BPHS Chapter 15. Results of 2nd house (‘house of wealth’)
Sharma (18 ślokas) / Santhanam (13 ślokas):
अथ धनभावफलाध्यायः ॥१५॥
atha dhanabhāvaphalādhyāyaḥ ||15||
Translation: Now (atha) a chapter about results of 2nd house (‘house of wealth’) (dhana-bhāva-phala-adhyāyaḥ).

Tara Chandra (22 ślokas) / Girdhari Lal (22 ślokas) / Ganeshа Datta Pathaka (18 ślokas):
अथ द्वितीयभावफलम्
atha dvitīyabhāvaphalam
Translation: Now (atha) results of 2nd house (dvitīya-bhāva-phalam).

Sharma / Santhanam:
धनभावफलं वच्मि शृणु त्वं द्विजसत्तम । धनेशो धनभावस्थः केन्द्रकोणगतोऽपि वा ॥१॥
धनवृद्धिकरो ज्ञेयस्त्रिकस्थो धनहानिकृत्‌ । धनदश्च धने सौम्यः पापो धनविनाशकृत्‌ ॥२॥
dhanabhāvaphalaṃ vacmi śṛṇu tvaṃ dvijasattama | dhaneśo dhanabhāvasthaḥ kendrakoṇagato ’pi vā ||1||
dhanavṛddhikaro jñeyastrikastho dhanahānikṛt‌ | dhanadaśca dhane saumyaḥ pāpo dhanavināśakṛt‌ ||2||
Translation: Oh excellent of the Brahmins (dvija-sattama), now I will explain (vacmi) the effects of the house of wealth (the 2nd house) (dhana-bhāva-phalaṃ), you listen to me (śṛṇu tvaṃ). The 2nd Lord placed in the 2nd house or kendra or trikoṇa (dhaneśo dhana-bhāva-sthaḥ kendra-koṇa-gato ’pi vā) is known as promoting growth of wealth (dhana-vṛddhi-karo jñeyas), while occupied the trika houses (6th, 8th, 12th) (trika-stho) is causing loss of wealth (dhana-hāni-kṛt‌). A benefic in the 2nd house (dhane saumyaḥ) is the giver of wealth (dhana-daś) while a malefic [there] (ca pāpo) is destroying of wealth (dhana-vināśa-kṛt‌).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
There are no similar ślokas.

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.46) / Girdhari Lal / Ganeshа Datta Pathaka (śl.36):
धनाधिपो गुरुर्यस्य धनभावगतो भवेत्‌ । भौमेन सहितो वाऽपि धनवान्‌ स नरो भवेत्‌ ॥३॥
dhanādhipo gururyasya dhanabhāvagato bhavet‌ | bhaumena sahito vā’pi dhanavān‌ sa naro bhavet‌ ||3||
Translation: If Jupiter, the significator of wealth (dhana-adhipo gurur-yasya) is situated in the 2nd house (dhana-bhāva-gato bhavet‌) or together with Mars (bhaumena sahito vā ’pi), the person will be (sa naro bhavet‌) wealthy (dhanavān‌).

Note: Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesh Datta Pathaka: dhana-bhāva-gato bhavet‌ -> dhana-rāśi-sthito yadi (meaning is similar).

Illustration: Queen Elizabeth II

Sharma / Santhanam:
धनेशे लाभभावस्थे लाभेशे वा धनं गते । तावुभौ केन्द्रकोणस्थौ धनवान्‌ स नरो भवेत्‌ ॥४॥
dhaneśe lābhabhāvasthe lābheśe vā dhanaṃ gate | tāvubhau kendrakoṇasthau dhanavān‌sa naro bhavet‌ ||4||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is situated in the 11th house (dhaneśe lābha-bhāva-sthe), the 11th Lord occupies the 2nd house (lābheśe dhanaṃ gate), or both of them (tau-ubhau) are placed in kendra or koṇa (kendra-koṇa-sthau), the person will be wealthy (dhanavān‌-sa naro bhavet‌).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.37):
धनेशे लाभराशिस्थे लाभेशे वा धन गते ॥ तावुभौ केन्द्रराशिस्थौ धनवान्स नरो भवेत् ॥४७॥
dhaneśe lābharāśisthe lābheśe vā dhana gate | tāvubhau kendrarāśisthau dhanavānsa naro bhavet ||47||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is situated the 11th house (dhaneśe lābha-rāśi-sthe), the 11th Lord occupies the 2nd house (lābheśe dhanaṃ gate), or both of them (tau-ubhau) are placed in kendra (kendra-rāśi-sthau), the person will be wealthy (dhanavān‌-sa naro bhavet‌).

