mother (mātuḥ sukha-samanvitaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.32) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.43):
सुखेशे सप्तमे लग्ने बहुविद्यासमन्वितः । पित्रार्जितधनत्यागी सभायां मूकवद्भवेत् ॥४२॥
sukheśe saptame lagne bahuvidyāsamanvitaḥ | pitrārjitadhanatyāgī sabhāyāṃ mūkavadbhavet ||42||
Translation: If the 4th Lord (‘Lord of Happiness’) is in the 7th house or in Lagna (sukheśe saptame lagne), [the person] will be endowed with a lot of knowledge (bahu-vidyā-samanvitaḥ), will renounce the property inherited from father (pitrārjita-dhana-tyāgī) and will be speechless in the assembly (i.e. will have lack of social skills) (sabhāyāṃ mūkavad-bhavet).

sabhā – society, good society, an assembly, public audience.

Ganesha Datta Pathaka (additional śloka about the 4L in Lagna)
सुखेशे लग्नगे वापि पितृपुत्रौ च स्नेहलौ । पितृपक्षवैरिकलितं पितृनाम्ना प्रसिद्धं च ॥२६॥
sukheśe lagnage vāpi pitṛputrau ca snehalau | pitṛpakṣavairikalitaṃ pitṛnāmnā prasiddhaṃ ca ||26||
Translation: If the 4th Lord is in Lagna (sukheśe lagnage), there is an affection between father and son (pitṛ-putrau ca snehalau), an enmity with relatives from paternal side (pitṛ-pakṣa-vairi-kalitaṃ) and fame by the name of father (pitṛ-nāmnā prasiddhaṃ ca).

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुखेशे धनगे जातो भोगी सर्वधनान्वितः । कुटुम्बसहितो मानी साहसी कुहकान्वितः ॥३८॥
sukheśe dhanage jāto bhogī sarvadhanānvitaḥ | kuṭumbasahito mānī sāhasī kuhakānvitaḥ ||38||
Translation: If the 4th Lord is situated in the 2nd house (sukheśe dhana-ge), the person (jāto) enjoys pleasures (bhogī), is endowed with every kind of wealth (sarva-dhana-anvitaḥ), possessed of family (kuṭumba-sahito), highly honoured (mānī), violent / bold / rash (sāhasī) and cunning (kuhaka-anvitaḥ).

sāhasin – bold, rash, daring, impetuous, precipitate, inconsiderate, foolhardy, cruel, violent, ferocious.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.47):
सर्वसंपद्युतो मानी साहसी कुहकान्वितः । कुटुंबसंयुतो भोगी सुखेशे च धने गते ॥४६॥
sarvasaṃpadyuto mānī sāhasī kuhakānvitaḥ | kuṭuṃbasaṃyuto bhogī sukheśe ca dhane gate ||46||
Translation: If the 4th Lord is situated in the 2nd house (sukheśe dhane gate), [the person] is endowed with all kinds of success and wealth (sarva-saṃpad-yuto), highly honoured (mānī), violent / bold / rash (sāhasī), cunning (kuhaka-anvitaḥ), possessed of family (kuṭumba-saṃyuto) and enjoys pleasures (bhogī).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka
सर्वसम्पद्युतो मानी साहसी कुहकान्वितः । कुटुम्बसंयुतो भोगी सुखेशे च धनस्थिते ॥२७॥
sarvasampadyuto mānī sāhasī kuhakānvitaḥ | kuṭumbasaṃyuto bhogī sukheśe ca dhanasthite ||27||
Translation: If the 4th Lord is situated in the 2nd house (sukheśe dhana-sthite), [the person] is endowed with all kinds of success and wealth (sarva-saṃpad-yuto), highly honoured (mānī), violent / bold / rash (sāhasī), cunning (kuhaka-anvitaḥ), possessed of family (kuṭumba-saṃyuto) and enjoys pleasures (bhogī).

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुखेशे सहजे जातो विक्रमी भृत्यसंयुतः । उदारोऽरुग्गुणी दाता स्वभुजार्जितवित्तवान्‌ ॥३९॥
sukheśe sahaje jāto vikramī bhṛtyasaṃyutaḥ | udāro ’rug‌guṇī dātā svabhujārjitavittavān‌ ||39||
Translation: If the the 4th Lord is in the 3rd house (sukheśe sahaje), the person (jāto) is valorous (vikramī), has servants (bhṛtya-saṃyutaḥ), is liberal (udāro), free from disease (aruj), virtuous (guṇī), charitable (dātā), posseses wealth earned through his own efforts (“with his own hands”) (sva-bhuja-arjita-vittavān‌).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.28) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.46):
सुखेशे सहजे लाभे नित्यरोगी भवेन्नरः । उदारो गुणवान्दाता स्वभुजार्जितवित्तवान् ॥४५॥
sukheśe sahaje lābhe nityarogī bhavennaraḥ | udāro guṇavāndātā svabhujārjitavittavān ||45||
Translation: If the the 4th Lord is in the 3rd house or in the 11th house (sukheśe sahaje lābhe), the person will be (bhavet-naraḥ) always suffering from illness (nitya-rogī), liberal (udāro), endowed with good qualities (guṇavān), charitable (dātā) and will possess wealth earned through his own efforts (“with his own hands”) (sva-bhuja-arjita-vittavān‌).

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुखेशे सुखभावस्थे मन्त्री सर्वधनान्वितः । चतुरः शीलवान्मानी ज्ञानवान्‌ स्त्रीप्रियः सुखी ॥४०॥
sukheśe sukhabhāvasthe mantrī sarvadhanānvitaḥ | caturaḥ śīlavān‌mānī jñānavān‌ strīpriyaḥ sukhī ||40||
Translation: If the 4th Lord is situated in the 4th house (sukheśe sukha-bhāva-sthe), the person rises to the ministership (mantrī), is endowed with all kinds of wealth (sarva-dhana-anvitaḥ), dexterous / clever (caturaḥ), virtuous (śīlavān), highly honoured (mānī), learned (jñānavān), dear to women (strī-priyaḥ) and happy (sukhī).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.29) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.40):
तुर्येश तुर्यगे मंत्री भवेत्सर्वधनाधिपः । चतुरः शीलवान्मानी धनाढ्यः स्त्रीप्रियः सुखी ॥३९॥
turyeśa turyage maṃtrī bhavetsarvadhanādhipaḥ | caturaḥ śīlavānmānī dhanāḍhyaḥ strīpriyaḥ sukhī ||39||
Translation: If the 4th Lord is situated in the 4th house (turyeśa tūrya-ge), the person will be a minister (mantrī bhavet) and a ruler of all kinds of wealth (sarva-dhana-adhipaḥ), will be skillful / clever (caturaḥ), virtuous (śīlavān), highly honoured (mānī), endowed with big wealth (dhana-āḍhyaḥ), dear to women (strī-priyaḥ) and happy (sukhī).

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुखेशे पुत्रभावस्थे सुखी सर्वजनप्रियः । विष्णुभक्तो गुणी मानी स्वभुजार्जितवित्तवान्‌ ॥४१॥
sukheśe putrabhāvasthe sukhī sarvajanapriyaḥ | viṣṇubhakto guṇī mānī svabhujārjitavittavān‌ ||41||
Translation: If the 4th Lord is situated in the 5th house (‘house of children’) (sukheśe putra-bhāva-sthe), the person is happy (sukhī), dear to everyone (sarva-jana-priyaḥ), a devotee of Viṣṇu (viṣṇu-bhakto), highly honoured (mānī) and possesses wealth earned through his own efforts (“with his own hands”) (sva-bhuja-arjita-vittavān‌).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.25) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.36):
तुयेशे पञ्चमे भाग्ये सुखी सर्वजनप्रियः । विष्णुभक्तिरतो मानी स्वभुजार्जितवित्तवान् ॥४०॥
turyeśe pañcame bhāgye sukhī sarvajanapriyaḥ | viṣṇubhaktirato mānī svabhujārjitavittavān ||40||
Translation: If the 4th Lord is in the 5th house or in the 9th house (tuyeśe pañcame bhāgye), the person is happy (sukhī), dear to everyone (sarva-jana-priyaḥ), joyously engrossed in devotion to Viṣṇu (viṣṇu-bhakti-rato), highly honoured (mānī) and possesses wealth earned through his own efforts (“with his own hands”) (sva-bhuja-arjita-vittavān‌).

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुखेशे रिपुभावस्थे मातुः सुखविवर्जितः । क्रोधी चोरोऽभिचारी च स्वेच्छाचारश्च दुर्मनाः ॥४२॥
sukheśe ripubhāvasthe mātuḥ sukhavivarjitaḥ | krodhī coro ’bhicārī ca svecchācāraśca durmanāḥ ||42||
Translation: If the 4th Lords is situated in the 6th house (‘house of enemies’) (sukheśe ripu-bhāva-sthe) [the person] is bereft of happiness from mother (mātuḥ sukha-vivarjitaḥ), angry (krodhī), a thief (coro), using magical spells for evil purposes (abhicārī), acting only according to own desires (sva-icchā-cāraś-ca) and having bad disposition (dur-manāḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.31) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.42):
सुखेशे शत्रुगेहस्थे तदा स्याद्बहुयातृकः । क्रोधी चौरोऽभिचारी च दुष्टचित्तो मनस्व्यपि ॥४१॥
sukheśe śatrugehasthe tadā syādbahuyātṛkaḥ | krodhī cauro ’bhicārī ca duṣṭacitto manasvyapi ||41||
Translation: If the 4th Lords is situated in the 6th house (‘house of enemies’) (sukheśe śatru-geha-sthe) then (tadā) [the person] will be (syād) a traveller (bahu-yātṛkaḥ), angry (krodhī), a thief (cauro), using magical spells for evil purposes (abhicārī), evil-minded (duṣṭa-citto) and also clever (manasvī-api).

Note: G.D.Pathaka: tadā (‘then’) -> sadā (’always’)
Gridhati Lal, Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: bahu-yātṛkaḥ (‘traveller’) -> bahu-mātṛkaḥ (‘having many mothers’, which could mean that he lost his mother will die early)

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुखेशे सप्तमे जातो बहुविद्यासमन्वितः । पित्रार्जितधनत्यागी सभायां मूकवद्भवेत्‌ ॥४३॥
sukheśe saptame jāto bahuvidyāsamanvitaḥ | pitrārjitadhanatyāgī sabhāyāṃ mūkavad‌bhavet‌ ||43||
Translation: If the 4th Lord (‘Lord of Happiness’) is in the 7th house or in Lagna (sukheśe saptame lagne), the person (jāto) will be endowed with a lot of knowledge (bahu-vidyā-samanvitaḥ), will renounce the property inherited from father (pitrārjita-dhana-tyāgī) and will be speechless in the assembly (i.e. will have lack of social skills) (sabhāyāṃ mūkavad-bhavet).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.32) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.43):
सुखेशे सप्तमे लग्ने बहुविद्यासमन्वितः । पित्रार्जितधनत्यागी सभायां मूकवद्भवेत् ॥४२॥
sukheśe saptame lagne bahuvidyāsamanvitaḥ | pitrārjitadhanatyāgī sabhāyāṃ mūkavadbhavet ||42||
Translation: If the 4th Lord (‘Lord of Happiness’) is in the 7th house or in Lagna (sukheśe saptame lagne), [the person] will be endowed with a lot of knowledge (bahu-vidyā-samanvitaḥ), will renounce the property inherited from father (pitrārjita-dhana-tyāgī) and will be speechless in the assembly (i.e. will have lack of social skills) (sabhāyāṃ mūkavad-bhavet).

sabhā – society, good society, an assembly, public audience.

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुखेशे रन्ध्रभावस्थे गृहादिसुखवर्जितः । पित्रोः सुखं भवेदल्पं जातः क्लीबसमो भवेत्‌ ॥४४॥
sukheśe randhrabhāvasthe gṛhādisukhavarjitaḥ | pitroḥ sukhaṃ bhavedalpaṃ jātaḥ klībasamo bhavet ‌||44||
Translation: If the 4th Lord is situated in the 8th house (sukheśe randhra-bhāva-sthe), the person (jātaḥ) will be devoid of happiness from home etc. (gṛha-ādi-sukha-varjitaḥ), will have little happiness from father (pitroḥ sukhaṃ bhaved-alpaṃ) and will be equal to eunuch (klība-samo bhavet).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.33) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.44):
सुखेशे व्ययरंध्रस्थे सुखहीनो भवेन्नरः । पितृसौख्यं भवेदल्पं क्लीबो वा जारजोऽपि वा ॥४३॥
sukheśe vyayaraṃdhrasthe sukhahīno bhavennaraḥ | pitṛsaukhyaṃ bhavedalpaṃ klībo vā jārajo’pi vā ||43||
Translation: If the 4th Lord is situated in the 12th or in the 8th house (sukheśe vyaya-raṃdhra-sthe), the person will be devoid of happiness (sukha-hīno bhaven-naraḥ), will have little happiness from father (pitṛ-saukhyaṃ bhaved-alpaṃ) and will be either eunuch or illegitimate (klībo vā jārajo ’pi vā).

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुखेशे भाग्यभावस्थे जातः सर्वजनप्रियः । देवभक्तो गुणी मानी भवेत्‌ सर्वसुखान्वितः ॥४५॥
sukheśe bhāgyabhāvasthe jātaḥ sarvajanapriyaḥ | devabhakto guṇī mānī bhavet‌ sarvasukhānvitaḥ ||45||
Translation: If the 4th Lord is situated in the 9th house (‘house of fortune’) (sukheśe bhāgya-bhāva-sthe), the person (jātaḥ) is dear to everyone (sarva-jana-priyaḥ), a devotee of God (deva-bhakto), virtuous (guṇī), highly honoured (mānī) and endowed with all kinds of happiness and comforts (sarva-sukha-anvitaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.25) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.36):
तुयेशे पञ्चमे भाग्ये सुखी सर्वजनप्रियः । विष्णुभक्तिरतो मानी स्वभुजार्जितवित्तवान् ॥४०॥
turyeśe pañcame bhāgye sukhī sarvajanapriyaḥ | viṣṇubhaktirato mānī svabhujārjitavittavān ||40||
Translation: If the 4th Lord is in the 5th house or in the 9th house (tuyeśe pañcame bhāgye), the person is happy (sukhī), dear to everyone (sarva-jana-priyaḥ), joyously engrossed in devotion to Viṣṇu (viṣṇu-bhakti-rato), highly honoured (mānī) and possesses wealth earned through his own efforts (“with his own hands”) (sva-bhuja-arjita-vittavān‌).

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुखेशे कर्मभावस्थे राजमान्यो नरो भवेत्‌ । रसायनी महाहृष्टो सुखभोगी जितेन्द्रियः॥४६॥
sukheśe karmabhāvasthe rājamānyo naro bhavet‌ | rasāyanī mahāhṛṣṭo sukhabhogī jitendriyaḥ ||46||
Translation: If the 4th Lord is situated in the 10th house (sukheśe karma-bhāva-sthe), the person will be (naro bhavet) honoured by king (rāja-mānyo), alchemist (i.e. employing elixirs, knows chemistry) (rasāyanī), extremely pleased (mahā-hṛṣṭo), enjoying pleasures and happy (sukha-bhogī), controlling own senses (jitendriyaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.34) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.45):
सुखेशे कर्मगेहस्थे राजमान्यो भवेन्नरः । रसायनी महाहृष्टो भुनक्ति सुखमद्भुतम् ॥४४॥
sukheśe karmagehasthe rājamānyo bhavennaraḥ | rasāyanī mahāhṛṣṭo bhunakti sukhamadbhutam ||44||
Translation: If the 4th Lord is situated in the 10th house (sukheśe karma-geha-sthe), the person will be (naro bhavet) honoured by king (rāja-mānyo), alchemist (i.e. employing elixirs, knows chemistry) (rasāyanī), extremely pleased (mahā-hṛṣṭo) and will enjoy extraordinary happiness (bhunakti sukham-adbhutam).

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुखेशे लाभगे जातो गुप्तरोगभयान्वितः । उदारी गुणवान्‌ दाता परोपकरणे रतः॥ ४७॥
sukheśe lābhage jāto guptarogabhayānvitaḥ | udārī guṇavān‌dātā paropakaraṇe rataḥ ||47||
Translation: If the the 4th Lord is situated in the 11th house (sukheśe lābhage), the person (jāto) will be filled with fear of secret diseases (gupta-roga-bhaya-anvitaḥ), liberal (udārī),endowed with good qualities (guṇavān), charitable (dātā) and will enjoy helping others (paropakaraṇe rataḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.28) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.46):
सुखेशे सहजे लाभे नित्यरोगी भवेन्नरः । उदारो गुणवान्दाता स्वभुजार्जितवित्तवान् ॥४५॥
sukheśe sahaje lābhe nityarogī bhavennaraḥ | udāro guṇavāndātā svabhujārjitavittavān ||45||
Translation: If the the 4th Lord is in the 3rd house or in the 11th house (sukheśe sahaje lābhe), the person will be (bhavet-naraḥ) always suffering from illness (nitya-rogī), liberal (udāro), endowed with good qualities (guṇavān), charitable (dātā) and will possess wealth earned through his own efforts (“with his own hands”) (sva-bhuja-arjita-vittavān‌).

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुखेशे व्ययभावस्थे गृहादिसुखवर्जितः । जातो दुर्व्यसनी मूढः सदाऽऽलस्यसमन्वितः॥ ४८॥
sukheśe vyayabhāvasthe gṛhādisukhavarjitaḥ | jāto durvyasanī mūḍhaḥ sadā ’’lasyasamanvitaḥ ||48||
Translation: If the 4th Lord is situated in the 12th house (sukheśe vyaya-bhāva-sthe), the person (jāto) is devoid of happiness from home etc. (gṛha-ādi-sukha-varjitaḥ), addicted to any kind of vice or evil practice (dur-vyasanī), foolish (mūḍhaḥ) and indolent (‘always full of idleness/laziness’) (sadā ālasya-samanvitaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.25) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.36):
सुखेशे व्ययरंध्रस्थे सुखहीनो भवेन्नरः । पितृसौख्यं भवेदल्पं क्लीबो वा जारजोऽपि वा ॥ ४३ ॥
sukheśe vyayaraṃdhrasthe sukhahīno bhavennaraḥ | pitṛsaukhyaṃ bhavedalpaṃ klībo vā jārajo’pi vā ||43||
Translation: If the 4th Lord is situated in the 12th or in the 8th house (sukheśe vyaya-raṃdhra-sthe), the person will be devoid of happiness (sukha-hīno bhaven-naraḥ), will have little happiness from father (pitṛ-saukhyaṃ bhaved-alpaṃ) and will be either eunuch or illegitimate (klībo vā jārajo ’pi vā).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal
अथ सुतेशद्वादशभावस्थितफलमाह । atha suteśadvādaśabhāvasthitaphalamāha
Translation: Now (atha), chapter about results of 5th Lord (‘Lord of children’) situated in 12 houses (suteśa-dvādaśa-bhāva-sthita-phalam-āha).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka
अथ सुतेशभावफलम् । atha suteśabhāvaphalam
Translation: Now (atha), the results of the 5th Lord (‘Lord of children’) in the houses (suteśa-bhāva-phalam).

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुतेशे लग्नगे जातो विद्वान्पुत्रसुखान्वितः । कदर्यो वक्रचित्तश्च परद्रव्यापहारकः ॥४९॥
suteśe lagnage jāto vidvān‌ putrasukhānvitaḥ | kadaryo vakracittaśca paradravyāpahārakaḥ ||49||
Translation: If the 5th Lord is situated in Lagna (suteśe lagnage), the person (jāto) is learned (vidvān), endowed with happiness from children (putra-sukha-anvitaḥ) miserly (kadaryo), with crooked mind (vakra-cittaś-ca), and steals other’s wealth (para-dravya-apahārakaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.35) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.54):
सुतेशे लग्नसहजे मायावी पिशुनो महान् ॥ लोष्टं तु दत्तवान्नैव कच्चिद्द्रव्यस्य का कथा ॥ ५३ ॥
suteśe lagnasahaje māyāvī piśuno mahān | loṣṭaṃ tu dattavānnaiva kacciddravyasya kā kathā ||53||
Translation: If the 5th Lord is in the Lagna or the 3rd house (suteśe lagna-sahaje), [the person] is possessing illusion or magical powers (māyāvī), a big backbiter (piśuno mahān), will not donate even a lump of earth (loṣṭaṃ tu dattavān-na-eva) – not to mention something else! (i.e. miserly) (kaccid-dravyasya kā kathā).

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुतेशे धनगे जातो बहुपुत्रो धनान्वितः । कुटुम्बपोषको मानी स्त्रीप्रियः सुयशा भुवि ॥५०॥
suteśe dhanage jāto bahuputro dhanānvitaḥ | kuṭumbapoṣako mānī strīpriyaḥ suyaśā bhuvi ||50||
Translation: If the 5th Lord is situated in the 2nd house (suteśe dhana-ge), the person (jāto) will have many children (bahu-putro), will be endowed with wealth (dhana-anvitaḥ), will be supporter of his family (kuṭumba-poṣako), highly honoured (mānī), dear to women (or fond of his wife) (strī-priyaḥ) and very famous in the world (suyaśā bhuvi).

priya – beloved, dear to (gen. loc. dat. or comp.), liked, favourite, wanted, own; fond of attached or devoted to (loc. or comp.).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.36) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.51):
सुतेशे चायुषि धने बहुपुत्री न संशयः कासश्वासी सुखी न स्यात्क्रोधयुक्तो धनान्वितः ॥५०॥
suteśe cāyuṣi dhane bahuputrī na saṃśayaḥ | kāsaśvāsī sukhī na syātkrodhayukto dhanānvitaḥ ||50||
Translation: If the 5th Lord is in the 8th house or in the 2nd house (suteśe ca-āyuṣi dhane), [the person] will have many children (bahu-putrī), without doubt (na saṃśayaḥ), will be unhappy due to difficulties with breath (kāsaśvāsī sukhī na syāt), will be angry (krodha-yukto) and endowed with wealth (dhana-anvitaḥ).

kāsaśvāsa – cough and hard breathing, asthma.
Note: Ganesha Datta Pathaka: kāsaśvāsī sukhī -> kāsaśvāsasukhī

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुतेशे सहजे भावे जायते सोदरप्रियः । पिशुनश्च कदर्यश्च स्वकार्यनिरतः सदा ॥५१॥
suteśe sahaje bhāve jāyate sodarapriyaḥ | piśunaśca kadaryaśca svakāryanirataḥ sadā ||51||
Translation: If the the 5th Lord is in the 3rd house (suteśe sahaje bhāve), [the person] born (jāyate) is dear to siblings (or fond of siblings) (sodara-priyaḥ), a backbiter (piśunaś-ca), miserly (kadaryaś-ca), and always deeply engaged in own business / work / duty (sva-kārya-nirataḥ sadā).

svakārya – own business or duty or function
nirata – pleased, satisfied, delighting in, attached or devoted to, quite intent upon, deeply engaged in or occupied with

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.35) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.54):
सुतेशे लग्नसहजे मायावी पिशुनो महान् लोष्टं तु दत्तवान्नैव कच्चिद्द्रव्यस्य का कथा ॥ ५३ ॥
suteśe lagnasahaje māyāvī piśuno mahān | loṣṭaṃ tu dattavānnaiva kacciddravyasya kā kathā ||53||
Translation: If the 5th Lord is in the Lagna or the 3rd house (suteśe lagna-sahaje), [the person] is possessing illusion or magical powers (māyāvī), a big backbiter (piśuno mahān), will not donate even a lump of earth (loṣṭaṃ tu dattavān-na-eva) – not to mention something else! (i.e. miserly) (kaccid-dravyasya kā kathā).

