BPHS Chapter 17. Results of the 4th house (‘house of happiness’)
Sharma (14 ślokas) / Santhanam (14 ślokas) / Suresh Chandra Mishra (14 ślokas):
अथ सुखभावफलाध्यायः॥१
atha sukhabhāvaphalādhyāyaḥ ||17||
Translation: Now (atha) a chapter about results of 4th house (‘house of happiness’) (sukha-bhāva-phala-adhyāyaḥ).

Tara Chandra (16 ślokas) / Girdhari Lal (16 ślokas) / Ganesh Datta Pathaka (16 ślokas):
अथ चतुर्थभावफलम्
atha caturthabhāvaphalam
Translation: Now (atha) results of 4th house (caturtha-bhāva-phalam).

Sharma / Santhanam:
उक्तं तृतीयभावस्य फलं संक्षेपतो मया । सुखभावफलं चाऽथ कथयामि द्विजोत्तम ॥१॥
uktaṃ tṛtīyabhāvasya phalaṃ saṃkṣepato mayā | sukhabhāvaphalaṃ cā’tha kathayāmi dvijottama ||1||
Translation: O best of Brahmins (dvijottama), the results of the 3rd house (tṛtīya-bhāvasya phalaṃ) [were told] briefly by me (saṃkṣepato mayā). And now I will speak (cā ’tha kathayāmi) about the results of the 4th house (‘house of happiness’) (sukha-bhāva-phalaṃ).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka / Suresh Chandra Mishra:
No such śloka.

Sharma / Santhanam / Suresh Chandra Mishra (śl.1):
सुखेशे सुखभावस्थे लग्नेशे तद्‌गतेऽपि वा । शुभदृष्टे च जातस्य पूर्णं गृहसुखं वदेत्‌ ॥२॥
sukheśe sukhabhāvasthe lagneśe tad‌gate’pi vā | śubhadṛṣṭe ca jātasya pūrṇaṃ gṛhasukhaṃ vadet‌ ||2||
Translation: If the 4th Lord is situated in the 4th house (‘house of happiness’) (sukheśe sukha-bhāva-sthe) and if the Lagna Lord is also there (lagneśe tad‌-gate ’pi vā) and aspected by benefic (śubha-dṛṣṭe ca), then full happiness pertaining to a house (pūrṇaṃ gṛha-sukhaṃ) for the person (jātasya) should be declared (vadet‌).

Note: Mishra: pūrṇaṃ gṛhasukhaṃ -> pūrṇagṛhasukhaṃ (meaning the same).
Illustration: Matt Geiger – American former professional National Basketball Association player, he had 28,000-square-foot (2,600 m2) estate, reported as the largest in the county. LL and 4L Mercury is in the 4th house with Jupiter.

Suresh Chandra Mishra (+śl.3):
केन्द्रे कोणे चतुर्थेशे शुभदृग्योगसंयुते । समीचीनं गृहं जन्तोर्वैपरीत्ये ऽन्यथा फलम् ॥३॥
kendre koṇe caturtheśe śubhadṛgyogasaṃyute | samīcīnaṃ gṛhaṃ jantorvaiparītyenyathā phalam ||3||
Translation: If the 4th Lord is in the kendra or trikoṇa (kendre koṇe caturtheśe) aspected or conjoined by benefic (śubha-dṛg-yoga-saṃyute), then the person will have good house (samīcīnaṃ gṛhaṃ jantor), otherwise there will be opposite result (vaiparītye ’nyathā phalam).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesh Datta Pathaka (śl.60-61 ½):
गेहाधिनाथेन युते तु गेहे देहाधिपेनापि गृहाभिलब्धिः । युते षडादौ तु विपर्ययः स्याद्गृहाधिपे देहपतौ च तद्वत् ॥७२॥
केन्द्रत्रिकोणे च शुभग्रहेण युते समीचीनगृहाभिलब्धिः ।
gehādhināthena yute tu gehe dehādhipenāpi gṛhābhilabdhiḥ | yute ṣaḍādau tu viparyayaḥ syādgṛhādhipe dehapatau ca tadvat ||72||
kendratrikoṇe ca śubhagraheṇa yute samīcīnagṛhābhilabdhiḥ |
Translation: If the 4th house (gehe) is joined with the 4th Lord (geha-adhināthena yute) and also with Lagna Lord (tu deha-adhipena-api), there will be obtaining the house (gṛha-abhilabdhiḥ). If the 4th Lord and also Lagna Lord (gṛhādhipe dehapatau ca tadvat) are joined with the 6th, 8th or 12th houses (yute ṣaḍ-ādau tu) then – reverse (viparyayaḥ).
If [both Lords are] in the kendra or trikoṇa (kendra-trikoṇe) and conjoined by benefic (ca śubha-graheṇa yute), then a good house will be obtained (samīcīna-gṛha-abhi-labdhiḥ).

geha – a house, dwelling, habitation, family life (here – the name of the 4th house).
samīcīna - complete, all, whole, fit, proper, correct, true, just, right.

Charles Baudelaire – French poet; he lived in dilapidated fleabag hotels, in addition to other misfortunes. LL and 4L are in the 8H among other planets.