Note: Tara Chandra, Girdhari Lal, Ganesha Datta Pathaka do not talk about position in koṇa.

Illustration: Tino Rossi

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.48) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.38):
धनेशे केन्द्रराशिस्थे लाभेशे तत्त्रिकोणगे । गुरुशुक्रयुते दृष्टे धनलाभमुदीरयेत्‌॥ ५॥
dhaneśe kendrarāśisthe lābheśe tattrikoṇage | guruśukrayute dṛṣṭe dhanalābhamudīrayet ‌|| 5||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is placed in a kendra (dhaneśe kendra-rāśi-sthe) and from it the 11th Lord is placed in a trikoṇa (lābheśe tat-trikoṇa-ge) and Jupiter is joined or aspected by Venus (guru-śukra-yute dṛṣṭe), it will cause an increase in income and wealth (dhana-lābham-udīrayet).

Illustrations: Jane Powell
Giulietta Simionato
Lee Trevino
Maurice Utrillo

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.49) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.39):
धनेशो रिपुभावस्थो लाभेशस्तद्‌गतो यदि । धनायौ पापयुक्तौ वा दृष्टौ निर्धन एव सः ॥६॥
dhaneśo ripubhāvastho lābheśastad‌gato yadi | dhanāyau pāpayuktau vā dṛṣṭau nirdhana eva saḥ ||6||
Translation: If (yadi) the 2nd Lord is situated in the 6th house (dhaneśo ripu-bhāva-stho) and the 11th Lord is also placed there (lābheśas-tad‌-gato) and the 2nd and 11th houses (dhana-āyau) are occupied or aspected by malefics (pāpa-yuktau vā dṛṣṭau), the person will be poor indeed (nirdhana eva saḥ).

Note 1: Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesh Datta Pathaka: dhaneśo -> vitteśe; dhana-āyau -> vitta-lābhau; saḥ -> sa (meaning is similar).
vitteśa m. ‘wealth-lord’, Kubera
Note 2: The Sun is not considered here among malefics since it is not pāpa.

Illustration: Daniel Walker

Sharma / Santhanam:
धनलाभाधिपावस्तौ पापग्रहसमन्वितौ । जन्मप्रभृतिदारिद्रयं भिक्षान्नं लभते नरः ॥७॥
dhanalābhādhipāvastau pāpagrahasamanvitau | janmaprabhṛtidāridrayaṃ bhikṣānnaṃ labhate naraḥ ||7||
Translation: If the 2nd and 11th Lords are combusted (dhana-lābha-adhipau-astau) and associated with malefics (pāpa-graha-samanvitau), the person (naraḥ) is in poverty right from the birth (janma-prabhṛti-dāridrayaṃ) and begs for a food (bhikṣānnaṃ labhate).

bhikṣānnaṃ - food obtained as alms.
Note: The Sun is not considered here among malefics since it is not pāpa.

Illustration: (anti) Ernest Chausson

Ganesha Datta Pathaka / Tara Chandra (śl.50) / Girdhari Lal:
वित्तलाभाधिपौ दुःस्थौ पापखेचरसंयुतौ । जन्मप्रभृतिदारिद्र्यं भिक्षान्नं लभते नरः ॥४०॥
vittalābhādhipau duḥsthau pāpakhecarasaṃyutau | janmaprabhṛtidāridryaṃ bhikṣānnaṃ labhate naraḥ ||40||
Translation: The 2nd and 11th Lords are in dusthana (6th, 8th, 12th) (vitta-lābha-adhipau-duḥsthau) and conjoined by malefics (pāpa-khecara-saṃyutau), the person (naraḥ) is in poverty right from the birth (janma-prabhṛti-dāridrayaṃ) and begs for a food (bhikṣānnaṃ labhate).

Note 1: Tara Chandra/Girdhari Lal: duḥsthau -> dvisthau
dvistha – meaning is not clear, possibly dviṣṭha staying in 2 places, not conjoined’, or corrupted duḥstha. Tara Chandra translated it in Hindi as ‘placed in the 2nd house’, but in this case grammar is also incorrect.
Note 2: The Sun is not considered here among malefics since it is not pāpa.

