BPHS Chapter 19. Results of Sixth Bhāva
Sharma (28 ślokas) / Santhanam (28 ślokas) / Suresh Chandra Mishra (27 ślokas):
अथ षष्ठभावफलाध्यायः ॥१९॥
atha ṣaṣṭhabhāvaphalādhyāyaḥ ||19||
Translation: Now (atha) a chapter about results of the 6th house (ṣaṣṭha-bhāva-phala-adhyāyaḥ).

Tara Chandra (29 ślokas) / Girdhari Lal (29 ślokas) / Ganesh Datta Pathaka (27 ślokas):
अथ षष्ठभावफलम्
atha ṣaṣṭhabhāvaphalam
Translation: Now (atha) results of the 6th house (ṣaṣṭha-bhāva-phalam).

Sharma / Santhanam:
अथ विप्र फलं वक्ष्ये षष्ठभावसमुद्‌भवम्‌ । देहे रोगव्रणाद्यं तत्‌ श्रूयतामेकचेतसा ॥१॥
atha vipra phalaṃ vakṣye ṣaṣṭhabhāvasamud‌bhavam‌ | dehe rogavraṇādyaṃ tat‌ śrūyatāmekacetasā ||1||
Translation: Now (atha), oh Brahmin (vipra), I will speak of effects (phalaṃ vakṣye) produced by the 6th house (ṣaṣṭha-bhāva-samud‌bhavam), which is diseases, wounds etc. in the body (dehe roga-vraṇa-ādyaṃ). This must be listened to (tat‌ śrūyatām) attentively (‘with mind fixed upon one object’) (eka-cetasā).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka / Suresh Chandra Mishra:
There is no such śloka.

व्रणादियोगः vraṇa-ādi-yogaḥ
Yoga for Ulcers / Wounds

Sharma / Santhanam:
षष्ठाधिपः स्वगेहे वा देहे वाप्यष्टमे स्थितः । तदा व्रणा भवेद्देहे षष्ठराशिसमाश्रिते ॥२॥
ṣaṣṭhādhipaḥ svagehe vā dehe vāpyaṣṭame sthitaḥ | tadā vraṇā bhaveddehe ṣaṣṭharāśisamāśrite ||2||
Translation: If the 6th Lord (ṣaṣṭha-adhipaḥ) is situated (sthitaḥ) in own house (sva-gehe) or lagna (vā dehe) or in the 8th house (vā-api-aṣṭame), then (tadā) there will be wounds/ulcers in the body (vraṇā bhaved-dehe), [in the part] related to the sign of the 6th house (ṣaṣṭha-rāśi-samāśrite).

Claude Garry - called up during the war, Claude Garry was seriously wounded in the foot and thus demobilized. 6th Lord Saturn is in own house in Aquarius, that signifies leg below knee.

Johann Friedrich I, Elector of Saxony – he received a slashing wound to the left side of his face, leaving him with a disfiguring scar from his lower eye socket down his cheek. The 6th Lord Venus is in the 8th house, the 6th house in sign Taurus which signifies a face.

Suresh Chandra Mishra:
पापः षष्ठाधिपो गेहे लग्ने वाष्टमसंस्थिते । तदा व्रणो भवेद्देहे षष्ठराशिसमाश्रिते ॥१॥
pāpaḥ ṣaṣṭhādhipo gehe lagne vāṣṭamasaṃsthite | tadā vraṇo bhaveddehe ṣaṣṭharāśisamāśrite ||1||
Translation: [If] the malefic 6th lord (pāpaḥ ṣaṣṭha-adhipo) is situated in [this] house, in lagna or in the 8th house (gehe lagne va-aṣṭama-saṃsthite) then (tadā) there will be wound in the body (vraṇo bhaved-dehe), [in the part] related to the sign of the 6th house (ṣaṣṭha-rāśi-samāśrite).

Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal:
षष्ठाधिपोऽपि पापश्चेद्देहे वाप्यष्टमे स्थितः । तदा व्रणो भवेद्देहे कर्मस्थानेऽप्ययं विधिः ॥१२२॥
ṣaṣṭhādhipo ’pi pāpaśceddehe vāpyaṣṭame sthitaḥ | tadā vraṇo bhaveddehe karmasthāne ’pyayaṃ vidhiḥ ||122||
Translation: If the 6th Lord (ṣaṣṭha-adhipo ’pi) is malefic (pāpaś) and situated in lagna or in the 8th house (ced-dehe vā-api-aṣṭame sthitaḥ), then (tadā) there will be wound / ulcer in the body (vraṇo bhaved-dehe), and also this rule (’pi-ayaṃ vidhiḥ) is in the 10th house (karma-sthāne).

Ganesha Datta Pathaka:
षष्ठाधिपोऽपि पापश्चेद्देहे वाप्यष्टमे स्थितः । तदा व्रणो भवेद्देहे षष्ठस्थानेऽप्ययं विधिः ॥१०४॥
ṣaṣṭhādhipo ’pi pāpaśceddehe vāpyaṣṭame sthitaḥ | tadā vraṇo bhaveddehe ṣaṣṭhasthāne ’pyayaṃ vidhiḥ ||104||
Translation: If the 6th Lord (ṣaṣṭha-adhipo ’pi) is malefic (pāpaś) and situated in Lagna or in the 8th house (ced-dehe vā-api-aṣṭame sthitaḥ), then (tadā) there will be wound / ulcer in the body (vraṇo bhaved-dehe) and also that rule (’pi-ayaṃ vidhiḥ) is in the 6th house (ṣaṣṭha-sthāne).

Illustration: Alexandre Debanne – French TV host. Impassioned with extreme sports, he jet-skis, alpine skis, car races, and follows athletics that require outstanding skill and control. On 16 June 1996 (Ma-Ke) he lost control of a motorcycle, ending up with multiple fractures of the thighbone and pelvis. The 6th lord Rahu is in lagna.

Note: Chandra / Lal / Pathaka / Mishra: Additional condition – 6th lord is malefic (pāpa); 6th lord is situated in the 1st and the 8th (and not in the 6th); Chandra / Lal also add 10th.

Pt. Visti Larsen's Commentary:
It is no surprise that four versions of this śloka exist in the six different works. Firstly, the subsequent principle for roga in śloka 9 is with little or no practical difference to that given here in Sharma and Santhanam's work. Notably, that same 9th śloka is undisputed. Secondly, the same principle by Sharma and Santhanam does not clearly suit the examples of Vraṇa & Kuṣṭharoga given by Parāśara (refer to Śloka 15th & 18th). This must have been observed by the authors of these different ślokas, thus bringing their differences. Of these ślokas, those compiled by Giridhari Lal and Tara Chandra are the most unlikely due to the reference to the tenth house. The Sharma/Santhanam version suggests wounds due to the sixth lord in own sign in the sixth house and strong, which goes against our expectations, where all suffering should imply a poor position of the given grahas. This leaves the version collected by Suresh Mishra as the most likely, where that of Ganesh Pathak is similar: Malefic influence on the sixth lord, whilst situated in Lagna or eighth house brings wounds in the body. All but Giridhar/Tara agree that the limb of the wound is examined from the sixth house.