Dino Campana Italian poet, he had an irrepressible desire to escape and dedicate himself to a life of vagrancy, which he accomplished by undertaking various jobs. Periodically his home was psychiatric hospital. LL Mars and 4L Saturn are in the 8th house.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesh Datta Pathaka (śl.61-62; śl.63 has differences and is therefore given separately below):
क्षेत्रस्य चिंता सदनाधिपेन जीवेन चिन्ता तु सुखस्य कार्या ॥७३॥
दिव्याङ्गनावाहनवस्तुभूषाचिंता तु कार्या भृगुणा बुधेन्द्रैः । तमःशनिभ्यामभिचिंत्यमायुरर्केण तातः शशिनात्र माता ॥७४॥
बुधेन बुद्धिः सदनर्क्षसंस्थां गतेन सप्तेशयुतेन च स्यात् । केंद्रत्रिकोणेषु गतेषु सप्त प्रपश्यता वापि स्वतुंगगेन ॥७५॥
kṣetrasya ciṃtā sadanādhipena jīvena cintā tu sukhasya kāryā ||73||
divyāṅganāvāhanavastubhūṣāciṃtā tu kāryā bhṛguṇā budhendraiḥ | tamaḥ śanibhyāmabhiciṃtyamāyurarkeṇa tātaḥ śaśinātra mātā ||74||
budhena buddhiḥ sadanarkṣasaṃsthāṃ gatena sapteśayutena ca syāt | keṃdratrikoṇeṣu gateṣu sapta prapaśyatā vāpi svatuṃgagena ||75||
Translation: Consideration of landed property (kṣetrasya cintā) through the 4th Lord (sadana-adhipena), consideration of happiness through Jupiter (jīvena cintā tu sukhasya) should be made (kāryā). [73]
Consideration of divine female, vehicles, ornaments (divyāṅganā-vāhana-vastu-bhūṣā-ciṃtā) should be done through Venus by best among wise (kāryā bhṛguṇā budhendraiḥ).
Through Rāhu and Saturn (tamaḥ-śanibhyām) longevity is considered (abhicintyam-āyur); through the Sun – the father (arkeṇa tātaḥ); through the Moonmother (śaśinā-atra mātā). [74]
Through Mercuryintelligence/intellect (budhena buddhiḥ).
[Good results will be] in case they are staying in the 4th house (sadana-rkṣa-saṃsthāṃ gatena) and joined by the 7th Lord (sapteśa-yutena ca syāt), in kendra or trikoṇa (keṃdra-trikoṇeṣu gateṣu) under 7th aspect (sapta prapaśyatā), or in the sign of own exaltation (vāpi sva-tuṃga-gena). [75]

Illustration: Anderson, Alfred – died at 109 years. Saturn is exalted in the 4th house, 7th Lord.

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
बुधेन बुद्धिः सदनसंस्थां गतेन भावेशयुतेन वा स्यात् । केन्द्रत्रिकोणेषु गतेषु तत्र प्रपश्यता वापि स्वतुङ्गगेन ६३
budhena buddhiḥ sadanasaṃsthāṃ gatena bhāveśayutena syāt | kendratrikoṇeṣu gateṣu tatra prapaśyatā vāpi svatuṅgagena ||63||
Translation: Through Mercuryintelligence/intellect (budhena buddhiḥ).
[Good results will be] when they are staying in the 4th house (sadana-saṃsthāṃ gatena), or joined by the 4th Lord (bhāveśa-yutena syāt) in kendra or trikoṇa (keṃdra-trikoṇeṣu gateṣu), or aspected by it (tatra prapaśyatā), or in the sign of own exaltation (vāpi sva-tuṃga-gena).

Illustration: Willem De Kooning – abstract expressionist artist, from 1950 he began to explore the female subject exclusively. In 2006 his oil painting ‘Woman III’ was sold for $137.5 million. He lived 92 years. Venus is exalted in the 4th house, conjoined by both 4th Lords Jupiter and Ketu.

Sharma / Santhanam:
No such ślokas

Sharma / Santhanam / Mishra (śl.2):
स्वगेहे स्वांशके स्वोच्चे सुखस्थानाधिपो यदि । भूमियानगृहादीनां सुखं वाद्यभवं तथा ॥३॥
svagehe svāṃśake svocce sukhasthānādhipo yadi | bhūmiyānagṛhādīnāṃ sukhaṃ vādyabhavaṃ tathā ||3||
Translation: If the 4th Lord is in own house, own aṁśa or in his sign of exaltation (sva-gehe sva-aṃśake sva-ucce sukha-sthāna-adhipo yadi), there will be comfort of having lands, vehicles, houses etc. (bhūmi-yāna-gṛha-ādīnāṃ sukhaṃ) and also obtaining musical instruments (vādya-bhavaṃ tathā).

Gabriel Fauré – French composer, organist, pianist and teacher who was one of the foremost French composers of his generation. The 4th Lord Moon is in Cancer in D1, D4, D9, in Taurus in D16.

Albert Kahn – French banker and philanthropist. In 1893 Kahn acquired a large property in Boulogne-Billancourt, where he established a unique garden containing a variety of garden styles including English, Japanese, a rose garden and a conifer wood. The 4th Lord Venus is in its exaltation sign, also in D9 and D16.

Clotilde, Princess of Venice and Piedmont. The 4th Lord Venus is in its exaltation sign, also in D9 and D16.

Almeida, Laurindo – Brazilian guitarist, a virtuoso. Nominated for a Grammy 16 times, he won five. He also played lute, mandolin and other instruments. The 4th Lord Sun is in the 4th house, Leo, in D1, D9, and in Aries in D16.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
स्वकीयस्वांशगे स्वोच्चे सुतस्थानस्थितो यदि । सुखवाहनवृद्धिः स्याच्छंखभेर्यादिवाद्ययुक् ॥७६॥
svakīyasvāṃśage svocce sutasthānasthito yadi | sukhavāhanavṛddhiḥ syācchaṃkhabheryādivādyayuk ||76||
Translation: If (yadi) [the 4th Lord] is situated in the 5th house (suta-sthāna-sthito) which is own [house], own aṁśa or its sign of exaltation (svakīya-sva-aṃśa-ge sva-ucce), there will be increase in pleasures and vehicles (sukha-vāhana-vṛddhiḥ syāt), furnished with the conch-shell, kettledrum and other musical instruments (śaṃkha-bherī-ādi-vādya-yuj).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
स्वकीये स्वांशगे स्वोच्चे सुखस्थानस्थितो यदि । सुखवाहनवृद्धिः स्याच्छङ्खभेर्यादिवाद्ययुक् ॥६४॥
svakīye svāṃśage svocce sukhasthānasthito yadi | sukhavāhanavṛddhiḥ syācchaṅkhabheryādivādyayuk ||64||
Translation: If (yadi) [a planet] is situated in the 4th house (sukha-sthāna-sthito) which is own [house], own aṁśa or his sign of exaltation (svakīya-sva-aṃśa-ge sva-ucce), there will be increase in pleasures and vehicles (sukha-vāhana-vṛddhiḥ syāt), furnished with the conch-shell, kettledrum and other musical instruments (śaṃkha-bherī-ādi-vādya-yuj).