Illustration: Georges Brassens

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.51) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.41):
षष्ठेऽष्टमे व्यये वाऽपि धनलाभाधिपौ यदि । लाभे कुजो धने राहू राजदण्डाद्धनक्षयः ॥८॥
ṣaṣṭhe ’ṣṭame vyaye vā ’pi dhanalābhādhipau yadi | lābhe kujo dhane rāhū rājadaṇḍād‌dhanakṣayaḥ || 8||
Translation: If the 2nd and the 11th Lords (dhana-lābha-adhipau yadi) are in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th houses (ṣaṣṭhe ’ṣṭame vyaye vā ’pi), Mars is in the 11th house and Rāhu is in the 2nd house (lābhe kujo dhane rāhu), there will be loss/destruction of wealth due to royal punishment (rāja-daṇḍād‌ dhana-kṣayaḥ).

Note: Ganesha Datta Pathaka: ṣaṣṭhe ’ṣṭame vyaye vā ’pi -> ṣaṣṭha-aṣṭama-vyaya-sthau ced; meaning is the same.
Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal: ṣaṣṭhe ’ṣṭame vyaye vā ’pi -> ṣaṣṭha-aṣṭama-vyaya-stheṣu; yadi -> sthitau; meaning is the same; possibly, grammar is not correct – stheṣu – single, should be dual form.

Illustrations: Maria Carla Cammarata
Bruce Hinckley

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.52) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.42):
लाभे जीवे धने शुक्रे धनेशे शुभसंयुते । व्यये च शुभसंयुक्ते धर्मकार्ये धनव्ययः ॥९॥
lābhe jīve dhane śukre dhaneśe śubhasaṃyute | vyaye ca śubhasaṃyukte dharmakārye dhanavyayaḥ || 9||
Translation: If Jupiter is in the 11th house (lābhe jīve), Venus is in the 2nd house (dhane śukre), the 2nd Lord is joined with benefic (dhaneśe śubha-saṃyute), and the 12th house is occupied by a benefic (vyaye ca śubha-saṃyukte), there will be expenses on religious grounds or acts of duty (dharma-kārye dhana-vyayaḥ).

Note: Ganesha Datta Pathaka / Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal: dhaneśe -> tadīśe; śubha-saṃyukte -> śubha-graha-yute; dharma-kārye -> dharma-mūlād (meaning is the same).
dharma-mūla – the foundation of law and religion, the Vedas.

Illustration: Swami Vivekananda founded Ramakrishna mission (all conditions are met excepting 12H)

Sharma / Santhanam:
स्वभोच्चस्थे धनाधीशे जातको जनपोषकः । परोपकारी ख्यातश्च विज्ञेयो द्विजसत्तम ॥१०॥
svabhoccasthe dhanādhīśe jātako janapoṣakaḥ | paropakārī khyātaśca vijñeyo dvijasattama ||10||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord (dhana-adhīśe) is in its own or exaltation sign (svabha-ucca-sthe), the person (jātako) is looking after the people (jana-poṣakaḥ). He is known (vijñeyo) as charitable/merciful (paropakārī) and famous (khyātaś-ca), oh excellent of the Brahmins (dvija-sattama).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.46):
कुटुंबराशिस्थपतौ यदि स्याद्भृगौ बुधे तादृशभावनाथे । स्वोच्चे सुहृत्क्षेत्रगतेऽथवा स्यात्परोपकारी जनरक्षकः स्यात् ॥ ५६ ॥
kuṭuṃbarāśisthapatau yadi syādbhṛgau budhe tādṛśabhāvanāthe | svocce suhṛtkṣetragate’thavā syātparopakārī janarakṣakaḥ syāt || 56 ||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord or planet in the 2nd house (kuṭuṃba-rāśi-stha-patau yadi) is Venus or Mercury (syād bhṛgau budhe), situated in own house, in house of own exaltation or in friendly house (tādṛśa-bhāva-nāthe svocce suhṛt-kṣetra-gate ’thavā), then [the person] will be charitable / merciful (syāt-paropakārī) and protector of people (jana-rakṣakaḥ syāt).

Note: Chandra / Lal / Pathaka have different wording and additional condition about Mercury or Venus.

