BPHS Chapter 16. Results of the 3rd house (‘house of siblings’)
Sharma (15 ślokas) / Santhanam (15 ślokas):
अथ सहजभावफलाध्यायः॥१४॥
atha sahajabhāvaphalādhyāyaḥ ||14||
Translation: Now (atha) a chapter about results of the 3rd house (‘house of siblings’) (sahaja-bhāva-phala-adhyāyaḥ).

Tara Chandra (13 ślokas) / Girdhari Lal (13 ślokas) / Ganesh Datta Pathaka (11 ślokas) / Suresh Chandra Mishra (15 ślokas):
अथ तृतीयभावफलम्
atha tṛtīyabhāvaphalam
Translation: Now (atha) results of the 3rd house (tṛtīya-bhāva-phalam).

Note: G.D.Pathaka: tṛtīya -> sahaja

Sharma / Santhanam:
अथ विक्रमभावस्य फलं वक्ष्यामि भो द्विज । सहजे सौम्ययुग्‌दृष्टे भ्रातृमान्‌ विक्रमी नरः ॥१॥
atha vikramabhāvasya phalaṃ vakṣyāmi bho dvija | sahaje saumyayug‌dṛṣṭe bhrātṛmān‌ vikramī naraḥ ||1||
Translation: Now (atha), I will explain (vakṣyāmi) the effects of the 3rd house (‘the house of valor’) (vikrama-bhāvasya phalaṃ), Oh Brahmin (bho dvija).
If the 3rd house (‘house of siblings’) (sahaje) has the conjunction or aspect of benefic (saumya-yug‌-dṛṣṭe), the person is endowed with brothers and is valorous (bhrātṛmān‌ vikramī naraḥ).

Note: In other editions there is additional option on bhava karaka and strength, there is no 1st line and valorous is not mentioned.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesh Datta Pathaka (śl.52):
भ्रातृभे कारके वापि शुभयुक्तनिरीक्षिते । भावे वा बलसंपूर्णे भ्रातृणां वर्धनं भवेत् ॥६३॥
bhrātṛbhe kārake vāpi śubhayuktanirīkṣite | bhāve vā balasaṃpūrṇe bhrātṛṇāṃ vardhanaṃ bhavet ||63||
Translation: If the 3rd house or kāraka of brothers (bhrātṛ-bhe kārake vā-api) is conjoined or aspected by benefic (śubha-yukta-nirīkṣite) or if this house is very strong (bhāve vā balasaṃpūrṇe), it will grant the increase in brothers (bhrātṛṇāṃ vardhanaṃ bhavet).

Suresh Chandra Mishra:
सहजे सौम्ययुग्दृष्टे भावाधीशसमन्विते । सभौमे भ्रातृभावेशे केन्द्रकोणे सुखं भवेत् ॥१॥
sahaje saumyayugdṛṣṭe bhāvādhīśasamanvite | sabhaume bhrātṛbhāveśe kendrakoṇe sukhaṃ bhavet ||1||
Translation: If the 3rd house (‘house of siblings’) is conjoined or aspected by benefic (sahaje saumya-yug-dṛṣṭe) or associated with the 3rd Lord (bhāva-adhīśa-samanvite), or the 3rd Lord is with Mars and situated in the kendra or trikoṇa (sabhaume bhrātṛ-bhāveśe kendra-koṇe), then there will be happiness [pertaining siblings] (sukhaṃ bhavet).

Note: Partially repeats the condition of the next śloka, additionally talks about kendras and trikoṇas.