Note: Tara Chandra and Girdhari Lal talk about a planet in the 5th house (not in the 4th house), there is a possibility of misprint.

Sharma / Santhanam / Mishra (śl.5):
कर्माधिपेन संयुक्ते केन्द्रे कोणे गृहाधिपे । विचित्रसौधप्राकारैर्मण्डितं तद्‌गृहं वदेत्‌ ॥४॥
karmādhipena saṃyukte kendre koṇe gṛhādhipe | vicitrasaudhaprākārairmaṇḍitaṃ tad‌gṛhaṃ vadet‌ ||4||
Translation: If the 4th Lord is conjoined by the 10th Lord (karma-adhipena saṃyukte gṛha-adhipe) in the kendra or koṇa (kendre koṇe), the person’s house will be (tad‌-gṛhaṃ vadet‌) beautifully decorated with plastered painted walls (vicitra-saudha-prākārair-maṇḍitaṃ).

Note: It could mean – big house like a palace.

vicitra – variegated, many-colored, motley, brilliant, manifold, various, diverse, charming, lovely, beautiful, painted, coloured.
saudha – having plaster or cement, plastered, stucco, a stucco mansion, any fine house, palace, silver.
prā-kāra - a wall, enclosure, fence, rampart.

Konstantinos II, King of GreeceThe 4th Lord Saturn and the 10th Lord Moon are conjoined in the 7th house.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
विचित्रसौधप्राकारं मंडितं गृहमादिशेत् । कर्माधिपेन सहिते नाथे चन्द्रार्कसूनुना ॥७७॥
vicitrasaudhaprākāra maṃḍitaṃ gṛhamādiśet | karmādhipena sahite nāthe candrārkasūnunā ||77||
Translation: If the [4th] Lord is joined with the 10th Lord (karma-adhipena sahite nāthe), with Moon and/or Saturn (candra-arka-sūnunā), the house will be (gṛham-ādiśet) beautifully decorated with plastered painted walls (vicitra-saudha-prākāraṃ maṇḍitaṃ).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
विचित्रसौधप्राकारं मण्डितं गृहमादिशेत् । कर्माधिपेन सहिते नाथे केन्द्रे कोणेऽवस्थिते ॥६५॥
vicitrasaudhaprākāra maṇḍitaṃ gṛhamādiśet | karmādhipena sahite nāthe kendre koṇe’vasthite ||65||
Translation: If the [4th] Lord is joined by the 10th Lord (karma-adhipena sahite nāthe) and placed in kendra or koṇa (kendre koṇe ’vasthite), the house will be (gṛham-ādiśet) beautifully decorated with plastered painted walls (vicitra-saudha-prākāraṃ maṇḍitaṃ).

Note: Tara Chandra and Girdhari Lal talk about the 4th Lord and 10th Lords joined with Saturn and/or Moon (and not in kendra or koṇa).

Sharma / Santhanam / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.66) / Mishra (śl.6):
बन्धुस्थानेश्वरे सौम्ये शुभग्रहयुतेक्षिते । शशिजे लग्नसंयुक्ते बन्धुपूज्यो भवेन्नरः ॥५॥
bandhusthāneśvare saumye śubhagrahayutekṣite | śaśije lagnasaṃyukte bandhupūjyo bhavennaraḥ ||5||
Translation: If the 4th house is benefic (bandhu-sthāna-īśvare saumye), conjoined or aspected by benefic (śubha-graha-yuta-īkṣite), and Mercury (‘son of Chandra’) is in Lagna (śaśi-je lagna-saṃyukte), then the person will be (bhavet-naraḥ) is honoured by his relatives (bandhu-pūjyo).

bandhu – connection, relation, association, a kinsman (esp. on the mother's side), relative, kindred, the 4th house.
Note: Ganesha Datta Pathaka: śubha-graha-yuta-īkṣite -> śubha-graha-nirīkṣite (aspected by benefic).

Édouard Chassaignac – French physician, surgeon, author and professor, a member of the Academie des Sciences. Mercury in Lagna, the 4th Lord Jupiter is with Venus.

Madeleine De Rauch – French haute couture fashion designer. She started the fashion house which carries her name together with her three sisters in 1932 in Paris. Mercury in Lagna, the 4th Lord Jupiter is with Venus.

Fernand Forest – French inventor. He played an important role in the development of the internal combustion engine and the motor car. Mercury in Lagna, the 4th Lord Jupiter is with Venus.

Jan Vayne – Dutch musician, an extremely popular pianist. He was honored with an invitation to perform at Bill Clinton's inauguration party on 1/20/1997. The 4th Mercury in Lagna, with Jupiter.

Adolphe Thiers – French writer, a historian and the author of "Histoire de la Révolution Française" and "Histoire du Consulat et de l’Empire,"; the founder of Le National newspaper. He served as State Advisor, Deputy, Minister of the Interior, and President of the Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs. The 4th Lord Mercury is in Lagna, Pisces, with Jupiter and Venus.

Denton Arthur Cooley – American heart surgeon famous for performing the first implantation of a total artificial heart. Cooley is also founder and surgeon in-chief of The Texas Heart Institute. Mercury is in Lagna. The 4th Lord Venus is with Jupiter.