Illustration: Agatha Christie

Sharma / Santhanam:
स्थिते पारावतांशादौ धनेशे शुभसंयुते । तद्‌गृहे सर्वसम्पत्तिर्विनाऽऽयासेन जायते ॥११॥
sthite pārāvatāṃśādau dhaneśe śubhasaṃyute | tad‌gṛhe sarvasampattirvinā’’yāsena jāyate || 11||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord (dhaneśe) is Pārāvatāṃśa (i.e. well-placed in 6 Vargas from Daśavarga) (sthite pārāvatāṃśa-ādau) and conjoined with a benefic (śubha-saṃyute)in own house (tad‌-gṛhe), the person will get all kinds of wealth (sarva-sampattir jāyate) effortlessly (vinā āyāsena).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.45):
तन्नाथे भृगुणा बुधेन सहिते पारावतांशे । तथा स्वोच्चे चाथ सुहृद्गृहे धनपतौ स्वस्थानकोलाहलः ।।५५ ॥
tannāthe bhṛguṇā budhena sahite pārāvatāṃśe tathā | svocce cātha suhṛdgṛhe dhanapatau svasthānakolāhalaḥ ||55||
Translation: If the Lord of that house (?? the 2nd) (tan-nāthe) is with Venus or Mercury (bhṛguṇā budhena sahite), and also in Pārāvatāṃśa (i.e. well-placed in 6 Vargas of Dashavarga) (pārāvatāṃśe tathā), and the 2nd Lord is in own sign or exalted or in friendly house (sva-ucce ca-atha suhṛd-gṛhe dhana-patau), there will be big noise in own place/house (sva-sthāna-kolāhalaḥ).

Note 1: Chandra/Lal/Pathaka have similar meaning though wording is different, and there is a possibility that this shloka in its first part talks not about the 2nd Lord (but, for example, about the 5th), and "much noise" indicates large family and the large number of children in the family.

Illustration: Michael Philipp – 11 kids (5 from wife)

Note 2: Grouping of Vargas:
Sadvarga = D-1, D-2, D-3, D-9, D-12, D-30. If planet is in 2,3,4,5 or 6 good Vargas (exaltation, Mulatrikona, own house, friendly signs, or a sign that is owned by a planet ruling a Kendra (1,4,7,10) from the Lagna /Arudha), then it is called Kimshuka, Vyanjana, Chaamara, Chatra and Kundala.
Saptavarga = Shadvarga + D-7. If planet in good Vargas in D-7, it is called Mukuta.
Dashavarga = Saptavarga + D-10, D-16, D-60. If Planets are in good Vargas in this classification from 2 to 10 Vargas, it is called Parijāta, Uttama, Gopura, Simhasana, Pārāvata, Devaloka, Brahmaloka, Shakravahan and Shridham.
Shodashasvarga = Dashavarga + D-4, D-20, D-24, D-27, D-40, D-45. If Planets are in 2 to 16 good Vargas, they are called Bhedaka, Kusuma, Naga Pushpa, Kanduka, Kerala, Kalpavriksha, Chandanvana, Poornachandra, Uchcheshrava, Dhanvantari, Suryakaanta, Vidruma, Shakra Simhasana, Gauloka and Shrivallabha.

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.57) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.47):
नेत्रेशे बलसंयुक्ते शोभनाक्षो भवेन्नरः । षष्ठाष्टमव्ययस्थे च नेत्रवैकल्यवान्‌ भवेत्‌ ॥१२॥
netreśe balasaṃyukte śobhanākṣo bhavennaraḥ | ṣaṣṭhāṣṭamavyayasthe ca netravaikalyavān‌ bhavet‌ ||12||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is strong (netreśe bala-saṃyukte) the person will have beautiful/excellent eyes (śobhana-ākṣo bhavet-naraḥ), and if it is placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (ṣaṣṭha-aṣṭama-vyaya-sthe ca) [the person] will have defective eyes (netra-vaikalyavān‌ bhavet‌).