Georges Delhaize – one of the seven children of Louis J. Delhaize and Mathilde Stainier (exalted Mercury alone in the 3rd house, aspected by Mars with graha dṛṣṭi)
Louis Delhaize – his father, who himself has 6 brothers and sisters (Venus alone in the 3rd house, aspected by Jupiter by rāśi and graha dṛṣṭi; 3rd Lord Sun is conjoined Mars in kendra)

Sharma / Santhanam / Suresh Chandra Mishra:
सभौमो भ्रातृभावेशो भ्रातृभावं प्रपश्यति । भ्रात्र्क्षेत्रगतो वाऽपि भ्रातृभावं विनिर्दिशेत्‌ ॥२॥
sabhaumo bhrātṛbhāveśo bhrātṛbhāvaṃ prapaśyati | bhrātrkṣetragato vā’pi bhrātṛbhāvaṃ vinirdiśet‌ ||2||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord is with Mars (sa-bhaumo bhrātṛ-bhāveśo) and aspects or conjoins the 3rd house (bhrātṛ-bhāvaṃ prapaśyati bhrātṛ-kṣetra-gato vā’pi), existence and well-being of brothers should be declared (bhrātṛ-bhāvaṃvinirdiśet‌).

Note: Suresh Chandra Mishra: bhrātṛ-bhāvaṃ -> bhrātṛ-saukhyaṃ (“brothers’ happiness”).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.49):
सभौमो भ्रातृभावेशः षडादिषु च न स्थितः । भ्रातृक्षेत्रगतो वापि भ्रातृभावं विनिर्दिशेत् ॥५९॥
sabhaumo bhrātṛbhāveśaḥ ṣaḍādiṣu ca na sthitaḥ | bhrātṛkṣetragato vāpi bhrātṛbhāvaṃ vinirdiśet ||59||
Translation: If (ced) the 3rd Lord is with Mars (sa-bhaumo bhrātṛ-bhāveśo) and not situated in the 6th, 8th or 12th houses (ṣaḍ-ādiṣu ca na sthitaḥ), or if it is in the third house (bhrātṛ-kṣetra-gato vā-api), the existence and well-being of brothers should be declared (bhrātṛ-bhāvaṃvinirdiśet‌).

Note: Ganesha Datta Pathaka: ṣaḍādiṣu ca na sthitaḥ -> trika-bhinnaṃ ca cet sthitaḥ (meaning is the same).

Illustration: Philippe Barbarin – was born into a large family with six sisters and four brothers (the 3rd Lord Mars is in the 3rd house, alone).

Sharma / Santhanam / Suresh Chandra Mishra / Tara Chandra (śl.60) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.50):
पापयोगेन तौ पापक्षेत्रयोगेन वा पुनः । उत्पाट्य सहजान्सद्यो निहन्तरौ न संशयः ॥३॥
pāpayogena tau pāpakṣetrayogena vā punaḥ | utpāṭya sahajān‌sadyo nihantarau na saṃśayaḥ ||3||
Translation: If these both (i.e. Mars and 3rd Lord) (tau) are conjoined by malefic (pāpa-yogena) or even in the malefic sign (pāpa-kṣetra-yogena vā punaḥ), they will be two destroyers (nihantarau) extirpating/banishing/splitting the siblings (utpāṭya sahajān) soon (sadyo), without doubt(na saṃśayaḥ).

Note 1: Chandra / Lal / Pathaka: pāpayogena tau -> tau pāpayogataḥ (meaning is the same); nihantarau na saṃśayaḥ -> nihantā śāstraniścayāt (“destroyer/destruction, this is certainly said in Śāstras” – meaning is similar).
Note 2: The Sun is not considered here among malefics since it is not pāpa.
nihantṛ a killer, murderous, who or what kills.

Olga, Grand Duchess the first child of Czar Nikolai II. She was brutally executed along with her entire family – including her 3 sisters and brother – in the early hours of 17 July 1918 by Bolshevik revolutionaries (3L Mercury is in MKS, with Mars and Saturn, under Rāhu rāśi and graha dṛṣṭi).
Mia Farrow – has 3 sisters and 3 brothers (3L Mercury is conjoined Mars in kendra) but her brother Michael died in a plane crash (Mars and 3L in malefic sign) when she was 13.
William S. Schaffer – younger brother died at age of 5 (3L Mercury is with Rahu and Sun under Saturn graha dṛṣṭi, Mars is in 12H with dark Moon)

