BPHS Chapter 14. Results of the 1st house ('house of body')
Sharma (15 ślokas) / Santhanam (15 ślokas):
अथ तनुभावफलाध्यायः ॥१४॥
atha tanubhāvaphalādhyāyaḥ ||14||
Translation: Now (atha), chapter (adhyāyaḥ) about results of the 1st house (‘house of body’) (tanu-bhāva-phala).

tanu f. the body, person, Self

Tara Chandra (13 ślokas) / Girdhari Lal (13 ślokas):
अथ प्रथमभावफलम्
atha prathamabhāvaphalam
Translation: Now (atha), results of the 1st house (prathama-bhāva-phalam).

Ganeshа Datta Pathaka (8 ślokas):
अथ तनुभावफलम्
atha tanubhāvaphalam
Translation: Now (atha), results of the 1st house (‘house of body’) (tanu-bhāva-phalam).

Sharma / Santhanam:
सपापो देहपोऽष्टारिव्ययगो देहसौख्यहृत्‌ । केन्द्रे कोणे स्थितोऽङ्गेशः सदा देहसुखं दिशेत्‌ ॥१॥
sapāpo dehapo ’ṣṭārivyayago dehasaukhyahṛt‌ | kendre koṇe sthito’ṅgeśaḥ sadā dehasukhaṃ diśet‌ ||1||
Translation: The Lagna Lord (deha-paḥ) conjoined by a malefic (sa-pāpaḥ) and situated in the the 6th, the 8th or the 12th house (aṣṭa-ari-vyaya-gaḥ) is carrying away the body’s well-being and comfort (deha-saukhya-hṛt‌).
The Lagna Lord (aṅga-īśaḥ) placed in a kendra or a koṇa (kendre koṇe sthitaḥ) will always grant (sadā diśet‌) bodily comfort (deha-sukhaṃ).

Note: The Sun is not considered here among malefics since it is not pāpa.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.23):
देहाधिपः पापयुतोऽष्टमस्थो व्ययारिगो वांगसुखं निहन्ति । सर्वत्र भावेषु च योजनीयमेवं बुधैर्भाववशात्फलं हि ॥२४॥
dehādhipaḥ pāpayuto ’ṣṭamastho vyayārigo vāṃgasukhaṃ nihanti | sarvatra bhāveṣu ca yojanīyamevaṃ budhairbhāvavaśātphalaṃ hi ||24||
Translation: The Lagna Lord (deha-adhipaḥ), conjoined with malefic (pāpa-yuto) and placed in the 8th, the 12th or the 6th house (’ṣṭama-stho vyaya-ari-go vā), destroys the body’s happiness (aṃga-sukhaṃ nihanti).
And in such manner for all the houses (sarvatra bhāveṣu evaṃ ca), the results (phalaṃ hi) should be estimated (yojanīyam) by wise men (budhair) depending on house’s nature (bhāva-vaśāt).

Note: Wording is different, meaning is similar.

Illustration: J. F. Kennedy

Sharma / Santhanam / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such śloka

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
एवं तृतीये पि च सप्तमे पि फलं विमृश्यं कृतिभिः प्रयत्नात् । तथा व्यये मित्रगृहे रिपौ मृते स्थिते विलग्नाधिपतौ फलं स्यात् ॥२५॥
evaṃ tṛtīye pi ca saptame pi phalaṃ vimṛśyaṃ kṛtibhiḥ prayatnāt | tathā vyaye mitragṛhe ripau mṛte sthite vilagnādhipatau phalaṃ syāt || 25 ||
Translation: In such a manner (evaṃ), the results [of placing] in the third and seventh houses also (tṛtīye pi ca saptame pi phalaṃ) should be examined (vimṛśyaṃ) with special efforts and carefully (kṛtibhiḥ prayatnāt).
If the Lagna Lord (vilagna-adhipatau) is placed in the 12th, the 6th or the 8th house (vyaye ripau mṛte sthite) in a friendly sign (mitra-gṛhe), then result will be accordingly (tathā phalaṃ syāt).

kṛti f. the act of doing, making, performing, manufacturing, composing, action, activity, creation, work.