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुतेशे सुखभावस्थे सुखी मातृसुखान्वितः। लक्ष्मीयुक्तः सुबुद्धिश्च राज्ञोऽमात्योऽथवा गुरुः ॥५२॥
suteśe sukhabhāvasthe sukhī mātṛsukhānvitaḥ | lakṣmīyuktaḥ subuddhiśca rājño ’mātyo ’thavā guruḥ ||52||
Translation: If the 5th Lord is situated in the 4th house (suteśe sukha-bhāva-sthe), [the person] is happy (sukhī), endowed with happiness from mother (mātṛ-sukha-anvitaḥ), blessed by Lakṣmī (i.e. has fortune, prosperity, charm etc.) (lakṣmī-yuktaḥ), wise / intelligent (su-buddhiś-ca) and becomes king’s minister or preceptor (rājño ‘mātyo ‘thavā guruḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.37) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.55):
सुतेशे मातृभवने चिरं मातृसुखं भवेत । लक्ष्मीयुक्तः सुबुद्धिश्व सचिवोऽप्यथवा गुरुः ॥५४॥
suteśe mātṛbhavane ciraṃ mātṛsukhaṃ bhavet | lakṣmīyuktaḥ subuddhiśva sacivo ’pyathavā guruḥ ||54||
Translation: If the 5th Lord is in the 4th house (‘house of mother’) (suteśe mātṛ-bhavane), there will be always happiness from mother (ciraṃ mātṛ-sukhaṃ bhavet); [the person] will be blessed by Lakṣmī (i.e. has fortune, prosperity, charm etc.) (lakṣmī-yuktaḥ), wise / intelligent (su-buddhiś-ca) and will be a minister or preceptor (sacivo ’pi-athavā guruḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुतेशे सुतभावस्थे शुभाढ्‌ये पुत्रवान्‌ नरः । पापाढ्‌येऽपत्यहीनोऽसौ गुणवान्‌ मित्रवत्सलः ॥५३॥
suteśe sutabhāvasthe śubhāḍh‌ye putravān‌ naraḥ | pāpāḍh‌ye ’patyahīno ’sau guṇavān‌ mitravatsalaḥ ||53||
Translation: If the 5th Lord is situated in the 5th house (sukheśe suta-bhāva-sthe) – in case it is conjoined by a benefic (śubha-āḍh‌ye), the person (naraḥ) will have children (putravān‌), if conjoined by a malefic (pāpa-āḍh‌ye), there will be no (or loss of) children (apatya-hīno). The person (asau) will be virtuous (guṇavān‌) and devoted to friends (mitra-vatsalaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.38) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.48):
सुतेशः पंचमे यस्य तस्य पुत्रो न जीवति । क्षणिकः क्रूरभाषी च धार्मिको मतिमान्भवेत् ॥४७॥
suteśaḥ paṃcame yasya tasya putro na jīvati | kṣaṇikaḥ krūrabhāṣī ca dhārmiko matimānbhavet ||47||
Translation: If the person’s 5th Lord is in the 5th house (suteśaḥ paṃcame yasya), his child will not survive (tasya putro na jīvati), he will know the auspicious time (i.e. be able to profit the opportunity at the right time) (kṣaṇikaḥ), will speak harshly (krūra-bhāṣī) and will be righteous and intelligent (ca dhārmiko matimān-bhavet).

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुतेशे रिपुभावस्थे पुत्रः शत्रुसमो भवेत्‌ । मृतापत्योऽथवा जातो दत्तक्रीतसुतोऽथवा ॥५४॥
suteśe ripubhāvasthe putraḥ śatrusamo bhavet‌ | mṛtāpatyo’thavā jāto dattakrītasuto’thavā ||54||
Translation: If the 5th Lord is situated in the 6th house (‘house of enemies’) (suteśe ripu-bhāva-sthe), the child will be like enemy (putraḥ śatru-samo bhavet) or will die (mṛta-apatyo ’thavā), or a born child will be adopted – granted or purchased from natural parents (jāto datta-krīta-suto ’thavā).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.39) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.49):
सुतेशे षष्ठरिःफस्थे पुत्रः शत्रुत्वमाप्नुयात् ॥ मृतापत्यो ग्राह्यपुत्रो धनपुत्रोऽथवा भवेत् ॥४८॥
suteśe ṣaṣṭhariḥphasthe putraḥ śatrutvamāpnuyāt | mṛtāpatyo grāhyaputro dhanaputro ’thavā bhavet ||48||
Translation: If the 5th Lord is situated in the 6th house or in the 12th house (suteśe ṣaṣṭha-riḥpha-sthe), the child will equal an enemy (putraḥ śatrutvam-āpnuyāt); the child will die (mṛta-apatyo) or will be granted/given (grāhya-putro) or purchased from natural parents (dhana-putro ’thavā bhavet).

Note: G.D.Pathaka: grāhyaputro (‘seized/taken child’) -> dattaputro (‘protected/granted/given son’)

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुतेशे सप्तमे मानी सर्वधर्मसमन्वितः । पुत्रादिसुखयुक्तश्च परोपकरणे रतः ॥५५॥
suteśe saptame mānī sarvadharmasamanvitaḥ | putrādisukhayuktaśca paropakaraṇe rataḥ ||55||
Translation: If the 5th Lord is in the 7th house (suteśe saptame), [the person] is highly honoured (mānī), accepts all religions / dharmas (sarva-dharma-samanvitaḥ), is endowed with happiness from children etc. (putra-ādi-sukha-yuktaś) and pleased to serve / help others (para-upakaraṇe rataḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.40) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.50):
सुतेशे कामगे मानी सर्वधर्मसमन्वितः । तुंगयष्टिस्तनुः स्वामीभक्तियुक्तैकतेजसा ॥४९॥
suteśe kāmage mānī sarvadharmasamanvitaḥ | tuṃgayaṣṭistanuḥ svāmībhaktiyuktaikatejasā ||49||
Translation: If the 5th Lord is placed in the 7th house (‘house of love and desire’) (suteśe kāmage), [the person] is highly honoured (mānī), accepts all religions/dharmas (sarva-dharma-samanvitaḥ), [is having] a tall body like a stick (tuṃga-yaṣṭi-tanuḥ) and single-mindedly devoted to his master (svāmī-bhakti-yukta-eka-tejasā).

tuṅga – prominent, erect, lofty, high.
yaṣṭi – a staff, stick, wand, mace, club, cudgel, pillar, a flag-staff, a stalk, twig, anything thin or slender, any support.
Note: Ganesha Datta Pathaka: eka-tejasā (with single energy, focused, dedicated, devotedly) -> eka-cetasā (‘single-mindly’, ‘unanimously’)
Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: tuṃga-yaṣṭis-tanu -> tuṃga-yaṣṭi-tanuḥ (which is correct grammatically)

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुतेशे रन्ध्रभावस्थे स्वल्पपुत्रसुखान्वितः । कासश्वाससमायुक्तः क्रोधी च सुखवर्जितः ॥५६॥
suteśe randhrabhāvasthe svalpaputrasukhānvitaḥ | kāsaśvāsasamāyuktaḥ krodhī ca sukhavarjitaḥ ||56||
Translation: If the 5th Lord is situated in the 8th house (suteśe randhra-bhāva-sthe), [the person] has very little happiness from children (svalpa-putra-sukha-anvitaḥ), has difficulties with breath (kāsaśvāsa-samāyuktaḥ), is angry (krodhī) and devoid of happiness (ca sukha-varjitaḥ).

kāsaśvāsa – cough and hard breathing, asthma, pulmonary disorder.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.36) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.51):
सुतेशे चायुषि धने बहुपुत्री न संशयः ॥ कासश्वासी सुखी न स्यात्क्रोधयुक्तो धनान्वितः ॥५०॥
suteśe cāyuṣi dhane bahuputrī na saṃśayaḥ | kāsaśvāsī sukhī na syātkrodhayukto dhanānvitaḥ ||50||
Translation: If the 5th Lord is in the 8th house or in the 2nd house (suteśe ca-āyuṣi dhane), [the person] will have many children (bahu-putrī), without doubt (na saṃśayaḥ); will be unhappy due to difficulties with breath (kāsaśvāsī sukhī na syāt), will be angry (krodha-yukto) and endowed with wealth (dhana-anvitaḥ).

Note: Ganesha Datta Pathaka: kāsaśvāsī sukhī -> kāsaśvāsasukhī

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुतेशे भाग्यगे पुत्रो भूपो वा तत्समो भवेत्‌ । स्वयं वा ग्रन्थकर्ता च विख्यातः कुलदीपकः ॥५७॥
suteśe bhāgyage putro bhūpo vā tatsamo bhavet ‌| svayaṃ vā granthakartā ca vikhyātaḥ kuladīpakaḥ ||57||
Translation: If the 5th Lord is placed in the 9th house (‘house of fortune’) (suteśe bhāgya-ge), person’s child will be king or equal a king (putro bhūpo vā tat-samo bhavet), or person himself will be an author (‘book-maker’) (svayaṃ vā grantha-kartā), famous and glory of his family / race (ca vikhyātaḥ kula-dīpakaḥ).

bhūpa – ‘earth-protector’, a king, prince.
kuladīpa – the lamp or light or glory of a race or family.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.41) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.52):
सुतेशे नवमे कर्मे पुत्रो भूपसमो भवेत् । अथवा ग्रंथकर्ता च विख्यातः कुलदीपकः ॥ ५१ ॥
suteśe navame karme putro bhūpasamo bhavet | athavā graṃthakartā ca vikhyātaḥ kuladīpakaḥ ||51||
Translation: If the 5th Lord is in the the 9th house or in the 10th house (suteśe navame karme), person’s child will be equal to the king (putro bhūpasamo bhavet) or rather will be an author (‘book-maker’) (athavā grantha-kartā), famous and glory of his family / race (ca vikhyātaḥ kula-dīpakaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुतेशे राज्यभावस्थे राजयोगो हि जायते । अनेकसुखभोगी च ख्यातकीर्तिर्नरो भवेत्‌ ॥५८॥
suteśe rājyabhāvasthe rājayogo hi jāyate | anekasukhabhogī ca khyātakīrtirnaro bhavet‌ ||58||
Translation: If the 5th Lord is situated in the 10th house (‘house of royalty’) (suteśe rājya-bhāva-sthe), [the person] is born with Rāja-yoga (rājayogo hi jāyate), will be enjoying many pleasures (an-eka-sukha-bhogī) and will be very famous (khyāta-kīrtir-naro bhavet‌).

khyāta – known, well known, celebrated.
kīrti – good report, fame, renown, glory.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.41) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.52):
सुतेशे नवमे कर्मे पुत्रो भूपसमो भवेत् । अथवा ग्रंथकर्ता च विख्यातः कुलदीपकः ॥ ५१ ॥
suteśe navame karme putro bhūpasamo bhavet | athavā graṃthakartā ca vikhyātaḥ kuladīpakaḥ ||51||
Translation: If the 5th Lord is in the the 9th house or in the 10th house (suteśe navame karme), person’s child will be equal to the king (putro bhūpasamo bhavet) or rather will be an author (‘book-maker’) (athavā grantha-kartā), famous and glory of his family / race (ca vikhyātaḥ kula-dīpakaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुतेशे लाभगे जातो विद्यावान्‌ जनवल्लभः । ग्रन्थकर्ता महादक्षो बहुपुत्रधनान्वितः ॥५९॥
suteśe lābhage jāto vidyāvān‌ janavallabhaḥ | granthakartā mahādakṣo bahuputradhanānvitaḥ ||59||
Translation: If the 5th Lord is situated in the 11th house (suteśe lābhage), the person (jāto) is learned (vidyāvān), dear to the people (jana-vallabhaḥ), an author (‘book-maker’) (grantha-kartā), very skilful (mahā-dakṣo), endowed with many children and wealth (bahu-putra-dhana-anvitaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.42) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.53):
सुतेशे लाभभवने पंडितो जनवल्लभः । ग्रंथकर्ता महादक्षो बहुपुत्रधनान्वितः ॥५२॥
suteśe lābhabhavane paṃḍito janavallabhaḥ | graṃthakartā mahādakṣo bahuputradhanānvitaḥ ||52||
Translation: If the 5th Lord is in the 11th house (suteśe lābha-bhavane), [the personis] learned (paṇḍito), dear to the people (jana-vallabhaḥ), an author (‘book-maker’) (grantha-kartā), very skilful (mahā-dakṣo), endowed with many children and wealth (bahu-putra-dhana-anvitaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
सुतेशे व्ययभावस्थे जातः पुत्रसुखोज्झितः । दत्तपुत्रयुतो वाऽसौ क्रीतपुत्रान्वितोऽथवा ॥६०॥
suteśe vyayabhāvasthe jātaḥ putrasukhojjhitaḥ | dattaputrayuto vā ’sau krītaputrānvito ’thavā ||60||
Translation: If the 5th Lord is situated in the 12th house (suteśe vyaya-bhāva-sthe), the person (jātaḥ) is bereft of the happiness of having own children (putra-sukha-ujjhitaḥ); he will have either adopted (‘granted / given’) children (datta-putra-yuto vā ’sau) or purchased from natural parents (krīta-putra-anvito ’thavā).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.39) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.49):
सुतेशे षष्ठरिःफस्थे पुत्रः शत्रुत्वमाप्नुयात् मृतापत्यो ग्राह्यपुत्रो धनपुत्रोऽथवा भवेत् ॥४८॥
suteśe ṣaṣṭhariḥphasthe putraḥ śatrutvamāpnuyāt | mṛtāpatyo grāhyaputro dhanaputro’thavā bhavet ||48||
Translation: If the 5th Lord is situated in the 6th house or in the 12th house (suteśe ṣaṣṭha-riḥpha-sthe), the child will equal an enemy (putraḥ śatrutvam-āpnuyāt); the child will die (mṛta-apatyo) or will be adopted (‘granted/given’) (grāhya-putro) or purchased from natural parents (dhana-putro ’thavā bhavet).

Note: G.D.Pathaka: grāhyaputro (‘seized/taken child’) -> dattaputro (‘protected/granted/given son’)

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
अथ षष्ठेशद्वादशभावस्थितफलमाहatha ṣaṣṭheśadvādaśabhāvasthitaphalamāha
Translation: Now (atha), chapter about results of 6th Lord situated in 12 houses (saṣṭheśa-dvādaśa-bhāva-sthita-phalam-āha).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
अथ षष्ठेशभावफलम्atha ṣaṣṭheśabhāvaphalam
Translation: Now (atha), the results of the 6th Lord in the houses (saṣṭheśa-bhāva-phalam).

Sharma / Santhanam:
षष्ठेशे लग्नगे जातो रोगवान्‌ कीर्तिसंयुतः । आत्मशत्रुर्धनी मानी साहसी गुणवान्‌ नरः॥ ६१॥
ṣaṣṭheśe lagnage jāto rogavān‌ kīrtisaṃyutaḥ | ātmaśatrurdhanī mānī sāhasī guṇavān‌ naraḥ || 61||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is situated in Lagna (ṣaṣṭheśe lagna-ge), the person born (naraḥ jāto) is sickly (rogavān‌), famous (kīrti-saṃyutaḥ), enemy to self (or to own family) (ātma-śatrur), wealthy (dhanī), highly honoured (mānī), violent/bold/rash (sāhasī), virtuous (guṇavān‌).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.43) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.57):
षष्ठेशे सप्तमे लाभे लग्ने वा कीर्तिमान् भवेत् । धनवान् गुणवान् मानी साहसी पुत्रवर्जितः ॥५६॥
ṣaṣṭheśe saptame lābhe lagne kīrtimān bhavet | dhanavān guṇavān mānī sāhasī putravarjitaḥ ||56||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is situated in the 7th, the 11th or the 1st house (ṣaṣṭheśe saptame lābhe lagne vā), [the person] will be famous (kīrtimān bhavet), wealthy (dhanavān), virtuous (guṇavān), highly honoured (mānī), violent/bold/rash (sāhasī) and deprived of children (putra-varjitaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
षष्ठेशे धनभावस्थे साहसी कुलविश्रुतः । परदेशी सुखी वक्ता स्वकर्मनीरतः सदा॥ ६२॥
ṣaṣṭheśe dhanabhāvasthe sāhasī kulaviśrutaḥ | paradeśī sukhī vaktā svakarmanīrataḥ sadā ||62||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is situated in the 2nd house (‘house of wealth’) (ṣaṣṭheśe dhana-bhāva-sthe) [the person] is violent/bold/rash (sāhasī), renowned in his family/community (kula-viśrutaḥ), living or traveling in foreign lands (paradeśī), happy (sukhī), speaking eloquent (vaktā) and always devoted to own duty/work (sva-karma-nīrataḥ sadā).

Note: nīrata could be both (1) not delighting in, indifferent or (2) [=ni-rata] pleased, satisfied, delighting in, attached or devoted to, quite intent upon, deeply engaged in or occupied with.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.44) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.60):
षष्ठेशे कर्मवित्तस्थे साहसी कुलविश्रुतः । परदेशसुखी वक्ता स्वकर्मेचैकनिष्ठिकः ॥५९॥
ṣaṣṭheśe karmavittasthe sāhasī kulaviśrutaḥ | paradeśasukhī vaktā svakarme caikaniṣṭhikaḥ ||59||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is situated in the 10th or the 2nd house (ṣaṣṭheśe karma-vitta-sthe), [the person] is violent/bold/rash (sāhasī), renowned in his family/community (kula-viśrutaḥ), happy in foreign lands (paradeśa-sukhī), speaking eloquent (vaktā) and single-mindedly devoted to his duty/work(sva-karme ca-eka-niṣṭhikaḥ).

vitta – anything found, a find, acquisition, wealth, property, goods, substance, money, power, the 2nd astrological mansion.

Note: Ganesha Datta Pathaka: paradeśasukhī -> paradeśe sukhī (meaning is the same: ‘happy in foreign lands’);
Girdhari Lal and Lomasha Samhita: paradeśī sukhī (like in Shatma edition = ‘traveller /living in foreign lands, happy’).
Lomasha Samhita: svakarme caikaniṣṭhikaḥ -> svakarmasvaikaniṣṭhikaḥ (meaning the same).

Sharma / Santhanam:
षष्ठेशे सहजे जातः क्रोधी विक्रमवर्जितः । भ्राता शत्रुसमस्तस्य भृत्यश्चोत्तरदायकः ॥६३॥
ṣaṣṭheśe sahaje jātaḥ krodhī vikramavarjitaḥ | bhrātā śatrusamastasya bhṛtyaścottaradāyakaḥ ||63||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is in the 3rd house (ṣaṣṭheśe sahaje) then the person (jātaḥ) is angry (krodhī), is bereft of courage (vikrama-varjitaḥ), his brother is like an enemy (bhrātā śatru-samas-tasya)and servant is disobedient/ impertinent(bhṛtyaś-ca-uttara-dāyakaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.45) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.61):
षष्ठेशे सहजे तुर्ये क्रोधेनारक्तलोचनः । मनस्वी पिशुनो द्वेषी चलचित्तोऽतिवित्तवान् ॥६०॥
ṣaṣṭheśe sahaje turye krodhenāraktalocanaḥ | manasvī piśuno dveṣī calacitto ’tivittavān ||60||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is in the 3rd or the 4th house (ṣaṣṭheśe sahaje turye), then [the person] has eyes reddish because of anger (krodhena-ārakta-locanaḥ), is intelligent (manasvī), a backbiter (piśuno), spiteful (dveṣī), fickle-minded (cala-citto) and very wealthy (ati-vittavān).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: sahaje -> tṛtīye (meaning is the same).

Sharma / Santhanam:
षष्ठेशे सुखभावस्थे मातुः सुखविवर्जितः । मनस्वी पिशुना द्वेषी चलचित्तोऽतिवित्तवान्‌॥ ६४॥
ṣaṣṭheśe sukhabhāvasthe mātuḥ sukhavivarjitaḥ | manasvī piśunā dveṣī calacitto ’tivittavān‌ ||64||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is situated in the 4th house (ṣaṣṭheśe sukha-bhāva-sthe), then [the person] is devoid of happiness from mother (mātuḥ sukha-vivarjitaḥ), is intelligent (manasvī), a backbiter (piśuno), spiteful (dveṣī), fickle-minded (cala-citto) and very wealthy (ati-vittavān).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.45) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.61):
षष्ठेशे सहजे तुर्ये क्रोधेनारक्तलोचनः । मनस्वी पिशुनो द्वेषी चलचित्तोऽतिवित्तवान् ॥६०॥
ṣaṣṭheśe sahaje turye krodhenāraktalocanaḥ | manasvī piśuno dveṣī calacitto ’tivittavān ||60||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is in the 3rd or the 4th house (ṣaṣṭheśe sahaje turye), then [the person] has eyes reddish because of anger (krodhena-ārakta-locanaḥ), is intelligent (manasvī), a backbiter (piśuno), spiteful (dveṣī), fickle-minded (cala-citto) and very wealthy (ati-vittavān).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: sahaje -> tṛtīye (meaning the same).

Sharma / Santhanam:
षष्ठेशे सुतगो यस्य चलं तस्य धनादिकम्‌ । शत्रुता पुत्रमित्रैश्च सुखी स्वार्थी दयान्वितः॥६५॥
ṣaṣṭheśe sutago yasya calaṃ tasya dhanādikam‌ | śatrutā putramitraiśca sukhī svārthī dayānvitaḥ ||65||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is situated in the 5th house (ṣaṣṭheśe sutago), then the person’s (yasya) wealth etc. is fluctuating (calaṃ tasya dhana-ādikam‌), there is enmity with children and friends (śatrutā putramitraiśca); the person is happy (sukhī), selfish (svārthī), compassionate/charitable/kind (dayā-anvitaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.46) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.62):
षष्ठेशे पंचमे यस्य चलमित्रधनादिकम् । दयायुक्तः सुखी सौम्यः स्वीकार्ये चतुरो महान् ॥ ६१॥
ṣaṣṭheśe paṃcame yasya calamitradhanādikam | dayāyuktaḥ sukhī saumyaḥ svīkārye caturo mahān || 61||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is situated in the 5th house (ṣaṣṭheśe paṃcame), then the person’s (yasya) friends, wealth etc. are fickle (cala-mitra-dhana-ādikam); the person is compassionate/charitable/kind (dayā-yuktaḥ), happy (sukhī), gentle (saumyaḥ), very clever in own work/duties(svīkārye caturo mahān).

Note: Tara Chandra – svīkārye, the rest authors – svakārye (meaning is the same here)

Sharma / Santhanam:
षष्ठेशे रिपुभावस्थे वैरं स्वज्ञातिमण्डलात्‌ । अन्यैः सह भवेन्‌ मैत्री सुखं मध्यं धनादिकम् ॥६६॥
ṣaṣṭheśe ripubhāvasthe vairaṃ svajñātimaṇḍalāt‌ | anyaiḥ saha bhaven‌ maitrī sukhaṃ madhyaṃ dhanādikam‌ ||66||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is situated in the 6th house (‘house of enemies’) (ṣaṣṭheśe ripu-bhāva-sthe) [the person will have] enmity with own kinsmen/community (vairaṃ sva-jñāti-maṇḍalāt‌) and will be friendly with others (anyaiḥ saha bhaven‌ maitrī), will have mediocre happiness, wealth etc. (sukhaṃ madhyaṃ dhana-ādikam‌).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.47) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.56):
षष्ठेशे रिपुभावस्थे स्वज्ञातिः शत्रुवद्भवेत् । परजातिर्भवेन्मित्रं भूमौ न चलति ध्रुवम् ॥५५॥
ṣaṣṭheśe ripubhāvasthe svajñātiḥ śatruvadbhavet | parajātirbhavenmitraṃ bhūmau na calati dhruvam ||55||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is situated in the 6th house (‘house of enemies’) (ṣaṣṭheśe ripu-bhāva-sthe), then own kinsmen will be like enemies (sva-jñātiḥ śatruvad-bhavet), people of other caste/community will be friends (para-jātir-bhaven-mitraṃ), and he for sure do not walk on the earth (i.e. endowed with vehicles) (bhūmau na calati dhruvam).