Alexandre Dumas – French writer, one of the great French novelists and dramatists. Mercury is in Lagna. The 4th Lord Venus is with Jupiter.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
बंधुस्थानेश्वरे सौम्यशुभग्रहनिरीक्षिते । शशिजे लग्नसंयुक्ते बुधपूज्यो भवेन्नरः ॥७८॥
baṃdhusthāneśvare saumyaśubhagrahanirīkṣite | śaśije lagnasaṃyukte budhapūjyo bhavennaraḥ ||78||
Translation: If the 4th house (baṃdhu-sthāna-īśvare) is benefic and aspected by benefic (saumya-śubha-graha-nirīkṣite), and Mercury (‘son of Chandra’) is in Lagna (śaśi-je lagna-saṃyukte), then the person will be (bhavet-naraḥ) is honoured by wise/learned men (budha-pūjyo).

Note: Tara Chandra and Girdhari Lal talk about the ‘honoured by wise/learned men’ not ‘honoured by his relatives’.

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.79) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.67) / Mishra (śl.7):
मातुः स्थाने शुभयुते तदीशे स्वोच्चराशिगे । कारके बलसंयुक्ते मातुर्दीर्घायुरादिशेत् ॥६॥
mātuḥ sthāne śubhayute tadīśe svoccarāśige | kārake balasaṃyukte māturdīrghāyurādiśet ||6||
Translation: If the 4th house (‘House of Mother’) is conjoined by benefic (mātuḥ sthāne śubha-yute); the 4th Lord is in his sign of exaltation (tad-īśe sva-ucca-rāśi-ge), and Kāraka for mother (i.e. the Moon) is endowed with strength (kārake bala-saṃyukte), then the long life of mother should be indicated (mātur-dīrgha-āyu-rādiśet).

Note: Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal: māturdīrghāyur-> mātdīrghāyur

Illustration: Eliette Abécassis – French professor of philosophy and writer, her mother, Janine Abécassis, Psychoanalyst, professor of clinical psychology University of Franche Comté. The Moon is in the 4th house, Taurus; the 4th Lord Venus is in Pisces.
Biography additional

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
स्वतुंगसंस्थे हिबुकाधिनाथे स्वर्क्षे त्रिभे मित्र गृहे स्थिते च । शुभेन दृष्टे शुभसंयुते च क्षेत्राभिवृद्धिं प्रवदेन्नराणाम् ॥८०॥
svatuṃgasaṃsthe hibukādhināthe svarkṣe tribhe mitra gṛhe sthite ca | śubhena dṛṣṭe śubhasaṃyute ca kṣetrābhivṛddhiṃ pravadennarāṇām ||80||
Translation: If the 4th Lord (hibuka-adhināthe) is situated in the sign of own exaltation (sva-tuṃga-saṃsthe), in own house (sva-rkṣe) or in the 3rd sign – friendly house (tribhe mitra gṛhe sthite ca), and conjoined or aspected by benefic (śubhena dṛṣṭe śubhasaṃyute ca), then increase of landed property of men (kṣetra-abhivṛddhiṃ narāṇām) should be declared (pravadet).

Note: hibuka = pātāla (region under the Earth), the 4th house.

Helmut Kohl – Chancellor of Germany from 1982 to 1998 (1990 – German reunification). The 4th Lord Moon is in the exaltation, conjoined by Jupiter.

Empress Catherine the Great – Russian Empress, one of the most powerful and memorable in history; she governed at a time when the Russian Empire was expanding rapidly by conquest and diplomacy. The 4th Lord Venus in the 5th house, in Gemini, friendly sign of Mercury, conjoined by the Moon and Jupiter, Jupiter is in parivartana with Mercury. No any malefic aspects.

Sharma / Santhanam / Ganesha Datta Pathaka / Mishra:
No such ślokas.

Sharma / Santhanam / Mishra (śl.8):
सुखेशे केन्द्रभावस्थे तथा केन्द्रस्थितो भृगुः । शशिजे स्वोच्चराशिस्थे मातुः पूर्णं सुखं वदेत्‌ ॥७॥
sukheśe kendrabhāvasthe tathā kendrasthito bhṛguḥ | śaśije svoccarāśisthe mātuḥ pūrṇaṃ sukhaṃ vadet ‌||7||
Translation: If the 4th Lord (‘Lord of happiness’) is situated in kendra (sukheśe kendra-bhāva-sthe), Venus is also placed in kendra (tathā kendra-sthito bhṛguḥ), and Mercury is in his sign of exaltation (i.e. Virgo) (śaśije sva-ucca-rāśi-sthe), the full happiness of mother should be indicated (mātuḥ pūrṇaṃ sukhaṃ vadet).

Note: Mishra: bhṛguḥ -> bhṛgau; vadet -> bhavet (meaning is similar).
Margherita Agnelli – her mother was Italian noblewoman, art collector, socialite, style icon, and wife of Fiat S.p.A. chairman Gianni Agnelli, who often appeared in the fashion magazine Vogue. The 4th Lord Saturn in Taurus Lagna with Venus, Mercury is exalted.
Mother’s Biography

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.68):
सुखेशे केन्द्रभावस्थे तथा केन्द्रे स्थितो भृगुः । शशिजे स्वोच्चराशिस्थे विद्वान्पण्डित एव सः ॥८१॥
sukheśe kendrabhāvasthe tathā kendre sthito bhṛguḥ | śaśije svoccarāśisthe vidvānpaṇḍita eva saḥ ||81||
Translation: If the 4th Lord is situated in kendra (sukheśe kendra-bhāva-sthe), Venus is also placed in kendra (tathā kendre sthito bhṛguḥ), and Mercury is in his sign of exaltation (i.e. Virgo) (śaśije sva-ucca-rāśi-sthe), the person is truly wise and intelligent scholar (vidvānpaṇḍita eva saḥ).