Note: Chandra/Lal/Pathaka: ṣaṣṭha-aṣṭama-vyaya-sthe ca -> ṣaṣṭha-aṣṭama-vyaye yukte; netra-vaikalyavān‌ bhavet‌ -> netre vaikalyam-ādiśet (meaning is similar)
netreśa – Lord of Eyes (2nd Lord)

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.58) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.48):
धनेशे पापसंयुक्ते धने पापसमन्विते । पिशुनोऽसत्यवादी च वातव्याधिसमन्वितः ॥१३॥
dhaneśe pāpasaṃyukte dhane pāpasamanvite | piśuno ’satyavādī ca vātavyādhisamanvitaḥ ||13||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is conjoined with a malefic (dhaneśe pāpa-saṃyukte) and the 2nd house is associated with a malefic (dhane pāpa-samanvite), [the person] is a backbiter, liar (piśuno ’satyavādī) and afflicted with windy diseases (ca vāta-vyādhi-samanvitaḥ).

piśuna – malignant, base, wicked, a backbiter, betrayer
asatya-vādin – speaking falsely, a liar
Note 1: Chandra/Lal/Pathaka: ca vāta-vyādhi-samanvitaḥ -> pavana-vyādhi-saṃyutaḥ (meaning is similar)
Note 2: The Sun is not considered here among malefics since it is not pāpa.

धनेशे परमोच्चस्थे किंवा स्वभवनाश्रिते | गुरुणा वीक्षते जातः ख्यातः सर्वजनप्रियः ॥१४॥
dhaneśe paramoccasthe kiṃvā svabhavanāśrite | guruṇā vīkṣate jātaḥ khyātaḥ sarvajanapriyaḥ ||14||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord is in its highest exaltation sign (dhaneśe parama-ucca-sthe) or is situated in his own house (kiṃ-vā sva-bhavana-āśrite) and is aspected by Jupiter (guruṇā vīkṣate), the person (jātaḥ) is well-known (khyātaḥ) and dear to everyone (sarva-jana-priyaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.44):
कुटुम्बनाथे परमोच्चयुक्ते देवेंद्रपूज्ये च समीक्षिते वा । तथाविधे तद्भवनेऽभिजातः सहस्ररक्षो भुवनप्रतापी ॥५४॥
kuṭumbanāthe paramoccayukte deveṃdrapūjye ca samīkṣite vā | tathāvidhe tadbhavane ’bhijātaḥ sahasrarakṣo bhuvanapratāpī ||54||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord (kuṭumba-nāthe) is exalted (parama-ucca-yukte) and aspected by Jupiter (devendra-pūjye ca samīkṣite), then born in such condition, in such horoscope (tathā-vidhe tad-bhavane ’bhijātaḥ) will be great protector of thousands of people (sahasra-rakṣo bhuvana-pratāpī).

Note: Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka – different wording and there is no condition for own house, variation in results.

Illustrations: Christophe Mae
J. P. Morgan
Guido Cantelli

Sharma / Tara Chandra (śl.37-38) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.31-32):
शुक्रेण युक्तो यदि नेत्रनाथः शुक्रस्य स्वोच्चांशगृहे गतो । सम्बंधवान्स्याद्यदि देहपेन नेत्रं विधत्ते विपरीतभावम् ॥१५॥
तत्र स्थितौ चद्ररवी निशांध्यं जात्यंधतां नेत्रपदेहपार्काः । पैत्रर्क्षनाथेन युतास्तदांध्यं कुर्वन्ति मात्रादिफलं तथेदृक् ॥१६॥
śukreṇa yukto yadi netranāthaḥ śukrasya svoccāṃśagṛhe gato | sambaṃdhavānsyādyadi dehapena netraṃ vidhatte viparītabhāvam || 15 ||
tatra sthitau candraravī niśāṃdhyaṃ jātyaṃdhatāṃ netrapadehapārkāḥ | paitrarkṣanāthena yutāstadāṃdhyaṃ kurvanti mātrādiphalaṃ tathedṛk ||16||
Translation: If the 2nd Lord (yadi netra-nāthaḥ) is conjoined by Venus (śukreṇa yukto) or is in the Venus’s own sign or exaltation sign or navāṁśa (śukrasya sva-ucca-aṃśa-gṛhe gato), and if it has sambandha (i.e. association) (sambaṃdhavān-syād-yadi) with the Lagna Lord (deha-pena), the person will be cross-eyed (netraṃ vidhatte viparīta-bhāvam).
If under above circumstances (tatra) the Moon and the Sun are situated (sthitau candra-ravī), there will be night blindness (niśāṃdhaṃ) or blindness from birth (jāti-aṃdhatāṃ) [? for the Moon and the Sun accordingly].
If the 2nd Lord, Lagna Lord and Sun (netra-pa-deha-pa-arkāḥ) are conjoined by Lord of one of the houses of parents (paitra-rkṣa-nāthena yutās), then they cause the blindness (tadā-āṃdhyaṃ kurvanti) for the mother etc. respectively (mātṛ-ādi-phalaṃ tathā-īdṛk).