Sharma / Santhanam / Suresh Chandra Mishra / Tara Chandra (śl.61) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.51, without 3rd line):
स्त्रीग्रहो भ्रातृभावेशः स्त्रीग्रहो भ्रातृभावगः । भगिनी स्यात्तथा भ्राता पुंगृहे पुंग्रहो यदि ॥४॥
मिश्रे मिश्रफलं वाच्यं बलाबलविनिर्णयात्‌ ।
strīgraho bhrātṛbhāveśaḥ strīgraho bhrātṛbhāvagaḥ | bhaginī syāt‌tathā bhrātā puṃgṛhe puṃgraho yadi ||4||
miśre miśraphalaṃ vācyaṃ balābalavinirṇayāt‌ | 5 ½
Translation: If (yadi) the 3rd Lord is a female planet (strī-graho bhrātṛ-bhāveśaḥ) and a female planet is placed in the 3rd house (strī-graho bhrātṛ-bhāva-gaḥ) then [the person] will have a sister (bhaginī syāt‌ tathā), [the one will have] a brother if a male planet is in the 3rd house lorded by a male planet (bhrātā puṃgṛhe puṃgraho).
If there are both male and female planets, they will give mixed results (miśre miśra-phalaṃ) which are to be declared (vācyaṃ) based on strength and weakness rule (bala-abala-vinirṇayāt).

Note: Chandra / Lal / Pathaka: bhrātṛ-bhāva-gaḥ -> bhrātṛ-go’pi vā (similar meaning); tathā -> tadā (similar meaning); bala-abala-vinirṇayāt -> bala-abala-vinirṇayaḥ (similar meaning).

Bernhard, Prince of the Netherlands - Dutch royalty, one of four sons of Princess Margriets and Prince van Vollenhoven (Mars and Rahu in the 3rd house, Aquarius, aspected by Jupiter with rāśi and graha dṛṣṭi).
Martha Graham – has three sisters (3H is Cancer with Moon)
Pyke Koch – has three sisters (3H is Cancer with Venus)

Sharma / Santhanam:
मृतौ कुजतृतीयेशौ सहोदरविनाशकौ ॥५॥
mṛtau kujatṛtīyeśau sahodaravināśakau ||5||
Translation: If Mars and the 3rd Lord are in the 8th house ('house of death') (mṛtau kuja-tṛtīya-īśau), they are destroyers of siblings (sahodara-vināśakau).

Suresh Chandra Mishra:
मृतौ कुजतृतीयेशौ सहोदरविनाशकौ ॥५॥
सोदरनाथभौमौ च नाशस्थानगतौ यदि । पापेक्षितौ पापयुक्तौ भ्रातृनाशकरौ मुने ॥६॥
mṛtau kujatṛtīyeśau sahodaravināśakau ||5||
sodaranāthabhaumau ca nāśasthānagatau yadi | pāpekṣitau pāpayuktau bhrātṛnāśakarau mune ||6||
Translation: If Mars and the 3rd Lord are in the 8th house ('house of death') (mṛtau kuja-tṛtīya-īśau), they are destroyers of siblings (sahodara-vināśakau).
If (yadi) the 3rd Lord ('Lord of the house of siblings') and Mars (sodara-nātha-bhaumau ca) are situated in the 8th house ('house of destruction') (nāśa-sthāna-gatau), aspected by malefics (pāpa-īkṣitau) or conjoined by malefics (pāpa-yuktau), they are causing destruction of brothers (bhrātṛ-nāśa-karau), oh sage (mune).

Note: The Sun is not considered here among malefics since it is not pāpa.

Illustration: Jean-MarieGuyau – French philosopher and poet, only child of Augustine Tuillerie, French writer best known under the pseudonym G. Bruno (3L Mercury is in the 8H with Mars and Ketu under graha dṛṣṭi of Saturn and Mars.)