However, whilst having deduced a more likely śloka, we have yet to solve the examples given by Parāśara. One particular śloka 14 of Jvararoga, or acute fever, is given as: "Mars in the sixth house as the sixth lord is placed in the eighth house". This śloka suits our interpretation of Kanthavraṇa (wound to throat), however, the result is Jvararoga (acute fever) instead. We as readers can therefore not differentiate between Roga and Vraṇa with the ślokas given thus far. Here this scribe offers the following opinion based on the examples Parāśara has given: All but one example śloka of Roga involve the first or eighth house, whereas none of the Vraṇa and Kuṣṭharoga examples involve these two houses. Therefore, it is likely that all Roga must involve the first or eighth house whereas Vraṇa will not. Further, the outlier śloka on Roga is related to Gulmaroga or enlargement of the spleen, which can be accepted as cancer and tumors do fall under the category of Vraṇa. Adding the concept of Kuṣṭharoga, which is again a type of Vraṇa, we understand that this also demands the Lagna's involvement, and again can conclude that all Roga is under the domain of the first and eighth houses, as Vraṇa is isolated to the sixth house. Whenever the sixth mixes with the other two, then it becomes Roga instead.

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.123) / Girdhari Lal / Pathaka (śl.105) / Mishra (śl.2):
एवं पित्रादिभावेशास्तत्तत्कारकसंयुताः । व्रणाधिपयुताश्चापि षष्ठाष्टमयुता यदि ॥३॥
तेषामपि व्रणं वाच्यमा …
evaṃ pitrādibhāveśāstattatkārakasaṃyutāḥ | vraṇādhipayutāścāpi ṣaṣṭhāṣṭamayutā yadi ||3||
teṣāmapi vraṇaṃ vācyam …
Translation: Similarly (evaṃ), if (yadi) the Lords of houses of father etc. (pitṛ-ādi-bhāveśās) together with their various Kārakas (tat-tat-kāraka-saṃyutāḥ) are conjoined with the 6th Lord (‘Lord of wound’) (vraṇa-adhipa-yutāś) and also placed in the 6th or the 8th house (ca-api ṣaṣṭha-aṣṭama-yutā), then a wound / ulcer for those people (father etc.) should be predicted (teṣām-api vraṇaṃ vācyam).

Note: Mishra comments it as ‘for Lord of father it should be connection with 6th lord counting not from lagna, but from fathers lagna and in 6th or 8th house not from lagna, but from father’s house.

Illustration: Friedrich Georg Jünger – German poet, author, and cultural critic essayist. He volunteered for military service in 1916 and was seriously wounded in the Battle of Langemarck. The 6th Lord Sun is in the 6th house.
His famous elder brother Ernst Jünger joined the French Foreign Legion at 18, was wounded seven times in WW I and was awarded Germany's highest decorations. The 6th Lord from 11th house (elder brother) Mercury is in the 6th house (the 8th from 11th) conjoined by Su, the 6th Lord. The 6th Lord from the 3rd house (house of brothers) Venus is in the 8th house (the 6th house from the 3rd house).

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.124-5) / Girdhari Lal / Pathaka (śl.106-7) / Mishra (śl.3-4):
… शिरोव्रणम्‌ । इन्दुना च मुखे कण्ठे भौमेन ज्ञेन नाभिषु ॥४॥
गुरुणा नासिकायां च भृगुणा नयने पदे । शनिना राहुणा कुक्षौ केतुना च तथा भवेत्‌ ॥५॥
… śirovraṇam‌ | indunā ca mukhe kaṇṭhe bhaumena jñena nābhiṣu ||4||
guruṇā nāsikāyāṃ ca bhṛguṇā nayane pade | śaninā rāhuṇā kukṣau ketunā ca tathā bhavet‌ ||5||
Translation: If [such combination is] with the Sun – then wound / ulcer in the head (ādityena śirovraṇam‌); if with the Moon – on the face / mouth (indunā ca mukhe), with Mars – on the neck (kaṇṭhe bhaumena), with Mercury – in the area of navel (jñena nābhiṣu) [4], with Jupiter – in the nose (guruṇā nāsikāyāṃ), and with Venus – in the eyes (ca bhṛguṇā nayane), with Saturn – in the feet (pade śaninā), with Rāhu – in the abdomen / womb (rāhuṇā kukṣau) and with Ketu – also will be there (ketunā ca tathā bhavet‌). [5]

Johann Friedrich I, Elector of Saxony – he received a slashing wound to the left side of his face, leaving him with a disfiguring scar from his lower eye socket down his cheek. The 6th Lord Venus is in the 8th house, is with Sun (head) in sign of Moon (face).

Philippe Lançon is a journalist working for the French satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo, who was wounded in the terrorist attack perpetrated against that publication on 7 January 2015. Lançon was attending a weekly meeting at the time of the attack. He was wounded in the face by rifle fire and was considered in critical condition. The 6th lord Saturn conjoins Moon (face), in samasaptaka with Su (head) and Venus (eyes).

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.126) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.108) / Mishra (śl.5):
लग्नाधिपः कुजक्षेत्रे बुधभे यदि संस्थितः । यत्र कुत्र स्थितो ज्ञेन वीक्षितो मुखरुक्प्रदः ॥६॥
lagnādhipaḥ kujakṣetre budhabhe yadi saṃsthitaḥ | yatra kutra sthito jñena vīkṣito mukharukpradaḥ ||6||
Translation: If the Lagna Lord (yadi lagna-adhipaḥ) is placed (saṃsthitaḥ) in the sign of Mars or Mercury (kuja-kṣetre budha-bhe) under aspect of Mercury (yatra kutra sthito jñena vīkṣito), then it will cause the disease of the mouth/face (mukha-ruk-pradaḥ).

Note: Chandra/Lal/Pathaka: budha-bhe (‘in the sign of Mercury’) -> budhasya (‘[the sign] of Mercury’) – meaning is the same.

Marisa Mell - in 1963, she was involved in a violent automobile accident in France, resulting in major damage to her right eye and disfigurement that extended to her lip. She spent the next two years undergoing plastic surgery, and no damage remained in her face, except for a distinctive curl of her upper lip. Lagna Lord Mars is in Lagna, Scorpio, Lagna Lord Ketu is in Aries under aspect of Mercury.

Rock Hudson - American actor, among other disease he suffered from Vincent's disease, an infection of the mouth, and his two front teeth were loose. Lagna Lord Mercury is in Scorpio.

Frank Rice – American educator, He was the son of a physician who gave him X-rays to treat ring worm on his face at 10. Fatally ill Christmas, 1937, when his brother, in pre-med, diagnosed him as having trench mouth, not diphtheria for which he was being treated, saving his life. In mid-57, a carcinoma inside his chin was removed. Cancer of the tongue was discovered November 1969 and treated with cobalt. The tumor returned Spring 1970. Died on 17 April 1970 one hour into a radical operation. Lagna Lord Mars is in Mercury under aspect of Mercury. Mars is also 6L in 8H in conjunction with Saturn.

