Sharma / Santhanam:मृतौ कुजतृतीयेशौ सहोदरविनाशकौ ॥५॥mṛtau kujatṛtīyeśau sahodaravināśakau ||5||
Translation: If Mars and the 3
rd Lord are in the 8
th house ('house of death')
(mṛtau kuja-tṛtīya-īśau), they are destroyers of siblings
(sahodara-vināśakau).Suresh Chandra Mishra:मृतौ कुजतृतीयेशौ सहोदरविनाशकौ ॥५॥सोदरनाथभौमौ च नाशस्थानगतौ यदि । पापेक्षितौ पापयुक्तौ भ्रातृनाशकरौ मुने ॥६॥mṛtau kujatṛtīyeśau sahodaravināśakau ||5||
sodaranāthabhaumau ca nāśasthānagatau yadi |
pāpekṣitau pāpayuktau bhrātṛnāśakarau mune ||6||
Translation: If Mars and the 3
rd Lord are in the 8
th house ('house of death')
(mṛtau kuja-tṛtīya-īśau), they are destroyers of siblings
(yadi) the 3
rd Lord ('Lord of the house of siblings') and Mars
(sodara-nātha-bhaumau ca) are situated in the 8
th house ('house of destruction')
(nāśa-sthāna-gatau), aspected by malefics
(pāpa-īkṣitau) or conjoined by malefics
(pāpa-yuktau), they are causing destruction of brothers
(bhrātṛ-nāśa-karau), oh sage
Note: The Sun is not considered here among malefics since it is not pāpa.Illustration: Jean-MarieGuyau – French philosopher and poet, only child of Augustine Tuillerie, French writer best known under the pseudonym G. Bruno (3L Mercury is in the 8H with Mars and Ketu under graha dṛṣṭi of Saturn and Mars.)Chart BiographyTara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:नाशस्थितौ सोदरनाथभौमौपापेक्षितौ सोदरनाशमाहुः। पापेक्षितौ पापसमन्वितौवा त्रिसप्तविद्याप्रविनाशहे तु ॥६२॥nāśasthitau sodaranāthabhaumau pāpekṣitau sodaranāśamāhuḥ |
pāpekṣitau pāpasamanvitau vā trisaptavidyāpravināśahetuḥ ||62||
Translation: If the 3
rd Lord ('Lord of the house of siblings') and Mars
(sodara-nātha-bhaumau) are located in the 8
th house ('house of destruction')
(nāśa-sthitau)and aspected by malefic
(pāpa-īkṣitau), then the destruction of the brothers and sisters should be declared
If both are aspected by malefic
(pāpa-īkṣitau) or conjoined by malefic
(pāpa-samanvitau), this is cause of destruction of 21 knowledges
(tri-sapta-vidyā-pravināśa-hetuḥ).Ganesha Datta Pathaka:No such śloka
Note: tri-sapta = 3x7 = 21, trisapta means in general the whole Universe.21 refers to 5+5+5+5+1:· "Pañca Tanmātrās" or five objects (color, sound, smell, taste, touch)· "Pañca jñāna indriyas" or five sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body)· "Pañca karma indriyas" or five organs of action (hands, legs, vocal apparatus, urino-genital organ and anus)· "Pañca mahābhūtas" or five great substances (earth, water, fire, air and ether)· "Antahkarana" - which is 'mano-buddhi-ahamkara'