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
नाशस्थितौ सोदरनाथभौमौपापेक्षितौ सोदरनाशमाहुः। पापेक्षितौ पापसमन्वितौवा त्रिसप्तविद्याप्रविनाशहे तु ॥६२॥
nāśasthitau sodaranāthabhaumau pāpekṣitau sodaranāśamāhuḥ |
pāpekṣitau pāpasamanvitau vā trisaptavidyāpravināśahetuḥ ||62||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord ('Lord of the house of siblings') and Mars (sodara-nātha-bhaumau) are located in the 8th house ('house of destruction') (nāśa-sthitau)and aspected by malefic (pāpa-īkṣitau), then the destruction of the brothers and sisters should be declared (sodara-nāśam-āhuḥ).
If both are aspected by malefic (pāpa-īkṣitau) or conjoined by malefic (pāpa-samanvitau), this is cause of destruction of 21 knowledges (tri-sapta-vidyā-pravināśa-hetuḥ).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
No such śloka

Note: tri-sapta = 3x7 = 21, trisapta means in general the whole Universe.
21 refers to 5+5+5+5+1:
· "Pañca Tanmātrās" or five objects (color, sound, smell, taste, touch)
· "Pañca jñāna indriyas" or five sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body)
· "Pañca karma indriyas" or five organs of action (hands, legs, vocal apparatus, urino-genital organ and anus)
· "Pañca mahābhūtas" or five great substances (earth, water, fire, air and ether)
· "Antahkarana" - which is 'mano-buddhi-ahamkara'

Sharma / Santhanam / Suresh Chandra Mishra (śl.7) / Tara Chandra (śl.64) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.53):
केन्द्रत्रिकोणगे वाऽपि स्वोच्चमित्रस्ववर्गगे । कारके सहजेशे या भ्रातृसौख्यं विनिर्दिशेत्‌॥६॥
kendratrikoṇage vā’pi svoccamitrasvavargage | kārake sahajeśe yā bhrātṛsaukhyaṃ vinirdiśet‌ ||6||
Translation: If Kāraka [i.e. Mars] or the 3rd Lord ('Lord of siblings') (kārake sahaja-īśe yā) is in the kendra or trikoṇa (kendra-trikoṇa-ge vā’pi), in own house, in exaltation, in friendly house or in own varga (sva-ucca-mitra-svavarga-ge), then happiness of/from brothers (bhrātṛ-saukhyaṃ‌) should be declared (vinirdiśet‌).

Note 1: kārake sahajeśe yā – looks like instead of yā should be (‘or’)
Note 2: Mishra: sahajeśe yā -> bhāva-nāthe vā (meaning is similar).
Mishra / Chandra / Lal / Pathaka: vinirdiśet‌ -> vaded-budhaḥ (meaning is similar – “a wise should declare”).
Chandra / Lal / Pathaka: kārake sahajeśe yā bhrātṛ-saukhyaṃ -> nāthe vā kārake vāpi bhrātṛ-lābhaṃ (meaning is similar – instead of 'Lord of siblings' - > 'The Lord'; instead of “happiness from brothers” –> “obtaining brothers”).

Illustration: Beatrice, Princess of England – the daughter of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, their ninth and last child (3L Venus is in Taurus in 10H, Mars is in Aries in 9H)

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.65-66½) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.54-55½) / Suresh Chandra Mishra (śl.8-9½):
भ्रातृभे बुधसंयुक्ते तदीशे चन्द्रसंयुते । कारके मन्दसंयुक्ते भगिन्येकाग्रतो भवेत्‌ ॥७॥
पश्चात्सहोदरोऽप्येकस्तृतीयस्तु मृतो भवेत्‌ ।
bhrātṛbhe budhasaṃyukte tadīśe candrasaṃyute | kārake mandasaṃyukte bhaginyekāgrato bhavet ‌||7||
paścāt‌sahodaro ’pyekastṛtīyastu mṛto bhavet ‌| 8 ½
Translation: If the 3rd house ('house of brothers') is joined by Mercury (bhrātṛ-bhe budha-saṃyukte), the 3rd Lord is joined by Moon (tad-īśe candra-saṃyute), the Kāraka [i.e. Mars] is joined by Saturn (kārake manda-saṃyukte), the person will have one elder sister (bhaginī-eka-agratas bhavet). After [the person] one sibling will be born (paścāt‌-sahodaro ’pi-ekas), and this third child will die (tṛtīyas-tu mṛto bhavet).