Sharma / Santhanam:
षष्ठेशे दारभावस्थे जातो दारसुखोज्झितः । कीर्तिमान्‌ गुणवान्‌ मानी साहसी धनसंयुतः ॥६७॥
ṣaṣṭheśe dārabhāvasthe jāto dārasukhojjhitaḥ | kīrtimān‌ guṇavān‌ mānī sāhasī dhanasaṃyutaḥ ||67||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is situated in the 7th house (‘house of wife’) (ṣaṣṭheśe dāra-bhāva-sthe), the person is deprived of happiness from wife/spouse (jāto dāra-sukha-ujjhitaḥ), is famous (kīrtimān), virtuous (guṇavān), highly honoured (mānī), violent/bold/rash (sāhasī) and wealthy (dhana-saṃyutaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.43) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.57):
षष्ठेशे सप्तमे लाभे लग्ने वा कीर्तिमान् भवेत् । धनवान् गुणवान् मानी साहसी पुत्रवर्जितः ॥५६॥
ṣaṣṭheśe saptame lābhe lagne kīrtimān bhavet | dhanavān guṇavān mānī sāhasī putravarjitaḥ ||56||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is situated in the 7th, the 11th or the 1st house (ṣaṣṭheśe saptame lābhe lagne vā), [the person] will be famous (kīrtimān bhavet), wealthy (dhanavān), virtuous (guṇavān), highly honoured (mānī), violent/bold/rash (sāhasī) and deprived of children (putra-varjitaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
षष्ठेशेऽष्टमगे जातो रोगी शत्रुर्मनीषिणाम्‌ । परद्रव्याभिलाषी च परदाररतोऽशुचिः ॥६८॥
ṣaṣṭheśe ’ṣṭamage jāto rogī śatrurmanīṣiṇām ‌| paradravyābhilāṣī ca paradārarato ’śuciḥ ||68||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is situated in the 8th house (ṣaṣṭheśe ’ṣṭama-ge), the person (jāto) is sickly (rogī), an enemy to intelligent/learned people (śatrur-manīṣiṇām), desiring others’ wealth (para-dravya-abhilāṣī), interested in others’ wives (para-dāra-rato) and impure (aśuciḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.48) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.58):
षष्ठेशेऽष्टमरिःफस्थे रोगी शत्रुर्मनीषिणाम् । परजायाभिगामी च जीवहिंसासु तत्परः ॥५७॥
ṣaṣṭheśe ’ṣṭamariḥphasthe rogī śatrurmanīṣiṇām | parajāyābhigāmī ca jīvahiṃsāsu tatparaḥ ||57||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is situated in the 8th house or in the 12th house (ṣaṣṭheśe ’ṣṭama-riḥpha-sthe), [the person is] sickly (rogī), an enemy to intelligent/learned people (śatrur-manīṣiṇām), interested in others’ wives (para-jāyā-abhigāmī) and violent (eagerly engaged in hurting living beings) (ca jīva-hiṃsāsu tat-paraḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
षष्ठेशे भाग्यगे जातः काष्ठपाषाणविक्रयी । व्यवहारे क्वचिद्धानिः क्वचिद्वृद्धिश्च जायते ॥६९॥
ṣaṣṭheśe bhāgyage jātaḥ kāṣṭhapāṣāṇavikrayī | vyavahāre kvaciddhāniḥ kvacidvṛddhiśca jāyate ||69||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is situated in the 9th house (ṣaṣṭheśe bhāgya-ge), the person (jātaḥ) does business of wood and stone (kāṣṭha-pāṣāṇa-vikrayī), and sometimes loss (kvacid(d)-hāniḥ), sometimes profit (kvacid-vṛddhiś-ca) in this business(vyavahāre) is generated (jāyate).

vikrayin – seller, vender

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.49) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.59):
षष्ठेशो नवमे यस्य काष्ठपाषाणविक्रयी । व्यवहारे क्वचिद्धानिः क्वचिद्वृद्धिर्भवेत्किल ॥५८॥
ṣaṣṭheśo navame yasya kāṣṭhapāṣāṇavikrayī | vyavahāre kvaciddhāniḥ kvacidvṛddhirbhavetkila ||58||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is in the 9th house (ṣaṣṭheśe navame), the person has(yasya) business of wood and stone (kāṣṭha-pāṣāṇa-vikrayī), and sometimes loss (kvacid(d)-hāniḥ), sometimes profit (kvacid-vṛddhiś-ca) in this business(vyavahāre) happens, indeed (bhavet kila).

vikrayin – seller, vender

Sharma / Santhanam:
षष्ठेशे दशमे भावे मानवः कुलविश्रुतः । अभक्तश्च पितुर्वक्ता विदेशे च सुखी भवेत्‌ ॥७०॥
ṣaṣṭheśe daśame bhāve mānavaḥ kulaviśrutaḥ | abhaktaśca piturvaktā videśe ca sukhī bhavet‌ ||70||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is in the 10th house (ṣaṣṭheśe daśame bhāve), the person (mānavaḥ) is renowned in his family/community (kula-viśrutaḥ), not attached to father (abhaktaś-ca pitur), speaking eloquent (vaktā) and happy in foreign lands (videśe ca sukhī bhavet‌).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.44) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.60):
षष्ठेशे कर्मवित्तस्थे साहसी कुलविश्रुतः । परदेशसुखी वक्ता स्वकर्मेचैकनिष्ठिकः ॥५९॥
ṣaṣṭheśe karmavittasthe sāhasī kulaviśrutaḥ | paradeśasukhī vaktā svakarme caikaniṣṭhikaḥ ||59||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is situated in the 10th or the 2nd house (ṣaṣṭheśe karma-vitta-sthe), [the person] is violent/bold/rash (sāhasī), renowned in his family/community (kula-viśrutaḥ), happy in foreign lands (paradeśa-sukhī), speaking eloquent (vaktā) and single-mindedly devoted to his duty/work (sva-karme ca-eka-niṣṭhikaḥ).

vitta – anything found, a find, acquisition, wealth, property, goods, substance, money, power, the 2nd astrological mansion.

Note: Ganesha Datta Pathaka: paradeśasukhī -> paradeśe sukhī (meaning is the same: ‘happy in foreign lands’);
Girdhari Lal and Lomasha Samhita: paradeśī sukhī (like in Sharma edition = ‘traveller / living in foreign lands, happy’).
Lomasha Samhita: svakarme caikaniṣṭhikaḥ -> svakarmasvaikaniṣṭhikaḥ (meaning the same).

Sharma / Santhanam:
षष्ठेशे लाभगे जातः शत्रुतो धनमाप्नुयात्‌ । गुणवान्‌ साहसी मानी किन्तु पुत्रसुखोज्झितः ॥७१॥
ṣaṣṭheśe lābhage jātaḥ śatruto dhanamāpnuyāt‌ | guṇavān‌ sāhasī mānī kintu putrasukhojjhitaḥ ||71||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is situated in the 11th house (ṣaṣṭheśe lābhage), the person (jātaḥ) obtain wealth from his enemies (śatruto dhanam-āpnuyāt‌), is virtuous (guṇavān), violent/bold/rash (sāhasī), highly honoured (mānī) but deprived of happiness from children (kintu putra-sukha-ujjhitaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.43) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.57):
षष्ठेशे सप्तमे लाभे लग्ने वा कीर्तिमान् भवेत् । धनवान् गुणवान् मानी साहसी पुत्रवर्जितः ॥५६॥
ṣaṣṭheśe saptame lābhe lagne vā kīrtimān bhavet | dhanavān guṇavān mānī sāhasī putravarjitaḥ||56||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is situated in the 7th, the 11th or the 1st house (ṣaṣṭheśe saptame lābhe lagne vā), [the person] will be famous (kīrtimān bhavet), wealthy (dhanavān), virtuous (guṇavān), highly honoured (mānī), violent/bold/rash (sāhasī) and deprived of children (putra-varjitaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
षष्ठेशे व्ययभावस्थे व्यसने व्ययकृत्‌ सदा । विद्वद्‌द्वेषी भवेज्जातो जीवहिंसासु तत्परः ॥७२॥
ṣaṣṭheśe vyayabhāvasthe vyasane vyayakṛt‌ sadā | vidvad‌dveṣī bhavejjāto jīvahiṃsāsu tatparaḥ ||72||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is situated in the 12th house (ṣaṣṭheśe vyaya-bhāva-sthe) there are always expenses for sins and addictions (vyasane vyayakṛt‌ sadā), the person will be (bhavet-jāto) inimical to intelligent/learned people (vidvad-‌dveṣī) and violent (eagerly engaged in hurting living beings) (ca jīva-hiṃsāsu tat-paraḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.48) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.58):
षष्ठेशेऽष्टमरिःफस्थे रोगी शत्रुर्मनीषिणाम् । परजायाभिगामी च जीवहिंसासु तत्परः ॥५७॥
ṣaṣṭheśe ’ṣṭamariḥphasthe rogī śatrurmanīṣiṇām | parajāyābhigāmī ca jīvahiṃsāsu tatparaḥ ||57||
Translation: If the 6th Lord is situated in the 8th house or in the 12th house (ṣaṣṭheśe ’ṣṭama-riḥpha-sthe), [the person is] sickly (rogī), an enemy to intelligent/learned people (śatrur-manīṣiṇām), interested in others’ wives (para-jāyā-abhigāmī) and violent (eagerly engaged in hurting living beings) (ca jīva-hiṃsāsu tat-paraḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
अथ सप्तमेशद्वादशभावस्थितफलमाह atha saptameśadvādaśabhāvasthitaphalamāha
Translation: Now (atha), chapter about results of 7th Lord situated in 12 houses (saptameśa-dvādaśa-bhāva-sthita-phalam-āha).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
अथ सप्तमेशभावफलम् atha saptameśabhāvaphalam
Translation: Now (atha), the results of the 7th Lord in the houses (saptameśa-bhāva-phalam).

Sharma / Santhanam:
दारेशे लग्नगे जातः परदारेषु लम्पटः । दुष्टो विचक्षणोऽधीरो जनो वातरुजान्वितः ॥७३॥
dāreśe lagnage jātaḥ paradāreṣu lampaṭaḥ | duṣṭo vicakṣaṇo ’dhīro jano vātarujānvitaḥ ||73||
Translation: If the 7th Lord is in the Lagna (dāreśe lagna-ge), the person (jātaḥ) is desirous of others’ wives (para-dāreṣu lampaṭaḥ), wicked (duṣṭo), wise (lit. ‘clear-sighted’) (vi-cakṣaṇo), deficient in calm self-command (adhīro), a person (?) afflicted by windy diseases (jano vāta-ruj-ānvitaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.50):
सप्तमेशे तनौ चास्ते परजायासु लंपटः । दुष्टो विचक्षणो धीरो वातरुक् स्थीयते हृदि ॥६२॥
saptameśe tanau cāste parajāyāsu laṃpaṭaḥ | duṣṭo vicakṣaṇo dhīro vātaruk sthīyate hṛdi ||62||
Translation: If the 7th Lord is in the Lagna or in the 7th house (saptameśe tanau ca-aste) [the person is]desirous of others’ wives (para-dāreṣu lampaṭaḥ), wicked (duṣṭo), wise (lit. ‘clear-sighted’) (vi-cakṣaṇo), steady (dhīro), afflicted by windy diseases in the heart (?) (vāta-ruk sthīyate hṛdi).

Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ:
सप्तमेशे तनौ चास्ते परजायासु लंपटः । दुष्टो विचक्षणोऽधीरो वर्त्ता न स्थीयते हृदि॥६३॥
saptameśe tanau cāste parajāyāsu laṃpaṭaḥ | duṣṭo vicakṣaṇo ‘dhīro varttā na sthīyate hṛdi ||63||
Translation: If the 7th Lord is in the Lagna or in the 7th house (saptameśe tanau ca-aste) [the person is]desirous of others’ wives (para-dāreṣu lampaṭaḥ), wicked (duṣṭo), wise (lit. ‘clear-sighted’) (vi-cakṣaṇo), deficient in calm self-command (adhīro), not able to keep secrets (lit. ‘things (?) are not kept in the heart’) (varttā na sthīyate hṛdi).

vārttā — an account of anything that has happened, tidings, report, rumour, news, intelligence, story of or about, varttā – living, livehood.

Note: All except Sharma / Santhanam give one śloka for two houses – 1st and 7th.
In Sharma / Santanam editions – word ‘person’ is included two times (jātaḥ, janaḥ). In Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka editions – is not fully clear last expression (vāta-ruk sthīyate hṛdi). Lomaśa Saṃhita gives the third version (not related to diseases) (varttā na sthīyate hṛdi), which is also not very clear. It looks like end of sloka was corrupted.

Sharma / Santhanam:
दारेशे धनगे जातो बहुस्त्रीभिः समन्वितः । दारयोगाद्धनाप्तिश्च दीर्घसूत्री च मानवः ॥७४॥
dāreśe dhanage jāto bahustrībhiḥ samanvitaḥ | dārayogāddhanāptiśca dīrghasūtrī ca mānavaḥ ||74||
Translation: If the 7th Lord is in the 2nd house (dāreśe dhana-ge), the person (jāto) will have many wives (bahu-strībhiḥ samanvitaḥ), acquire wealth through wife (dāra-yogād-dhanāptiś-ca), and will be procrastinating man (lit. ‘spinning a long yarn’) (dīrgha-sūtrī ca mānavaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.51) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.65):
द्यूनेशे नवमे वित्ते नानास्त्रीभिः समागमः । आरंभी दीर्घसूत्री च स्त्रीषु चित्तं हि केवलम् ॥६४॥
dyūneśe navame vitte nānāstrībhiḥ samāgamaḥ | āraṃbhī dīrghasūtrī ca strīṣu cittaṃ hi kevalam ||64||
Translation: If the 7th Lord is in the 9th or the 2nd house (dyūneśe navame vitte), [the person is] attached to women belonging to different caste (or various women) (nānā-strībhiḥ samāgamaḥ), enterprising (āraṃbhī), procrastinating (lit. ‘spinning a long yarn’) (dīrgha-sūtrī) and focuses his attention only on women (ca strīṣu cittaṃ hi kevalam).

dyūna – lamenting, sorrowful, the 7th sign of the zodiac (Varāhamihira).
nānā – various, different, distinct from smth.
ārambhin – enterprising, one who makes many new projects.
kevala – exclusively one's own, only, excluding others, not connected with anything else.

Note: All except Sharma / Santhanam give one śloka for two houses – 2nd and 9th.
In Sharma / Santhanam editions – word ‘person’ is included two times (jātaḥ, mānavaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
दारेशे सहजे जातो मृतापत्यो हि मानवः । कदाचिज्जायते पुत्री यत्नात्पुत्रोऽपि जीवति ॥७५॥
dāreśe sahaje jāto mṛtāpatyo hi mānavaḥ | kadācijjāyate putrī yatnāt‌putro ’pi jīvati ||75||
Translation: If the 7th lord is in the 3rd house (dāreśe sahaje), the person (jāto) is one whose children will not survive (or born dead) (mṛta-apatyo hi mānavaḥ); sometimes a daughter will grow up (kadācid-jāyate putrī), and also a son may survive with great effort (yatnāt‌-putro ’pi jīvati).

yatna – activity of will, volition, effort, exertion, energy, zeal, trouble, pains, care.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.52):
द्यूनेशे सहजे लाभे मृतपुत्रः प्रजायते । कदाचिज्जीवति सुता यत्नात्पुत्रोऽपि जायते ॥६६॥
dyūneśe sahaje lābhe mṛtaputraḥ prajāyate | kadācijjīvati sutā yatnātputro ’pi jāyate ||66||
Translation: If the 7th lord is in the 3rd or the 11th house (dyūneśe sahaje lābhe), the person’s child is born dead (mṛta-putraḥ prajāyate); sometimes a daughter sirvives (kadācid-jīvati sutā), and also a son may grow up with great effort (yatnāt‌-putro ’pi jāyate).

Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ:
द्यूनेशे सहजे लाभे मृतपुत्रः प्रजायते । कदाचिज्जीवति कन्या यत्नात्पुत्रोऽपि जीवति ॥६७॥
dyūneśe sahaje lābhe mṛtaputraḥ prajāyate | kadācijjīvati kanyā yatnātputro ’pi jīvati ||67||
Translation: If the 7th lord is in the 3rd or the 11th house (dyūneśe sahaje lābhe), the person’s child is born dead (mṛta-putraḥ prajāyate); sometimes a daughter sirvives (kadācid-jīvati kanyā), and also a son may survive with great effort (yatnāt‌-putro ’pi jīvati).

Note: All except Sharma / Santhanam give one śloka for two houses – 3rd and 11th.
In Sharma / Santhanam editions – word ‘person’ is included two times (jātaḥ, mānavaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
दारेशे सुखभावस्थे जाया नास्य वशे सदा । स्वयं सत्यप्रियो धीमान्‌ धर्मात्मा दन्तरोगयुक्‌॥७६॥
dāreśe sukhabhāvasthe jāyā nāsya vaśe sadā | svayaṃ satyapriyo dhīmān‌ dharmātmā dantarogayuk‌ ||76||
Translation: If the 7th Lord is situated in the 4th house (‘house of happiness’) (dāreśe sukha-bhāva-sthe), the wife (jāyā) will never be under person’s control (na-asya vaśe sadā); he will himself (svayaṃ) be the one who loves truth (satya-priyo), intelligent (dhīmān), religious-minded / dutiful (dharma-ātmā) and will suffer from dental disease (danta-roga-yuk)‌.

vaśa – will, wish, desire, authority, power, control, dominion.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.53) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.66):
द्यूनेशे दशमे तुर्ये नास्य जाया पतिव्रता । धर्मात्मा सत्यसंयुक्तः केवलं दन्तरोगवान् ॥६५॥
dyūneśe daśame turye nāsya jāyā pativratā | dharmātmā satyasaṃyuktaḥ kevalaṃ dantarogavān ||65||
Translation: If the 7th Lord is in the 10th or in the 4th house (dyūneśe daśame turye), his wife (asya jāyā) will not be virtuous and devoted to him (na pati-vratā); [but he will be] religious-minded/dutiful (dharma-ātmā), absolutely truthful (satya-saṃyuktaḥ kevalaṃ) and will suffer from dental disease (danta-rogavān)‌.

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: dantarogavān -> tarogavān (suffers from windy disease)

Note: All except Sharma / Santhanam give one śloka for two houses – 4th and 10th.

Sharma / Santhanam:
दारेशे पञ्चमे जातो मानी सर्वगुणान्वितः । सर्वदा हर्षयुक्तश्च तथा सर्वधनाधिपः ॥७७॥
dāreśe pañcame jāto mānī sarvaguṇānvitaḥ | sarvadā harṣayuktaśca tathā sarvadhanādhipaḥ ||77||
Translation: If the 7th Lord is in the 5th house (dāreśe pañcame), the person (jāto) is highly honoured (mānī), gifted with all virtues (sarva-guṇa-anvitaḥ), always happy (sarvadā harṣa-yuktaś) and also has all kinds of wealth (ca tathā sarva-dhana-adhipaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.54) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.69):
सर्वगुणयुतो मानी भवेत्सर्वधनाधिपः । सदैव हर्षसंयुक्तः सप्तमेशे सुते स्थिते ॥६८॥
sarvaguṇayuto mānī bhavetsarvadhanādhipaḥ | sadaiva harṣasaṃyuktaḥ saptameśe sute sthite ||68||
Translation: If the 7th Lord is placed in the 5th house (saptameśe sute sthite), [the person] will be gifted with all virtues (sarva-guṇa-anvitaḥ bhavet), highly honoured (mānī), will have all kinds of wealth (sarva-dhana-adhipaḥ) and will be always happy (sadā-eva harṣa-yuktaś).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: sarva-dhana-adhipaḥ -> sarva-jana-adhipaḥ (Lord of all men).

Sharma / Santhanam:
दारेशे रिपुभावस्थे भार्या तस्य रुजान्विता । स्त्रिया सहाऽथ वा वैरं स्वयं क्रोधी सुखोज्झितः ॥७८॥
dāreśe ripubhāvasthe bhāryā tasya rujānvitā | striyā sahā’tha vā vairaṃ svayaṃ krodhī sukhojjhitaḥ ||78||
Translation: If the 7th Lord is placed in the 6th house (dāreśe ripu-bhāva-sthe), the person’s wife will be suffering from disease (bhāryā tasya rujā-anvitā), or there will be enmity with wife (striyā saha ’tha vā vairaṃ); the person himself (svayaṃ) will be wrathful (krodhī) and deprived of happiness (sukha-ujjhitaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.55) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.64):
जायेशे चाष्टमे षष्ठे रोगिणीं कामिनीं लभेत् । क्रोधयुक्तो भवेद्वापि न सुखं लभते क्वचित् ॥६३॥
jāyeśe cāṣṭame ṣaṣṭhe rogiṇīṃ kāminīṃ labhet | krodhayukto bhavedvāpi na sukhaṃ labhate kvacit ||63||
Translation: If the 7th Lord (‘Lord of wife’) is the 8th or in the 6th house (jāyeśe ca-aṣṭame ṣaṣṭhe), [the person] will have diseased wife (rogiṇīṃ kāminīṃ labhet), will be angry (krodha-yukto bhaved) and will not have happiness anywhere (vā-api na sukhaṃ labhate kvacit).

Sharma / Santhanam:
दारेशे सप्तमे भावे जातो दारसुखान्वितः । धीरो विचक्षणो धीमान्‌ केवलं वातरोगवान्‌ ॥७९॥
dāreśe saptame bhāve jāto dārasukhānvitaḥ | dhīro vicakṣaṇo dhīmān‌ kevalaṃ vātarogavān‌ ||79||
Translation: If the 7th Lord is in the 7th house (dāreśe saptame bhāve), the person (jāto) will be endowed with happiness from the wife (dāra-sukha-anvitaḥ), will be steady (dhīro), wise (lit. ‘clear-sighted’) (vi-cakṣaṇo), intelligent (dhīmān‌) and only afflicted by windy diseases (kevalaṃ vāta-rogavān‌).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.50):
सप्तमेशे तनौ चास्ते परजायासु लंपटः । दुष्टो विचक्षणो धीरो वातरुक् स्थीयते हृदि ॥६२॥
saptameśe tanau cāste parajāyāsu laṃpaṭaḥ | duṣṭo vicakṣaṇo dhīro vātaruk sthīyate hṛdi ||62||
Translation: If the 7th Lord is in the Lagna or in the 7th house (saptameśe tanau ca-aste) [the person is] desirous of others’ wives (para-dāreṣu lampaṭaḥ), wicked (duṣṭo), wise (lit. ‘clear-sighted’) (vi-cakṣaṇo), steady (dhīro), afflicted by windy diseases in the heart (?) (vāta-ruk sthīyate hṛdi).

Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ:
सप्तमेशे तनौ चास्ते परजायासु लंपटः । दुष्टो विचक्षणोऽधीरो वर्त्ता न स्थीयते हृदि॥६३॥
saptameśe tanau cāste parajāyāsu laṃpaṭaḥ | duṣṭo vicakṣaṇo dhīro varttā na sthīyate hṛdi ||63||
Translation: If the 7th Lord is in the Lagna or in the 7th house (saptameśe tanau ca-aste) [the person is]desirous of others’ wives (para-dāreṣu lampaṭaḥ), wicked (duṣṭo), wise (lit. ‘clear-sighted’) (vi-cakṣaṇo), deficient in calm self-command (adhīro), not able to keep secrets (lit. ‘things (?) are not kept in the heart’) (varttā na sthīyate hṛdi).

vārttā — an account of anything that has happened, tidings, report, rumour, news, intelligence, story of or about, varttā – living, livehood.

Note: All except Sharma / Santhanam give one śloka for two houses – 1st and 7th.
In Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka editions – is not fully clear last expression (vāta-ruk sthīyate hṛdi). Lomaśa Saṃhita gives the third version (not related to diseases) (varttā na sthīyate hṛdi), which is also not very clear. It looks like end of sloka was corrupted.