Sharma / Santhanam:
लग्नपोऽस्तङ्गतो नीचे शत्रुभे रोगकृद्‌ भवेत्‌ । शुभाः केन्द्रत्रिकोणस्था सर्वरोगहराः स्मृताः ॥२॥
lagnapo ’staṅgato nīce śatrubhe rogakṛd‌ bhavet‌ | śubhāḥ kendratrikoṇasthā sarvarogaharāḥ smṛtāḥ ||2||
Translation: The Lagna Lord (lagna-paḥ) combusted (astaṅgataḥ), debilitated (nīce) or placed in enemy sign (śatru-bhe) will cause diseases (roga-kṛd‌ bhavet).
Benefics (śubhāḥ) placed in a kendra or trikoṇa (kendra-trikoṇa-sthā) are known (smṛtāḥ) as destroyers of all diseases (sarva-roga-harāḥ).

Gian-Carlo Coppola (son of director Francis Ford Coppola), death at 22 – Lagneśa is debilitated and combusted, no benefics in kendras and koṇas.
Cratère, Marc-André (French athlete, silver medalist at the Paralympic Games London 2012, fencing), he became paraplegic at 18 due to accident – lagneśa is debilitated, there is no benefics in kendras or koṇas.
Zoe Tamerlis Lund (аmerican musician turned model, actress, and screenwriter) - died at 37 from heart failure due to extended cocaine use – Lagneśa is debilitated and combusted, in kendras or trikoṇas only the Moon (S6)

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such śloka

Sharma / Santhanam:
लग्ने चन्द्रेऽथवा क्रूरग्रहैर्दृष्टेऽथवा युते । शुभदृष्टिविहीने च जन्तोर्देहसुखं न हि ॥३॥
lagne candre ’thavā krūragrahairdṛṣṭe ’thavā yute | śubhadṛṣṭivihīne ca jantordehasukhaṃ na hi ||3||
Translation: If the Lagna or the Moon (lagne candre ’thavā) is aspected or conjoined (dṛṣṭe ’thavā yute) by malefics (krūra-grahair) and devoid of benefic aspects (śubha-dṛṣṭi-vihīne ca), there will be no bodily comfort for the person (jantor-deha-sukhaṃ na).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such śloka

Sharma / Santhanam:
There is no such śloka

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.24):
पापो विलग्नाधिपतिर्विलग्ने चंद्रे विलग्ने यदि बालकः स्यात् । तदाऽतिरोगं स हि केंद्रसंस्थस्त्रिकोणलाभेषु गदं निहंति ॥२६॥
pāpo vilagnādhipatirvilagne caṃdre vilagne yadi bālakaḥ syāt | tadā ’tirogaṃ sa hi keṃdrasaṃsthastrikoṇalābheṣu gadaṃ nihaṃti ||26||
Translation: If (yadi) the Lagna Lord is a malefic planet placed in Lagna (pāpo vilagna-adhipatir-vilagne), and the Moon is in Lagna (caṃdre vilagne), then the person will be very sick (bālakaḥ syāt tadā ’tirogaṃ). And if it is situated in [another] kendra (sa hi keṃdra-saṃsthas) or in trikoṇa or in the 11th house (trikoṇa-lābheṣu), it will destroy the disease (gadaṃ nihaṃti).