Note: Chandra / Lal paścāt-sahodaro ’py-ekas-tṛtīyastu mṛto –> paścātsahodare ’py-etat-tṛtīyastu mṛtau (meaning is similar).

Illustration: Cindy Crawford - younger brother died from leukemia at age 3, she has also older sister, Chris and younger sister, Danielle (Mercury aspects the 3rd house from Aquarius and conjoins 3L Sun+Moon and Saturn+Mars)

Sharma / Santhanam / Suresh Chandra Mishra (śl.9-10½) / Tara Chandra (śl.66-67½) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.55-56½):
कारके राहुसंयुक्ते सहजेशे तु नीचगे ॥८॥
पश्चात्सहोदराभावं पूर्वं तु तत्त्रयं वदेत्‌ ।
kārake rāhusaṃyukte sahajeśe tu nīcage ||8||
paścāt‌sahodarābhāvaṃ pūrvaṃ tu tattrayaṃ vadet‌ | 9 ½
Translation: If Kāraka [i.e. Mars] is conjoined by Rāhu (kārake rāhu-saṃyukte) and the 3rd Lord is in the sign of its debilitation (sahajeśe tu nīcage), there will be loss/lack of siblings born after [the native] (paścāt-‌sahodara-abhāvaṃ), but three [siblings born] before him (pūrvaṃ tu tat-trayaṃ) should be declared(vadet‌).

Note: Chandra / Lal / Pathaka: sahajeśe tu nīcage –> vikrameśas-tu nīcagaḥ (meaning is similar).
Chandra / Lal: abhāvaṃ pūrvaṃ tu tat-trayaṃ vadet‌ -> ābhāvāt-pūrvas-tu trayakṛd-bhavet (meaning is similar)
Pathaka: abhāvaṃ pūrvaṃ tu tat-trayaṃ vadet‌ -> ābhāva pūrvaṃ tu tat-trayaṃ bhavet (meaning is similar)

Illustration: Mitt Romney youngest of four sons of George Romney (3L Moon is debilitated, strong Mars in digbala in sambandha with strong Rahu ayus exaltation – Mars is in the house of Rahu and aspects Rahu)

Sharma / Santhanam / Suresh Chandra Mishra (śl.10-12) / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.56-58):
भ्रातृस्थानाधिपे केन्द्रे कारके तत्‌त्रिकोणगे॥ ९॥
जीवेन सहिते चोच्चे ज्ञेया द्वादश सोदराः । तत्र ज्येष्ठद्वयं तद्वज्जातकाच्च तृतीयकम्‌ ॥१०॥
सप्तमं नवमं चैव द्वादशं च मृतं वदेत्‌ । शेषाः सहोदराः षड्वै भवेयुर्दीर्घजीवनाः ॥११॥
bhrātṛsthānādhipe kendre kārake tat‌trikoṇage ||9||
jīvena sahite cocce jñeyā dvādaśa sodarāḥ | tatra jyeṣṭhadvayaṃ tadvajjātakācca tṛtīyakam‌ ||10||
saptamaṃ navamaṃ caiva dvādaśaṃ ca mṛtaṃ vadet‌ | śeṣāḥ sahodarāḥ ṣaḍ‌vai bhaveyurdīrghajīvanāḥ ||11||
Translation: If the 3rd Lord (‘Lord of house of brothers’) is in kendra (bhrātṛ-sthāna-adhipe kendre), and Kāraka is in trikoṇa from it (kārake tat‌-trikoṇa-ge), joined by Jupiter (jīvena sahite)and in the exaltation (ca-ucce), then 12 siblings are to be known (jñeyā dvādaśa sodarāḥ). Of these [siblings] (tatra)there aretwo elder siblings from the person (jyeṣṭha-dvayaṃ jātakād), who is thus (tadvat ca) the 3rd (tṛtīyakam).
For the 7th (saptamaṃ), the 9th (navamaṃ caiva)and the 12th (dvādaśaṃ ca)the death (mṛtaṃ)should be declared (vadet‌). The remaining (not mentioned yet) six siblings(śeṣāḥ sahodarāḥ ṣaḍ‌)certainly (vai) will live long(bhaveyur-dīrgha-jīvanāḥ).