Sharma / Santhanam:
दारेशे मृत्युभावस्थे जातो दारसुखोज्झितः । भार्याऽपि रोगयुक्ताऽस्य दुःशीलाऽपि न चानुगा ॥८०॥
dāreśe mṛtyubhāvasthe jāto dārasukhojjhitaḥ | bhāryā ’pi rogayuktā’sya duḥśīlā’pi na cānugā ||80||
Translation: If the 7th Lord is placed in the 8th house (‘house of death’) (dāreśe mṛtyu-bhāva-sthe), the person (jāto) is deprived of happiness from wife (dāra-sukha-ujjhitaḥ), besides, his wife will be afflicted by diseases (bhāryā ’pi roga-yuktā), she will be also ill-behaved (duḥśīlā ’pi) and will not be obedient to him (asya na ca-anugā).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.55) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.64):
जायेशे चाष्टमे षष्ठे रोगिणीं कामिनीं लभेत् । क्रोधयुक्तो भवेद्वापि न सुखं लभते क्वचित् ॥६३॥
jāyeśe cāṣṭame ṣaṣṭhe rogiṇīṃ kāminīṃ labhet | krodhayukto bhavedvāpi na sukhaṃ labhate kvacit ||63||
Translation: If the 7th Lord (‘Lord of wife’) is the 8th or in the 6th house (jāyeśe ca-aṣṭame ṣaṣṭhe), [the person] will have diseased wife (rogiṇīṃ kāminīṃ labhet), will be angry (krodha-yukto bhaved) and will not have happiness anywhere (vā-api na sukhaṃ labhate kvacit).

Sharma / Santhanam:
दारेशे धर्मभावस्थे नानास्त्रीभिः समागमः । जायाहृतमना जातो बह्वारम्भकरो नरः ॥८१॥
dāreśe dharmabhāvasthe nānāstrībhiḥ samāgamaḥ | jāyāhṛtamanājāto bahvārambhakaro naraḥ ||81||
Translation: If the 7th Lord is placed in the 9th house (‘house of dharma’) (dāreśe dharma-bhāva-sthe), the person is (naraḥ) attached to women belonging to different caste (or various women) (nānā-strībhiḥ samāgamaḥ), very attached to his wife (jāyā-hṛta-manājāto), very enterprising (lit. ‘making many undertakings’) (bahv-ārambha-karo).

hṛta – taken away, seized (often in the beginning of compound word = ‘deprived or bereft of’, ‘having lost’, ‘-less’), ravished, charmed, fascinated.
manā – devotion, attachment, zeal, eagerness.
Note: jāyā-hṛta-manā has another variant of translation - ‘having lost attachement to the wife’

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.51) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.65):
द्यूनेशे नवमे वित्ते नानास्त्रीभिः समागमः । आरंभी दीर्घसूत्री च स्त्रीषु चित्तं हि केवलम् ॥६४॥
dyūneśe navame vitte nānāstrībhiḥ samāgamaḥ | āraṃbhī dīrghasūtrī ca strīṣu cittaṃ hi kevalam ||64||
Translation: If the 7th Lord is in the 9th or the 2nd house (dyūneśe navame vitte), [the person is] attached to women belonging to different caste (or various women) (nānā-strībhiḥ samāgamaḥ), enterprising (āraṃbhī), procrastinating man (lit. ‘spinning a long yarn’) (dīrgha-sūtrī) and focuses his attention only on women (ca strīṣu cittaṃ hi kevalam).

dyūna – lamenting, sorrowful, the 7th sign of the zodiac (Varāhamihira).
nānā – various, different, distinct from smth.
ārambhin – enterprising, one who makes many new projects.
kevala – exclusively one's own, only, excluding others, not connected with anything else.

Note: All except Sharma / Santhanam give one śloka for two houses – 2nd and 9th.

Sharma / Santhanam:
दारेशे कर्मभावस्थे नास्य जाया वशानुगा । स्वयं धर्मरतो जातो धनपुत्रादिसंयुतः ॥८२॥
dāreśe karmabhāvasthe nāsya jāyā vaśānugā | svayaṃ dharmarato jāto dhanaputrādisaṃyutaḥ ||82||
Translation: If the 7th Lord is placed in the 10th house (dāreśe karma-bhāva-sthe), person’s wife will be disobedient [to him] (na-asya jāyā vaśa-anugā), he himself (svayaṃ) will be virtuous man (lit. ‘delighting in virtue’) (dharma-rato jāto) and endowed with wealth, children etc. (dhana-putra-ādi-saṃyutaḥ)

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.53) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.66):
द्यूनेशे दशमे तुर्ये नास्य जाया पतिव्रता । धर्मात्मा सत्यसंयुक्तः केवलं दन्तरोगवान् ॥६५॥
dyūneśe daśame turye nāsya jāyā pativratā | dharmātmā satyasaṃyuktaḥ kevalaṃ dantarogavān ||65||
Translation: If the 7th Lord is in the 10th or in the 4th house (dyūneśe daśame turye), his wife (asya jāyā) will not be virtuous and devoted to him (na pati-vratā); [but he will be] religious-minded / dutiful (dharma-ātmā), absolutely truthful (satya-saṃyuktaḥ kevalaṃ) and will suffer from dental disease (danta-rogavān)‌.

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: dantarogavān -> tarogavān (suffers from windy disease)
Note: All except Sharma / Santhanam give one śloka for two houses – 4th and 10th. In Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: ta-roga instead of danta-roga.

Sharma / Santhanam:
दारेशे लाभभावस्थे दारैरर्थसमागमः । पुत्रादिसुखमल्पं च जनः कन्यप्रजो भवेत्‌ ॥८३॥
dāreśe lābhabhāvasthe dārairarthasamāgamaḥ | putrādisukhamalpaṃ ca janaḥ kanyāprajo bhavet‌ ||83||
Translation: If the 7th is placed in the 11th house (dāreśe lābha-bhāva-sthe), the person (janaḥ) will obtain wealth through wives (dārair-artha-samāgamaḥ), will have little happiness from children etc. (putra-ādi-sukham-alpaṃ) and he will have rather daughters [than sons] (ca kanyā-prajo bhavet‌).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.52):
द्यूनेशे सहजे लाभे मृतपुत्रः प्रजायते । कदाचिज्जीवति सुता यत्नात्पुत्रोऽपि जायते ॥६६॥
dyūneśe sahaje lābhe mṛtaputraḥ prajāyate | kadācijjīvati sutā yatnātputro ’pi jāyate ||66||
Translation: If the 7th lord is in the 3rd or the 11th house (dyūneśe sahaje lābhe), the person’s child is born dead (mṛta-putraḥ prajāyate); sometimes a daughter survives (kadācid-jīvati sutā), and also a son may grow up with great effort (yatnāt‌-putro ’pi jāyate).

Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ:
द्यूनेशे सहजे लाभे मृतपुत्रः प्रजायते । कदाचिज्जीवति कन्या यत्नात्पुत्रोऽपि जीवति ॥६७॥
dyūneśe sahaje lābhe mṛtaputraḥ prajāyate | kadācijjīvati kanyā yatnātputro ’pi jīvati ||67||
Translation: If the 7th lord is in the 3rd or the 11th house (dyūneśe sahaje lābhe), the person’s child is born dead (mṛta-putraḥ prajāyate); sometimes a daughter survives (kadācid-jīvati kanyā), and also a son may survive with great effort (yatnāt‌-putro ’pi jīvati).

Note: All except Sharma/Santhanam give one śloka for two houses – 3rd and 11th.

Sharma / Santhanam:
दारेशे व्ययगे जातो दरिद्रः कृपणोऽपि वा । भार्यापि व्ययशीलाऽस्य वस्त्राजीवी नरो भवेत्‌ ॥८४॥
dāreśe vyayage jāto daridraḥ kṛpaṇo’pi vā | bhāryāpi vyayaśīlā ’sya vastrājīvī naro bhavet‌ ||84||
Translation: If the 7th Lord is in the 12th house (dāreśe vyayage), the person will be poor (jāto daridraḥ) and miserable (kṛpaṇo ’pi vā), his wife will be spendthrift (bhāryā-api vyayaśīlā ’sya), and he will make a living by trading clothes (vastra-jīvī naro bhavet‌).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.56) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.68):
द्वादशस्थे सप्तमेशे दरिद्रः कृपणो महान् । चारुकन्या भवेद्भार्या वस्त्राजीवी च नीर्धनी ॥६७॥
dvādaśasthe saptameśe daridraḥ kṛpaṇo mahān | cārukanyā bhavedbhāryā vastrājīvī ca nīrdhanī ||67||
Translation: If the 7th Lord is placed in the 12th house (dvādaśa-sthe saptameśe), [the person will be] poor (daridraḥ) and very miserable (kṛpaṇo mahān), his wife will be beautiful (cāru-kanyā bhaved-bhāryā), he will make a living by trading clothes (vastra-jīvī) and has no property (ca nīrdhanī).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: dvādaśasthe saptameśe -> dvādaśe saptameśe tu; nirdhanī -> nīcadhīḥ (having low intellect / thoughts).
G.D. Pathaka: nīrdhanī -> nirdhanī (which should be more correct in case of this word)

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal
अथाष्टमेशद्वादशभावस्थितफलमाह atha aṣṭameśadvādaśabhāvasthitaphalamāha
Translation: Now (atha), chapter about results of 8th Lord situated in 12 houses (aṣṭameśa-dvādaśa-bhāva-sthita-phalam-āha).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka
अथाष्टमेशभावफलम् atha aṣṭameśabhāvaphalam
Translation: Now (atha), the results of the 8th Lord in the houses (aṣṭameśa-bhāva-phalam).

Sharma / Santhanam:
अष्टमेशे तनौ जातस्तनुसौख्यविवर्जितः । देवानां ब्राह्मणानां च निन्दको व्रणसंयुतः ॥८५॥
aṣṭameśe tanau jātastanusaukhyavivarjitaḥ | devānāṃ brāhmaṇānāṃ ca nindako vraṇasaṃyutaḥ ||85||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is in the Lagna (aṣṭameśe tanau), the person (jātas) will be deprived of bodily pleasures (tanu-saukhya-vivarjitaḥ), will be blamer/detractor of Gods and Brahmins (devānāṃ brāhmaṇānāṃ ca nindako) and will have wounds (vraṇa-saṃyutaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.57) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.75):
अष्टमेशे तनौ कामे भार्यायुग्मं समादिशेत् । विष्णुद्रोहरतो नित्यं व्रणरोगी प्रजायते ॥७४॥
aṣṭameśe tanau kāme bhāryāyugmaṃ samādiśet | viṣṇudroharato nityaṃ vraṇarogī prajāyate ||74||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is in the 1st or the 7th house (aṣṭameśe tanau kāme), the person will have two wives (bhāryā-yugmaṃ samādiśet), will be always disposed to offence Viṣṇu (viṣṇu-droha-rato nityaṃ) and will be suffering from wounds (vraṇa-rogī prajāyate).

droha – injury, mischief, harm, perfidy, treachery, wrong, offence
rata – pleased, amused, gratified, delighting in, intent upon, fond or enamoured of, devoted or attached or addicted or disposed to.
Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: bhāryāyugmaṃ -> bhāryādvaya (meaning is the same)

Sharma / Santhanam:
अष्टमेशे धने बाहुबलहीनः प्रजायते । धनं तस्य भवेत्स्वल्पं नष्टवित्तं न लभ्यते ॥८६॥
aṣṭameśe dhane bāhubalahīnaḥ prajāyate | dhanaṃ tasya bhavet‌svalpaṃ naṣṭavittaṃ na labhyate ||86||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is in the 2nd house (‘house of wealth’) (aṣṭameśe dhane), the person will be devoid of strength in arms (bahu-bala-hīnaḥ prajāyate), will possess very little wealth (dhanaṃ tasya bhavet‌-svalpaṃ), and lost wealth will not be regained (naṣṭa-vittaṃ na labhyate).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.58):
धनं तस्य भवत्स्वल्पं गतं वित्तं न लभ्यते । अष्टमेशे धने बाहुबलहीनः प्रजायते ॥७५॥
dhanaṃ tasya bhavatsvalpaṃ gataṃ vittaṃ na labhyate | aṣṭameśe dhane bāhubalahīnaḥ prajāyate ||75||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is in the 2nd house (‘house of wealth’) (aṣṭameśe dhane), the person will be devoid of strength in arms (bahu-bala-hīnaḥ prajāyate), will possess very little wealth (dhanaṃ tasya bhavet‌-svalpaṃ), and lost wealth will not be regained (gataṃ vittaṃ na labhyate).

Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ:
अष्टमेशे धने बाहौ बलहीनः प्रजायते । धनं तस्य भवत्स्वल्पं गतं वित्तं न लभ्यते ॥७५॥
aṣṭameśe dhane bāhau balahīnaḥ prajāyate | dhanaṃ tasya bhavatsvalpaṃ gataṃ vittaṃ na labhyate ||75||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is in the 2nd house (‘house of wealth’) or in the 3rd house (‘house of arms’) (aṣṭameśe dhane bāhau), the person will be devoid of strength (bala-hīnaḥ prajāyate), will possess very little wealth (dhanaṃ tasya bhavet‌-svalpaṃ), and lost weath will not be regained (gataṃ vittaṃ na labhyate).

Note: This śloka in Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ says about two houses – the 2nd and the 3rd. It looks reasonable, since in Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal śloka for 8th Lord in the 3rd house is missed, and “devoided of strength in arms” – only for 8th Lord in the 2nd house looks strange.

Sharma / Santhanam:
रन्ध्रेशे सहजे भावे भ्रातृसौख्यं न जायते । सालस्यो भृत्यहीनश्च जायते बलवर्जितः ॥८७॥
randhreśe sahaje bhāve bhrātṛsaukhyaṃ na jāyate | sālasyo bhṛtyahīnaśca jāyate balavarjitaḥ|| 87||
Translation: If the 8th lord is in the 3rd house (randhreśe sahaje bhāve), the person is devoid of happiness from brothers (bhrātṛ-saukhyaṃ na jāyate), indolence (‘with sloth / want of energy’) (sa-ālasyo), does not have servants in house (bhṛtya-hīnaś) and is deprived of strength (ca jāyate bala-varjitaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
Note: There is no mantra for the 8th lord in the 3rd house. See the note for the 8th Lord in the 2nd house – there is possibility that that śloka is for two houses the 2nd and the 3rd.

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
अष्टमेशे तृतीये चेत् भ्रातृहीनो भवेन्नरः । बन्धुद्वेषी सुहृद्द्वेषी व्यङ्गो दुर्बलदेहभाक् ५९
aṣṭameśe tṛtīye cet bhrātṛhīno bhavennaraḥ | bandhudveṣī suhṛddveṣī vyaṅgo durbaladehabhāk ||59||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is in the 3rd house (aṣṭameśe tṛtīye cet), the person will be deprived of brothers (bhrātṛ-hīno bhaven-naraḥ), will hate relatives and friends (bandhu-dveṣī suhṛd-dveṣī), will be deformed / lame(vyaṅgo) and possessing a weak body (dur-bala-deha-bhāk).

Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ:
अष्टमेशे धने बाहौ बलहीनः प्रजायते । धनं तस्य भवत्स्वल्पं गतं वित्तं न लभ्यते ॥७५॥
aṣṭameśe dhane bāhau balahīnaḥ prajāyate | dhanaṃ tasya bhavatsvalpaṃ gataṃ vittaṃ na labhyate ||75||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is in the 2nd house (‘house of wealth’) or in the 3rd house (‘house of arms’) (aṣṭameśe dhane bāhau), the person will be devoid of strength (bala-hīnaḥ prajāyate), will possess very little wealth (dhanaṃ tasya bhavet‌-svalpaṃ), and lost weath will not be regained (gataṃ vittaṃ na labhyate).

Sharma / Santhanam:
रन्ध्रेशे सुखभावस्थे मातृहीनो भवेच्छिशुः । गृहभूमिसुखैर्हीनो मित्रद्रोही न संशयः ॥८८॥
randhreśe sukhabhāvasthe mātṛhīno bhavecchiśuḥ | gṛhabhūmisukhairhīno mitradrohī na saṃśayaḥ|| 88||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is placed in the 4th house (‘house of happiness’) (randhreśe sukha-bhāva-sthe), the person will be deprived of mother (mātṛ-hīno bhavet-śiśuḥ), devoid of a house, lands, happiness (gṛha-bhūmi-sukhair-hīno), and hostile to friends (mitra-drohī) without doubt (na saṃśayaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.60) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ śl.72):
अष्टमेशे सुखे कर्मे पिशुनो बंधुवर्जितः । मातापित्रोर्भवेन्मृत्युः स्वल्पकालेन भीतियुक् ॥७१॥
aṣṭameśe sukhe karme piśuno baṃdhuvarjitaḥ | mātāpitrorbhavenmṛtyuḥ svalpakālena bhītiyuk ||71||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is in the 4th or in the 10th house (aṣṭameśe sukhe karme), the person will be a backbiter (piśuno), will be devoid of friends and relatives (baṃdhu-varjitaḥ), his mother and father will die early (mātā-pitror-bhaven-mṛtyuḥ svalpa-kālena), and he will live in fear (bhīti-yuk)‌.

Note: Tara Chandra, G.D. Pathaka: karme piśuno -> karmapiśuno (possibly misprint or ‘doing wicked deeds’). Tara Chandra has no separate śloka for the 10th house, but G.D. Pathaka has it.

Sharma / Santhanam:
रन्ध्रेशे सुतभावस्थे जडबुद्धिः प्रजायते । स्वल्पप्रज्ञो भवेज्जतो दीर्घायुश्च धनान्वितः॥ ८९॥
randhreśe sutabhāvasthe jaḍabuddhiḥ prajāyate | svalpaprajño bhavejjato dīrghāyuśca dhanānvitaḥ|| 89||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is placed in the 5th house (‘house of children’) (randhreśe suta-bhāva-sthe), the person will be dull (jaḍa-buddhiḥ prajāyate). He will have a few children (svalpa-prajño bhavet-jato), will be long-lived (dīrgha-āyus) and wealthy (dhana-anvitaḥ).

Note: It is not clear – svalpa-prajño or svalpa-prajo – both Santhanam and Sharma have in Sanskrit svalpa-prajño – ‘having little intelligence’, but in translation they both say, ‘will have a few children’. We could suppose that their translation is wrong, but previous definition jaḍa-buddhiḥ already says about unintelligence, so it could be misprint in Sanskrit.
In Devachandra Jha edition (Santhanam said that he used this version) the śloka is
अष्टमेशे सुतस्थे तु स्वल्पापत्योऽर्थवान्नरः । जायते मन्दधिषणो दीर्घायुष्य समन्वितः ॥ ८९ ॥
aṣṭameśe sutasthe tu svalpāpatyo ’rthavānnaraḥ | jāyate mandadhiṣaṇo dīrghāyuṣya samanvitaḥ ||89||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is placed in the 5th house (aṣṭameśe sutasthe tu), the person (naraḥ) will have a few children (svalpa-apatyo) and will be wealthy (’rthavān), will have little intelligence (jāyate manda-dhiṣaṇo) and long life (dīrgha-āyuṣya samanvitaḥ).
So, Devachandra Jha says about having a few children also (svalpa-apatyo), this will confirm in some way that there is misprint in Sanskrit in both Santhanam and Sharma editions, and it should be svalpa-prajo, but other editions (see below) do not have this description about ‘having a few children’.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.61) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.73):
अष्टमेशे सुते लाभे तस्य वृद्धिर्न जायते । द्रव्यं न स्थीयते गेहे स्थिरबुद्धिर्भवेज्जनः ॥७२॥
aṣṭameśe sute lābhe tasya vṛddhirna jāyate | dravyaṃ na sthīyate gehe sthirabuddhirbhavejjanaḥ ||72||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is in the 5th house or in the 11th house (aṣṭameśe sute lābhe), the person will not have a growth (tasya vṛddhir-na jāyate); there will be no wealth / goods in his house (dravyaṃ na sthīyate gehe); he will be steady-minded / resolute (sthira-buddhir-bhavej-janaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
रन्ध्रेशे रिपुभावस्थे शत्रुजेता भवेज्जनः । रोगयुक्तशरीरश्च बाल्ये सर्पजलाद्‌ भयम्‌ ॥९०॥
randhreśe ripubhāvasthe śatrujetā bhavejjanaḥ | rogayuktaśarīraśca bālye sarpajalād‌ bhayam‌|| 90||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is placed in the 6th house (‘house of enemies’) (randhreśe ripu-bhāva-sthe), the person will be conqueror of enemies (śatru-jetā bhavejjanaḥ), will have diseased body (roga-yukta-śarīraś) and in childhood there will be danger from snakes and water (ca bālye sarpa-jalād‌ bhayam‌).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.62) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.74):
अष्टमेशे व्यये षष्ठे नित्यं रोगी प्रजायते । जलसर्पादिकाद्घातो भवेत्तस्य च शैशवे ॥७३॥
aṣṭameśe vyaye ṣaṣṭhe nityaṃ rogī prajāyate | jalasarpādikādghāto bhavettasya ca śaiśave ||73||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is the 12th or in the 6th house (aṣṭameśe vyaye ṣaṣṭhe), the person will be always sick (nityaṃ rogī prajāyate), and in his childhood (tasya ca śaiśave) he will be harmed by water, serpents etc. (jala-sarpa-ādikād-ghāto)

Sharma / Santhanam:
रन्ध्रेशे दारभावस्थे तस्य भार्याद्वयं भवेत्‌ । व्यापारे च भवेद्‌हानिस्तस्मिन्‌ पापयुते ध्रुवम्‌ ॥९१॥
randhreśe dārabhāvasthe tasya bhāryādvayaṃ bhavet‌ | vyāpāre ca bhaved‌hānistasmin‌ pāpayute dhruvam‌ ||91||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is placed in the 7th house (randhreśe dāra-bhāva-sthe), the person will have two wives (tasya bhāryā-dvayaṃ bhavet‌), and if the 8th Lord conjoins malefic (ca tasmin‌ pāpayute), there will certainly be a loss in person’s business (vyāpāre bhaved‌-hānis dhruvam‌).

vy-āpāra – occupation, employment, business, profession, function, doing, performance, action, operation, transaction, exertion, concern.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.57) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.75):
अष्टमेशे तनौ कामे भार्यायुग्मं समादिशेत् । विष्णुद्रोहरतो नित्यं व्रणरोगी प्रजायते ॥७४॥
aṣṭameśe tanau kāme bhāryāyugmaṃ samādiśet | viṣṇudroharato nityaṃ vraṇarogī prajāyate ||74||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is in the 1st or the 7th house (aṣṭameśe tanau kāme), the person will have two wives (bhāryā-yugmaṃ samādiśet), will be always disposed to offence Viṣṇu (viṣṇu-droha-rato nityaṃ) and will be suffering from wounds (vraṇa-rogī prajāyate).

droha – injury, mischief, harm, perfidy, treachery, wrong, offence
rata – pleased, amused, gratified, delighting in, intent upon, fond or enamoured of, devoted or attached or addicted or disposed to.
Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: bhāryāyugmaṃ -> bhāryādvayaṃ (meaning is the same)

Sharma / Santhanam:
रन्ध्रेशे मृत्युभावस्थे जतो दीर्घायुषा युतः । निर्बले मध्यमायुः स्याच्चौरो निन्द्योऽन्यनिन्दकः ॥९२॥
randhreśe mṛtyubhāvasthe jāto dīrghāyuṣā yutaḥ | nirbale madhyamāyuḥ syāccauro nindyo ’nyanindakaḥ || 92||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is placed in the 8th house (‘house of death’) (randhreśe mṛtyu-bhāva-sthe), the person will be long-lived (jāto dīrgha-āyuṣā yutaḥ). If the 8th Lord is weak (nir-bale), the person will have medium longevity (madhyam-āyuḥ), will be a thief (syāt-cauro), will be blameworthy (nindyo)and will blame others (anya-nindakaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.63) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.70):
द्यूती चौरोऽन्यथावादी गुरुनिंदासु तत्परः । अष्टमेशे ऽष्टमस्थाने भार्या पररता भवेत् ॥६९॥
dyūtī cauro’nyathāvādī guruniṃdāsu tatparaḥ | aṣṭameśe ‘ṣṭamasthāne bhāryā pararatā bhavet ||69||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is placed the 8th house (aṣṭameśe ‘ṣṭama-sthāne), [the person] will have gambler (dyūtī), thief (cauro), speaking inconsistently / prevaricating (’nya-thā-vādī), eagerly engaged in blaming the guru / controversy to the guru (guru-niṃdāsu tatparaḥ), and his wife will be attached to somebody else (bhāryā pararatā bhavet).