कुष्ठयोगः kuṣṭha-yogaḥ
Yoga for Leprosy

Sharma / Santhanam / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.109) / Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal (śl.127) / Mishra (śl.6):
लग्नाधिपौ कुजबुधौ चन्द्रेण यदि संयुतौ । राहुणा शनिना सार्द्धं कुष्ठं तत्र विनिर्दिशेत्‌ ॥७॥
lagnādhipau kujabudhau candreṇa yadi saṃyutau | rāhuṇā śaninā sārddhaṃ kuṣṭhaṃ tatra vinirdiśet‌ ||7||
Translation: If Mars or Mercury being the Lagna Lord (lagna-adhipau kuja-budhau yadi) is conjoined with the Moon, Rāhu and Saturn (candreṇa saṃyutau rāhuṇā śaninā sārddhaṃ), then leprosy (or other skin disease) should be declared (kuṣṭhaṃ tatra vinirdiśet‌).

Note 1: Pathaka: lagnādhipau -> lagnādhipa (meaning does not change); Tara Chandra / Girdhari Lal: rāhuṇā -> rāhurvā (‘or Rāhu’)
Note 2: kuṣṭha could mean leprosy or other skin diseases, there are 18 types enumerated here.

Illustration: Rock Hudson – famous American actor; on 24.05.1984 (Mo-Me) Hudson was diagnosed with Kaposi's sarcoma, a skin lesion associated with AIDS. LL Mercury is with Moon under rāśi and graha dṛṣṭi of Rāhu.

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.128-129½) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.110-111½) / Mishra (śl.7-8½):
लग्नाधिपं विना लग्ने स्थितश्चेत्तमसा शशी । श्वेतकुष्ठं तदा कृष्णकुष्ठं च शनिना सह ॥८॥
कुजेन रक्तकुष्ठं स्यात्तत्तदेवं विचारयेत्‌ ।
lagnādhipaṃ vinā lagne sthitaścettamasā śaśī | śvetakuṣṭhaṃ tadā kṛṣṇakuṣṭhaṃ ca śaninā saha ||8||
kujena raktakuṣṭhaṃ syāttattadevaṃ vicārayet‌ |9 ½
Translation: If the Moon is situated in the Lagna with Rāhu (lagne sthitaś-cet-tamasā śaśī), but without Lagna Lord there (lagna-adhipaṃ vinā), then there will be white leprosy (śveta-kuṣṭhaṃ tadā), and [if it is] with Saturn (ca śaninā saha) then black leprosy (kṛṣṇa-kuṣṭhaṃ), with Mars – it would be red leprosy (kujena rakta-kuṣṭhaṃ syāt). Similarly, this yoga in different houses will indicate different [people (9th for father etc.)] (tat-tad-evaṃ vicārayet‌).

Note: expression ‘tad-tad-evam’ already used above to extend principle to other people based on signified houses or karakas. Here it would mean – if combination in the 4th house – disease could happen with mother, in the 3rd house – with sibling, in the 9th house – with father etc.

Illustration: Michael Jackson – he began altering his appearance with cosmetic surgery to his nose and chin and having his skin colour lightened. On 27 January 1984 at 6:30 PM he was burned in a pyrotechnic accident. He had skin disease – vitiligo (called white leprosy in India). Moon is in Aquarius Lagna along, Rāhu is aspecting with graha and rāśi dṛṣṭi.

गण्डादिरोगयोगाः gaṇḍādirogayogāḥ
Yogas for diseases beginning from goiter etc.

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.129-133½) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.111-115½) / Mishra (śl.8-12½):
लग्ने षष्ठाष्टमाधीशौ रविणा यदि संयुतौ ॥९॥
ज्वरगण्डः कुजे ग्रन्थिः शस्त्रव्रणमथापि वा। बुधेन पित्तं गुरुणा रोगाभावं विनिर्दिशेत् ॥१०॥
स्त्रीभिः शुक्रेण शनिना वायुना संयुतो यदि । गण्डश्चाण्डालतो नाभौ तमःकेतुयुते भयम्‌ ॥११॥
चन्द्रेण गण्डः सलिलैः कफश्लेष्मादिना भवेत्‌ । एवं पित्रादिभावानां तत्तत्कारकयोगतः ॥१२॥
गण्डं तेषां वदेदेवमूह्यमत्र मनीषिभिः ।
lagne ṣaṣṭhāṣṭamādhīśau raviṇā yadi saṃyutau ||9||
jvaragaṇḍaḥ kuje granthiḥ śastravraṇamathāpi vā | budhena pittaṃ guruṇā rogābhāvaṃ vinirdiśet ||10||
strībhiḥ śukreṇa śaninā vāyunā saṃyuto yadi | gaṇḍaścāṇḍālato nābhau tamaḥketuyute bhayam‌ ||11||
candreṇa gaṇḍaḥ salilaiḥ kaphaśleṣmādinā bhavet‌ | evaṃ pitrādibhāvānāṃ tattatkārakayogataḥ ||12||
gaṇḍaṃ teṣāṃ vadedevamūhyamatra manīṣibhiḥ | 13 ½
Translation: If the 6th and the 8th Lord occupy Lagna (lagne ṣaṣṭha-aṣṭama-adhīśau yadi) and conjoin
  • the Sun (raviṇā saṃyutau), [9] then there will be acute fever / throat pain (jvara-gaṇḍaḥ);
  • Mars – a hardening of the vessels (as in varicocele), cyst, crookedness or wound caused by weapon (kuje granthiḥ śastra-vraṇam-athāpi vā);
  • Mercury – bilious disease (pitta-doṣa) (budhena pittaṃ);
  • Jupiter – absence of disease should be declared (guruṇā roga-abhāvaṃ vinirdiśet); [10]
  • Venus – [disease] through women (i.e. venereal disease) (strībhiḥ śukreṇa);
  • Saturn – windy disease (like rheumatism, arthritis) (śaninā vāyunā saṃyuto yadi);
  • Rāhu – disease in navel area caused by condition of Chandala (lowest social class) (gaṇḍaś-cāṇḍālato nābhau tamaḥ);
  • Ketu – fear/danger (ketvor-yute bhayam‌). [11]
  • Chandra (candreṇa), then there will be disease caused by fluid (ascites) and phlegmatic disease (like cough, tuberculosis, asthma etc.) (gaṇḍaḥ salilaiḥ kapha-śleṣma-ādinā bhavet‌).
Similarly (evaṃ), for houses of father etc. (pitṛ-ādi-bhāvānāṃ) [instead for Lagna] and in accordance with their various kārakas (tat-tat-kāraka-yogataḥ), [12] illnesses of those people (father etc.) (gaṇḍaṃ teṣāṃ) should be proclaimed after examining in the same manner (vaded-evam-ūhyam-atra) by wise (manīṣibhiḥ).