Jean Dausset – French scientist; physician who shared the Nobel Prize with two others for their work on antigens. The 4th Lord Mars is in the 4th house; Venus is in Lagna; Mercury is exalted.

Seymour Cray - American computer technician, the Thomas Edison of the supercomputing industry who aimed to create the fastest computer in the world. Cray's name became synonymous with cutting-edge technology. The 4th Lord Saturn is in Lagna; Venus is in Lagna, Mercury is exalted.

Maurice-Rene Frechet – French mathematician, influential from the time of his doctoral thesis. He helped found the theory of abstract spaces, summarizing his work in his most important book, "Abstract Spaces," 1928. The 4th Lord Venus is in Lagna; Mercury is exalted.

Jean Marie Lehn – French chemist who, together with Charles J. Pedersen and Donald J. Cram, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1987 for his contribution to the laboratory synthesis of molecules that mimic the vital chemical functions of molecules in living organisms. The 4th Lord is in the 7th house; Mercury is exalted in Lagna, Venus is in Lagna.

Maria Montessori – Italian educator who was the first woman in Italy to receive a medical degree, in 1895. She worked primarily with children experiencing some form of cognitive delay, illness, or disability and gradually evolved her own teaching method. She established an international reputation in 1912 with her book "The Montessori Method”. The 4th Lord Venus is in Lagna; Mercury is exalted.

Louis Lumière – French scientist and cinematographer. He worked with his brother Auguste to invent the cinematograph, a combination motion-picture camera, printer, and projector. It was the very first public demonstration of their device they called the Cinematograph, which effectively functioned as camera, projector and printer all in one. Their first film sequence of a train pulling into the station reportedly had audiences screaming and ducking for cover. (See verse of Devachandra Jha below.) The 4th Lord Venus is in the 4th house; Mercury is exalted.

Devachandra Jha:
सुखेशे केन्द्रभावस्थे तथा केन्द्रे स्थिते भृगौ । शशिजे चोच्चराशिस्थे यानसौख्यं वदेद् बुधः ॥ ७ ॥
sukheśe kendrabhāvasthe tathā kendre sthite bhṛgau | śaśije coccarāśisthe yānasaukhyaṃ vaded budhaḥ || 7 ||
Translation: If the 4th Lord (‘Lord of happiness’) is situated in kendra (sukheśe kendra-bhāva-sthe), Venus is also placed in kendra (tathā kendre sthite bhṛgau), and Mercury is in the sign of exaltation (śaśije сa-ucca-rāśi-sthe), a wise will indicate (vaded budhaḥ) happiness/comfort from vehicles (yāna-saukhyaṃ).

Therese Bentzon – French journalist, essayist, and novelist, for many years on the staff of the Revue des Deux Mondes. Her grandfather and George Sand shared an interest in horses, and he had helped George Sand buy some pure-breed race horses. As a thank you she agreed to read a short novel written by his granddaughter, and to present her to the then editor of the Revue des Deux Mondes, François Buloz. This was the real beginning of her writing career. The 4th Lord Mercury in in the 4th house, exalted, Venus is in the 4th house.

Auguste Rateau – French engineer. Rateau’s work was in direct line with theirs and from it came the Rateau mine ventilators, centrifugal pumps and steam turbines. The impulse steam turbine of Rateau was applied to a French torpedo boat in 1904 and Rateau turbines, as developed by the Ateliers et Chantiers de Bretagne, Nantes, have been fitted in the fastest flotilla leaders in the world. A prominent member of many societies, Rateau was elected a member of the Paris Academy of Sciences in 1919. The the 4th Lord Mercury is exalted in the 4th house; Venus is in the 4th house.

Note: Tara Chandra/ Girdhari Lal and Ganesha Datta Pathaka say the same condition, as Sarma, Santhanam and Mishra, but result is different – instead of ‘the full happiness of mother’ –> ‘the person is truly wise and intelligent scholar’.
Devachandra Jha with the same condition has the third version of result: ‘happiness/comfort from vehicles’.

Sharma / Santhanam / Mishra (śl.9) / Tara Chandra (śl.82) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.69) / Devachandra Jha (śl.8):
सुखे रवियुते मन्दे चन्द्रे भाग्यगते सति । लाभस्थानगतो भौमो गोमहिष्यादिलाभकृत्‌ ॥८॥
sukhe raviyute mande candre bhāgyagate sati | lābhasthānagato bhaumo gomahiṣyādilābhakṛt‌ ||8||
Translation: If the Sun is conjoined by Saturn in the 4th house (sukhe ravi-yute mande), if Moon is situated in the 9th house (candre bhāgya-gate), and if Mars is situated in the 11th house (lābha-sthāna-gato bhaumo), [the person] is making profit by owing cows, buffaloes etc. (sati go-mahiṣī-ādi-lābha-kṛt‌).

sati = sāti – gaining, obtaining, acquisition, winning of spoil or property, a gift, oblation.
lābhakṛt‌ – causing gain, making profit, gainful, profitable

Note: Chandra/Lal/Pathaka: raviyute mande -> maṃde raviyute (words are rearranged); candre -> caṃdro; sati -> yadi; lābhasthānagato bhaumo -> lābhasthānagate bhaume (meaning is the same)
Devachandra Jha: raviyute mande -> mando raviyutaś (words are rearranged); sati -> yadi (meaning is the same).

"Cowboy" Jack Leroy Kaenel is an American jockey, he has ridden 2,046 winners from 15,270 races in his career. Mars is in the 11th; the Moon is in the 9th; the Saturn is in the 4th; Sun is aspects the 4th with rāśi dṛṣṭi from the 9th.

Bill Hulse (born 4 August 1920 at 05:30 AM, Moro, Oregon, 45n29, 120w44) – American wheat and cattle rancher and Judge with the Wasco County Court in Oregon. Moon is in 9H; 11H is aspected by Mars (rāśi and graha dṛṣṭi); 4H is aspected by Saturn (rāśi and graha dṛṣṭi); Sun is conjoined by 4th Lord in Lagna).