Note 1: Ganesha Datta Pathaka: caṃdre vilagne -> candreṇa yukto (meaning is the same)
Note 2: Upajāti chandas: 11 (5+6) x 4

Illustration: Homan, Brian (multiple malefic influence on Lagna, Lagna Lord & Moon – short life due to disease)

Sharma / Santhanam:
लग्ने सौम्ये सुरूपः स्यात्‌ क्रूरे रूपविवर्जितः । सौम्यखेटैर्युते दृष्टे लग्ने देहसुखान्वितः ॥४॥
lagne saumye surūpaḥ syāt‌ krūre rūpavivarjitaḥ | saumyakheṭairyute dṛṣṭe lagne dehasukhānvitaḥ ||4||
Translation: If Lagna is benefic (i.e. owned by benefic planet) (lagne saumye), [the person] would be (syāt‌) well-formed / handsome (su-rūpaḥ), if it is malefic (krūre) – one is destitute of (good) form (rūpa-vivarjitaḥ). If Lagna is joined or aspected by benefic planets (saumya-kheṭair-yute dṛṣṭe lagne), [the person is] possessed of physical comfort (deha-sukha-anvitaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such śloka

Sharma / Santhanam / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such śloka

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
बलोनतामेव तु पापवत्तामेतस्य वित्तं फलमानुरूप्यताम् । नीचारिसूर्यस्य गृहेषु तिष्ठन्स्वर्क्षादि ऋक्षादि गृहत्रये च ॥२७॥
balonatāmeva tu pāpavattāmetasya vittaṃ phalamānurūpyatām | nīcārisūryasya gṛheṣu tiṣṭhansvarkṣādi ṛkṣādi gṛhatraye ca ||27||
Translation: The weakness (bala-ūnatām-eva) and sinfulness (tu pāpa-vattām) of this [Lagna Lord] (etasya) lead to corresponding results (vittaṃ phalam ānurūpyatām). Or it is placed in debilitation or enemy signs or in Sun’s houses (nīca-ari-sūryasya gṛheṣu tiṣṭhan) or in three houses starting from the own sign (i.e. own, exaltation, mūlatrikoṇa) (svarkṣādi ṛkṣādi gṛhatraye ca) [, then it leads to the corresponding results].

ūnatā – deficiency
ānurūpya – suitableness, conformity or correspondence with; agreement with (of features, character, qualities)

Note: it is not very clear verse.

Sharma / Santhanam / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such śloka

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
देहाधिपश्चंद्रगृहाधिपो वा तृतीयरिः फारिगतोऽबलः स्यात् । नीचास्तगद्व्यष्टगृहे स्थितो वा कार्श्य शरीरेऽतिगदं करोति ॥२८॥
dehādhipaścaṃdragṛhādhipo vā tṛtīyariḥ phārigato ’balaḥ syāt || nīcāstagadvyaṣṭagṛhe sthito vā kārśya śarīre’tigadaṃ karoti ||28||
Translation: If Lagna Lord or Moon’s sign Lord (deha-adhipaś-caṃdra-gṛha-adhipo vā) is placed in the 3rd or the 12th house (tṛtīya-riḥphāri gato), then [the person] will be weak (abalaḥ syāt). If it is debilitated or combusted or placed in the inimical house (nīca-astaga-dviṣṭa-gṛhe sthito vā), then it causes serious illness in the body (kārśya śarīre ’tigadaṃ karoti).

astaga – set, become invisible (as a planet or star)
dviṣṭa – hated, disliked, odious, hostile

Note: Tara Chandra: dviṣṭa-gṛhe -> dvy-aṣṭa-gṛhe (instead of ‘in the house of enemy’ the condition could be ‘in the 2nd or the 8th house’, which is less likely)

Barbin, Herculine – Leo Lagna, Sun is in the 3rd house, debilitated.
Galois, Evariste – Leo Lagna, Sun is in the 3rd house, debilitated.
Albers, Hans – Libra Lagna, Venus is in the 12th house, debilitated, combusted.
In 1915, during the First World War, he was seriously wounded in the leg in battle, but he categorically refused the proposed amputation.
Berigan, Bunny – Libra Lagna, Venus is in the 12th house, debilitated.
Weak health due to alcoholism, death at 33.
Christ, Lena – Aquarius Lagna, Saturn is in the 3rd house, debilitated.
Tuberculosis, depression, suicide at 38.
Carrisi, Ylenia – Aquarius Lagna, Saturn is in the 3rd house, debilitated.
First daughter of Al Bano and Romina Power, death at 23.