Note: Chandra / Lal: tamaḥ-ketu-yute bhayam‌ -> tamaḥ-ketvor-gṛhe bhayam‌ (fear at home); pitrādi -> pitrāpi (meaning the same); gaṇḍaṃ -> gaṇḍe

Rigo Tovar – famous Mexican singer – suffered from retinitis pigmentosa, a genetic eye condition for which there is no current medical treatment and the reason for his constant use of dark sunglasses. He started losing his sight in his mid-20s and eventually went blind. He also suffered from vitiligo, a skin condition where loss of pigmentation causes patches of light skin to appear on the body. A few days shy of his 59th birthday, Tovar died on 27 March 2005, from diabetic complications leading to cardio-respiratory failure. Reason for so many disease – the 6th lord Mars and the 8th lord Saturn are in Mercury Lagna with Rahu under rasi drishti of Su, Ve, Me, Ke.

George Douglas Brown – Scottish novelist, He died on 28 August 1902 in London (Pneumonia, age 33, Sa-Ju-Su), 6L Mercury and 8L Sun are in Lagna with Ketu and under aspects of Saturn and Rahu.

Ron Andersen – American bridge player who won 11 "national"-rated events at North American Bridge Championships. In the month before his death, he worked the European Championships in Italy, from which he was flown home to Chicago after suffering two strokes in consequence of kidney failure. He died in a Chicago hospital on 3 July 1997 at age 56. The 6th lord Venus and 8th lord Jupiter are in lagna with Sun and Moon.

Tara Chandra (śl.133-135½) / Girdhari Lal:
हतशत्रुग्रहादाप्तिगजवाजिधनाधिपाः ॥१३३॥
श्रीपतिः स्वोच्चतेजस्वी गृहारामसुखी भवेत् । दीप्ते विरचितं पुंसां प्रभावरिपुनीचयोः ॥१३४॥
लक्ष्म्या संलिंगितो देहे गजभूमिसहस्रभृत् ।
hataśatrugrahādāptigajavājidhanādhipāḥ || 133||
śrīpatiḥ svoccatejasvī gṛhārāmasukhī bhavet | dīpte viracitaṃ puṃsāṃ prabhāvaripunīcayoḥ ||134||
lakṣmyā saṃliṃgito dehe gajabhūmisahasrabhṛt |
Translation: Owner of elephants, horses and wealth (gaja-vāji-dhana-adhipāḥ) obtained from destroyed ‘enemy graha’ (Lord of the 6th house ??) (hata-śatru-grahād-āpti), ‘Lord of fortune’ (śrī-patiḥ), brilliant like in exaltation (svocca-tejasvī), happy with gardens and houses (gṛha-ārāma-sukhī) the person will be (bhavet).If Dīpta-avastha (dīpte) of spoken person’s (viracitaṃ puṃsāṃ) King (Atmakaraka ?) is not enemy sign or debilitation (prabhu-aripu-nīcayoḥ) then marked by Lakṣmi (lakṣmyā saṃliṃgito) in body (dehe) [(s)he will be] possessing thousand elephants and lands (gaja-bhūmi-sahasra-bhṛt).

Note: Not fully clear, possibly inserted by mistake from another chapter.

Sharma / Santhanam / Ganesha Datta Pathaka / Suresh Chandra Mishra:
There is no such śloka.

रोगप्राप्तिसमयः rogaprāptisamayaḥ
Timing disease

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.135-136½) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.115-116½) / Mishra (śl.12-13½):
रोगस्थानगते पापे तदीशे पापसंयुते ॥१३॥
राहुणा संयुते मन्दे सर्वदा रोगसंयुतः ।
rogasthānagate pāpe tadīśe pāpasaṃyute ||13||
rāhuṇā saṃyute mande sarvadā rogasaṃyutaḥ |
Translation: If malefic is situated in the 6th house (roga-sthāna-gate pāpe), the 6th Lord is conjoined by malefic (tad-īśe pāpa-saṃyute), and if Saturn is conjoined by Rāhu (rāhuṇā saṃyute mande), then the person suffers from the disease throughout life (sarvadā roga-saṃyutaḥ).

Illustration: Éric Abidal – French footballer who played as a left back or a central defender. On 15 March 2011, Barcelona announced that Abidal had been diagnosed with a tumor in his liver, and the player underwent surgery two days later. On 15 March 2012, it was announced that Abidal would have to undergo a liver transplant because of problems which were unresolved with the previous operation. On 10 April he underwent surgery, with his cousin Gérard being the donor. Mars is in the 6th house, the 6th lord Mercury is with Rāhu, Saturn and Sun in the 8th house.

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.136-137½) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.116-117½) / Mishra (śl.13-14½):
रोगस्थानगते भौमे तदीशे रंध्रसंयुते ॥१४॥
षड्‌वर्षे द्वादशे वर्षे ज्वररोगी भवेन्नरः ।
rogasthānagate bhaume tadīśe raṃdhrasaṃyute ||14||
ṣaḍ‌varṣe dvādaśe varṣe jvararogī bhavennaraḥ |
Translation: If Mars is in the 6th house (roga-sthāna-gate bhaume) and the 6th Lord is in the 8th house (tad-īśe raṃdhra-saṃyute), then the person will suffer from acute fever (jvara-rogī bhaven-naraḥ) in the 6th and the 12th year (ṣaḍ‌-varṣe dvādaśe varṣe).

Maria Theresa, Archduchess of Austria - Austrian princess, a daughter of Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, and his first wife, Isabella of Parma. Just a few months short of her eighth birthday, Archduchess Maria Theresa became ill with pleurisy. Her father, by that time Holy Roman Emperor, did everything in his power to save her and attended her bedside even at night. However, the medicine in those days was highly undeveloped and Archduchess Maria Theresa died at 5 a.m. on 23 January 1770 from a very high fever. The 6th Lord (and LL) Rahu is in the 8th house, in house of Mars. Mars aspects 6H and 8H. She died in her 8th year, not 6th.

Maximiliane, Princess of Bavaria - Bavarian princess, as a daughter of King Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria and Queen Caroline of Baden. Maximiliana died of typhoid fever on 4 February 1821, aged 10, in Munich. Mars aspects 6th house and conjoins Mercury, the 6th Lord. The 11th and 6th Lord Rahu is in the 6th house, 11th Lord Saturn is in the 8th house. Disease appeared in the 11th year in 11H, Aquarius whose lord is in the 8th house. Disease itself is indicated by 6H.

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.137-138½) / Girdhari Lal / Pathaka (śl.117-118½) / Mishra (śl.14-15½):
षष्ठस्थानगते जीवे तद्‌गृहे चन्द्रसंयुते ॥१५॥
द्वाविंशैकोनविंशेऽब्दे कुष्ठरोगं विनिर्दिशेत्‌ ।
ṣaṣṭhasthānagate jīve tad‌gṛhe candrasaṃyute ||15||
dvāviṃśaikonaviṃśe ’bde kuṣṭharogaṃ vinirdiśet‌ |
Translation: If Jupiter is situated in the 6th house (ṣaṣṭha-sthāna-gate jīve) and the Moon is placed in the sign of Jupiter (Sagittarius or Pisces) (tad‌-gṛhe candra-saṃyute), then leprosy should be declared (kuṣṭharogaṃ vinirdiśet‌) in person’s 19th and 22nd year (dvā-viṃśa-ekonaviṃśe ’bde).

