Глава 26. Результаты Управителей Домов
Sharma / Santhanam:
अथ भावेशफलाध्यायः॥२६॥
atha bhāveśaphalādhyāyaḥ ||26||
Translation: Now (atha) a chapter (adhyāyaḥ) about results of bhāveśa (bhāveśa-phala)

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
अथ लग्नेशद्वादशभावस्थितफलमाह
atha lagneśadvādaśabhāvasthitaphalamāha
Translation: Now (atha) a chapter about results of lagneśa situated in 12th bhāvas (lagneśa-dvādaśa-bhāva-sthita-phalam-āha)

Ganesha Datta Pathaka
अथ भावेशफलाध्यायः अथ लग्नेशभावफलम्
atha bhāveśaphalādhyāyaḥ atha lagneśabhāvaphalam
Translation: Now (atha) a chapter about results of bhāveśa (bhāveśa-phala-ādhyāyaḥ), part about results of lagneśa in bhāvas (lagneśa-bhāva-phalam).

Sharma / Santhanam:
लग्नेशे लग्नगे देहसुखभाग्भुजविक्रमी । मनस्वी चञ्चलश्चैव द्विभार्यः परगोऽपि वा ॥१॥
lagneśe lagnage dehasukhabhāg‌bhujavikramī | manasvī cañcalaścaiva dvibhāryaḥ parago ’pi vā || 1||
Translation: If the Lagna Lord is in the Lagna (lagneśe lagnage), [the person] is enjoying physical wellbeing (deha-sukha-bhāj) and have physical strength (bhuja-vikramī – ‘arm-fighter’).
He is wise and intelligent (manasvī), unsteady / fickle-minded (cañcalaś-ca-eva), has two wives (dvi-bhāryaḥ) or relationship with other woman than wife (parago ’pi vā).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
लग्नेशे लग्नगे पुंसः स्वदेहस्वभुजाक्रमी । मनस्वी चातिचांचल्यो द्विभार्यः परगोऽपि वा ॥१५॥
lagneśe lagnage puṁsaḥ svadehasvabhujākramī | manasvī cāticāṃcalyo dvibhāryaḥ parago’pi vā || 15 ||
Translation: If the Lagna Lord is in the Lagna (lagneśe lagnage), the native (puṁsaḥ) is earning wealth with his own hands (sva-deha-sva-bhuja-ākramī).
He is wise and intelligent (manasvī) and very unsteady / fickle-minded (ca-ati-cāṃcalyo), has two wives (dvi-bhāryaḥ) or relationship with other woman than wife (parago ’pi vā).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
लग्नेशे लग्नगे पुंसः सुखी भुजपराक्रमी । मनस्वी चातिचाञ्चल्यो द्विभार्यः परगोऽपि वा ॥१॥
lagneśe lagnage puṃsaḥ sukhī bhujaparākramī | manasvī cāticāñcalyo dvibhāryaḥ parago’pi vā || 1||
Translation: If the Lagna Lord is in the Lagna (lagneśe lagnage), the person (puṁsaḥ) is happy (sukhī), has courage and strength in hands (bhuja-parākramī).
He is wise and intelligent (manasvī) and very unsteady / fickle-minded (ca-ati-cāṃcalyo), has two wives (dvi-bhāryaḥ) or relationship with other woman than wife (parago ’pi vā).

Sharma / Santhanam:
लग्नेशे धनगे बालो लाभवान्‌ पण्डितः सुखी । सुशीलो धर्मविन्मानी बहुदारो गुणैर्युतः ॥२॥
lagneśe dhanage bālo lābhavān‌ paṇḍitaḥ sukhī | suśīlo dharmavinmānī bahudāro guṇairyutaḥ || 2||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 2nd house (lagneśe dhanage), the child (bālo) has gain or advantage (lābhavān‌), is learned (paṇḍitaḥ), happy (sukhī), well-disposed (suśīlo), virtuous (dharmavin), highly honoured (mānī), has many wives (bahudāro) and good qualities (guṇair-yutaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
लग्नेशे धनगे लाभे सलाभः पीडितो नरः ।। सुशीलो धर्मविन्मानी बहुदारगुणैर्युतः ॥१६॥
lagneśe dhanage lābhe salābhaḥ pīḍito naraḥ || suśīlo dharmavinmānī bahudāraguṇairyutaḥ || 16||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 2nd house (lagneśe dhanage) or in the 11th house (lābhe), the person (naraḥ) has gains (sa-lābhaḥ), is injured (pīḍito), well-disposed (suśīlo), virtuous (dharmavin), highly honoured (mānī), polygamist (i.e. has qualities of man with many wives) (bahu-dāra-guṇair yutaḥ).

Note: pīḍito (not paṇḍito) is in all three versions (including Khemraj edition from museum in Kurukshetra, see scans in the end of document), and Hindu translation. It could make sense since 2nd house is māraka.

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
लग्नेशे धनगेलाभे सलाभःपण्डितो नरः। सुशीलोधर्मविन्मानी बहुदारगुणैर्युतः ॥२॥
lagneśe dhanage lābhe salābhaḥ paṇḍito naraḥ | suśīlo dharmavinmānī bahudāraguṇairyutaḥ || 2 ||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 2nd house (lagneśe dhanage) or in the 11th house (lābhe), the person (naraḥ) has gains (sa-lābhaḥ), is learned (paṇḍito), well-disposed (suśīlo), virtuous (dharmavin), highly honoured (mānī), polygamist (i.e. has qualities of man with many wives) (bahu-dāra-guṇair yutaḥ).

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