Sharma / Santhanam:
लग्नेशो ज्ञो गुरुर्वाऽपि शुक्रो वा केन्द्रकोणगः । दीर्घायुर्धनवान्‌ जातो बुद्धिमान्‌ राजवल्लभः ॥५॥
lagneśo jño gururvā ’pi śukro vā kendrakoṇagaḥ | dīrghāyurdhanavān‌ jāto buddhimān‌ rājavallabhaḥ ||5||
Translation: If Lagna Lord (lagneśaḥ) or Mercury (jñaḥ) or Jupiter (gurur-vā ‘pi) or Venus (śukro vā) is in a kendra or a koṇa (kendra-koṇa-gaḥ), the person (jāto) is long-lived, wealthy (dīrghāyur-dhanavān‌), intelligent (buddhimān‌) and favorite of the king (rāja-vallabhaḥ).

Note: Probably we should add the word ‘accordingly’, so Lagna Lord in kendra/koṇa gives long life, Mercury gives wealth, Jupiter gives intelligence and Venus makes a person king’s favorite.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
लग्नाधिपो वा जीव वा शुक्रो वा यदि केंद्रगः । तस्य पुत्रस्य दीर्घायुर्धनवान्राजवल्लभः ॥ २९ ॥
lagnādhipo vā jīva vā śukro vā yadi keṃdragaḥ | tasya putrasya dīrghāyurdhanavānrājavallabhaḥ ||29||
Translation: If (yadi) Lagna Lord (lagna-adhi-po) or Jupiter or Venus (vā jīva vā śukro vā) is in the kendra (keṃdra-gaḥ), the person’s child is long-lived (tasya putrasya dīrgha-āyur), wealthy and king’s favorite (dhanavān-rāja-vallabhaḥ).

Note: Chandra / Lal: do not talk about Mercury, koṇa and give all benefits to person’s child. Still possibly ‘accordingly’ can be added like for Sharma/Santhanam version.

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
लग्नाधिपोऽथ जीवो वा शुक्रो वा यदि केन्द्रगः । स जातो धनवांल्लोके दीर्घायू राजवल्लभः ॥२५॥
lagnādhipo ’tha jīvo vā śukro vā yadi kendragaḥ | sa jāto dhanavāṃlloke dīrghāyū rājavallabhaḥ ||25||
Translation: If (yadi) Lagna Lord (lagna-adhipo ’tha) or Jupiter (jīvo vā) or Venus (śukro vā) is in a kendra (kendra-gaḥ), the person (sa jāto) is wealthy in this world (dhanavān-loke), long-lived and king’s favorite (dīrghāyū rāja-vallabhaḥ).

Note: Pathaka: do not talk about Mercury, koṇa.

Sharma / Santhanam / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such śloka

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
लग्नाधिपोन्नतबलैश्च शुभैर्नवकेन दृष्टस्य ॥ केंद्रस्थिते शुभावलोक्ये मृत्युहीनेऽपि दीर्घायुः ॥३०॥
lagnādhiponnatabalaiśca śubhairnavakena dṛṣṭasya | keṃdrasthite śubhāvalokye mṛtyuhīne’pi dīrghāyuḥ ||30||
Translation: Lagna Lord (lagna-adhipa) [placed] with strong (with Unnata bala) and auspicious planets (unnata-balaiś-ca śubhair), even having aspect of the 8th Lord (navakena dṛṣṭasya), if it is placed in kendra under auspicious aspect (keṃdra-sthite śubha-avalokye), there will be no death but long life (mṛtyu-hīne ’pi dīrghāyuḥ).