Note: Pathaka: dvāviṃśaikonaviṃśe ’bde -> dvāviṃśakonaviṃśake (meaning is the same)

Illustration: Diane Barrière-Desseigne - French heiress of casino group Lucien Barrière, from her adoptive father. On 16 July 1995 (39th year), she was the sole survivor of the crash landing of a small airplane in the south of France, while the two pilots died. The accident left her heavily burnt and completely paralysed (tetraplegic). She died six years later, on 18 May 2001 (45th year) from a malfunctioning of the respiratory machine on which her life depended. Jupiter is in the 6th house, Moon is in Pisces with Mars (crash). AL-3H is Aries, lord Mars.

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.138-139½) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.118-119½) / Mishra (śl.15-16½):
रोगस्थानं गतो राहुः केन्द्रे मान्दिसमन्विते ॥१६॥
लग्नेशे नाशराशिस्थे षड्‌विंशे क्षयरोगता ।
rogasthānaṃ gato rāhuḥ kendre māndisamanvite ||16||
lagneśe nāśarāśisthe ṣaḍ‌viṃśe kṣayarogatā |
Translation: If Rāhu is situated in the 6th house (‘house of disease’) (roga-sthānaṃ gato rāhuḥ), and Māndi is in kendra (kendre māndi-samanvite) and Lagna Lord is in the 8th house (lagneśe nāśa-rāśi-sthe), then the person will be affected with Consumption/ Phthisis (kṣaya-rogatā) in the 26th year (ṣaḍ‌viṃśe).

Note: Chandra, Lal, Pathaka: māndisamanvite -> māndisamanvitaḥ (meaning is the same).

Maria Luisa, Queen of Spain – Spanish queen by marriage to Felipe V of Spain, nicknamed "La Savoyana" by her adoring subjects and well-loved in Spain. Highly mature for her age, at 14, she acted as Regent of Spain during the absence of her spouse from 1702 until 1703, and had great influence over him as his adviser. Maria Luisa gave birth to the couple's first child, Infante Luis Felipe in 1707. Maria Luisa gave birth to three more children, two of whom would survive infancy. Towards the end of her life, the Queen became ill. She would die from the effects of tuberculosis at 8 AM on 14 February 1714 (26th year). Lagna lord Rāhu is in the 8th house (LL Mercury is having rasi drishti with 8H), 6th house is lorded by Rāhu and having rasi drishti with Rāhu; Mandi is in Lagna.

Maria Amalia, Queen Consort of Spain – Polish royalty, the eldest daughter of Augustus III of Poland and the wife of Carlos III of Spain; she was the Queen consort of Naples and Sicily from 1738 till 1759 and then Queen consort of Spain from 1759 until her death in 1760. The mother of thirteen children, she enjoyed a loving relationship with her husband. A popular consort, she oversaw the construction of the Caserta Palace outside Naples as well as various other projects in her husband's domains. She died of tuberculosis on 27 September 1760 (36th year). Rāhu is in the 6th house, Māndi in Lagna, Lagna Lord Mars is in Lagna, aspecting 8H; LL Ketu is in 12H with 8L.

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.139-140½) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.119-120½) / Mishra (śl.16-17½):
व्ययेशे रोगराशिस्थे तदीशे व्ययराशिगे ॥१७॥
त्रिंशद्वर्षैकोनवर्षे गुल्मरोगं विनिर्दिशेत्‌ ।
vyayeśe rogarāśisthe tadīśe vyayarāśige ||17||
triṃśadvarṣaikonavarṣe gulmarogaṃ vinirdiśet‌ |
Translation: If the 12th Lord is situated in the 6th house (vyayeśe roga-rāśi-sthe) and the 6th Lord is in the 12th house (tadīśe vyaya-rāśi-ge), then a spleen disease (or any tumor in the abdominal cavity) (gulma-rogaṃ) should be declared (vinirdiśet‌) in person’s 29th and 30th year (triṃśad-varṣa-ekonavarṣe).

Illustration: Franco, Fulvia - Italian beauty queen, winner of the title of Miss Italy in 1948, and actress. She died of cirrhosis of the liver on 5 May 1988 (on the 57th year, she could have disease from 53rd or 54th – no info). Parivartana of 6th lord Ketu and 12th lord Rahu. (Other lords are not involved so disease could happen after maturity Rahu-Ketu).

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.140-141½) / Girdhari Lal / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.120-121½) / Mishra (śl.17-18½):
रिपुस्थानगते चन्द्रे शनिना संयुते सति ॥१८॥
पञ्चपञ्चाशदब्देषु रक्तकुष्ठं विनिर्दिशेत्‌ ।
ripusthānagate candre śaninā saṃyute sati ||18||
pañcapañcāśadabdeṣu raktakuṣṭhaṃ vinirdiśet‌ |
Translation: If the Moon is situated in the 6th house (‘house of enemies’) (ripu-sthāna-gate candre) and conjoined with Saturn (śaninā saṃyute sati), then in the 55th year (pañca-pañcāśad-abdeṣu), red leprosy / inflammatory skin disease should be declared (rakta-kuṣṭhaṃ vinirdiśet‌).

Note: Chandra / Lal / Pathaka / Mishra: sati -> yadi; pañcapañcāśadabdeṣu -> pañcapañcāśatābdeṣu (meaning is the same).

Illustration: Robert Bourassa - Canadian politician, the Liberal Party Premier of Quebec from 1970-1976. He died October 2, 1996 at 5:45 AM in Montreal, Canada after a long battle with skin cancer. He was 63 years old. Saturn is in the 6th house, aspects Moon in 8th house.

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.141-142½) / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.121-122½) / Mishra (śl.18-19½):
लग्नेशे लग्नराशिस्थे मन्दे शत्रुसमन्विते ॥१९॥
एकोनषष्टिवर्षे तु वातरोगार्दितो भवेत्‌ ।
lagneśe lagnarāśisthe mande śatrusamanvite ||19||
ekonaṣaṣṭivarṣe tu vātarogārdito bhavet‌ |
Translation: If Lagna Lord is situated in Lagna (lagneśe lagna-rāśi-sthe), and Saturn is in the 6th house (mande śatru-samanvite), then the person will suffer from a wind disease (gout, arthritis, rheumatism, paralysis etc.) (vāta-roga-ardito bhavet‌) in the 59th year (ekona-ṣaṣṭi-varṣe tu).

Picard, Hélène – French poet and novelist who received several distinctions including the Archon-Desspérouses prize, the Botta prize and the Renaissance prize, and was named knight of the Legion of Honour. She suffered from rheumatism from 53rd year and till her death on 72nd year. Lagna lord Mercury is in lagna, and 6th house is empty, but Aquarius, that is lorded by Saturn. Lagna lord and 6th lord Rahu is in the 8th house.

David Icke – English professional conspiracy theorist and former soccer player and sports broadcaster. He was a football/soccer player until his career ended abruptly in July 1973 with his total paralysis from rheumatoid arthritis. Lagna lord Venus in the 7th house in parivartana with the 7th lord Mars in Lagna; Saturn aspects 6H with rāśi and graha driṣṭi.