ī-dṛś(k) - endowed with such qualities, such

Note 1: Chandra/Lal: sva-ucca-aṃśa-gṛhe gato -> vā-rkṣa-ādi-graha-trayasya (meaning is similar)
Pathaka: gato -> gato (meaning is similar)

Illustrations: Andrea Bocelli
Erling Christie

Sharma / Tara Chandra (śl.39) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.33):
दोषकृन्न च सर्वत्र स्वोच्चस्वर्क्षगतो ग्रहः । षडादित्रयसंस्थश्चेत्तदा दोषकृच्छुभः॥१७॥
doṣakṛnna ca sarvatra svoccasvarkṣagato grahaḥ | ṣaḍāditrayasaṃsthaścettadā doṣakṛcchubhaḥ ||17||
Translation: The planet situated in its sign of exaltation or own sign (svocca-svarkṣa-gato grahaḥ) never causes evil (doṣakṛn-na sarvatra); if (ced) it is placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (ṣaḍ-ādi-trayasaṃ-sthaś) then (tadā) it causes evil (doṣakṛt) even if benefic (śubhaḥ).

Sharma / Tara Chandra (śl.40) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.34):
वागीशवागृहा धीशौ षडादि त्रय सांस्थितौ । भूकतां कुरुतेडप्येवं पितृमातृ ग्रहाधिपाः ॥१८॥
vāgīśavāggṛhādhīśau ṣaḍāditrayasāṃsthitau | mūkatāṃ kurute ’pyevaṃ pitṛmātṛgrahādhipāḥ ||18||
Translation: If Jupiter (‘ruler of speech’) and the 2nd Lord (vāg-īśa-vāg-gṛha-adhīśau) occupy the 6th, 8th or 12th house (ṣaḍ-ādi-traya-sāṃsthitau) [the person] will keep silence (mūkatāṃ kurute). In the same way (api-evaṃ) [the parent is bereft of speech], if the lord of the houses of father or mother (pitṛ-mātṛ-graha-adhipāḥ) [is placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th house].

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal [continuing from the previous śl.40]:
वागीशवाग्गृहाधीशा युतास्ते त्रयसंस्थिता । कुर्वन्ति तेषां मूकत्वमेवमूह्यं मनीषिभिः ॥४१॥
vāgīśavāggṛhādhīśā yutāste trayasaṃsthitā | kurvanti teṣāṃ mūkatvamevamūhyaṃ manīṣibhiḥ ||41||
Translation: Those (te) [who have] Jupiter (‘ruler of speech’) and the 2nd lord (vāgīśa-vāg-gṛha-adhīśau) conjoint each other and occupying one of these three houses (i.e. 6th, 8th and 12th) (yutās trayasaṃ-sthitā), make their (kurvanti teṣāṃ) dumbness to be changed (i.e. they will speak) (mūkatvam-evam-ūhyaṃ) with sages / intelligent ones (manīṣibhiḥ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
कुटुंबकारकाः केन्द्रत्रिकोणेषु गता ग्रहाः । सकुटुंबकलत्रेशा कलत्रं वा कुटुम्बकम् ॥४२॥
पश्यंति च द्वयस्था वा यावत्तावत्प्रमाणकम् । कलत्रं निर्दिशेत्प्राज्ञोऽथवा तेषां च नो वदेत् ॥४३॥
kuṭuṃbakārakāḥ kendratrikoṇeṣu gatā grahāḥ | sakuṭuṃbakalatreśā kalatraṃ vā kuṭumbakam ||42||
paśyaṃti ca dvayasthā vā yāvattāvatpramāṇakam | kalatraṃ nirdiśetprājño ’thavā teṣāṃ ca no vadet ||43||
Translation: If kārakas of the family* (kuṭuṃba-kārakāḥ grahāḥ) are situated in kendras or koṇas (kendra-trikoṇeṣu gatā) with the 2nd Lord or the 7th Lord (sa-kuṭuṃba-kalatra-īśā), then as many grahas aspect and occupy the 2nd house or the 7th house (kalatraṃ vā kuṭumbakam paśyaṃti ca dvaya-sthā), so equal number of wives (yāvat-tāvat-pramāṇakam kalatraṃ) the intelligent one should indicate (prājño nirdiśet), and should tell us about them (’thavā teṣāṃ ca no vadet).