Note: Suresh Chandra Mishra: vadet -> bhavet (meaning is similar).
Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
sahite cocce jñeyā -> sahit-cocce saṃkhyā (meaning is similar ‘known’ -> ‘reckoned’);
jyeṣṭha-dvayaṃ tadvat -> pūrva-dvayaṃ garbhaṃ (meaning is similar; garbham – ‘foetus’);
saptamaṃ navamaṃ caiva dvādaśaṃ ca mṛtaṃ vadet -> saptamaś-caiva navamo dvādaśaś-ca mṛti-pradaḥ (meaning is similar, this line is the same as in Chandra/Lal Edition).

Illustration: Walter Darlington Huddleston he was one of the nine children of William and his wife Lottie (the 3L Moon is in Lagna; Mars is in Capricorn in 9H with Jupiter)
Biography - wikipedia

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
भ्रातृस्थानाधिपे केन्द्रे कारके तत्त्रिकोणगे ॥६७॥ जीवेन सहितश्चोच्चे संख्या द्वादश सोदराः ॥६८॥
अयं तृतीयगर्भश्च प्रथमाच्च तृतीयके । सप्तमश्चैव नवमो द्वादशश्च मृतिप्रदः ॥६९॥
शेषाः सहोदरा दीर्घाः षड्भार्या यमलो भवेत् ।
bhrātṛsthānādhipe kendre kārake tattrikoṇage ||67||
jīvena sahitcocce saṃkhyā dvādaśa sodarāḥ ||68||
ayaṃ tṛtīyagarbhaśca prathamācca tṛtīyake | saptamaścaiva navamo dvādaśaśca mṛtipradaḥ ||69||
śeṣāḥ sahodarā dīrghāḥ ṣaḍbhāryāyamalo bhavet | 70½
Translation: If the 3rd Lord (‘Lord of house of brothers’) is in kendra (bhrātṛ-sthāna-adhipe kendre), and Kāraka is in trikoṇa from it (kārake tat‌-trikoṇa-ge), joined by Jupiter (jīvena sahitaś) and in the exaltation (ca-ucce), then 12 siblings are reckoned (saṃkhyā dvādaśa sodarāḥ).
This one (ayaṃ)is the third foetus(tṛtīya-garbhaś-ca) and from the first child(prathamād-ca) is the 3rd(tṛtīyake). The 7th (saptamaś-ca-eva), the 9th (navamo) and the 12th (dvādaśaś-ca) [births] give death (mṛti-pradaḥ). The remaining six siblings [will live] long(śeṣāḥ sahodarā dīrghāḥ ṣaḍ).There will besisters born as twin (bhāryā yamalo bhavet).

Sharma / Santhanam / Suresh Chandra Mishra (śl.13-14) / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.59):
व्ययेशेन युतो भौमो गुरुणा सहितोऽपि वा । भ्रातृभावे स्थिते चन्द्रे सप्तसंख्यास्तु सोदराः ॥१२॥
भ्रातृस्थाने शशियुते केवलं पुङ्‌ग्रहेक्षिते। सहजा भ्रातरो ज्ञेयाः शुक्रयुक्तेक्षितेऽन्यथा ॥१३॥
vyayeśena yuto bhaumo guruṇā sahito’pi vā | bhrātṛbhāve sthite candre saptasaṃkhyāstu sodarāḥ ||12||
bhrātṛsthāne śaśiyute kevalaṃ puṅ‌grahekṣite | sahajā bhrātaro jñeyāḥ śukrayuktekṣite’nyathā ||13||
Translation: If Mars is conjoined with the 12th Lord (‘Lord of losses and expenses’) (vyayeśena yuto bhaumo) or together with Jupiter (guruṇā sahito’pi vā), and if the Moon is situated in the 3rd house (bhrātṛ-bhāve sthite candre), then seven siblings are reckoned (sapta-saṃkhyās-tu sodarāḥ).
If in the 3rd house (bhrātṛ-sthāne) is conjoined by the Moon and aspected only by male planets (śaśi-yute kevalaṃ puṅ‌-graha-īkṣite), the siblings will be brothers (sahajā bhrātaro jñeyāḥ); if it is joined or aspected by Venus (śukra-yukta-īkṣite) – otherwise (i.e. they will be sisters) (anyathā).