Yiye Avila – initially he was baseball player in the League Double A and a weightlifter. In 1952, he competed and won the Mr. Puerto Rico bodybuilding competition and went on to win the title of Mr. North America in 1953. While training for the Olympic Games in 1956, he experienced terrible pain in parts of his body and, after several tests, he was diagnosed with chronic arthritis. This prevented him from participating in the Olympic Games or in any future event. The pain was so intense that he suffered limited mobility and could not even perform daily tasks. He then dedicated himself to Christianity and began to pray, seeking divine intervention for his situation. He said he received a divine revelation through reading and studying the Bible and apparently received the healing of Jesus Christ. Thereafter, he devoted himself to his religious ministry. Saturn is in 6th house, with Lagna Lord and the 6th lord Venus, both aspect Lagna.

Russell, Rosalind – American actress noted for her 23 crisp, sophisticated career-girl roles. After the '60s she suffered with severe rheumatoid arthritis. Russell died of breast cancer complicated by arthritis on 28 November 1976, Beverly Hills, CA. Saturn is in the 6th house; Lagna lord aspects lagna with graha drishti.

Wolfromm, Jean-Didier – French writer, a journalist, critic and author of three novels; "Lueur de Plomb," 1963, "Diane Lanster," 1978, (Interallié prize) and "La Leçon Inaugurale", 1990. The son of a prominent medical professor, Wolfromm was stricken by a poliomyelitis when he was six years old. He remained paralyzed and for the rest of his life he was tormented by eczema. Saturn debilitated is in the 6th house, unfortunately both lagna lords Ketu and Mars have no connection to Lagna, so disease ruined him right at the 6th year. Nevertheless, Malavya Mahapurusha yoga confirmed by Venus exaltation Lord Jupiter gave him fame and success as writer during Venus dasha.

Note: Page 103 is missed in BPHS Girdhari Lal edition’s scan, so ślokas 141 etc. (till the end of this chapter) currently are not available for our analysis. If the reader has this edition in paper form and can contact us and send photographs of the missing pages, we would be extremely grateful.

Sharma / Santhanam / Tara Chandra (śl.142-143½) / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.122-123½) / Mishra (śl.19-20½):
रंध्रेशे रिपुराशिस्थे व्ययेशे लग्नसंस्थिते ॥२०॥
चन्द्रे षष्ठेशसंयुक्ते वसुवर्षे मृगाद्‌भयम्‌ ।
raṃdhreśe ripurāśisthe vyayeśe lagnasaṃsthite ||20||
candre ṣaṣṭheśasaṃyukte vasuvarṣe mṛgād‌bhayam‌ |
Translation: If the 8th Lord (‘Lord of fault’) is situated in the 6th house (‘house of enemies’) (raṃdhreśe ripu-rāśi-sthe), the 12th Lord is placed in the Lagna (vyayeśe lagna-saṃsthite) and the Moon conjoins the 6th Lord (candre ṣaṣṭheśa-saṃyukte), then there is a fear of / danger from deer (forest animal or wild beast) (mṛgād-‌bhayam) in the 8th year (vasu-varṣe).

Illustration: Yves Saint Laurent – French-Algerian designer; in the world of fashion, a once-in-a-generation designer and pace-setter. Saint Laurent’s childhood in Oran, Algeria, was difficult, said the London Daily Telegraph. “At school he was beaten up by the other boys for his obvious homosexual leanings.” From his own words in interview: “Starting in secondary school, I began leading a double life. On the one hand, at home there was joy and the world I dreamed up in my drawings, sets, costumes, and theater; at Catholic school, on the other hand, there were tests and a world I was excluded from as a shy, thoughtful dreamer, one where my classmates made fun of me, terrorized me, and beat me up.” The 12th Lord Saturn is in lagna, the Moon is 6th lord itself; the 8th lord Mercury is in the 6th house.

Sharma / Santhanam / Mishra (śl.20-21):
षष्ठाष्टमगतो राहुस्तस्मादष्टगते शनौ ॥२१॥
जातस्य जन्मतो विप्र प्रथमे च द्वितीयके । वस्तरेऽग्निभयं तस्य त्रिवर्षे पक्षिदोषभाक्‌ ॥२२॥
ṣaṣṭhāṣṭamagato rāhustasmādaṣṭagate śanau ||21||
jātasya janmato vipra prathame ca dvitīyake | vastare ’gnibhayaṃ tasya trivarṣe pakṣidoṣabhāk‌ ||22||
Translation: If Rāhu is placed in the 6th or 8th house (ṣaṣṭha-aṣṭama-gato rāhus) and Saturn is in the 8th house from Rāhu (tasmād-aṣṭa-gate śanau), oh Brahmin (vipra), in the first and second years (prathame ca dvitīyake vastare) of life of the person (jātasya janmato), there is danger from fire (’gni-bhayaṃ); in person’s 3rd year there will be danger from birds (tasya tri-varṣe pakṣi-doṣabhāk‌).

doṣabhāj – wrong, faulty, doing wrong, being defective or to blame.

Accident: Chernobyl Explosion - Russian nuclear power planet explosion. Reactor No.4 exploded and caught fire, contaminating vast areas of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus and spewing a radioactive cloud over Europe. The Kremlin tried to conceal the accident and delayed evacuation of people from nearby towns for days. Firefighters and other workers who were the first at the destroyed reactor had little or no protection from radiation. More than 4,000 cleanup workers died and 70,000 were disabled by radiation in Ukraine alone. About 3.4 million of Ukraine's 50 million population are considered affected. The Ukraine will suffer effects of the accident for years to come. Millions of its citizens are affected by radiation-related ailments.
Saturn is in Lagna with debilitated Moon (population), Rahu is in 6H with Sun exalted (nuclear explosion).

Mathilde, Archduchess of Austria (1849) - Austrian noblewoman as the second daughter of Archduke Albrecht, Duke of Teschen and Princess Hildegard of Bavaria. Mathilde died on 6 June 1867, aged 18, in Schloss Hetzendorf, the Viennese home of Empress Elisabeth. The archduchess had put on a gauze dress to go to the theatre. Before leaving for the theatre, she wanted to smoke a cigarette but shortly thereafter her father, who had forbidden smoking, approached her, and she hid the cigarette behind her dress, immediately setting light to its very flammable material and giving her second and third-degree burns. Her death was witnessed by her whole family.
Rāhu is in 12th house, Saturn is in 8th from Rāhu, in 7th. Death from fire happened not on 1st or 2nd years but on 19th - exactly in 18th years (1.5 of zodiac), after first maturity of Saturn. Weak AL is in Cancer, AL-3H – lagna Virgo (own fault) under aspect of Rahu from fire sign and Saturn. Ra-Mo (Vimshottari), Me-Ra (Kshema).