kuṭumba n. a household, members of a household, family, name of 2nd house.
kalatra n. a wife, consort, name of the 7th house.
pramāṇaka mfn. measure, quantity, extent
prājña – intelligent, wise, clever

* Note: kuṭuṃba-kārakāḥ, i.e. karakas of family, could mean karaka of 2nd house (Jupiter), Anitya karaka of 2nd house etc.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.35):
विद्याधिपौ जीवबुधावविद्यामरित्रयस्थौ कुरुतोऽथ तौ चेत् । केंद्रत्रिकोणच्चसंस्थौ प्रयच्छतां द्रागनवद्यविद्याम् ॥४४॥
vidyādhipau jīvabudhāvavidyāmaritrayasthau kuruto’tha tau cet | keṃdratrikoṇasthagṛhoccasaṃsthau prayacchatāṃ drāganavadyavidyām ||44||
Translation: Two lords of knowledge (vidyā-adhipau) are Jupiter and Mercury (jīva-budhau). If they both (tau ced) are in three signs of enemies (i.e. 6th, 8th and 12th) (ari-traya-sthau) then they cause ignorance (avidyām kurutas atha). If they both are situated in kendra or trikoṇa, in own house or exaltation (keṃdra-trikoṇa-stha-gṛha-ucca-saṃsthau), then they must grant (prayacchatāṃ) flawless knowledge (anavadya-vidyām) quickly (drāk).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
एवं बुधस्यांगिरसः षडादित्रयस्थितौ नीचग्रहोऽरिनाथः । केंद्रत्रिकोणस्थगृहोच्चसंस्थौ धनाभिवृद्धिं कुरुतस्तदैव ॥४५॥
evaṃ budhasyāṃgirasaḥ ṣaḍāditrayasthitau nīcagraho’rināthaḥ | keṃdratrikoṇasthagṛhoccasaṃsthau dhanābhivṛddhiṃ kurutastadaiva ||45||
Translation: Mercury (budhasī) and Jupiter (āṃgirasaḥ) situated in the 6th, 8th or 12th houses (ṣaḍ-ādi-traya-sthitau) are like (evaṃ) planet in debilitation and lord of dusthana [respectively] (nīcagraho ’rināthaḥ). If they both are situated in kendra or trikoṇa, in own house or exaltation (keṃdra-trikoṇa-stha-gṛha-ucca-saṃsthau), then they cause the growth of wealth (dhana-abhivṛddhiṃ kurutas-tadā-eva).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka / Tara Chandra (śl.53) / Girdhari Lal:
कुटुंबराशेरधिपः ससौम्ये केंद्रेऽथ सौम्ये च सुहृद्गृही वा । सौम्यर्क्षयुक्तो यदि जातपुण्यः कुटुंबसंरक्षणवाग्विभूतः ॥४३॥
kuṭuṃbarāśeradhipaḥ sasaumye kendratrikoṇe ca suhṛdgṛhī vā | saumyarkṣayukto yadi jātapuṇyaḥ kuṭuṃbasaṃrakṣaṇavāgvibhūtaḥ ||43||
Translation: If (yadi) the 2nd Lord (kuṭuṃba-rāśer-adhipaḥ) is conjoined by benefic (sa-saumye), situated in a kendra or trikoṇa (keṃdre-trikoṇe) and is in friendly house (ca suhṛd-gṛhī) or in a sign of benefic planet (vā saumya-rkṣa-yukto), the person is virtuous (jāta-puṇyaḥ), family protector and great orator (kuṭuṃba-saṃrakṣaṇa-vāg-vibhūtaḥ).

saṃrakṣaṇa n. the act of guarding or watching, custody, preservation, protection
Note: Chandra / Lal: kendra-trikoṇe -> keṃdre ’tha saumya (here meaning of 2nd (of three times) mention of ‘saumya’ is doubtful “situated in kendra or benefic itself”)
End of Dhana Bhava Phala Adhyaya (15)
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