Note: In Chandra / Lal / Pathaka / Devachandra Jha versions the rhytm of śloka does not suit to theh template in word ‘raviyute’.

Sharma / Santhanam / Mishra (śl.10):
चरगेहसमायुक्तो सुखे तद्राशिनायके । षष्ठे व्यये स्थिते भौमे नरः प्राप्नोति मूकताम्‌ ॥९॥
caragehasamāyukto sukhe tadrāśināyake | ṣaṣṭhe vyaye sthite bhaume naraḥ prāpnoti mūkatām‌ ||9||
Translation: If the 4th house is placed in movable sign (cara-geha-samāyukto sukhe), the 4th Lord is in the 6th (tad-rāśi-nāyake ṣaṣṭhe), Mars is placed in the 12th house (vyaye sthite bhaume), then the person will be speechless (naraḥ prāpnoti mūkatām‌).

Note: Mishra: samāyukto -> samāyukte (meaning is similar).

Sri Meher Baba - Indian religious figure who was known as ‘The Silent Guru’. He moved into silence on 10 July 1925 and did not speak until his death in 1969. The 4th house is Aries, movable sign, 4L Mars is in the 12th house, aspect the 6th house.

Giuliana Pavarotti - When she was 17 she was diagnosed with myasthenia gravis, a disease that causes fatigue, muscle weakness, slurred speech and trouble swallowing. She was helped by surgery to remove her thymus gland, takes medication and is in complete remission. The 4th house is Capricorn, movable sign, Mars is in the 12th house, 4L Saturn is in the 6th house. Disease happened in Ve-Sa (Ve is in the 4th house).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.75):
चरग्रहसमायुक्ते सुखे तद्राशिनायके । षष्ठे भौमे व्ययगते मूकत्वं प्राप्नुते नरः ॥८३॥
caragrahasamāyukte sukhe tadrāśināyake | ṣaṣṭhe bhaume vyayagate mūkatvaṃ prāpnute naraḥ ||83||
Translation: If the 4th house is joined with Charakāraka (Mātṛkāraka) (cara-graha-samāyukte sukhe), the 4th Lord is in the 6th (tad-rāśi-nāyake ṣaṣṭhe), Mars is situated in the 12th house (bhaume vyaya-gate), then the person will be speechless (mūkatvaṃ prāpnute naraḥ).

Peter Wildeblood – Anglo-Canadian journalist, novelist; In 1994, he suffered a stroke which left him speechless and a quadriplegic. The 4th Lord Mars aspects the 6th and 12th houses, Mātṛkāraka Mercury aspects the 4th house and conjoins the 4th Lord. He became speechless in Ve-Ma (Venus is in parivartana with Mars).

Pt. Devachandra Jha:
सुखे चरगृहासक्ते तथा तद्राशिनायके | सभौमे व्ययषष्ठस्थे मूकत्वं याति मानवः ॥९॥
sukhe caragṛhāsakte tathā tadrāśināyake | sabhaume vyayaṣaṣṭhasthe mūkatvayāti mānavaḥ ||9||
Translation: If the 4th house is attached to the movable sign (sukhe cara-gṛha-āsakte), and also the 4th Lord (tathā tad-rāśi-nāyake) is with Mars and placed in the 12th or the 6th house (sa-bhaume vyaya-ṣaṣṭha-sthe), then the person becomes silent (mūkatvaṃ yāti mānavaḥ).

Note: There is variation in condition for dumbness:
1) Sharma, Santhanam, Devachandra, Mishra – the 4th house is a movable sign, whereas Chandra, Lal, Pathaka – Charakāraka (Mātṛkāraka) is in the 4th house.
2) Devachandra – the 4th Lord is together with Mars placed in the 6th or the 12th houses, whereas Sharma, Santhanam, Chandra, Lal, Pathaka, Mishra – the 4th Lord is in the 6th; Mars is in the 12th house.

Sharma / Santhanam / Mishra (śl.11-12 ½) / Tara Chandra (śl.84-85 ½) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.70-71 ½):
लग्नस्थानाधिपे सौम्ये सुखेशे नीचराशिगे । कारके व्ययभावस्थे सुखेशे लाभसङ्गते ॥१०॥
द्वदशे वत्सरे प्राप्ते वाहनस्य सुखं वदेत्‌ ।
lagnasthānādhipe saumye sukheśe nīcarāśige | kārake vyayabhāvasthe sukheśe lābhasaṅgate ||10||
dvadaśe vatsare prāpte vāhanasya sukhaṃ vadet ‌|11 ½
Translation: If the Lagna Lord is benefic (lagna-sthāna-adhipe saumye) and if the 4th Lord is in the sign of its debilitation (sukheśe nīca-rāśi-ge), or if the Kāraka is situated in the 12th house (kārake vyaya-bhāva-sthe) and if the 4th Lord is in the 11th house (sukheśe lābha-saṅgate), then a happiness/comfort from obtaining a vehicle (vāhanasya sukhaṃ) upon reaching 12 years (dvadaśe vatsare prāpte) should be declared (vadet).

Note 1: Chandra / Lal / Pathaka: lābhasaṅgate -> lābhasaṃyute (meaning is the same);
Chandra / Lal: vāhanasya sukhaṃ vadet -> naravāhanalābhakṛt (slightly different meaning ‘then there will be a gain from palanquin ride / vehicles’)
Pathaka: vāhanasya sukhaṃ vadet -> lābho vai vāhanasya ca (similar meaning: ‘there certainly will be obtaining vehicle’)

lābhakṛt – causing gain, making profit, gainful, profitable.
prāpta – attained to, reached, arrived at, met with, found, incurred, got, acquired, gained.
naravāhana – any vehicle carried by men, a palanquin.