Note: Ganesha Datta Pathaka: yuto bhaumo -> yute bhaume; sthite candre -> śaśi-yute (meaning is the same). The 2nd shloka is missing.

Mario D'Agata one of three children (out of seven) to be born deaf in his family (the Moon is in the 3rd house, Sagittarius, Jupiter and Mars are in Aquarius)
Saint Bernadette the eldest of six kids born to a poor French family (the Moon alone is in the 3H, Cancer; Jupiter and Mars together are in the 10H, Aquarius)

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
व्ययेशेन युते भौमे गुरुणा सहितोऽपि वा ॥७०॥
भ्रातृस्थाने शशियुते सप्तसंख्यास्तु सोदराः । एतेषां द्विप्रजानाशः शुक्रयुक्तेक्षितेन हि ॥७१॥
vyayeśena yute bhaume guruṇā sahito’pi vā ||70||
bhrātṛsthāne śaśiyute saptasaṃkhyāstu sodarāḥ | eteṣāṃ dviprajānāśaḥ śukrayuktekṣitena hi ||71 ½ ||
Translation: If Mars is conjoined with the 12th Lord (vyayeśena yute bhaume) or together with Jupiter (guruṇā sahito’pi vā), if the Moon is in the 3rd house (bhrātṛ-bhāve śaśi-yute), then seven siblings are reckoned (sapta-saṃkhyās-tu sodarāḥ).
Among them (eteṣāṃ) two children will be lost (dvi-prajā-nāśaḥ), if Venus conjoins or aspects (śukra-yukta-īkṣitena hi).

Note: two half-lines in the middle are missed.

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.71 - 2nd part) / Suresh Chandra Mishra (śl.15):
अग्रे जातं रविर्हन्ति पृष्ठे जातं शनैश्चरः । अग्रजं पृष्ठजं हन्ति सहजस्थो धरासुतः॥ १४॥
agre jātaṃ ravirhanti pṛṣṭhe jātaṃ śanaiścaraḥ | agrajaṃ pṛṣṭhajaṃ hanti sahajastho dharāsutaḥ ||14||
Translation: When placed in the 3rd house (sahaja-stho), the Sun destroys elder sibling (agre jātaṃ ravir-hanti); Saturn (śanaiścaraḥ) [destroys] younger sibling (pṛṣṭhe jātaṃ); Mars (dharā-sutaḥ) destroys (hanti) both the preborn and afterborn siblings (agra-jaṃ pṛṣṭha-jaṃ).

Illustration: Tom Brokaw the oldest of three sons of a construction engineer and a homemaker (he has yoga from previous śloka [the Moon in the 3rd and strong Jupiter conjoins Mars], but Sun in the 3rd house destroys elder siblings).

Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
No such śloka

Sharma / Santhanam / Suresh Chandra Mishra (śl.16):
एतेषां विप्र योगानां बलाबलविनिर्णयात्‌ । भ्रातृणां भगिनीनां वा जातकस्य फलं वदेत्‌॥ १५॥
eteṣāṃ vipra yogānāṃ balābalavinirṇayāt ‌| bhrātṛṇāṃ bhaginīnāṃ vā jātakasya phalaṃ vadet‌ ||15||
Translation: Oh Brahmin (vipra), based on strength and weakness (bala-abala-vinirṇayaḥ) of these yogas (eteṣāṃ yogānāṃ) the results of birth (jātakasya phalaṃ) of brothers or sisters (bhrātṛṇāṃ bhaginīnāṃ vā) should be declared (vadet‌).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
No such śloka

End of Sahaja Bhava Phala Adhyaya (16)
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