Note: in Tara Chandra/ Girdhary Lal: aṣṭameśe ‘ṣṭamasthāne -> aṣṭamehyaṣṭamasthāne (possibly misprint)

Sharma / Santhanam:
अष्टमेशे तपःस्थाने धर्मद्रोही च नास्तिकः । दुष्टभार्यापतिश्चैव परद्रव्यापहारकः ॥९३॥
aṣṭameśe tapaḥsthāne dharmadrohī ca nāstikaḥ | duṣṭabhāryāpatiścaiva paradravyāpahārakaḥ ||93||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is in the 9th house (‘house of religious austerity’) (aṣṭameśe tapaḥ-sthāne), [the person is] violating the law / betraying own religion (dharma-drohī) and an atheist (ca nāstikaḥ); his wife is wicked (duṣṭa-bhāryā-patiś), and he is the one who steals other’s wealth (para-dravya-apahārakaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.64) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.71):
अष्टमेशे तपःस्थाने महापापी च नास्तिकः । सुतहा ह्यथवा वंध्या परभार्याधने रुचिः ॥७०॥
aṣṭameśe tapaḥsthāne mahāpāpī ca nāstikaḥ | sutahā hyathavā vaṃdhyā parabhāryādhane ruciḥ ||70||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is in the 9th house (‘house of religious austerity’) (aṣṭameśe tapaḥ-sthāne), [the person is] very sinful (mahā-pāpī) and an atheist (ca nāstikaḥ); [he has] avoiding / abandoning children orbarren wife (suta-hā hi-athavā vaṃdhyā) and is longing for others’ wives and wealth (para-bhāryā-dhane ruciḥ).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: sutahā hyathavā -> sutaghātyathavā

Sharma / Santhanam:
रन्ध्रेशे कर्मभावस्ते पितृसौख्यविवर्जितः। पिशुनः कर्महीनश्च यदि नैव शुभेक्षिते ॥९४॥
randhreśe karmabhāvaste pitṛsaukhyavivarjitaḥ | piśunaḥ karmahīnaśca yadi naiva śubhekṣite||94||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is placed in the 10th house (randhreśe karma-bhāva-ste), the person will be deprived of happiness from father (pitṛ-saukhya-vivarjitaḥ), a backbiter (piśunaḥ), disregardful of the rites or works (karma-hīnaś). If it is aspected by benefic(yadi śubha-ikṣite), then these evils will not manifest (naiva).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.72):
अष्टमेशे सुखे कर्मे पिशुनो बंधुवर्जितः । मातापित्रोर्भवेन्मृत्युः स्वल्पकालेन भीतियुक् ॥७१॥
aṣṭameśe sukhe karme piśuno baṃdhuvarjitaḥ | mātāpitrorbhavenmṛtyuḥ svalpakālena bhītiyuk ||71||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is in the 4th or in the 10th house (aṣṭameśe sukhe karme), the person will be a backbiter (piśuno), will be devoid of friends and relatives (baṃdhu-varjitaḥ), his mother and father will die early (mātā-pitror-bhaven-mṛtyuḥ svalpa-kālena), and he will live in fear (bhīti-yuk)‌.

Note: Tara Chandra, G.D. Pathaka: karme piśuno -> karmapiśuno (possibly misprint or ‘doing wicked deeds’)

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
अष्टमेशे स्थिते माने नीचकर्मप्रवृत्तिवान् । प्रेष्यो च जारजो क्रूरो मातृहीनो भवेन्नरः ।।६५।।
aṣṭameśe sthite māne nīcakarmapravṛttivān | preṣyo ca jārajo krūro mātṛhīno bhavennaraḥ ||65||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is placed in the 10th house (aṣṭameśe sthite māne), the person will be (bhavet-naraḥ)engaged in lowly activity (nīca-karma-pravṛttivān), will be servant (preṣyo), will be child from paramour / illegitimate (jārajo), cruel (krūro) and bereft of mother (‌ca mātṛ-hīno).

māna – opinion, conception, idea, purpose, wish, pride, consideration, regard, respect, honour, name of the 10th house, house, dwelling, an altar

Sharma / Santhanam:
रन्ध्रेशे लाभभावस्थे सपापे धनवर्जितः । बाल्ये दुःखी सुखी पश्चात्‌ दीर्घायुश्च शुभान्विते॥ ९५॥
randhreśe lābhabhāvasthe sapāpe dhanavarjitaḥ | bālye duḥkhī sukhī paścāt‌ dīrghāyuśca śubhānvite ||95||
Translation: If the 8th is placed in the 11th house (randhreśe lābha-bhāva-sthe) and conjoined by malefic (sa-pāpe), the person will be devoid of wealth (dhana-varjitaḥ). He will have sorrow in childhood (bālye duḥkhī), but happiness afterwards (sukhī paścāt‌), and will be long-lived if the 8th Lord is conjoined by benefic (dīrgha-āyuś-ca śubha-anvite).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.61) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.73):
अष्टमेशे सुते लाभे तस्य वृद्धिर्न जायते । द्रव्यं न स्थीयते गेहे स्थिरबुद्धिर्भवेज्जनः ॥७२॥
aṣṭameśe sute lābhe tasya vṛddhirna jāyate | dravyaṃ na sthīyate gehe sthirabuddhirbhavejjanaḥ ||72||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is in the 5th house or in the 11th house (aṣṭameśe sute lābhe), the person will not have a growth (tasya vṛddhir-na jāyate); there will be no wealth/goods in his house (dravyaṃ na sthīyate gehe); he will be steady-minded/resolute (sthira-buddhir-bhavej-janaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
रन्ध्रेशे व्ययभावस्थे कुकार्ये व्ययकृत्‌ सदा । अल्पायुश्च भवेज्जातः सपापे च विशेषतः॥९६॥
randhreśe vyayabhāvasthe kukārye vyayakṛt‌ sadā | alpāyuśca bhavejjātaḥ sapāpe ca viśeṣataḥ ||96||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is placed in the 12th house (randhreśe vyaya-bhāva-sthe), the person (jātaḥ)will always(sadā) spend wealth on bad actions (ku-kārye vyaya-kṛt‌) and will be short-lived (alpa-āyuś-ca bhavet), especially if the 8th Lord is conjoined by malefic (sa-pāpe ca viśeṣataḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.62) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.74):
अष्टमेशे व्यये षष्ठे नित्यं रोगी प्रजायते । जलसर्पादिकाद्घातो भवेत्तस्य च शैशवे ॥७३॥
aṣṭameśe vyaye ṣaṣṭhe nityaṃ rogī prajāyate | jalasarpādikādghāto bhavettasya ca śaiśave ||73||
Translation: If the 8th Lord is the 12th or in the 6th house (aṣṭameśe vyaye ṣaṣṭhe), the person will be always sick (nityaṃ rogī prajāyate), and in his childhood (tasya ca śaiśave) he will be harmed by water, serpents etc. (jala-sarpa-ādikād-ghāto)

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal
अथ भाग्येशद्वादशभावस्थितफलमाह atha bhāgyeśadvādaśabhāvasthitaphalamāha
Translation: Now (atha), chapter about results of 9th Lord (‘Lord of fortune’) situated in 12 houses (bhāgyeśa-dvādaśa-bhāva-sthita-phalam-āha).

āha – a day, a portion of a book appointed for a day.

Ganesha Datta Pathaka
अथ भाग्येशभावफलम् atha bhāgyeśabhāvaphalam
Translation: Now (atha), the results of the 9th Lord in the houses (bhāgyeśa-bhāva-phalam).

Sharma / Santhanam:
भाग्येशे लग्नगे जातो भाग्यवान्भूपवन्दितः । सुशीलश्च सुरूपश्च विद्यावाञ्जनपूजितः ॥९७॥
bhāgyeśe lagnage jāto bhāgyavān‌bhūpavanditaḥ | suśīlaśca surūpaśca vidyāvāñjanapūjitaḥ ||97||
Translation: If the 9th Lord is in the 1st house (bhāgyeśe lagnage), the person (jāto) is having good qualities or fortune (bhāgyavān), is praised by the king ‌(bhūpa-vanditaḥ), well-disposed (suśīlaś-ca) and handsome (surūpaś-ca), learned (vidyāvān) and honoured by people (jana-pūjitaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.66) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.81):
भाग्येशे च मदे कल्पे गुणवान्कीर्तिमान्भवेत् । कदाचिन्न भवेत्सिद्धं यत्कार्यं कर्तुमिच्छति ॥८०॥
bhāgyeśe ca made kalpe guṇavānkīrtimānbhavet | kadācinna bhavetsiddhaṃ yatkāryaṃ kartumicchati ||80||
Translation: If the 9th Lord is in the 7th or in the 1st house (bhāgyeśe ca made kalpe) [the person] will be virtuous and famous (guṇavān kīrtimān bhavet); whatever work (yat-kāryaṃ) the person wants to perform (kartum-icchati), it will never be accomplished (kadācin-na bhavet-siddhaṃ).

mada – passion, love, desire, intoxication, name of the 7th house
kalpa – form, thought, rule, name of the 1st house (Varāhamihira’s Bṛhat-saṃhitā)

Sharma / Santhanam:
भाग्येशे धनभावस्थे पण्डितो जनवल्लभः । जायते धनवान्‌ कामी स्त्रीपुत्रादिसुखान्वितः ॥९८॥
bhāgyeśe dhanabhāvasthe paṇḍito janavallabhaḥ | jāyate dhanavān‌ kāmī strīputrādisukhānvitaḥ ||98||
Translation: If the 9th Lord is placed in the 2nd house (‘house of wealth’) (bhāgyeśe dhana-bhāva-sthe), the person is (jāyate) learned (paṇḍito), popular / loved by people (jana-vallabhaḥ), wealthy (dhanavān), ‌desirous / impassioned (kāmī) and blessed with happiness from wife, children, etc. (strī-putra-ādi-sukha-anvitaḥ)

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.67) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.82):
भाग्येशे सहजे वित्ते सदा भाग्यानुचिंतकः । धनवान् गुणवान्कामी पंडितो जनवल्लभः ॥८१॥
bhāgyeśe sahaje vitte sadā bhāgyānuciṃtakaḥ | dhanavānguṇavānkāmī paṃḍito janavallabhaḥ ||81||
Translation: If the 9th Lord is in the 3rd or in the 2nd house (bhāgyeśe sahaje vitte), [the person] always thinks about own fortune (sadā bhāgya-anuciṃtakaḥ), wealthy (dhanavān), virtuous (guṇavān), ‌desirous / impassioned (kāmī), learned (paṇḍito) and popular / loved by people (jana-vallabhaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
भाग्येशे भ्रातृभावस्थे जातो भ्रातृसुखान्वितः । धनवान्‌ गुणवांश्चापि रूपशीलसमन्वितः ॥९९॥
bhāgyeśe bhrātṛbhāvasthe jāto bhrātṛsukhānvitaḥ | dhanavān‌ guṇavāṃścāpi rūpaśīlasamanvitaḥ ||99||
Translation: If the 9th lord is in the 3rd house (randhreśe sahaje bhāve), the person (jāto) is blessed with happiness from brothers (bhrātṛ-sukha-anvitaḥ), wealthy (dhanavān‌), virtuous (guṇavān) and also charming and has good character (ca-api rūpa-śīla-samanvitaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.67) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.82):
भाग्येशे सहजे वित्ते सदा भाग्यानुचिंतकः । धनवान् गुणवान्कामी पंडितो जनवल्लभः ॥८१॥
bhāgyeśe sahaje vitte sadā bhāgyānuciṃtakaḥ | dhanavānguṇavānkāmī paṃḍito janavallabhaḥ ||81||
Translation: If the 9th Lord is in the 3rd or in the 2nd house (bhāgyeśe sahaje vitte), [the person] always thinks about own fortune (sadā bhāgya-anuciṃtakaḥ), wealthy (dhanavān), virtuous (guṇavān), ‌desirous / impassioned (kāmī), learned (paṇḍito) and popular / loved by people (jana-vallabhaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
भाग्येशे तुर्यभावस्थे गृहयानसुखान्वितः । सर्वसम्पत्तियुक्तश्च मातृभक्तो भवेन्नरः ॥१००॥
bhāgyeśe turyabhāvasthe gṛhayānasukhānvitaḥ | sarvasampattiyuktaśca mātṛbhakto bhavennaraḥ ||100||
Translation: If the 9th Lord is placed in the 4th house (bhāgyeśe tūrya-bhāva-sthe), the person will be (bhavet-naraḥ) blessed with happiness from houses and vehicles (gṛha-yāna-sukha-anvitaḥ), endowed with all kinds of prosperity and success (sarva-sampatti-yuktaś) and will be devoted to the mother (ca mātṛ-bhakto).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.68) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ śl.78):
भाग्येशे दशमे तुर्ये मंत्री सेनापतिर्भवेत् । पुण्यवान्सुयशा वाग्मी साहसी क्रोधवर्जितः ॥७७॥
bhāgyeśe daśame turye maṃtrī senāpatirbhavet | puṇyavānsuyaśā vāgmī sāhasī krodhavarjitaḥ ||77||
Translation: If the 9th Lord is in the 10th house or in the 4th house (bhāgyeśe daśame turye), [the person is] will be (bhavet) king’s counsellor / minister (maṃtrī) or general of army (senā-patir), righteous (puṇyavān), very famous (suyaśā), eloquent (vāgmī), bold (sāhasī) and free from anger (krodha-varjitaḥ).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: suyaśā -> yaśavān

Sharma / Santhanam:
भाग्येशे सुतभावस्थे सुतभाग्यसमन्वितः । गुरुभक्तिरतो धीरो धर्मात्मा पण्डितो नरः ॥१०१॥
bhāgyeśe sutabhāvasthe sutabhāgyasamanvitaḥ | gurubhaktirato dhīro dharmātmā paṇḍito naraḥ ||101||
Translation: If the 9th Lord is placed in the 5th house (bhāgyeśe suta-bhāva-sthe), the person (naraḥ) is blessed with happiness from children (suta-bhāgya-samanvitaḥ), joyously engrossed in devotion to Guru (guru-bhakti-rato), having fortitude (dhīro), religious/dutiful (dharmātmā) and learned (paṇḍito).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.69) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.79):
भाग्येशे पंचमे लाभे भाग्यवान् जनवल्लभः । गुरुभक्तिरतो मानी धीरो धीरगुणैर्युतः ॥७८॥
bhāgyeśe paṃcame lābhe bhāgyavān janavallabhaḥ | gurubhaktirato mānī dhīro dhīraguṇairyutaḥ ||78||
Translation: If the 9th Lord is in the 5th house or in the 11th house (bhāgyeśe paṃcame lābha), [the person is] fortunate (bhāgyavān), loved by people (jana-vallabhaḥ), joyously engrossed in devotion to Guru (guru-bhakti-rato), highly honoured (mānī), having fortitude (dhīro) and patient (dhīra-guṇair-yutaḥ).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: dhīro dhīra-guṇair-yutaḥ -> dhīra-udāra-guṇair-yutaḥ (endowed with steady high qualities)

Sharma / Santhanam:
भाग्येशे रिपुभावस्थे स्वल्पभाग्यो भवेन्नरः । मातुलादिसुखैर्हीनः शत्रुभिः पीडितः सदा ॥१०२॥
bhāgyeśe ripubhāvasthe svalpabhāgyo bhavennaraḥ | mātulādisukhairhīnaḥ śatrubhiḥ pīḍitaḥ sadā ||102||
Translation: If the 9th Lord is placed in the 6th house (bhāgyeśe ripu-bhāva-sthe) the person will have (bhavet-naraḥ) very little fortune (svalpa-bhāgyo), will be bereft of happiness from maternal uncle etc. (mātula-ādi-sukhair-hīnaḥ) and always troubled by enemies (śatrubhiḥ pīḍitaḥ sadā).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.70) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.80):
भाग्येशे तु तुले रिःफे भाग्यहीनो भवेद्ध्रुवम् । मातुलस्य सुखं न स्याज्ज्येष्ठभ्रातृसुखं तथा ॥७९॥
bhāgyeśe tu tule riḥphe bhāgyahīno bhaveddhruvam | mātulasya sukhaṃ na syājjyeṣṭhabhrātṛsukhaṃ tathā ||79||
Translation: If the 9th Lord is in the 6th house, 8th house or in the 12th house (bhāgyeśe tu tule riḥphe), [the person] surely will be (bhaved-dhruvam) unfortunate (bhāgya-hīno), there will be no happiness from maternal uncle (mātulasya sukhaṃ na syāt), and also no happiness from elder brother (jyeṣṭha-bhrātṛ-sukhaṃ tathā).

Note: Ganesha Datta Pathaka: dhruvam -> naraḥ (the person); tu tule riḥphe -> trikabhāve ced (if in 6th, 8th or 12th).
Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: tu tule -> tule – both meanings are not very clear: mātule – maternal uncle – signification of the 6th house; tu tule: “but 7th house”, could mean 6th and 8th house, which are on both sides of 7th. Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ does not consist of śloka for the 9th Lord in the 8th house, so this śloka also could be for three houses.

Sharma / Santhanam:
भाग्येशे दारभावस्थे दारयोगात्‌ सुखोदयः । गुणवान्‌ कीर्तिमांश्चापि जायते द्विजसत्तमः ॥१०३॥
bhāgyeśe dārabhāvasthe dārayogāt‌ sukhodayaḥ | guṇavān‌ kīrtimāṃścāpi jāyate dvijasattama ||103||
Translation: If the 9th Lord is placed in the 7th house (bhāgyeśe dāra-bhāva-sthe), the person is having happiness from union with wife (dārayogāt‌ sukhodayaḥ jāyate), is endowed with good qualities (guṇavān‌) and famous (kīrtimān-ca-api), oh the best of Brahmins (dvijasattama).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.66) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.81):
भाग्येशे च मदे कल्पे गुणवान्कीर्तिमान्भवेत् । कदाचिन्न भवेत्सिद्धं यत्कार्यं कर्तुमिच्छति ॥८०॥
bhāgyeśe ca made kalpe guṇavānkīrtimānbhavet | kadācinna bhavetsiddhaṃ yatkāryaṃ kartumicchati ||80||
Translation: If the 9th Lord is in the 7th or the 1st house (bhāgyeśe ca made kalpe) [the person] will be virtuous and famous (guṇavān kīrtimān bhavet); whatever work (yat-kāryaṃ) he wants to perform (kartum-icchati), it will never be accomplished (kadācin-na bhavet-siddhaṃ).

mada – passion, love, desire, intoxication, name of the 7th house
kalpa – form, thought, rule, name of the 1st house (Varāhamihira’s Bṛhat-saṃhitā)

Sharma / Santhanam:
भाग्येशे मृत्युभावस्थे भाग्यहीनो नरो भवेत्‌ । ज्येष्ठभ्रातृसुखं नैव तस्य जातस्य जायते ॥१०४॥
bhāgyeśe mṛtyubhāvasthe bhāgyahīno naro bhavet‌ | jyeṣṭhabhrātṛsukhaṃ naiva tasya jātasya jāyate ||104||
Translation: If the 9th Lord is placed in the 8th house (bhāgyeśe mṛtyu-bhāva-sthe), the person will be (naro bhavet‌) unfortunate (bhāgya-hīno) and he will not have happiness from his elder brother (jyeṣṭha-bhrātṛ-sukhaṃ naiva tasya jātasya jāyate).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.70) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.80):
भाग्येशे तु तुले रिःफे भाग्यहीनो भवेद्ध्रुवम् । मातुलस्य सुखं न स्याज्ज्येष्ठभ्रातृसुखं तथा ॥७९॥
bhāgyeśe tu tule riḥphe bhāgyahīno bhaveddhruvam | mātulasya sukhaṃ na syājjyeṣṭhabhrātṛsukhaṃ tathā ||79||
Translation: If the 9th Lord is in the 6th house, 8th house or in the 12th house (bhāgyeśe tu tule riḥphe), [the person] surely will be (bhaved-dhruvam) unfortunate (bhāgya-hīno), there will be no happiness from maternal uncle (mātulasya sukhaṃ na syāt), and also no happiness from elder brother (jyeṣṭha-bhrātṛ-sukhaṃ tathā).

Note: Ganesha Datta Pathaka: dhruvam -> naraḥ (the person); tu tule riḥphe -> trikabhāve ced (if in 6th, 8th or 12th).
Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: tu tule -> tule – both meanings are not very clear: mātule – maternal uncle – signification of the 6th house; tu tule: “but 7th house”, could mean 6th and 8th house, which are on both sides of 7th. Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ does not consist of śloka for the 9th Lord in the 8th house, so this śloka also could be for three houses.

Sharma / Santhanam:
भाग्येशे भाग्यभावस्थे बहुभाग्यसमन्वितः । गुणसौन्दर्यसम्पन्नो सहजेभ्यः सुखं बहु ॥१०५॥
bhāgyeśe bhāgyabhāvasthe bahubhāgyasamanvitaḥ | guṇasaundaryasampanno sahajebhyaḥ sukhaṃ bahu ||105||
Translation: If the 9th Lord is placed in the 9th house (bhāgyeśe bhāgya-bhāva-sthe), [the person] is endowed with abundant fortune (bahu-bhāgya-samanvitaḥ), is virtuous, handsome (guṇa-saundarya-sampanno) and having happiness from many brothers (sahajebhyaḥ sukhaṃ bahu).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.77):
धनधान्ययुतो नित्यं गुणसौंदर्यसंयुतः । बहुभ्रातृसुखं युक्तं भाग्येशे नवमे स्थिते ॥७६॥
dhanadhānyayuto nityaṃ guṇasauṃdaryasaṃyutaḥ | bahubhrātṛsukhaṃ yuktaṃ bhāgyeśe navame sthite ||76||
Translation: If the 9th Lord is placed in the 9th house (bhāgyeśe navame sthite), [the person] is always endowed with wealth and grains (dhana-dhānya-yuto nityaṃ), is virtuous, handsome (guṇa-saundarya-saṃyutaḥ) and having great happiness from many brothers (bahu-bhrātṛ-sukhaṃ yuktaṃ).

Note: in Ganesha Datta Pathaka sloka for the 9th house is missed.

Sharma / Santhanam:
भाग्येशे कर्मभावस्थे जातो राजाऽथ तत्समः । मन्त्री सेनापतिर्वाऽपि गुणवान्‌ जनपुजितः ॥१०६॥
bhāgyeśe karmabhāvasthe jāto rājā ’tha tatsamaḥ | mantrī senāpatirvā ’pi guṇavān‌ janapujitaḥ ||106||
Translation: If the 9th Lord is placed in the 10th house (bhāgyeśe karma-bhāva-sthe), the person (jāto) is a king or equal to a king (rājā ’tha tatsamaḥ), or king’s counsellor / minister (mantrī), or general of army (senā-patir-vā ’pi), he is virtuous (guṇavān) and‌ honoured by people (jana-pujitaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.68) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ śl.78):
भाग्येशे दशमे तुर्ये मंत्री सेनापतिर्भवेत् । पुण्यवान्सुयशा वाग्मी साहसी क्रोधवर्जितः ॥७७॥
bhāgyeśe daśame turye maṃtrī senāpatirbhavet | puṇyavānsuyaśā vāgmī sāhasī krodhavarjitaḥ ||77||
Translation: If the 9th Lord is in the 10th house or in the 4th house (bhāgyeśe daśame turye), [the person is] will be (bhavet) king’s counsellor / minister (maṃtrī) or general of army (senā-patir), righteous (puṇyavān), very famous (suyaśā), eloquent (vāgmī), bold (sāhasī) and free from anger (krodha-varjitaḥ).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: suyaśā -> yaśavān

Sharma / Santhanam:
भाग्येशे लाभभावस्थे धनलाभो दिने दिने । भक्तो गुरुजनानां च गुणवान्‌ पुण्यवानपि ॥१०७॥
bhāgyeśe lābhabhāvasthe dhanalābho dine dine | bhakto gurujanānāṃ ca guṇavān‌ puṇyavānapi ||107||
Translation: If the 9th is placed in the 11th house (bhāgyeśe lābha-bhāva-sthe), [the person] will have gains day by day (dhana-lābho dine dine), will be devoted to the elders of the family and to the gurus (bhakto gurujanānāṃ), virtuous and righteous (ca guṇavān‌ puṇyavān-api).

gurujana m. any venerable or elderly person (father, mother, the elders of a family &c.)