Max Verstappen – Dutch-Belgian Formula One race car driver, noted as the youngest winner of a Grand Prix, and the 2021 and 2022 Formula One World Champion. Verstappen started racing in karts at the age of four and competing in championships at the age of seven. In 2009 (12 years), Verstappen joined Pex Racing, a CRG customer team. That year, he defended his titles in the Mini Max championships and won the Belgian KF5 Championship. Vahana Karaka Venus is in the 12th house; the 4th Lord Saturn aspects 11H with rāśi and graha dṛṣṭi, the 4th Lord Rahu is in the 10th house, the 11th lord, also aspects the 11th house, and in parivartana with 10th Lord in the 11th.

Note 2: Kāraka could be interpreted in different way (Anitya kāraka (dispositor of the 4th Lord), Moon as general kāraka of 4th house, Venus as Kāraka of vehicles, or Mātṛkāraka (Tara Chandra and Girdhari Lal talk about this last variant).
Two conditions of first and second lines - the 4th Lord is debilitated, and the 4th Lord is in the 11th house can be possible together only for Leo Lagna if we consider Ketu as the 4th Lord. But in this case condition of benefic Lagna Lord is not met.
So, it should be ‘OR’ at least between 1st line and 2nd line conditions. (Or 1st line could belong to another śloka.)
1st line condition is met in the following cases:
  • Taurus Lagna, Sun is in the Libra
  • Gemini or Pisces Lagna, Mercury is in Pisces
  • Cancer Lagna, Venus is in Virgo
  • Virgo or Sagittarius Lagna, Jupiter is in Capricorn
  • Libra Lagna, Saturn is in Aries
2nd line condition (karaka in 12H, 4L in 11H) is not so restricted and looks more trustworthy – Anitya kāraka, that supposed to bring fruits of the house, being in the 12H, brings fruits on 12th year, bhāveśa is supporting in that, being located in 11H of gains.

Sharma / Santhanam / Mishra (śl.12-13 ½) / Chandra (śl.85-86 ½) / Lal / Pathaka (śl.71-72 ½):
वाहने सूर्यसंयुक्ते स्वोच्चे तद्‌भावनायके ॥११॥
शुक्रेण संयुक्ते वर्षे द्वात्रिंशे वाहनं भवेत्‌ । vāhane sūryasaṃyukte svocce tad‌bhāvanāyake ||11||
śukreṇa saṃyute varṣe dvātriṃśe vāhanaṃ bhavet ‌| 12 ½
Translation: If the Sun is in the 4th house (vāhane sūrya-saṃyukte), the 4th Lord is in its sign of exaltation (svocce tad‌-bhāva-nāyake) and conjoined by Venus (śukreṇa saṃyute), then [the person] will obtain vehicle in the 32nd year (varṣe dvā-triṃśe vāhanaṃ bhavet).

Note 1:
Chandra / Lal / Pathaka: sūryasaṃyukte -> ravisaṃyukte, tad‌bhāvanāyake -> tadrāśināyake (meaning is the same);
Chandra / Lal: śukreṇa saṃyute varṣe -> yute śukreṇa saṃyukte (meaning of śloka has not changed)
Pathaka: varṣe -> tatra (‘year’ -> ‘in that case’; meaning of śloka has not changed)

Note 2: vāhana could not mean not only a vehicle, but also a career advancement, success after significant effort.
vāhana n. the act of making effort, endeavoring, exertion, the act of drawing, bearing, carrying, conveying, driving, riding, guiding (horses), any vehicle or conveyance or draught-animal, carriage, chariot, waggon, horse, elephant

Therese Bentzon – French journalist, essayist, and novelist, for many years on the staff of the Revue des Deux Mondes… After George Sand insisted, and helped by Victor Cherbuliez, a reluctant Buloz let her in, as a literary critic, in 1872 (32nd year). She stayed in the magazine up until one year before her death. She lived the best years of the magazine. The Sun in the 4th house, the 4th Lord Mercury is exalted and conjoined by Venus.

Friedrich Hecker – German revolutionary republican politician who led radical forces that demanded that the 1848 revolution establish a republican form of government in Germany. A lawyer, Hecker in 1842 (32nd year) was elected to Baden’s second chamber, where he quickly established himself as the leader of the liberal opposition. The Sun in the 4th house, the 4th Lord Mercury is exalted and conjoined by Venus.

Edmond de Goncourt – French writer; novelist, historian and art critic. From 1848, he lived and worked inseparably with his brother Jules. Their first publication was in 1854 (32nd year). The Sun in the 4th house, the 4th Lord Mercury is exalted and conjoined by Venus.

Richard Tauber - Austrian-born actor and operatic tenor, considered by some to be one of the five greatest tenors of the 20th century. In 1922 (32nd year), Tauber signed a five-year contract with the Vienna State Opera and appearances with the Berlin State Opera followed; for many years he appeared with both companies – four months with each, leaving four months for concerts and guest appearances with other companies and touring abroad. The Sun is in the 4th house, the 4th Lord Venus is exalted.

Sharma / Santhanam / Mishra (śl.13) / Tara Chandra (śl.86-87 ½) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.72-73 ½):
कर्मेशेन युते बन्धुनाथे तुङ्गांशसंयुते ॥१२॥
द्विचत्वारिंशके वर्षे नरो वाहनभाग्भवेत्‌ । karmeśena yute bandhunāthe tuṅgāṃśasaṃyute ||12||
dvicatvāriṃśake varṣe naro vāhanabhāg‌bhavet ‌| 13 ½
Translation: If the 4th Lord (‘Lord of kinsmen’) is conjoined by the 10th Lord (karmeśena yute bandhu-nāthe) and is in the navāṁśa of its exaltation (tuṅga-aṃśa-saṃyute), the person will obtain a vehicle (naro vāhana-bhāg-‌bhavet) in the 42nd year (dvi-catvāriṃśake varṣe).