Note 1: Kațapayādi: navaka -> 041 -> 140 /12 = 11 (reminder = 8) -> 8th Lord
Note 2: Unnata Bala (strength): max at midnight for Mars, Mooon, Saturn; max at midday for Sun, Venus, Jupiter.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.26):
केन्द्रत्रिकोणेषु न यस्य पापा लग्नाधिपो सुरगुरुश्वतुरष्टमस्थः । भुक्त्वा सुखानि विविधानि च पुण्यकर्मा जीवेत्तु वर्षशतमेव विमुक्तरोगः ॥ ३१ ॥
kendratrikoṇeṣu na yasya pāpā lagnādhipo suraguruścaturaṣṭamasthaḥ | bhuktvā sukhāni vividhāni ca puṇyakarmā jīvettu varṣaśatameva vimuktarogaḥ ||31||
Translation: If there are no malefic planets in kendras and trikoṇas (kendra-trikoṇeṣu na yasya pāpā), and the Lagna Lord and Jupiter are in the 4th and 8th houses (lagna-adhipo sura-guruś-catur-aṣṭama-sthaḥ), [the person] will live (jīvet-tu) a hundred years (varṣa-śatam-eva) enjoying many pleasures (bhuktvā sukhāni vividhāni), doing good deeds (ca puṇya-karmā) and being disease-free (vimukta-rogaḥ).

Note 1: Sun is not considered as malefic here, since it is not pāpa.
Note 2: Pathaka: lagna-adhipo suraguruś-catur-aṣṭama-sthaḥ -> lagna-adhipaḥ sura-guruś-ca catuṣṭaya-sthau. Pathaka says that Lagna Lord and Jupiter are placed in kendras, not in the 4th and the 8th and has correct grammar (endings in lagnādhipaḥ and catuṣṭayasthau).

catuṣṭaya - fourfold, consisting of 4, a set of 4, quaternion, a square, the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th signs of the zodiac.

Beer, Samuel: LL Ju in the 8th house – lived 97 years.
Belmore, Mark (anti): LL Ju retro in the 8th house – killed at 19 years (retro benefic in 6,8,12 – the worst malefic).
Kaplan, Jacob: LL Ju in the 8th house, exalted – lived 99 years.

Sharma / Santhanam:
There is no such śloka

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.32) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.27):
लग्नेशे चरराशिस्थे शुभग्रहनिरीक्षिते । कीर्तिश्रीमान्‌ महाभोगी देहसौख्यसमन्वितः ॥६॥
lagneśe cararāśisthe śubhagrahanirīkṣite | kīrtiśrīmān‌mahābhogī dehasaukhyasamanvitaḥ ||6||
Translation: If the Lagna Lord is in a movable sign (lagneśe cara-rāśi-sthe) and aspected by a benefic planet (śubha-graha-nirīkṣite), the person is famous and wealthy (kīrti-śrī-mān‌), possessed of great enjoyment (mahā-bhogī) and comforts of the body (deha-saukhya-samanvitaḥ).

Note: Chandra / Lal / Pathaka: deha-saukhya-samanvitaḥ -> deha-puṣṭi-samanvitaḥ (meaning is the same).

Allen, Debbie
Blumenberg, Hans
Coughlin, Tom
Ippolito, Katherine

Sharma / Santhanam / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.28):
बुधो जीवोऽथवा शुक्रो लग्ने चन्द्रसमन्वितः । लग्नात्केन्द्रगतो वाऽपि राजलक्षणसंयुतः ॥७॥
budho jīvo’thavā śukro lagne candrasamanvitaḥ | lagnāt‌kendragato vā’pi rājalakṣaṇasaṃyutaḥ ||7||
Translation: If Mercury, Jupiter or Venus (budho jīvo ’thavā śukro) is in the Lagna (lagne), connected with the Moon (candra-samanvitaḥ), or if they are in a kendra from Lagna (lagnāt kendra-gato vā), the person is endowed with royal marks (rāja-lakṣaṇa-saṃyutaḥ).

Note: Pathaka: budho jīvo’thavā śukro lagne -> śukro budho ’thavā jīvo lagne (meaning is the same).