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.69) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.9.79):
भाग्येशे पंचमे लाभे भाग्यवान् जनवल्लभः । गुरुभक्तिरतो मानी धीरो धीरगुणैर्युतः ॥७८॥
bhāgyeśe paṃcame lābhe bhāgyavān janavallabhaḥ | gurubhaktirato mānī dhīro dhīraguṇairyutaḥ ||78||
Translation: If the 9th Lord is in the 5th house or in the 11th house (bhāgyeśe paṃcame lābha), [the person is] fortunate (bhāgyavān), loved by people (jana-vallabhaḥ), joyously engrossed in devotion to Guru (guru-bhakti-rato), highly honoured (mānī), having fortitude (dhīro) and patient (dhīra-guṇair-yutaḥ).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: dhīro dhīra-guṇair-yutaḥ -> dhīra-udāra-guṇair-yutaḥ (endowed with steady high qualities)

Sharma / Santhanam:
भाग्येशो व्ययभावस्थो भाग्यहानिकरो नृणाम्‌ । शुभकार्ये व्ययो नित्यं निर्धनोऽतिथिसङ्गमात्‌ ॥१०८॥
bhāgyeśo vyayabhāvastho bhāgyahānikaro nṛṇām‌ | śubhakārye vyayo nityaṃ nirdhano ’tithisaṅgamāt‌ ||108||
Translation: If the 9th Lord is placed in the 12th house (bhāgyeśo vyaya-bhāva-stho), the person (nṛṇām‌) is causing loss of own fortune (bhāgya-hāni-karo), will always spend wealth for auspicious purpose (śubhakārye vyayo nityaṃ) and will become poor due to spendings on hospitality (nir-dhano ’tithi-saṅgamāt‌).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.70) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.80):
भाग्येशे तु तुले रिःफे भाग्यहीनो भवेद्ध्रुवम् । मातुलस्य सुखं न स्याज्ज्येष्ठभ्रातृसुखं तथा ॥७९॥
bhāgyeśe tu tule riḥphe bhāgyahīno bhaveddhruvam | mātulasya sukhaṃ na syājjyeṣṭhabhrātṛsukhaṃ tathā ||79||
Translation: If the 9th Lord is in the 6th house, 8th house or in the 12th house (bhāgyeśe tu tule riḥphe), [the person] surely will be (bhaved-dhruvam) unfortunate (bhāgya-hīno), there will be no happiness from maternal uncle (mātulasya sukhaṃ na syāt), and also no happiness from elder brother (jyeṣṭha-bhrātṛ-sukhaṃ tathā).

Note: Ganesha Datta Pathaka: dhruvam -> naraḥ (the person); tu tule riḥphe -> trikabhāve ced (if in 6th, 8th or 12th).
Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: tu tule -> tule – both meanings are not very clear: mātule – maternal uncle – signification of the 6th house; tu tule: “but 7th house”, could mean 6th and 8th house, which are on both sides of 7th. Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ does not consist of śloka for the 9th Lord in the 8th house, so this śloka also could be for three houses.

Sharma / Santhanam:
अथ दशमेशद्वादशभावस्थितफलमाह atha daśameśadvādaśabhāvasthitaphalamāha
Translation: Now (atha), chapter about results of 10th Lord situated in 12 houses (daśameśa-dvādaśa-bhāva-sthita-phalam-āha).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
अथ कर्मेशभावफलम् atha karmeśabhāvaphalam
Translation: Now (atha), the results of the 10th Lord (‘Lord of action/work’) in the houses (karmeśa-bhāva-phalam).

Sharma / Santhanam:
कर्मेशे लग्नगे जातो विद्वान्‌ ख्यातो धनी कविः । बाल्ये रोगी सुखी पश्चाद्‌ धनवृद्धिर्दिने दिने ॥१०९॥
karmeśe lagnage jāto vidvān‌ khyāto dhanī kaviḥ | bālye rogī sukhī paścād‌ dhanavṛddhirdine dine ||109||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is in the 1st house (karmeśe lagnage), the person (jāto) is learned (vidvān‌), famous (khyāto), wealthy (dhanī), a poet/sage (kavīḥ); sickly in childhood and happy later on (bālye rogī sukhī paścād‌). His wealth grows day by day (dhana-vṛddhir-dine dine).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.71) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.87):
दशमाधिपतौ लग्ने कवितागुणसंयुतः । बाल्ये रोगी सुखी पश्चादर्थवृद्धिर्दिने दिने ॥८५॥
daśamādhipatau lagne kavitāguṇasaṃyutaḥ | bālye rogī sukhī paścādarthavṛddhirdine dine ||85||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is in the 1st house (daśama-adhipatau lagne), [the person is] a poet (‘endowed with poetic talent’) (kavitā-guṇa-saṃyutaḥ), sickly in childhood and happy later on (bālye rogī sukhī paścād‌). His wealth grows day by day (artha-vṛddhir-dine dine).

Note: Ganesha Datta Pathaka: daśamādhipatau -> karmeśādhipatau (the same meaning).

Sharma / Santhanam:
राज्येशे धनभावस्थे धनवान्‌ गुणसंयुतः । राजमान्यो वदान्यश्च पित्रादिसुखसंयुतः ॥११०॥
rājyeśe dhanabhāvasthe dhanavān‌ guṇasaṃyutaḥ | rājamānyo vadānyaśca pitrādisukhasaṃyutaḥ ||110||
Translation: If the 10th Lord (‘Lord of royalty’) is placed in the 2nd house (‘House of wealth’) (rājyeśe dhana-bhāva-sthe), [the person is] wealthy (dhanavān‌), virtuous (guṇa-saṃyutaḥ), honoured by King (rāja-mānyo), generous and eloquent (vadānyaś), and endowed with happiness from father etc. (ca pitṛ-ādi-sukha-saṃyutaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.72) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.88):
धने मदे च सहजे कर्मेशो यदि संस्थितः । मनस्वी गुणवान्वाग्मी सत्यधर्मसमन्वितः ॥८६॥
dhane made ca sahaje karmeśo yadi saṃsthitaḥ | manasvī guṇavānvāgmī satyadharmasamanvitaḥ ||86||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is in the 2nd, in the 7th or in the 3rd (dhane made ca sahaje karmeśo yadi saṃsthitaḥ), [the person is] intelligent (manasvī), virtuous (guṇavān), eloquent (vāgmī) and truthful (satya-dharma-samanvitaḥ).

mada – passion, love, desire, intoxication, name of the 7th house

Sharma / Santhanam:
कर्मेशे सहजे जातो भ्रातृभृत्यसुखान्वितः । विक्रमी गुणसम्पन्नः वाग्मी सत्यरतो नरः ॥१११॥
karmeśe sahaje jāto bhrātṛbhṛtyasukhānvitaḥ | vikramī guṇasampannaḥ vāgmī satyarato naraḥ ||111||
Translation: If the 10th lord is in the 3rd house (karmeśe sahaje), the person (jāto) is endowed with happiness from brothers and dependents / servants (bhrātṛ-bhṛtya-sukha-anvitaḥ), valorous (vikramī), virtuous (guṇa-sampannaḥ), eloquent (vāgmī) and truthful (satya-rato naraḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.72) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.88):
धने मदे च सहजे कर्मेशो यदि संस्थितः । मनस्वी गुणवान्वाग्मी सत्यधर्मसमन्वितः ॥८६॥
dhane made ca sahaje karmeśo yadi saṃsthitaḥ | manasvī guṇavānvāgmī satyadharmasamanvitaḥ ||86||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is in the 2nd, in the 7th or in the 3rd (dhane made ca sahaje karmeśo yadi saṃsthitaḥ), [the person is] intelligent (manasvī), virtuous (guṇavān), eloquent (vāgmī) and truthful (satya-dharma-samanvitaḥ).

mada – passion, love, desire, intoxication, name of the 7th house

Sharma / Santhanam:
कर्मेशे सुखभावस्थे सुखी मातृहिते रतः । यानभूमिगृहाधीशो गुणवान्‌ धनवानपि ॥११२॥
karmeśe sukhabhāvasthe sukhī mātṛhite rataḥ | yānabhūmigṛhādhīśo guṇavān‌ dhanavānapi ||112||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is placed in the 4th house (karmeśe sukha-bhāva-sthe), [the person is] happy (sukhī), devoted to mother (mātṛ-hite rataḥ), owner of vehicles, lands and houses (yāna-bhūmi-gṛha-adhīśo), endowed with good qualities (guṇavān‌) and wealthy (dhanavān-api).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.73) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.84):
दशमेशे सुखे कर्मे ज्ञानवान्सुखविक्रमी । गुरुदेवार्चनरतो धर्मात्मा सत्यसंयुतः ॥८२॥
daśameśe sukhe karme jñānavānsukhavikramī | gurudevārcanarato dharmātmā satyasaṃyutaḥ ||82||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is in the 4th house or in the 10th house (daśameśe sukhe karme), [the person is] knowledgeable (jñānavān), happy and brave (sukha-vikramī), disposed to worshipping Teachers and Gods (guru-deva-arcana-rato), religious-minded / dutiful (dharma-ātmā) and truthful (satya-saṃyutaḥ).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: sukha-vikramī -> siṁha-vikramī (brave like a lion).

Sharma / Santhanam:
कर्मेशे सुतभावस्थे सर्वविद्यासमन्वितः । सर्वदा हर्षसंयुक्तो धनवान्‌ पुत्रवानपि ॥११३॥
karmeśe sutabhāvasthe sarvavidyāsamanvitaḥ | sarvadā harṣasaṃyukto dhanavān‌ putravānapi ||113||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is placed in the 5th house (karmeśe suta-bhāva-sthe), [the person is] endowed with all kinds of knowledge (sarva-vidyā-samanvitaḥ), always endowed with pleasures and joy (sarvadā harṣa-saṃyukto), wealthy (dhanavān‌) and blessed with children (putravān-api).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.74) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.85):
दशमेशे सुते लाभे धनवान्पुत्रवान् भवेत् । सर्वदा हर्षसंयुक्तः सत्यवादी सुखी नरः ॥८३॥
daśameśe sute lābhe dhanavānputravān bhavet | sarvadā harṣasaṃyuktaḥ satyavādī sukhī naraḥ ||83||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is in the 5th house or in the 11th house (daśameśe sute lābhe), the person will be (naraḥ bhavet) endowed with wealth and children (dhanavān-putravān), always endowed with pleasures and joy (sarvadā harṣa-saṃyukto), truthful (satya-vādī) and happy (sukhī).

Sharma / Santhanam:
कर्मेशे रिपुभावस्थे पितृसौख्यविवर्जितः । चतुरोऽपि धनैर्हीनः शत्रुभिः परिपीडितः ॥११४॥
karmeśe ripubhāvasthe pitṛsaukhyavivarjitaḥ | caturo’pi dhanairhīnaḥ śatrubhiḥ paripīḍitaḥ ||114||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is placed in the 6th house (‘House of enemies’) (karmeśe ripu-bhāva-sthe), [the person] is deprived of happiness from father (pitṛ-saukhya-vivarjitaḥ), dexterous (caturo ’pi), but bereft of wealth (dhanair-hīnaḥ) and tormented by enemies (śatrubhiḥ paripīḍitaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.75):
कर्मेशोऽरिव्यये यस्य शत्रुभिः परिपीडितः । चातुर्यगुणसंपन्नः क्वचिच्च न सुखी नरः ॥८४॥
karmeśo ’rivyaye yasya śatrubhiḥ paripīḍitaḥ | cāturyaguṇasaṃpannaḥ kvacicca na sukhī naraḥ ||84||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is in the 6th house or in the 12th house (karmeśo ’ri-vyaye yasya), the person (naraḥ) is tormented by enemies (śatrubhiḥ paripīḍitaḥ), dexterous (cāturya-guṇa-saṃpannaḥ), but nowhere happy (kvacic-ca na sukhī).

Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ:
कर्मेशऽरिव्यये रंध्रे शत्रुभिः पीडितः सदा । चातुर्यगुणसंपन्नः कदाचिन्न सुखी भवेत्॥८६॥
karmeśa 'rivyaye raṁdhre śatrubhiḥ pīḍitaḥ sadā | cāturyaguṇasaṁpannaḥ kadācinna sukhī bhavet ||86||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is in the 6th house, in the 12th house or in the 8th house (karmeśa 'rivyaye raṁdhe), [the person] will be (bhavet) always troubled by enemies (śatrubhiḥ pīḍitaḥ sadā), dexterous (cāturya-guṇa-saṃpannaḥ), but never happy (kadācin-na sukhī).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ say about 3 houses in one ślokas – the 6th, the 8th and the 12th, whereas Tara Chandra, Girdhari Lal and Ganesha Datta Pathaka say about only about the 6th and 12th (raṁdhre -> yasya) but there is no separate śloka for the 8th house in Chandra, Girdhari Lal. Ganesha Datta Pathaka has separate śloka for the 8th house.

Sharma / Santhanam:
राज्येशे दारभावस्थे जातो दारसुखान्वितः । मनस्वी गुणवान्‌ वाग्मी सत्यधर्मरतः सदा ॥११५॥
rājyeśe dārabhāvasthe jāto dārasukhānvitaḥ | manasvī guṇavān‌ vāgmī satyadharmarataḥ sadā ||115||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is placed in the 7th house (‘House of wife’) (rājyeśe dāra-bhāva-sthe), the person (jāto) is endowed happiness through wife (dāra-sukha-anvitaḥ), intelligent (manasvī), virtuous (guṇavān), eloquent (vāgmī) and truthful (satya-dharma-samanvitaḥ) always (sadā).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.72) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.88):
धने मदे च सहजे कर्मेशो यदि संस्थितः । मनस्वी गुणवान्वाग्मी सत्यधर्मसमन्वितः ॥८६॥
dhane made ca sahaje karmeśo yadi saṃsthitaḥ | manasvī guṇavānvāgmī satyadharmasamanvitaḥ ||86||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is in the 2nd, in the 7th or in the 3rd (dhane made ca sahaje karmeśo yadi saṃsthitaḥ), [the person is] intelligent (manasvī), virtuous (guṇavān), eloquent (vāgmī) and truthful (satya-dharma-samanvitaḥ).

mada – passion, love, desire, intoxication, name of the 7th house

Sharma / Santhanam:
कर्मेशे रन्ध्रभावस्थे कर्महीनो भवेन्नरः । दीर्घायुरप्यसौ जातः परनिन्दापरायणः ॥११६॥
karmeśe randhrabhāvasthe karmahīno bhavennaraḥ | dīrghāyurapyasau jātaḥ paranindāparāyaṇaḥ ||116||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is placed in the 8th house (karmeśe randhra-bhāva-sthe), the person will be (bhavet-naraḥ) devoid of good acts (disregardful of the rites, ceremonies, etc.) (karma-hīno) and long-lived (dīrgha-āyur-api), that person (asau jātaḥ) will be intent on reviling others (paranindā-parāyaṇaḥ).

paranindā f. reviling others

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
No such śloka

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
कर्मेश रन्ध्रगे जातो क्रूरो चौरोऽथवा धूर्तः । अल्पायुरसद्वक्तां मातृसन्तापकारकः ॥७६॥
karmeśa randhrage jāto krūro cauro ’thavā dhūrtaḥ | alpāyurasadvaktāṃ mātṛsantāpakārakaḥ ||76||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is placed in the 8th house (karmeśe randhra-ge), the person (jāto) is cruel (krūro), a thief or cheat (cauro ’thavā dhūrtaḥ), short-lived (alpa-āyur), liar (asad-vaktāṃ) and brings suffering to own mother (mātṛ-santāpa-kārakaḥ).

Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ:
कर्मेशऽरिव्यये रंध्रे शत्रुभिः पीडितः सदा । चातुर्यगुणसंपन्नः कदाचिन्न सुखी भवेत् ॥८६॥
karmeśa 'rivyaye raṁdhre śatrubhiḥ pīḍitaḥ sadā | cāturyaguṇasaṁpannaḥ kadācinna sukhī bhavet ||86||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is in the 6th house, in the 12th house or in the 8th house (karmeśa 'rivyaye raṁdhe), [the person] will be (bhavet) always troubled by enemies (śatrubhiḥ pīḍitaḥ sadā), dexterous (cāturya-guṇa-saṃpannaḥ), but never happy (kadācin-na sukhī).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ says about 3 houses in one śloka – the 6th, the 8th and the 12th, whereas Tara Chandra, Girdhari Lal and Ganesha Datta Pathaka say about only about the 6th and 12th (raṁdhre -> yasya) but there is no separate śloka for the 8th house in Chandra, Girdhari Lal.
Ganesha Datta Pathaka has separate śloka for the 8th house., but 2nd like has 15 syllables instead of 16 for śloka, and contraversing Sharma – (alpa-āyur instead of dīrgha-āyur).

Sharma / Santhanam:
राज्येशे भाग्यभे जातो राजा राजकुलोद्‌भवः । तत्समोऽन्यकुलोत्पन्नो धनपुत्रादिसंयुतः ॥११७॥
rājyeśe bhāgyabhe jāto rājā rājakulod‌bhavaḥ | tatsamo ’nyakulotpanno dhanaputrādisaṃyutaḥ ||117||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is in the 9th house (‘House of fortune’) (rājyeśe bhāgya-bhe), the person (jāto) will become a king (rājā), if born in a royal family (rāja-kula-ud‌bhavaḥ), or will be equal to a king (tat-samo), if born in an ordinary family(’nya-kula-utpanno), and will be endowed with wealth, children, etc. (dhana-putra-ādi-saṃyutaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ:
No such śloka

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
कर्मेश नवमेयस्य स भवेत्कुलपालकः । सबन्धुमित्रसंयुक्तः मातृभक्तोऽथपूजकः ।। ७७ ।।
karmeśa navame yasya sa bhavetkulapālakaḥ | sabandhumitrasaṃyuktaḥ mātṛbhakto’tha pūjakaḥ ||77||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is in the 9th house (karmeśa navame yasya), the person will be (sa bhavet) a protector of the family / community (kula-pālakaḥ), endowed with friends and relatives (sabandhu-mitra-saṃyuktaḥ), attached to and honouring own mother (mātṛ-bhakto ’tha pūjakaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
कर्मेशे राज्यभावस्थे सर्वकर्मपटुः सुखी । विक्रमी सत्यवक्ता च गुरुभक्तिरतो नरः ॥११८॥
karmeśe rājyabhāvasthe sarvakarmapaṭuḥ sukhī | vikramī satyavaktā ca gurubhaktirato naraḥ ||118||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is placed in the 10th house (karmeśe rājya-bhāva-sthe), the person (naraḥ)is skilful in all activities(sarva-karma-paṭuḥ), happy (sukhī), brave (vikramī), truthful (satya-vaktā) and devoted to teachers (ca guru-bhakti-rato).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.73) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.84):
दशमेशे सुखे कर्मे ज्ञानवान्सुखविक्रमी । गुरुदेवार्चनरतो धर्मात्मा सत्यसंयुतः ॥८२॥
daśameśe sukhe karme jñānavānsukhavikramī | gurudevārcanarato dharmātmā satyasaṃyutaḥ ||82||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is in the 4th house or in the 10th house (daśameśe sukhe karme), [the person is] knowledgeable (jñānavān), happy and brave (sukha-vikramī), disposed to worshipping Teachers and Gods (guru-deva-arcana-rato), religious-minded / dutiful (dharma-ātmā) and truthful (satya-saṃyutaḥ).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: sukha-vikramī -> siṁha-vikramī (brave like a lion).

Sharma / Santhanam:
राज्येशे लाभभावस्थे जातो धनसुतान्वितः । हर्षवान्‌ गुणवांश्चापि सत्यवक्ता सदा सुखी ॥११९॥
rājyeśe lābhabhāvasthe jāto dhanasutānvitaḥ | harṣavān‌ guṇavāṃścāpi satyavaktā sadā sukhī ||119||
Translation: If the 10th is placed in the 11th house (rājyeśe lābha-bhāva-sthe), the person is (jāto) endowed with wealth and children (dhana-suta-anvitaḥ), full of joy and pleasures (harṣavān), ‌virtuous (guṇavāṃś) and truthful (ca-api satyavaktā), and always happy (sadā sukhī).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.74) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.85):
दशमेशे सुते लाभे धनवान्पुत्रवान् भवेत् । सर्वदा हर्षसंयुक्तः सत्यवादी सुखी नरः ॥८३॥
daśameśe sute lābhe dhanavānputravān bhavet | sarvadā harṣasaṃyuktaḥ satyavādī sukhī naraḥ ||83||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is in the 5th house or in the 11th house (daśameśe sute lābhe), the person will be (naraḥ bhavet) endowed with wealth and children (dhanavān-putravān), always endowed with pleasures and joy (sarvadā harṣa-saṃyukto), truthful (satyavādī) and happy (sukhī).

Sharma / Santhanam:
राज्येशे व्ययभावस्थे तस्य राजगृहे व्ययः । शत्रुतोऽपि भयं नित्यं चतुरश्चापि चिन्तितः ॥१२०॥
rājyeśe vyayabhāvasthe tasya rājagṛhe vyayaḥ | śatruto ’pi bhayaṃ nityaṃ caturaścāpi cintitaḥ ||120||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is placed in the 12th house (rājyeśe vyaya-bhāva-sthe) the person will spend wealth in King’s house(tasya rājagṛhe vyayaḥ), will have danger from/ fear of enemies (śatruto ’pi bhayaṃ)and always be worried(nityaṃ cintitaḥ) though (s)he is clever(caturaś-ca-api).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.75):
कर्मेशोऽरिव्यये यस्य शत्रुभिः परिपीडितः । चातुर्यगुणसंपन्नः क्वचिच्च न सुखी नरः ॥८४॥
karmeśo ’rivyaye yasya śatrubhiḥ paripīḍitaḥ | cāturyaguṇasaṃpannaḥ kvacicca na sukhī naraḥ ||84||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is in the 6th house or in the 12th house (karmeśo ’ri-vyaye yasya), the person (naraḥ) is tormented by enemies (śatrubhiḥ paripīḍitaḥ), dexterous (cāturya-guṇa-saṃpannaḥ), but nowhere happy (kvacic-ca na sukhī).

Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ:
कर्मेशऽरिव्यये रंध्रे शत्रुभिः पीडितः सदा । चातुर्यगुणसंपन्नः कदाचिन्न सुखी भवेत् ८६॥
karmeśa 'rivyaye raṁdhre śatrubhiḥ pīḍitaḥ sadā | cāturyaguṇasaṁpannaḥ kadācinna sukhī bhavet ||86||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is in the 6th house, in the 12th house or in the 8th house (karmeśa 'rivyaye raṁdhe), [the person] will be (bhavet) always troubled by enemies (śatrubhiḥ pīḍitaḥ sadā), dexterous (cāturya-guṇa-saṃpannaḥ), but never happy (kadācin-na sukhī).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
अथ लाभेशद्वादशभावस्थितफलमाह atha lābheśadvādaśabhāvasthitaphalamāha
Translation: Now (atha), chapter about results of 11th Lord (‘Lord of gains’) situated in 12 houses (lābheśa-dvādaśa-bhāva-sthita-phalam-āha).