Tara Chandra:
षष्ठाष्टमगतो राहुस्तस्मादष्टगते शनौ ॥१४३॥
वत्सराग्निभयं तस्य त्रिवर्षे पक्षिदोषभाक् ॥१४४॥
ṣaṣṭhāṣṭamagato rāhustasmādaṣṭagate śanau ||143||
vatsarāgnibhayaṃ tasya trivarṣe pakṣidoṣabhāk ||144||
Translation: If Rāhu is placed in the 6th or 8th house (ṣaṣṭha-aṣṭama-gato rāhus) and Saturn is in the 8th house from Rāhu (tasmād-aṣṭa-gate śanau), there is danger from fire in the 1st year (vatsara-agni-bhayaṃ), in person’s 3rd year there will be danger from birds (tasya tri-varṣe pakṣi-doṣabhāk‌).

vatsara m. a year; the fifth year in a cycle of 5 or 6 years, (or) the sixth year in a cycle of 6 years
Note: the middle line of this statement is missed in Tara Chandra edition in compare with Sharma / Santhanam and G.D.Pathaka.

Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.123-124)
षष्ठाष्टमगतो राहुस्तस्मादष्टगते शनौ ॥१२३॥
बालस्य जन्मतोविज्ञ आद्येचैव द्वितीयके। वत्सरेऽग्निभयंतस्य त्रिवर्षेपक्षिदोषभाक् ॥१२४॥
ṣaṣṭhāṣṭamagato rāhustasmādaṣṭagate śanau ||123||
bālasya janmato vijña ādye caiva dvitīyake | vatsare ’gnibhayaṃ tasya trivarṣe pakṣidoṣabhāk ||124||
Translation: If Rāhu is placed in the 6th or 8th house (ṣaṣṭha-aṣṭama-gato rāhus) and Saturn is in the 8th house from Rāhu (tasmād-aṣṭa-gate śanau), oh wise (vijña), in the first and second years (ādye ca-eva dvitīyake vastare) of life of the person (bālasya janmato), there is danger from fire (’gni-bhayaṃ); in person’s 3rd year there will be danger from birds (tasya tri-varṣe pakṣi-doṣabhāk‌).

Sharma / Santhanam / Mishra (śl.22) / Tara Chandra (śl.145) / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.125):
षष्ठाष्टमगते सूर्ये तद्‌व्यये चन्द्रसंयुतः । पंचमे नवमेऽब्दे तु जलभीतिं विनिर्दिशेत् ॥२३॥
ṣaṣṭhāṣṭamagate sūrye tad‌vyaye candrasaṃyutaḥ | paṃcame navame ’bde tu jalabhītiṃ vinirdiśet ||23||
Translation: If the Sun is placed in the 6th or 8th house (ṣaṣṭha-aṣṭama-gate sūrye) and the Moon is in the 12th from the Sun (tad‌-vyaye candra-saṃyutaḥ), then in the 5th or in the 9th year (paṃcame navame ’bde tu) a danger from water should be predicted (jala-bhītiṃ vinirdiśet).

Note: Mishra/Pathaka: candra-saṃyutaḥ -> candra-saṃyute; Pathaka: tu -> ca (meaning the same). Tara Chandra: tad-‌vyaye -> tad-dvaye (meaning is different – ‘Moon is with Sun’)

Illustration: Accident: Fatality 11983 - American male drowned along with his brother in Lake Piru, CA, age 20, on 19 March 1972. Sun is in the 8H, Moon is in the 3rd but in parivartana with Mars in the 6th, Sun is in parivartana with Mercury in the 7th. Ma-Ke (Vimshottari), Mars dasa could invoke parivartana. Moon in own - > Venus in 7th gives result. 21st year falls on 9H (like 9th year).

Sharma / Santhanam / Mishra (śl.23):
अष्टमे मन्दसंयुक्ते तस्माद्वा द्वादशे कुजः । त्रिंशाब्दे दशमेऽब्दे तु स्फोटकादि विनिर्दिशेत् ॥२४॥
aṣṭame mandasaṃyukte tasmādvā dvādaśe kujaḥ | triṃśābde daśame ’bde tu sphoṭakādi vinirdiśet ||24||
Translation: If Saturn is placed in the 8th house (aṣṭame manda-saṃyukte) and Mars is in the 12th from the 8th house (tasmād-vā dvādaśe kujaḥ), in the 30th and 10th year (triṃśa-abde daśame ’bde tu) a smallpox etc. should be predicted (sphoṭaka-ādi vinirdiśet).

sphoṭaka – bulbous eruption, boil, tumour, blister, pustule.
Note: Mishra: tasmād-vā -> tasmād;

Elizabeth I, Queen of England - British royalty, the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, at 29 (i.e. in the 30th year) she had lost her hair when she had smallpox and from then on, wore wigs and white makeup. Saturn is in the 8th house, Mars is not in 7th, but in the 6th.

José, Prince of Brazil – Prince of Brazil, Duke of Braganza; the heir apparent to the Kingdom of Portugal until his death in 1788, as the eldest child of Queen Maria I of Portugal and King Pedro III of Portugal. They had no children. José died of smallpox at the age of 27 on 11 September 1788 (i.e. in the 28th year). Malika yoga, starting with Sa, 8L Ju and Mars (after parivartana) and ending with Su in own house in (result – exaltation lord Mars). Leo is 28th year in Sudarshana.

Christian, Prince of Denmark (1675) – Danish prince, the third son of Christian V of Denmark and his consort Queen Charlotte Amalie, and thus a younger brother of King Frederick IV. He never married. He died, aged 20 (i.e. in the 21st year), from smallpox on 27 June 1695. Capricorn under aspect of Sa and Ma, 21st year counting from 6th lord Mars in 8th (from first maturity age 14.

Tara Chandra:
अष्टमे मंदसंयुक्ते रंघाद्रौ द्वादशे कुजः । त्रिंशाब्दं च दशेऽष्टेतु स्फोटकादिविनिर्दिशे त् ॥१४६॥
aṣṭame maṃdasaṃyukte raṃdhrādau dvādaśe kujaḥ |
triṃśābdaṃ ca daśe ’ṣṭe tu sphoṭakādi vinirdiśet ||146||
Translation: If Saturn is placed in the 8th house (aṣṭame manda-saṃyukte) and Mars is in the 12th from the 8th (raṃdhra-ādau dvādaśe kujaḥ), in the 30th and 10th and 8th(?) year (triṃśābdaṃ ca daśe ’ṣṭe tu) a smallpox etc. should be predicted (sphoṭaka-ādi vinirdiśet).

Note: text is not clear may be corrupted (triṃśābdaṃ ca daśe ’ṣṭe tu)

Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.126):
अष्टमे मन्दसंयुक्ते रन्ध्राद्धे द्वादशे कुजः । त्रिंशांके च दशांके च स्फोटकादि विनिर्दिशेत् ॥१२६॥
aṣṭame mandasaṃyukte randhrādve dvādaśe kujaḥ |
triṃśāṃke ca daśāṃke ca sphoṭakādi vinirdiśet || 126 ||
Translation: If Saturn is placed in the 8th house (aṣṭame manda-saṃyukte) and Mars is in the 12th from the 8th (randhrādve dvādaśe kujaḥ), in the 30th and 10th year (triṃśa-aṃke ca daśa-aṃke ca) a smallpox etc. should be predicted (sphoṭaka-ādi vinirdiśet).

