Sharma / Santhanam / Mishra (śl.13) / Tara Chandra (śl.86-87 ½) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.72-73 ½):
कर्मेशेन युते बन्धुनाथे तुङ्गांशसंयुते ॥१२॥
द्विचत्वारिंशके वर्षे नरो वाहनभाग्भवेत् । karmeśena yute bandhunāthe tuṅgāṃśasaṃyute ||12||
dvicatvāriṃśake varṣe naro vāhanabhāgbhavet | 13 ½
Translation: If the 4th Lord (‘Lord of kinsmen’) is conjoined by the 10th Lord (karmeśena yute bandhu-nāthe) and is in the navāṁśa of its exaltation (tuṅga-aṃśa-saṃyute), the person will obtain a vehicle (naro vāhana-bhāg-bhavet) in the 42nd year (dvi-catvāriṃśake varṣe).
Note 1: Chandra / Lal / Pathaka: varṣe -> prāpte (‘year’ – ‘reached’) meaning of śloka has not changed.
Note 2: vāhana could not mean not only a vehicle, but a career advancement, success after significant effort.
vāhana n. the act of making effort, endeavoring, exertion, the act of drawing, bearing, carrying, conveying, driving, riding, guiding (horses), any vehicle or conveyance or draught-animal, carriage, chariot, waggon, horse, elephant.
Note 3: tuṅgāṃśa is the same as uccāṃśa (aṃśa of exaltation) for example, for Sun – Aries in D9.