āha – a day, a portion of a book appointed for a day.

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
अथ लाभेशभावफलम् atha lābheśabhāvaphalam
Translation: Now (atha), the results of the 11th Lord (‘Lord of gains’) in the houses (lābheśa-bhāva-phalam).

Sharma / Santhanam:
लाभेशे लग्नगे जातः सात्त्विको धनवान्‌ सुखी । समदृष्टिः कविर्वाग्मी सदा लाभसमन्वितः ॥१२१॥
lābheśe lagnage jātaḥ sāttviko dhanavān‌ sukhī | samadṛṣṭiḥ kavirvāgmī sadā lābhasamanvitaḥ ||121||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is in Lagna (lābheśe lagnage), the person (jātaḥ) is sattvic (energetic and endowed with purity and goodness) (sāttviko), wealthy (dhanavān‌), happy (sukhī), even-sighted (looking on all equally or impartially) (sama-dṛṣṭiḥ), a poet (kavir), eloquent (vāgmī) and always (sadā) has gains (lābha-samanvitaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.78) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.92):
लाभेशे संस्थिते लग्ने धनवान्सात्त्विको महान् । समदृष्टिर्महान्वक्ता कौतुकी च भवेत्सदा ॥८९॥
lābheśe saṃsthite lagne dhanavānsāttviko mahān | samadṛṣṭirmahānvaktā kautukī ca bhavetsadā ||89||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is placed in the Lagna (lābheśe saṃsthite lagne) [the person] will be (bhavet) wealthy (dhanavān), very sattvic (energetic and endowed with purity, goodness) (sāttviko mahān), even-sighted (looking on all equally or impartially) (sama-dṛṣṭiḥ), great orator (mahān-vaktā) and always full of curiosity or interest in anything (kautukī ca sadā).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: samadṛṣṭiḥ -> samadṛṣṭā; mahānvaktā -> mahāvaktā (the same meaning)

Sharma / Santhanam:
लाभेशे धनभावस्थे जातः सर्वधनान्वितः । सर्वसिद्धियुतो दाता धार्मिकश्च सुखी सदा ॥१२२॥
lābheśe dhanabhāvasthe jātaḥ sarvadhanānvitaḥ | sarvasiddhiyuto dātā dhārmikaśca sukhī sadā ||122||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is placed in the 2nd house (‘House of wealth’) (lābheśe dhana-bhāva-sthe), the person (jātaḥ) is endowed with every kind of wealth (sarva-dhana-anvitaḥ), blessed with universal success / all kinds of perfections (sarva-siddhi-yuto), is charitable (dātā), righteous (dhārmikaś) and always happy (ca sukhī sadā).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.79) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.93):
लाभेशे च धने पुत्रे नानासुखसमन्वितः । पुत्रवान्धार्मिकश्चैव सर्वसिद्धिप्रदायकः ॥९०॥
lābheśe ca dhane putre nānāsukhasamanvitaḥ | putravāndhārmikaścaiva sarvasiddhipradāyakaḥ ||90||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is in the 2nd house or in the 5th house (lābheśe ca dhane putre), [the person] is endowed with various kinds of comforts (nānā-sukha-samanvitaḥ) and children (putravān), righteous (dhārmikaś) and granting universal success / all kinds of perfections (sarva-siddhi-pradāyakaḥ).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: ca dhane -> dvitīye (the same meaning).
Ganesha Datta Pathaka: sarva-siddhi-pradāyakaḥ -> sarvasiddhiyutaḥ pumān (‘person blessed with universal success / all kinds of perfections’) – version of G.D. Pathaka looks more correct since sarva-siddhi-pradāyakaḥ - is usually said about Devas.

Sharma / Santhanam:
लाभेशे सहजे जातः कुशलः सर्वकर्मसु । धनी भ्रातृसुखोपेतः शूलरोगभयं क्वचित्‌ ॥१२३॥
lābheśe sahaje jātaḥ kuśalaḥ sarvakarmasu | dhanī bhrātṛsukhopetaḥ śūlarogabhayaṃ kvacit‌ ||123||
Translation: If the 11th lord is in the 3rd house (lābheśe sahaje), the person (jātaḥ) is competent / skilful in all activities / works (kuśalaḥ sarva-karmasu), wealthy (dhanī), endowed with happiness from brothers (bhrātṛ-sukha-upetaḥ) and sometimes suffers from disease with sharp or acute pain (like colic) (śūla-roga-bhayaṃ kvacit)‌.

Ganesha Datta Pathaka / Tara Chandra (śl.91) / Girdhari Lal (śl.91) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.94):
लाभेशे सहजे तुर्ये तीर्थेषु तत्परो महान् । कुशलः सर्वकार्येषु केवलं शूलरोगवान् ॥८०॥
lābheśe sahaje turye tīrtheṣu tatparo mahān | kuśalaḥ sarvakāryeṣukevalaṃ śūlarogavān ||80||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is in the 3rd or in the 4th house (lābheśe sahaje turye), [the person] is eagerly engaged in piligrimages (tīrtheṣu tatparo mahān), competent / skilful in all activities / works (kuśalaḥ sarva-kāryeṣu) and only suffers from disease with sharp or acute pain (like colic) (kevalaṃ śūla-rogavān)‌.

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: tīrtheṣu tatparo mahān -> tīrtheṣu tatparo bhavet (the similar meaning)
Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal: lābheśe sahaje turye -> lābheśe sahaje vitte; vitte means ‘in the 2nd house’. It looks strange, because these editions have another śloka for 2nd house and has no other śloka for the 4th house. Besides, though vitta means ‘wealth’ and the 2nd house (Varāha-mihira’s Yogayātrā), this is also the name of Sukha God (Brahmāṇḍa-purāṇa IV. 1. 18.), and it also means ‘property’ so could refer to the 4th house also.

Sharma / Santhanam:
लाभेशे सुखभावस्थे लाभो मातृकुलाद्‌ भवेत्‌ । तीर्थयात्राकरो जातो गृहभूमिसुखान्वितः ॥१२४॥
lābheśe sukhabhāvasthe lābho mātṛkulād‌ bhavet‌ | tīrthayātrākaro jāto gṛhabhūmisukhānvitaḥ ||124||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is placed in the 4th house (lābheśe sukha-bhāva-sthe), the person (jāto) will have gains from maternal relatives (lābho mātṛkulād bhavet‌‌), will make pilgrimages (tīrtha-yātrā-karo) and will be endowed with happiness from house and lands (gṛha-bhūmi-sukha-anvitaḥ).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka / Tara Chandra (śl.91) / Girdhari Lal (śl.91) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.94):
लाभेशे सहजे तुर्ये तीर्थेषु तत्परो महान् । कुशलः सर्वकार्येषु केवलं शूलरोगवान् ॥८०॥
lābheśe sahaje turye tīrtheṣu tatparo mahān | kuśalaḥ sarvakāryeṣu kevalaṃ śūlarogavān ||80||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is in the 3rd or in the 4th house (lābheśe sahaje turye), [the person] is eagerly engaged in piligrimages (tīrtheṣu tatparo mahān), competent / skilful in all activities / works (kuśalaḥ sarva-kāryeṣu) and only suffers from disease with sharp or acute pain (like colic) (kevalaṃ śūla-rogavān)‌.

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: tīrtheṣu tatparo mahān -> tīrtheṣu tatparo bhavet (the similar meaning)
Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal: lābheśe sahaje turye -> lābheśe sahaje vitte; vitte means ‘in the 2nd house’. It looks strange, because these editions have another śloka for 2nd house and has no other śloka for the 4th house. Besides, though vitta means ‘wealth’ and the 2nd house (Varāha-mihira’s Yogayātrā), this is also the name of Sukha God (Brahmāṇḍa-purāṇa IV. 1. 18.), and it also means ‘property’ so could refer to the 4th house also.

Sharma / Santhanam:
लाभेशे सुतभावस्थे भवन्ति सुखिनः सुताः । विद्यवन्तोऽपि सच्छीलाः स्वयं धर्मरतः सुखी ॥१२५॥
lābheśe sutabhāvasthe bhavanti sukhinaḥ sutāḥ | vidyavanto’pi sacchīlāḥ svayaṃ dharmarataḥ sukhī ||125||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is placed in the 5th house (lābheśe suta-bhāva-sthe), the person’s children are happy, educated and virtuous (bhavanti sukhinaḥ sutāḥ vidyavanto ’pi sacchīlāḥ); the person himself / herself (svayaṃ) is delighting in virtue (dharma-rataḥ) and happy (sukhī).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.79) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.93):
लाभेशे च धने पुत्रे नानासुखसमन्वितः । पुत्रवान्धार्मिकश्चैव सर्वसिद्धिप्रदायकः ॥९०॥
lābheśe ca dhane putre nānāsukhasamanvitaḥ | putravāndhārmikaścaiva sarvasiddhipradāyakaḥ ||90||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is in the 2nd house or in the 5th house (lābheśe ca dhane putre), [the person] is endowed with various kinds of comforts (nānā-sukha-samanvitaḥ) and children (putravān), righteous (dhārmikaś) and granting universal success / all kinds of perfections (sarva-siddhi-pradāyakaḥ).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: ca dhane -> dvitīye (the same meaning).
Ganesha Datta Pathaka: sarva-siddhi-pradāyakaḥ -> sarvasiddhiyutaḥ pumān (‘person blessed with universal success / all kinds of perfections’) – version of G.D.Pathaka looks more correct since sarva-siddhi-pradāyakaḥ - is usually said about Devas.

Sharma / Santhanam:
लाभेशे रोगभावस्थे जातो रोगसमन्वितः । क्रूरबुद्धिः प्रवासी च शत्रुभिः परिपीडितः ॥१२६॥
lābheśe rogabhāvasthe jāto rogasamanvitaḥ | krūrabuddhiḥ pravāsī ca śatrubhiḥ paripīḍitaḥ ||126||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is placed in the 6th house (‘House of disease’) (lābheśe roga-bhāva-sthe), the person (jāto) generally remains sickly (roga-samanvitaḥ), has cruel mind (krūra-buddhiḥ), lives in foreign lands (pravāsī) and is always tormented by enemies (ca śatrubhiḥ paripīḍitaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.81) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.95):
लाभेशे षष्ठभवने नानारोगसमन्वितः । सर्वं सुखं भवेत्तस्य प्रवासी परसेवकः ॥९२॥
lābheśe ṣaṣṭhabhavane nānārogasamanvitaḥ | sarvaṃ sukhaṃ bhavettasya pravāsī parasevakaḥ ||92||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is in the 6th house (lābheśe ṣaṣṭha-bhavane), [the person] will suffer from various diseases (nānā-roga-samanvitaḥ), will have all kinds of comfort (sarvaṃ sukhaṃ bhavet-tasya), will live in foreign lands (pravāsī) and will serve others / be employed (para-sevakaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
लाभेशे दारभावस्थे लाभो दारकुलात्‌ सदा । उदारश्च गुणी कामी जनो भार्यावशानुगः ॥१२७॥
lābheśe dārabhāvasthe lābho dārakulāt‌ sadā | udāraśca guṇī kāmī jano bhāryāvaśānugaḥ ||127||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is placed in the 7th house (‘House of wife’) (lābheśe dāra-bhāva-sthe), the person (jano) is always gaining through spouse’s family(lābho dāra-kulāt‌ sadā), generous / liberal (udāraś-ca), virtuous (guṇī), desirous / impassioned (kāmī)and is under control of own spouse (bhāryā-vaśānugaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.82) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.96):
लाभेशे सप्तमे रंध्रे भार्या तस्य न जीवति । उदारो गुणवान्कर्मी मूर्खो भवति निश्चितम् ॥९३॥
lābheśe saptame raṃdhre bhāryā tasya na jīvati | udāro guṇavānkarmī mūrkho bhavati niścitam ||93||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is in the 7th or in the 8th house (lābheśe saptame raṃdhre), the person’s wife will not live (bhāryā tasya na jīvati), the person will be generous / liberal (udāro), virtuous (guṇavān), attached to wordly action (karmī), and will be certainly foolish (mūrkho bhavati niścitam).

karmin – working, active, busy; engaged in any work or business; one who performs religious deeds with the expectation of reward or recompense, attached to worldly action.
Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: karmī -> kā (desirous)

Sharma / Santhanam:
लाभेशे रन्ध्रभावस्थे हानिः कार्येषु जायते । तस्यायुश्च भवेद्‌दीर्घं प्रथमं मरणं स्त्रियः ॥१२८॥
lābheśe randhrabhāvasthe hāniḥ kāryeṣu jāyate | tasyāyuśca bhaved‌dīrghaṃ prathamaṃ maraṇaṃ striyaḥ ||128||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is placed in the 8th house (lābheśe randhra-bhāva-sthe), there will be failures and losses in person’s actions / undertakings (hāniḥ kāryeṣu jāyate); person’s life will be long (tasya-āyuśca bhaved‌-dīrghaṃ), while his wife will die before him (prathamaṃ maraṇaṃ striyāḥ).

Note: strī – wife; Gen.sg. - striyāḥ (of wife); Nom.pl - striyaḥ (wives). It should be long ‘ā’ in ending.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.82) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.96):
लाभेशे सप्तमे रंध्रे भार्या तस्य न जीवति । उदारो गुणवान्कर्मी मूर्खो भवति निश्चितम् ॥९३॥
lābheśe saptame raṃdhre bhāryā tasya na jīvati | udāro guṇavānkarmī mūrkho bhavati niścitam ||93||
Translation: If the 10th Lord is in the 7th or in the 8th house (lābheśe saptame raṃdhre), the person’s wife will not live (bhāryā tasya na jīvati), the person will be generous / liberal (udāro), virtuous (guṇavān), attached to wordly action (karmī), and will be certainly foolish (mūrkho bhavati niścitam).

karmin – working, active, busy; engaged in any work or business; one who performs religious deeds with the expectation of reward or recompense, attached to worldly action
Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: karmī -> kā (desirous)

Sharma / Santhanam:
लभेशे भाग्यभावस्थे भाग्यवान्‌ जायते नरः । चतुरः सत्यवादी च राजपुज्यो धनाधिपः ॥१२९॥
labheśe bhāgyabhāvasthe bhāgyavān‌ jāyate naraḥ | caturaḥ satyavādī ca rājapujyo dhanādhipaḥ ||129||
Translation: If the 11th Lord placed is in the 9th house (labheśe bhāgya-bhāva-sthe), the person will be fortunate (bhāgyavān‌ jāyate naraḥ), skilful / clever (caturaḥ), truthful (satya-vādī), honoured by the King (rāja-pujyo)and wealthy (ca dhana-adhipaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.83) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.97):
लाभेशे गगने धर्मे राजपूज्यो धनाधिपः । चतुरः सत्यवादी च निजधर्मसमन्वितः ॥९४॥
lābheśe gagane dharme rājapūjyo dhanādhipaḥ | caturaḥ satyavādī ca nijadharmasamanvitaḥ ||94||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is in the 10th or in the 9th house (lābheśe gagane dharme), [the person] is honoured by the King (rāja-pujyo), wealthy (dhana-adhipaḥ), skilful / clever (caturaḥ), truthful (satya-vādī) and follows own duties / religion (ca nija-dharma-samanvitaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
लाभेशे कर्मभावस्थे भूपवन्द्यो गुणान्वितः । निजधर्मरतो धीमान्‌ सत्यवादी जितेन्द्रियः ॥१३०॥
lābheśe karmabhāvasthe bhūpavandyo guṇānvitaḥ | nijadharmarato dhīmān‌ satyavādī jitendriyaḥ ||130||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is placed in the 10th house (lābheśe karma-bhāva-sthe), [the person] is praised by the King (bhūpa-vandyo), virtuous (guṇa-anvitaḥ), engrossed with own duties / religion (nija-dharma-rato), intelligent (dhīmān‌), truthful (satya-vādī), ascetic (‘controlling own senses’) (jitendriyaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.83) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.97):
लाभेशे गगने धर्मे राजपूज्यो धनाधिपः । चतुरः सत्यवादी च निजधर्मसमन्वितः ॥९४॥
lābheśe gagane dharme rājapūjyo dhanādhipaḥ | caturaḥ satyavādī ca nijadharmasamanvitaḥ ||94||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is in the 10th or in the 9th house (lābheśe gagane dharme), [the person] is honoured by the King (rāja-pujyo), wealthy (dhana-adhipaḥ), skilful / clever (caturaḥ), truthful (satya-vādī) and follows own duties / religion (ca nija-dharma-samanvitaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
लाभेशे लाभभावस्थे लाभः सर्वेषु कर्मसु । पाण्डित्यं च सुखं तस्य वर्द्धते च दिने दिने ॥१३१॥
lābheśe lābhabhāvasthe lābhaḥ sarveṣu karmasu | pāṇḍityaṃ ca sukhaṃ tasya varddhate ca dine dine ||131||
Translation: If the 11th is placed in the 11th house (lābheśe lābha-bhāva-sthe), [the person] gains in all undertakings (lābhaḥ sarveṣu karmasu), their scholarship / erudition and happiness (pāṇḍityaṃ ca sukhaṃ tasya) increase day by day(varddhate ca dine dine).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.84) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.90):
लाभेशे संस्थिते लाभे स वाग्मी जायते ध्रुवम् । पांडित्यं कविता चैव वर्द्धते च दिने दिने ॥८७॥
lābheśe saṃsthite lābhe sa vāgmī jāyate dhruvam | pāṃḍityaṃ kavitā caiva varddhate ca dine dine ||87||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is placed in the 11th house (lābheśe saṃsthite lābhe), the person is surely eloquent (sa vāgmī jāyate dhruvam), and their scholarship / erudition and poetry (pāṇḍityaṃ kavitā caiva)improve day by day (varddhate ca dine dine).

Note: Ganesha Datta Pathaka / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: varddhate -> vardhate (the same meaning)

Sharma / Santhanam:
लाभेशे व्ययभावस्थे सत्कार्येषु व्ययः सदा । कामुको बहुपत्नीको म्लेच्छसंसर्गकारकः ॥१३२॥
lābheśe vyayabhāvasthe satkāryeṣu vyayaḥ sadā | kāmuko bahupatnīko mlecchasaṃsargakārakaḥ ||132||
Translation: If the 11th Lord is placed in the 12th house (lābheśe vyaya-bhāva-sthe), [the person] always spends on good deeds (satkāryeṣu vyayaḥ sadā), is desirous / gallant (kāmuko), has many wives (bahu-patnīko), makes friendship / connections with foreigners or men of an outcast race (mleccha-saṃsarga-kārakaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.85) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ:
प्राप्तिस्थानाधिपे रिःफे म्लेच्छसंसर्गकारकः । कामुको बहुकांतश्च क्षणिको लम्पटः सदा ॥८८॥
prāptisthānādhipe riḥphe mlecchasaṃsargakārakaḥ | kāmuko bahukāṃtaśca kṣaṇiko lampaṭaḥ sadā ||88||
Translation: If the 11th Lord (‘House of luck and obtaining’) is in the 12th house (prāpti-sthāna-adhipe riḥphe), [the person] makes friendship / connections with foreigners or men of an outcast race (mleccha-saṃsarga-kārakaḥ), is desirous / gallant (kāmuko), has many wives (bahu-kāṃtaś-ca), is always profiting of an opportunity and greedy (kṣaṇiko lampaṭaḥ sadā).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
अथ व्ययेशद्वादशभावस्थितफलमाह । atha vyayeśadvādaśabhāvasthitaphalamāha
Translation: Now (atha), chapter about results of 12th Lord (‘Lord of expenses’) situated in 12 houses (vyayeśa-dvādaśa-bhāva-sthita-phalam-āha).

āha – a day, a portion of a book appointed for a day.

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
अथ व्ययेशभावफलम् । atha vyayeśabhāvaphalam
Translation: Now (atha), the results of the 12th Lord (‘Lord of expenses’) in the houses (vyayeśa-bhāva-phalam).

Sharma / Santhanam:
व्ययेशे लग्नगे जातो व्ययशीलो जतो भवेत्‌ । दुर्बलः कफरोगी च धनविद्याविवर्जितः ॥१३३॥
vyayeśe lagnage jāto vyayaśīlo jato bhavet‌ | durbalaḥ kapharogī ca dhanavidyāvivarjitaḥ ||133||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is placed in Lagna (vyayeśe lagnage) the person will be (jāto bhavet‌) spend thrift (vyaya-śīlo), will have little strength (dur-balaḥ), will suffer from phlegmatic disorders (kapha-rogī) and wil be devoid of wealth and knowledge (ca dhana-vidyā-vivarjitaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.86) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.99):
व्ययेशे मदने लग्ने जायासौख्यं भवेन्नहि । दुर्बलः कफरोगी च धनविद्याविवर्जितः ॥९६॥
vyayeśe madane lagne jāyāsaukhyaṃ bhavennahi | durbalaḥ kapharogī ca dhanavidyāvivarjitaḥ ||96||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is in the 7th or in Lagna (vyayeśe madane lagne), the person will have no happiness from wife (jāyā-saukhyaṃ bhavet-nahi), will have little strength (dur-balaḥ), will suffer from phlegmatic disorders (kapha-rogī) and will be devoid of wealth and knowledge (ca dhana-vidyā-vivarjitaḥ).

mada – passion, love, desire, intoxication, name of the 7th house

Sharma / Santhanam:
व्ययेशे धनभावस्थे शुभकार्ये व्ययः सदा । धार्मिकः प्रियवादी च गुणसौख्यसमन्वितः ॥१३४॥
vyayeśe dhanabhāvasthe śubhakārye vyayaḥ sadā | dhārmikaḥ priyavādī ca guṇasaukhyasamanvitaḥ ||134||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is placed in the 2nd house (vyayeśe dhana-bhāva-sthe), [the person] always spends money on auspicious deeds (śubhakārye vyayaḥ sadā), is righteous (dhārmikaḥ), speaking sweetly (priyavādī) and endowed with virtues and happiness(ca guṇa-saukhya-samanvitaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.87) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.100):
व्ययेशे द्वितीये रंध्रे विष्णुभक्तिसमन्वितः । धार्मिकः प्रियवादी च सम्पूर्ण गुणसंयुतः ॥९७॥
vyayeśe dvitīye raṃdhre viṣṇubhaktisamanvitaḥ | dhārmikaḥ priyavādī ca sampūrṇa guṇasaṃyutaḥ || 97||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is in the 2nd or in the 8th house (vyayeśe dvitīye raṃdhre), [the person is] devotee of Viṣṇu (viṣṇu-bhakti-samanvitaḥ), is righteous (dhārmikaḥ), speaking sweetly (priyavādī) and endowed with all virtues (ca sampūrṇa guṇa-saṃyutaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
व्ययेशे सहजे जातो भ्रातृसौक्यविवर्जितः । भवेदन्यजनद्वेषी स्वशरीरस्य पोषकः ॥१३५॥
vyayeśe sahaje jāto bhrātṛsaukyavivarjitaḥ | bhavedanyajanadveṣī svaśarīrasya poṣakaḥ ||135||
Translation: If the 12th lord is in the 3rd house (vyayeśe sahaje), the person (jāto) will be devoid of happiness from brothers (bhrātṛ-saukya-vivarjitaḥ), will be hostile towards other people (bhaved-anya-jana-dveṣī) and only interested in self nourishment (sva-śarīrasya poṣakaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.88) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.101):
भार्याद्वेषी प्रियद्वेषी गुरुद्वेषी भवेन्नरः । व्ययेशे सहजे धर्मे स्वशरीरस्य पोषकः ॥९८॥
bhāryādveṣī priyadveṣī gurudveṣī bhavennaraḥ | vyayeśe sahaje dharme svaśarīrasya poṣakaḥ ||98||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is in the 3rd house or in the 9th house (vyayeśe sahaje dharme), the person will be (bhaven-naraḥ) hostile towards spouse, friends/dears and teachers (bhāryā-dveṣī priya-dveṣī guru-dveṣī) and only interested in self nourishment (sva-śarīrasya poṣakaḥ).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: bhāryādveṣī -> bhātṛdveṣī (hostile towards brothers)

Sharma / Santhanam:
व्ययेशे सुखभावस्थे मातुः सुखविवर्जितः । भूमियानगृहादीनां हानिस्तस्य दिने दिने ॥१३६॥
vyayeśe sukhabhāvasthe mātuḥ sukhavivarjitaḥ | bhūmiyānagṛhādīnāṃ hānistasya dine dine ||136||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is placed in the 4th house (vyayeśe sukha-bhāva-sthe), [the person] will be devoid of happiness from mother (mātuḥ sukha-vivarjitaḥ) and will have loss (hānis-tasya) of lands, vehicles and houses (bhūmi-yāna-gṛhādīnāṃ) day by day (dine dine).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
पुत्रहीनो महादुःखी तीर्थाटनपरो भवेत् । कृपणो रोगयुक्तश्च व्ययेशे च सुते सुखे ॥८९॥
putrahīno mahāduḥkhī tīrthāṭanaparo bhavet | kṛpaṇo rogayuktaśca vyayeśe ca sute sukhe ||89||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is in the 4th house or in the 5th house (vyayeśe ca sute sukhe), [the person] will be (bhavet)childless (putra-hīno), very sad (mahā-duḥkhī), going on piligrimages (tīrtha-aṭana-paro), poor (kṛpaṇo)and sickly(roga-yuktaś-ca).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
There is no such śloka.

Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ:
व्ययेशे तुर्यरा जातो जननीसौख्यवञ्चितः । भूवाहनगृहैश्चापि विहीनो जायते नरः ॥१०३॥
vyayeśe turyarā jāto jananīsaukhyavañcitaḥ | bhūvāhanagṛhaiścāpi vihīno jāyate naraḥ ||103||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is in the 4th (vyayeśe turya) the person (jāto) is deprived of happiness from mother (jananī-saukhya-vañcitaḥ) and will be born (jāyate naraḥ) devoid of lands, vehicles and houses (bhū-vāhana-gṛhaiś-ca-api vihīno).

Sharma / Santhanam:
व्ययेशे सुतभावस्थे सुतविद्याविवर्जितः । पुत्रार्थे च व्ययस्तस्य तीर्थाटनपरो नरः ॥१३७॥
vyayeśe sutabhāvasthe sutavidyāvivarjitaḥ | putrārthe ca vyayastasya tīrthāṭanaparo naraḥ ||137||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is placed in the 5th house (vyayeśe suta-bhāva-sthe), ther person (naraḥ) will be bereft of children and learning (suta-vidyā-vivarjitaḥ), will spend money for the sake of having kids (putra-arthe ca vyayas-tasya) and will go on piligrimages (tīrtha-aṭana-paro).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
पुत्रहीनो महादुःखी तीर्थाटनपरो भवेत् । कृपणो रोगयुक्तश्च व्ययेशे च सुते सुखे ॥८९॥
putrahīno mahāduḥkhī tīrthāṭanaparo bhavet | kṛpaṇo rogayuktaśca vyayeśe ca sute sukhe ||89||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is in the 4th house or in the 5th house (vyayeśe ca sute sukhe), [the person] will be (bhavet) childless (putra-hīno), very sad (mahā-duḥkhī), going on piligrimages (tīrtha-aṭana-paro), poor (kṛpaṇo)and sickly(roga-yuktaś-ca).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
There is no such śloka.

Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ:
व्ययेशे पुत्रगे पुत्रहेतोर्भूरिव्याधी नरः । विद्यापुत्रविहीनश्च सदा तीर्थाटने रतः ॥१०४॥
vyayeśe putrage putrahetorbhūrivyādhī naraḥ | vidyāputravihīnaśca sadā tīrthāṭane rataḥ ||104||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is in the 5th house (vyayeśe putra-ge), the person (naraḥ) will have big inner torment / seakness because of children (putra-hetor-bhūri-vyādhī), will be deprived of learning and children (vidyā-putra-vihīnaś) and always engaged in piligrimage (ca sadā tīrthāṭane rataḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
व्ययेशे रिपुभावस्थे जातः स्वजनवैरकृत्‌ । क्रोधी पापी च दुःखी च परजायारतो नरः ॥१३८॥
vyayeśe ripubhāvasthe jātaḥ svajanavairakṛt‌ | krodhī pāpī ca duḥkhī ca parajāyārato naraḥ ||138||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is placed in the 6th house (vyayeśe ripu-bhāva-sthe), the person (jātaḥ) will be hostile to own people (sva-jana-vaira-kṛt), wrathful (krodhī), sinful (pāpī), sad (ca duḥkhī) and attached to other’s wives (ca para-jāyā-rato naraḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.90) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.98):
व्ययेशेऽरिव्यये पापी मातृमृत्युविचिंतकः । क्रोधी सन्तानदुःखी च परजायासु लंपटः ॥९५॥
vyayeśe ’rivyaye pāpī mātṛmṛtyuviciṃtakaḥ | krodhī santānaduḥkhī ca parajāyāsu laṃpaṭaḥ ||95||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is in the 6th house or in the 12th house (vyayeśe ’rivyaye) [the person] is sinful (pāpī), thinking upon death of own mother (mātṛ-mṛtyu-viciṃtakaḥ), wrathful (krodhī), unhappy on account of children (ca santāna-duḥkhī) and desirous of other’s wives (ca para-jāyāsu laṃpaṭaḥ).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: mātṛ -> mātā (meaning the same)

Sharma / Santhanam:
व्ययेशे दारभावस्थे व्ययो दारकृतः सदा । तस्य भार्यासुखं नैव बलविद्याविवर्जितः ॥१३९॥
vyayeśe dārabhāvasthe vyayo dārakṛtaḥ sadā | tasya bhāryāsukhaṃ naiva balavidyāvivarjitaḥ ||139||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is placed in the 7th house (vyayeśe dāra-bhāva-sthe), [the person] always spends money on account of wife (vyayo dārakṛtaḥ sadā), has no happiness from wife (tasya bhāryā-sukhaṃ na-eva)and is devoid of strength and knowledge (bala-vidyā-vivarjitaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.86) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.99):
व्ययेशे मदने लग्ने जायासौख्यं भवेन्नहि । दुर्बलः कफरोगी च धनविद्याविवर्जितः ॥९६॥
vyayeśe madane lagne jāyāsaukhyaṃ bhavennahi | durbalaḥ kapharogī ca dhanavidyāvivarjitaḥ ||96||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is in the 7th or in Lagna (vyayeśe madane lagne), the person will have no happiness from wife (jāyā-saukhyaṃ bhavet-nahi), will have little strength (dur-balaḥ), will suffer from phlegmatic disorders (kapha-rogī) and wil be devoid of wealth and knowledge (ca dhana-vidyā-vivarjitaḥ).

mada – passion, love, desire, intoxication, name of the 7th house

Sharma / Santhanam:
व्ययेशे मृत्युभावस्थे जातो लाभान्वितः सदा । प्रियवाङ्‌ मध्यमायुश्च सम्पूर्णगुणसंयुतः ॥१४०॥
vyayeśe mṛtyubhāvasthe jāto lābhānvitaḥ sadā | priyavāṅ‌madhyamāyuśca sampūrṇaguṇasaṃyutaḥ ||140||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is placed in the 8th house (vyayeśe mṛtyu-bhāva-sthe), the person (jāto) always has gains (lābha-anvitaḥ sadā), speaks sweetly (priyavāṅ), has a‌ medium span of life (madhyam-āyuś) and endowed with all virtues (ca sampūrṇa-guṇa-saṃyutaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.87) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.100):
व्ययेशे द्वितीये रंध्रे विष्णुभक्तिसमन्वितः । धार्मिकः प्रियवादी च सम्पूर्ण गुणसंयुतः ॥ ९७॥
vyayeśe dvitīye raṃdhre viṣṇubhaktisamanvitaḥ | dhārmikaḥ priyavādī ca sampūrṇa guṇasaṃyutaḥ || 97||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is in the 2nd or in the 8th house (vyayeśe dvitīye raṃdhre), [the person is] devotee of Viṣṇu (viṣṇu-bhakti-samanvitaḥ), is righteous (dhārmikaḥ), speaking sweetly (priyavādī)and endowed with all virtues (ca sampūrṇa guṇa-saṃyutaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
व्ययेशे भाग्यभावस्थे गुरुद्वेषी भवेन्नरः । मित्रैरपि भवेद्वैरं स्वार्थसाधनतत्परः ॥१४१॥
vyayeśe bhāgyabhāvasthe gurudveṣī bhavennaraḥ | mitrairapi bhavedvairaṃ svārthasādhanatatparaḥ ||141||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is placed in the 9th house (vyayeśe bhāgya-bhāva-sthe), the person will be (bhaven-naraḥ) hostile towards teachers (guru-dveṣī); also will have enmity with friends(mitrair-api bhaved-vairaṃ) and person’s highest aim (tat-paraḥ) will be own wealth, results and means of enjoinment (sva-artha-sādhana).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.88) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.101):
भार्याद्वेषी प्रियद्वेषी गुरुद्वेषी भवेन्नरः । व्ययेशे सहजे धर्मे स्वशरीरस्य पोषकः ॥९८॥
bhāryādveṣī priyadveṣī gurudveṣī bhavennaraḥ | vyayeśe sahaje dharme svaśarīrasya poṣakaḥ ||98||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is in the 3rd house or in the 9th house (vyayeśe sahaje dharme), the person will be (bhaven-naraḥ) hostile towards spouse, friends / dears and teachers (bhāryā-dveṣī priya-dveṣī guru-dveṣī) and only interested in self nourishment (sva-śarīrasya poṣakaḥ).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: bhāryādveṣī -> bhātṛdveṣī (hostile towards brothers)

Sharma / Santhanam:
व्ययेशे राज्यभावस्थे व्ययो राजकुलाद्‌भवेत्‌ । पितृतोऽपि सुखं तस्य स्वल्पमेव हि जायते ॥१४२॥
vyayeśe rājyabhāvasthe vyayo rājakulād‌bhavet‌ | pitṛto’pi sukhaṃ tasya svalpameva hi jāyate ||142||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is placed in the 10th house (vyayeśe rājya-bhāva-sthe), there will be expenses from Royal family (vyayo rāja-kulād‌-bhavet‌), though person will have just little happiness (sukhaṃ tasya svalpam-eva hi jāyate) from father side (pitṛto ’pi).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.91) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.102):
व्ययेशे दशमे लाभे पुत्रसौख्यं भवेन्नहि । मणिमाणिक्यमुक्तादि धत्ते किंचित्समालभेत् ॥९९॥
vyayeśe daśame lābhe putrasaukhyaṃ bhavennahi | maṇimāṇikyamuktādi dhatte kiṃcitsamālabhet ||99||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is in the 10th house or in the 11th house (vyayeśe daśame lābhe), there will not be happiness of child (putra-saukhyaṃ bhaven-nahi), [but the person] will obtain some wealth (kiṃcit-samālabhet) through gems, rubies, pearls etc. (maṇi-māṇikya-mukta-ādi dhatte).

Sharma / Santhanam:
व्ययेशे लाभभावस्थे लाभे हानिः प्रजायते । परेण रक्षितं द्रव्यं कदाचिल्लभते नरः ॥१४३॥
vyayeśe lābhabhāvasthe lābhe hāniḥ prajāyate | pareṇa rakṣitaṃ dravyaṃ kadācillabhate naraḥ ||143||
Translation: If the 12th is placed in the 11th house(vyayeśe lābha-bhāva-sthe), the loss of income will be produced (lābhe hāniḥ prajāyate), though the person (naraḥ) sometimes gains (kadācil-labhate) through wealth maintained by others (pareṇa rakṣitaṃ dravyaṃ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.91) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.102):
व्ययेशे दशमे लाभे पुत्रसौख्यं भवेन्नहि । मणिमाणिक्यमुक्तादि धत्ते किंचित्समालभेत् ॥९९॥
vyayeśe daśame lābhe putrasaukhyaṃ bhavennahi | maṇimāṇikyamuktādi dhatte kiṃcitsamālabhet ||99||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is in the 10th house or in the 11th house (vyayeśe daśame lābhe), there will not be happiness of child (putra-saukhyaṃ bhaven-nahi), [but the person] will obtain some wealth (kiṃcit-samālabhet) through gems, rubies, pearls etc. (maṇi-māṇikya-mukta-ādi dhatte)

Sharma / Santhanam:
व्ययेशे व्ययभावस्थे व्ययाधिक्यं हि जायते । न शरीरसुखं तस्य क्रोधी द्वेषपरो नृणाम्‌ ॥१४४॥
vyayeśe vyayabhāvasthe vyayādhikyaṃ hi jāyate | na śarīrasukhaṃ tasya krodhī dveṣaparo nṛṇām‌ ||144||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is placed in the 12th house (vyayeśe vyaya-bhāva-sthe), the person will have huge expenses (vyayādhikyaṃ hi jāyate), will not have physical felicity (na śarīrasukhaṃ tasya), will be wrathful (krodhī) and spitefulman (dveṣa-paro nṛṇām‌).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.90) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.98):
व्ययेशेऽरिव्यये पापी मातृमृत्युविचिंतकः । क्रोधी सन्तानदुःखी च परजायासु लंपटः ॥९५॥
vyayeśe ’rivyaye pāpī mātṛmṛtyuviciṃtakaḥ | krodhī santānaduḥkhī ca parajāyāsu laṃpaṭaḥ ||95||
Translation: If the 12th Lord is in the 6th house or in the 12th house (vyayeśe ’rivyaye)[the person] is sinful (pāpī), thinking upon death of own mother (mātṛ-mṛtyu-viciṃtakaḥ), wrathful (krodhī), unhappy on account of children (ca santāna-duḥkhī) and desirous of other’s wives (ca para-jāyāsu laṃpaṭaḥ).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: mātṛ -> mātā (meaning the same)


Sharma / Santhanam:
इति ते कथितं विप्र भावेशानां च यत्‌ फलम्‌ । बलाबलविवेकेन सर्वेषां तत्समादिशेत्‌ ॥१४५॥
iti te kathitaṃ vipra bhāveśānāṃ ca yat‌ phalam ‌| balābalavivekena sarveṣāṃ tatsamādiśet‌ ||145||
Translation: Oh Brahmin (vipra), the effects of the Lords of the houses (bhāveśānāṃ phalam) which (yat‌)have been told to you (iti te kathitaṃ), should be declared (tat-samādiśet‌) considering strength and weakness (bala-abala-vivekena) for each of them (sarveṣāṃ).

Tara Chandra (śl.100) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.92) / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.105):
एतत्ते कथितं विप्र भावानां च फलाफलम् । बलाबलविवेकेन सर्वेषां फलमादिशेत् ॥१००॥
etatte kathitaṃ vipra bhāvānāṃ ca phalāphalam | balābalavivekena sarveṣāṃ phalamādiśet ||100||
Translation: Oh Brahmin (vipra), good and bad effects of the houses (bhāvānāṃ ca phala-aphalam) have been told to you here (etad-te kathitaṃ); the [final] effects should be declared (phalam-ādiśet) considering strength and weakness (bala-abala-vivekena) for each of them (sarveṣāṃ).

Note: Ganesha Datta Pathaka: bhāvānāṃ ca phalāphalam -> bhāvānāṃ ca yat‌ phalam (like in Sharma)

Sharma / Santhanam:
द्विराशीशस्य खेटस्य विदित्वोभयथा फलम्‌ । विरोधे तुल्यफलयोर्द्वयोर्नाशः प्रजायते ॥१४६॥
विभिन्नयोस्तु फलयोर्द्वयोः प्राप्तिर्भवेद्‌ध्रुवम्‌ ।
dvirāśīśasya kheṭasya viditvobhayathā phalam‌ | virodhe tulyaphalayordvayornāśaḥ prajāyate ||146||
vibhinnayostu phalayordvayoḥ prāptirbhaved‌dhruvam ‌| 147 ½
Translation: For planet which is Lord of two signs (dvi-rāśi-īśasya kheṭasya) the effect (phalam) is to be understood from both lordships (viditva-ubhayathā). For those two effects of the same kind (tulya-phalayor-dvayor) which are in contradiction to each other (virodhe) [the final result] will be nullified (nāśaḥ prajāyate). [146]
For two effects of various nature (vibhinnayos-tu phalayor-dvayoḥ) they certainly will be obtained (prāptir-bhaved‌-dhruvam).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ:
There is no such śloka

Sharma / Santhanam:
ग्रहे पूर्णबले पूर्णमर्धमर्धबले फलम्‌ ॥१४७॥
पादं हीनबले खेटे ज्ञेयमित्थं बुधैरिति । उक्तं भावस्थितानां ते भावेशानां फलं मया ॥१४८॥
grahe pūrṇabale pūrṇamardhamardhabale phalam‌ ||147||
pādaṃ hīnabale kheṭe jñeyamitthaṃ budhairiti | uktaṃ bhāvasthitānāṃ te bhāveśānāṃ phalaṃ mayā ||148||
Translation: If the strength of a planet is full (grahe pūrṇa-bale), then there will be full effect (pūrṇam phalam), and there will be half effect if the strength [of a planet] is half (ardham-ardha-bale). [147]
If a planet is bereft of strength, then one fourth [of effect] (pādaṃ hīna-bale kheṭe), in that manner it should be understood by wise men (jñeyam-itthaṃ budhair). Thus I have told you (iti uktaṃ te mayā) the effect of Lords of houses placed in various houses (bhāva-sthitānāṃ bhāveśānāṃ phalaṃ). [148]

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
ग्रहे पूर्णबले प्राप्ते फलं पूर्णं समादिशेत् । अर्धमर्धबले प्राप्ते हीने पादं समादिशेत् ॥९३॥
भावानां द्वादशानां च सर्वेषां फलमादिशेत् । उक्तं भावस्थितानां च भावेशानां फलं मया ॥९४॥
grahe pūrṇabale prāpte phalaṃ pūrṇaṃ samādiśet | ardhamardhabale prāpte hīne pādaṃ samādiśet ||93||
bhāvānāṃ dvādaśānāṃ ca sarveṣāṃ phalamādiśet | uktaṃ bhāvasthitānāṃ ca bhāveśānāṃ phalaṃ mayā ||94||
Translation: If a planet has reached full strength (grahe pūrṇa-bale prāpte), then the full effect should be declared (phalam pūrṇam samādiśet); there will be half effect if half strength is attained (ardham-ardha-bale); there will be one fourth [of effect], if [a planet] is bereft [of strength] (hīne pādaṃ samādiśet).
And affects (phalam)of all 12 houses (bhāvānāṃ dvādaśānāṃ ca sarveṣāṃ) should be declared (ādiśet) [the same way] I have told (uktaṃ mayā) the effect of Lords of houses placed in various houses (bhāva-sthitānāṃ ca bhāveśānāṃ phalaṃ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ (śl.106-107):
वक्री चेत्स्वच तुर्थः स्यात्फलं भौमो ददाति च । बुधतुर्येऽथ देवेज्ये पञ्चमे शशिभार्गवौ ॥१०१॥
सप्तमस्य तमध्वंसी पुत्रस्य नवमस्य च । वित्तस्य विषुवत्यर्के ददाति स्वफलं विधुः ॥१०२॥
vakrī cetsvacaturthaḥ syātphalaṃ bhaumo dadāti ca | budhaturye ’tha devejye pañcame śaśibhārgavau ||101||
saptamasya tamadhvaṃsī putrasya navamasya ca | vittasya viṣuvatyarke dadāti svaphalaṃ vidhuḥ ||102||
Translation: If retrograde (vakrī cet), then Mars gives (bhaumo dadāti) results as if it is in the 4th from itself (sva-caturthaḥ syāt-phalaṃ), and also [retrograde] Mercury [gives result as it is in] the 4th house from itself (ca budha-turye ’tha). If Jupiter [is retrograde] (devejye) – in the 5th house (pañcame); if the Moon and Venus (śaśi-bhārgavau) of the 7th (saptamasya); if Saturn – of the 9th (tamadhvaṃsī putrasya navamasya).
And if the Sun is in equinox, it gives results of the 2nd house (ca vittasya viṣuvaty-arke); the Moon [in equinox] gives own results (dadāti sva-phalaṃ vidhuḥ).

Note: Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: pañcame śaśibhārgavau -> pañcamasya ca bhārgava (and Venus – is of 5th). This version should be more correct since Moon cannot be retrograde.
Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ: tamadhvaṃsī putrasya -> tamadhvaṁsi-putras-tu
tama-dhvaṃsin – ‘destroyer of Tamas’ (the Sun)

Sharma / Santhanam:
There is no such sloka

Lomaśa Saṃhitaḥ / Tara Chandra (śl.103-104) / Girdhari Lal:
ग्रहे पूर्णबले प्राप्ते फलं पूर्णं समादिशेत् । अर्धेऽर्धं पादहीने तु तन्मितं पादमंघ्रिणा ॥१०८॥
भावानां द्वादशानां च सर्वेषां फलमादिशेत् । भावस्थानां ग्रहाणां च फलं ते कथितं मया ॥१०९॥
grahe pūrṇabale prāpte phalaṃ pūrṇaṃ samādiśet | ardhe ’rdhaṃ pādahīne tu tanmitaṃ pādamaṃghriṇā ||108||
bhāvānāṃ dvādaśānāṃ ca sarveṣāṃ phalamādiśet | bhāvasthānāṃ grahāṇāṃ ca phalaṃ te kathitaṃ mayā ||109||
Translation: If a planet has reached full strength (grahe pūrṇa-bale prāpte), then the full effect should be declared (phalam pūrṇaṃ samādiśet); there will be half effect if half strength is attained (ardhe ’rdhaṃ); there will be one fourth [of effect], if [a planet] is bereft [of strength] (pāda-hīne tu). In that way it is measured by quarters (tad-mitaṃ pādam-aṅghriṇā).
And affects (phalam) of all 12 houses (bhāvānāṃ dvādaśānāṃ ca sarveṣāṃ) should be declared(ādiśet) [the same way]I have told you (te kathitaṃ mayā) the effect of planets placed in various houses (bhāva-sthānāṃ grahāṇāṃ ca).

aṅghri – foot, quarter.
Note: pūrṇa-bale -> pūrṇa-phale; pūrṇa -> pūrvaṃ; ardhe ’rdhaṃ -> arddham-arddhaṃ; tan-mitaṃ -> tatra-idaṃ

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal
इति श्रीबृहत्पाराशरहोराशास्त्रे पूर्वखण्डे भावस्थग्रहाणां फलकथनं नाम पञ्चदशोऽध्यायः ॥१५॥
iti śrībṛhatpārāśarahorāśāstre pūrvakhaṇḍe bhāvasthagrahāṇāṃ phalakathanaṃ nāma pañcadaśa ’dhyāyaḥ ||15||
Translation: This is (iti) the 15th Chapter (pañca-daśa ’dhyāyaḥ) ‘Results of planets placed in houses’ (bhāva-stha-grahāṇāṃ phala-kathanaṃ nāma) in the 1st Book of BPHS (śrī-bṛhat-pārāśara-horā-śāstre pūrva-khaṇḍe).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka
इति पाराशरहोरायां पूर्वखण्डे सुबोधिन्यां भावेशफलाध्यायः त्रयोदशः ॥१३॥
iti pārāśarahorāyāṃ pūrvakhaṇḍe subodhinyāṃ bhāveśaphalādhyāyaḥ trayodaśaḥ ||13||
Translation: This is (iti) the 13th Chapter about effects of Lords of Houses (bhāveśa-phala-adhyāyaḥ trayodaśaḥ)in the first book ‘Subodhinī’ (‘one of perfect knowledge’) (pūrva-khaṇḍe subodhinyāṃ) in BPHS (pārāśara-horāyāṃ).

End of Bhāveśa Phala Adhyāya (26)
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