Rozes, Simone – First President of the High Court
Biography - Wiki

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
जीवः शुक्रो बुधश्चंद्रो लग्ने शशिसमन्वितः । लग्नात्केंद्रगतश्चैव राजलक्षणसंयुतः ॥३३॥
jīvaḥ śukro budhaścaṃdro lagne śaśisamanvitaḥ | lagnātkeṃdragataścaiva rājalakṣaṇasaṃyutaḥ ||33||
Translation: If Jupiter, Venus, Mercury or the Moon (jīvaḥ śukro budhaś-caṃdro) is in the Lagna (lagne), connected with the Moon (śaśi-samanvitaḥ), or if they are in a kendra from Lagna (lagnāt-keṃdra-gataś-ca-eva), the person is endowed with royal marks (rāja-lakṣaṇa-saṃyutaḥ).

Sharma / Santhanam:
ससौरे सकुजे वापि लग्ने मेषे वृषे हरौ । राश्यंशसदृशौ गात्रे स जातो नालविष्टितः ॥८॥
sasaure sakuje vāpi lagne meṣe vṛṣe harau | rāśyaṃśasadṛśau gātre sa jāto nālaviṣṭitaḥ ||8||
Translation: If Lagna (lagne) is in Aries, Taurus or Leo (meṣe vṛṣe harau) with Saturn or Mars (sa-saure sa-kuje vā-api), then the person is born (sa jāto) wrapped up with umbilical cord (nāla-viṣṭitaḥ) at the body limb (gātre), corresponding to the [rising] sign and navaṁśa (rāśy-aṃśa-sadṛśau).

Rousey, Ronda – Traumatic birth (umbilical cord around neck) – Lagna is in Taurus, Saturn aspects Lagna, Mars is with co-lord of Lagna Moon, Navāṁśa Lagna is in Gemini (3rd sign of Natural Zodiac, showing neck).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such śloka

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
जातो नरो बालविवेष्टितांगो लग्ने फणिर्मन्दसमन्वितश्च । लग्ने च पार्श्वे द्वितये च पापैर्निरीक्षिते जीवबुधेंदुशुक्रः ॥३५॥
jāto naro bālaviveṣṭitāṃgo lagne phaṇirmandasamanvitaśca | lagne ca pārśve dvitaye ca pāpairnirīkṣite jīvabudheṃduśukraḥ ||35||
Translation: The person is born with a body limb wrapped [with umbilical cord] (jāto naro bāla-viveṣṭita-aṃgo), if Lagna is connected with Rāhu or Saturn (lagne phaṇir-manda-samanvitaś), and Jupiter, Mercury, the Moon or Venus (jīva-budha-iṃdu-śukraḥ) is in Lagna or in two nearby signs on both sides (lagne ca pārśve dvitaye) and aspected by malefics (ca pāpair-nirīkṣite).

phaṇi m. a serpent, an epithet of Rāhu.

Sharma, Ria - “The doctors decided to perform an emergency C-section because the umbilical cord, which had wound itself around my neck, had decreased the circulation to my brain.
Saturn is in Lagna, Rāhu aspects Lagna, there is no benefics in 12th, 1st and 2nd that would provide safe natural delivery, but 12th Lord (hospital) Jupiter aspects Lagna – so, doctors saved her by emergency C-section. Jupiter is under aspect of malefic Mars.

Sharma / Santhanam / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such śloka

Sharma / Santhanam:
चतुष्पदगतो भानुः परे वीर्यसमन्विताः । द्विस्वभावगता जातौ यमलाविति निर्दिशेत्‌ ॥९॥
catuṣpadagato bhānuḥ pare vīryasamanvitāḥ | dvisvabhāvagatā jātau yamalāviti nirdiśet ‌||9||
Translation: The Sun (bhānuḥ) situated in a quadruped sign (catuṣ-pada-gato) and the other planets (pare) situated in dual signs (dvisvabhāva-gatā) endowed with strength (vīrya-samanvitāḥ) should indicate that (iti nirdiśet) the twins (yamalau) are born (jātau).