Note 1: Chandra / Lal / Pathaka: varṣe -> prāpte (‘year’ – ‘reached’) meaning of śloka has not changed.

Note 2: vāhana could not mean not only a vehicle, but a career advancement, success after significant effort.
vāhana n. the act of making effort, endeavoring, exertion, the act of drawing, bearing, carrying, conveying, driving, riding, guiding (horses), any vehicle or conveyance or draught-animal, carriage, chariot, waggon, horse, elephant.
Note 3: tuṅgāṃśa is the same as uccāṃśa (aṃśa of exaltation) for example, for Sun – Aries in D9.
Gro Harlem Brundtland – Norwegian politician, the first female Prime Minister of Norway who took office on 4 February 1981. As the 41-year-old (42nd year) Prime Minister, Brundtland was the youngest woman in the world to hold such power. The 4th Lord Jupiter is conjoined by 10th Lord Mercury in Pisces. In D9 Jupiter is in Cancer.

Pierre Teilhard De Chardin – French paleontologist and Jesuit priest known for scientific and genetic research and for philosophical works on the meaning of evolution and the future of mankind. In 1919, Teilhard went back to the Sorbonne and finished his degree in natural sciences, followed by research for his doctorate in paleontology, and the publishing of his thesis in 1922 (42nd year). The 4th Lord Sun is conjoined by the 10th Lord Saturn and placed in Aries in D1.

Marc Emery – is a Canadian cannabis rights activist, entrepreneur and politician. In 2000 (42 years) he established Pot-TV, a marijuana-related video channel, in an effort to get marijuana legalized. In 2000 he was a founding member of the Marijuana Party of Canada. Emery ran for the Canadian House of Commons as a Marijuana Party Candidate in the 2000 federal election. The 4th Lord Moon is conjoined by the 10th Lord Saturn, in D9 the Moon is in the Taurus.

Sharma / Santhanam / Mishra (śl.14 ½) / Tara Chandra (śl.87) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.73-74½):
लाभेशे सुखराशिस्थे सुखेशे लाभसंयुते ॥१३॥
द्वादशे वत्सरे प्राप्ते जातो वाहनभाग्भवेत् ।
lābheśe sukharāśisthe sukheśe lābhasaṃyute ||13||
dvādaśe vatsare prāpte jāto vāhanabhāg‌bhavet | 14 ½
Translation: If the 11th Lord (‘Lord of gains’) is situated in the 4th house (‘house of happiness’) (lābheśe sukha-rāśi-sthe) and the 4th Lord is placed in the 11th house (sukheśe lābha-saṃyute), the person will possess a vehicle (jāto vāhana-bhāg-‌bhavet) upon reaching 12 years (dvādaśe vastare prāpte).

Note 1: Mishra: samāyute -> samāyukte (meaning is similar).
Chandra / Lal / Pathaka: jāto vāhanabhāg‌bhavet -> naravāhanalābhakṛt (slightly different meaning ‘then there will be a gain from palanquin ride / vehicles’).
Note 2: vāhana could not mean not only a vehicle, but a career advancement, success after significant effort
vāhana n. the act of making effort, endeavoring, exertion, the act of drawing, bearing, carrying, conveying, driving, riding, guiding (horses), any vehicle or conveyance or draught-animal, carriage, chariot, waggon, horse, elephant.

Jean-Paul Belmondo – French actor, born into an aristocratic family and the son of a well known sculptor, he attended fancy private schools. Parivartana of the 4th Lord Sun and the 11th Lord Jupiter.

Shadoe Stevens – American commercial actor, the star of the craziest commercials ever seen on local TV. He first came to fame in 1957 (12th year of age) when a Life magazine article about him, entitled "America's Youngest D.J.", featured a photo of Stevens broadcasting live over radio station KEYJ (now called KQDJ) in his hometown of Jamestown. The accompanying article extolled the fact that he had built his own working transmitter in the attic of his home the year before, using a "souped-up" wireless broadcasting kit with a hundred-foot antenna. It omitted, however, the additional information that the equipment and advice needed to build the transmitter had both been furnished by the staff engineers at KEYJ, which happened to be owned by his father and uncle. Parivartana of the 4th Lord Moon and the 11th Lord Saturn.

Audrey Totter – American actress of theater, radio dramas, TV and film. Joining a theater group right out of high school, she started playing in radio dramas in 1930 (12 years old), moving up to lead and second lead roles in film and TV. Parivartana of the 4th Lord Moon and the 11th Lord Saturn.

Sharma / Santhanam / Mishra:
शुभं शुभत्वेभावस्य पापत्वेफलमन्यथा ॥१४॥
śubhaṃ śubhatve bhāvasya pāpatve phalamanyathā ||14||
Translation: There will be auspicious results (śubhaṃ phalam) in case of auspicious nature of house (śubhatve bhāvasya), in case of inauspicious nature (pāpatve) the results will be opposite (anyathā).

Illustration: Arthaud, Florence – French sailor (skipper). In 1974, she was victim of a car accident (coma, paralysis, 6 months hospital) and then decided to learn sailing with her boyfriend, navigator Jean-Claude Parisis, stopping suddenly her medical studies. In 2015, she died in a collision between two helicopters (in Argentina). The 4th Lord Sun is in the 6th house with Rāhu, under pāpa kartari of Mars and Saturn. The 4th house is aspected by Saturn.

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
भावपस्य शुभत्वे तु फलं ज्ञेयं शुभं बुधैः ॥७४॥
bhāvapasya śubhatve tu phalaṃ jñeyaṃ śubhaṃ budhaiḥ ||74||
Translation: In case of auspicious nature of Lord of the house (bhāvapasya śubhatve) the auspicious results (tu śubhaṃ phalam) should be declared by wise (jñeyaṃ budhaiḥ).

Note: different wording but meaning is the similar.

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
There is no such śloka
End of Sukha Bhāva Phala Adhyāya (17)
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