Note: The quadruped signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, the second part of Sagittarius and the first half of Capricorn. [BPHS Rāśisvarūpādhyāya (4), Paraśara and Laghujātaka 1.12, Varāhamihira]
मेषवृषद्वन्द्विसिंहाश्चतुष्पदा मकरपूर्वभागश्च । कीटः कर्कटराशिः सरीसृपो वृश्चिकः कथितः ॥१२॥
meṣavṛṣadvandvisiṃhāścatuṣpadā makarapūrvabhāgaśca | 12 ½
Translation: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo (meṣa-vṛṣa-dvandvi-siṃhāś) are quadruped [signs] (catuṣpadā), and also first half of Capricorn (makara-pūrva-bhāgaś-ca).

Twins, Cannon (fraternal twins) – the Sun is in Aries, all other planets are in dual signs, including Jupiter in own and Venus exalted.
McKeever, Marlin (twin brothers) – the Sun is in the second half of Sagittarius, 4 other body planets in dual signs, including Jupiter in Pisces
Vincent, Prince of Denmark (twin) – Sun is in in the second half of Sagittarius, 3 other body planets plus Rahu-Ketu in dual signs, including Jupiter in Pisces.
Bush, Barbara (twin sisters) – Sun is in Taurus, 4 other body planets in dual signs, including Jupiter in Sagittarius.
Williams, Ricky (has twin sister) – Sun is in Taurus, 3 body planets (including exalted Venus) plus Rāhu and Ketu in mūlatrikoṇa.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such śloka

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.30):
लग्ने राहुसमायुक्ते तथा सोमनिरीक्षिते । लग्नांशे मंदसूरी चेज्जातश्च यमलो भवेत् ॥३४॥
lagne rāhusamāyukte tathā somanirīkṣite | lagnāṃśe maṃdasūrī cejjātaśca yamalo bhavet ||34||
Translation: If Lagna is occupied by Rāhu (lagne rāhu-samāyukte) and aspected by the Moon (tathā soma-nirīkṣite), if Saturn and Jupiter are in Navāṁśa Lagna (lagnāṃśe maṃda-sūrī cej), the person will be born as twin (jātaś-ca yamalo bhavet).

Margarita, Princess of the Netherlands (twin) – Rāhu and Moon in Lagna; Navāṁśa Lagna is aspected by Saturn and Mars.

Sharma / Santhanam:
There is no such śloka

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.36) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.29):
रवीन्दू एकभावस्थावेकांशकसमन्वितौ । त्रिमात्रा च थिभिर्मासैः पित्रा भ्रात्रा च पोषितः ॥१०॥
ravīndū ekabhāvasthāvekāṃśakāsamanvitau | trimātrā ca thibhirmāsaiḥ pitrā bhrātrā ca poṣitaḥ ||10||
Translation: If the Sun and the Moon (ravi-indū) are placed in the same house (eka-bhāva-sthau) and in the same navāṁśa (eka-aṃśaka-samanvitau), [the child is] nourished (poṣitaḥ) by 3 mothers (tri-mātrā) for the [first] three months (thibhir-māsaiḥ) and [then supported] by a father and a brother (ca pitrā bhrātrā ca).

Note 1: It could happen if a birth appr. at the last quarter of Amāvāsyā or the first quarter of Śukla Pratipada. Most likely, the result indicates the death of the mother during or shortly after childbirth.
Note 2: Chandra / Lal / Pathaka: ravīndū ekabhāvasthau -> ravicaṃdrau ca hyekasthau (meaning is the same)
Note 3: Pathaka: poṣitaḥ -> jīvati (‘is nourished, supported’ -> ‘remains alive’)

Sharma / Santhanam:
एवमेव फलं वाच्यं चन्द्रादपि सदा बुधैः । अथ जातनरस्याङ्गे व्रणचिह्नादिकं ब्रुवे ॥११॥
evameva phalaṃ vācyaṃ candrādapi sadā budhaiḥ | atha jātanarasyāṅge vraṇacihnādikaṃ bruve ||11||
Translation: In the same way [as from Lagna] (evam-eva), the effects (phalaṃ) should be spoken (vācyaṃ) always (sadā) from the Moon as well (candrād-api) by the wise astrologers (budhair).
Now (atha), I will explain (bruve) the ulcers/wounds, marks, etc. (vraṇa-cihna-ādikaṃ) on the person’s body limbs (jāta-narasya-aṅge).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such śloka

Sharma / Santhanam:
शिरो नेत्रे तथ कर्णौ नासिके च कपोलकौ । हनू मुखं च लग्नाद्या तनावाद्यदृकाणके ॥१२॥
śiro netre tatha karṇau nāsike ca kapolakau | hanū mukhaṃ ca lagnādyā tanāvādyadṛkāṇake ||12||
Translation: The head (śiro), two eyes (netre), also two ears (tatha karṇau), nose (two nostrils) (nāsike) and two cheeks (ca kapolakau), chin (left and right parts) and mouth (hanū mukhaṃ ca) – beginning from Lagna etc. (lagna-ādyā), if the first drekkana is rising (tanau ādya-dṛkāṇake).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such śloka

Sharma / Santhanam:
मध्यद्रेष्काणगे लग्ने कण्ठोंऽसौ च भुजौ तथा । पार्श्वे च हृदये क्रोडे नाभिश्चेति यथाक्रमम्‌ ॥१३॥
madhyadreṣkāṇage lagne kaṇṭhoṁśau ca bhujau tathā | pārśve ca hṛdaye kroḍe nābhiśceti yathākramam‌ ||13||
Translation: If Lagna is in the middle drekkana (madhya-dreṣkāṇa-ge lagne) – neck (kaṇṭhaḥ) and two shoulders (aṁśau ca), then two arms (bhujau tathā), two sides (pārśve) and heart (left and right parts) (ca hṛdaye), chest (left and right parts) (kroḍe) and navel (nābhiś-ca) – according to that order (iti yathā-kramam).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such śloka

Sharma / Santhanam:
वस्तिर्लिङ्गगुदे मुष्कावूरू जानू च जंघके । पादश्चेत्युदितैर्वाममङ्गं ज्ञेयं तृतीयके ॥१४॥
vastirliṅgagude muṣkāvūrū jānū ca jaṃghake | pādaścetyuditairvāmamaṅgaṃ jñeyaṃ tṛtīyake ||14||
Translation: Bladder/ lower belly/ pelvis (vastirpada), the genitals and anus (liṅga-gude), two testicles (muṣkau), two thighs (ūrū) and two knees (jānū ca), two shins (jaṃghake) and foot (pādas-ca) [if Lagna is] in the third [drekkana] (tṛtīyake). The left side of body is indicated (vāmam-aṅgaṃ jñeyaṃ) by [already] risen [signs] (uditair).

Note: Visible half of horoscope (which have been already risen i.e. from Lagna backwards through the 10th house) represents the left side of the body. Invisible part – the right side of the body.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such śloka

Sharma / Santhanam:
यस्मिन्नङ्गे स्थितः पापो व्रणं तत्र समादिशेत्‌ । नियतं सबुधैः क्रूरैः सौम्यैर्लक्ष्म वदेद्‌ बुधः ॥१५॥
yasminnaṅge sthitaḥ pāpo vraṇaṃ tatra samādiśet‌ | niyataṃ sabudhaiḥ krūraiḥ saumyairlakṣma vaded‌ budhaḥ ||15||
Translation: In whichever part of the body (yasminn-aṅge) a malefic is situated (sthitaḥ pāpo), a wound (vraṇaṃ) should be declared (samādiśet‌) there (tatra). [It happens] surely (niyataṃ) if body parts are with Mercury and with malefics (sa-budhaiḥ krūraiḥ). If with benefics (saumyair) – then the wise man should proclaim (vaded‌ budhaḥ) a mark (lakṣma).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There is no such śloka
End of Tanu Bhava Phala Adhyaya (14)
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