Note: randhrādve – ending is unclear.

aṅka – a kind of regnal year (used in Orissa and usually spoken of as Onko year) the peculiarity of it is that in counting the years of the reign of a king certain numbers are omitted, thus, accord. to one system, the numbers ending with 6 or 0, excepting 10, are dropped, so that the sequence of the years would be-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21 &c.)

Pt. Devachandra Jha:
अष्टमे मन्दसंयुक्ते रन्ध्राद्वा द्वादशे कुजः । दशब्देऽथवा त्रिंशे स्फोटकादि विनिर्दिशेत् ॥ २४ ॥
aṣṭame mandasaṃyukte randhrādvā dvādaśe kujaḥ |
daśabde’thavā triṃśe sphoṭakādi vinirdiśet ||24||
Translation: If Saturn is placed in the 8th house (aṣṭame manda-saṃyukte) and Mars is in the 12th from the 8th (randhrād-vā dvādaśe kujaḥ), in the 10th or 30th year (daśabde’thavā triṃśe) a smallpox etc. should be predicted (sphoṭaka-ādi vinirdiśet).

Sharma / Santhanam / Mishra (śl.24) / Tara Chandra (śl.147) / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.127):
रंध्रेशे राहुसंयुक्ते तदंशे रंध्रकोणगे । द्वाविंशेऽष्टादशे वर्षे ग्रन्थिमेहादिपीडनम्‌ ॥२५॥
raṃdhreśe rāhusaṃyukte tadaṃśe raṃdhrakoṇage | dvāviṃśe’ṣṭādaśe varṣe granthimehādipīḍanam‌ ||25||
Translation: If the 8th Lord (‘Lord of fault’) conjoins Rāhu (raṃdhreśe rāhu-saṃyukte), and its navāṃśa is in koṇa from the 8th house (tadaṃśe raṃdhra-koṇa-ge), then in 22nd and in the 18th year (dvāviṃśe ’ṣṭādaśe varṣe) there will be swelling and hardening of the vessels (as in varicocele), urinary disease (especially inflammatory affection of the urethra, including gonorrhea), diabetes, etc. (granthi-meha-ādi-pīḍanam‌).

Illustration: Marcia Hines – American-Australian vocalist, actress and TV personality, who made her debut in 1970, at age 16, in the Australian production of the stage musical Hair. In 1973, she joined the cast of Jesus Christ Superstar, becoming the first black actress-singer in the world to play Mary Magdalene. In 1986 (in her 34th), a fall in her kitchen resulted in the diagnosis of her diabetes, which was treated by daily injections of insulin, careful monitoring of her diet and a commitment to fitness. The 8th lord Jupiter has graha and rasi drishti with Rāhu, in Navāṃśa, Jupiter is in Cancer, which is 12th house in Rāśi (5th from 8th). The fact that the 8th lord and Rāhu are not conjoined may give another round of 12 years.

शत्रु विचार śatru vicāra
Consideration of enemies

Sharma / Santhanam / Mishra (śl.25):
लाभेशे रिपुभावस्थे रोगेशे लाभराशिगे । एकत्रिंशत्तमे वर्षे शत्रुमूलाद्धनव्ययः ॥२६॥
lābheśe ripubhāvasthe rogeśe lābharāśige | ekatriṃśattame varṣe śatrumūlāddhanavyayaḥ ||26||
Translation: If the 11th Lord (‘Lord of income’) is placed in the 6th house (‘house of enemies’) (lābheśe ripu-bhāva-sthe) and if the 6th Lord (‘Lord of disease’) is in the 11th house (rogeśe lābha-rāśi-ge) then in the 31st year (eka-triṃśattame varṣe) there will be loss of wealth due to enemies (śatru-mūlād-dhana-vyayaḥ).

Tara Chandra / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.128):
लाभेशे रिपुभावस्थे तदीशे लाभराशिगे । एकत्रिंशैकचत्वारि शत्रुमूलाद्धनव्ययः ॥१४८॥
lābheśe ripubhāvasthe tadīśe lābharāśige | ekatriṃśaikacatvāri śatrumūlāddhanavyayaḥ ||148 ||
Translation: If the 11th Lord (‘Lord of income’) is placed in the 6th house (‘house of enemies’) (lābheśe ripu-bhāva-sthe) and if its Lord (the 6th) is in the 11th house (tadīśe lābha-rāśi-ge) then in the 31st year and in the 41st year (eka-triṃśa-eka-catvāri) there will be loss of wealth due to enemies (śatru-mūlād-dhana-vyayaḥ).

Note 1: Pathaka: ekatriṃśaikacatvāri -> ekatriṃśadekacatvāri; vyayaḥ -> kṣayaḥ (‘loss’ -> ‘destroy’).
Note 2: Chandra / Pathaka talk about 31st year and 41st year, whereas Sharma / Santhanam / Mishra talk only about 31st year.

Illustration: Indira Gandhi - Indian politician: the P.M. of India 1966-1977. The daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, she grew up with the impassioned politics of India's struggle for independence. In 1942, she married Feroze Gandhi (who was adopted by Mahatma Gandhi to make her marriage possible). On 30 January 1948, in Indira’s 31st year, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated, which brings certain influence on her life.
Certain events also happened in Indira’s 41st year. In the parliament in 1958, Feroze Gandhi he raised the Haridas Mundhra scandal involving the government controlled LIC insurance company. He continued challenging the government on a number of other issues and emerged as a parliamentarian well-respected on both sides of the bench. Also, Feroze suffered a heart attack in 1958. Indira, who stayed with her father at Teen Murti House, returned to look after him in Kashmir. The 6th Lord Jupiter is in the 11th house; the 11th Lord Venus is in the 6th house.

Sharma / Santhanam / Mishra (śl.26) / Tara Chandra (śl.149) / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.129):
सुतेशे रिपुभावस्थे षष्ठेशे गुरुसंयुते । व्ययेशे लग्नभावस्थे तस्य पुत्रो रिपुर्भवेत्‌ ॥२७॥
suteśe ripubhāvasthe ṣaṣṭheśe gurusaṃyute | vyayeśe lagnabhāvasthe tasya putro ripurbhavet‌ ||27||
Translation: If the 5th Lord (‘Lord of children’) is in the 6th house (‘house of enemies’) (suteśe ripu-bhāva-sthe), the 6th Lord conjoins Jupiter (ṣaṣṭheśe guru-saṃyute) and the 12th Lord in Lagna (vyayeśe lagna-bhāva-sthe) then own child will become enemy (tasya putro ripur-bhavet‌).

Illustration: Alida Del Grande - Italian homemaker, married to Enea Del Grande on 2 June 1969 in Baveno. Their son Elia was born on 9 October 1975. Elia was a problem to his parents. On 7 January 1998, 3:30 AM, Elia entered his home in Cadrezate and murdered his mother, father and brother by gunshot. The 5th Lord Ketu is in the 6th house, the 6th Lord is Jupiter itself, in MKS and graha yuddha; 12L (AK, MKS) and LL aspect each other.

Her husband, Enea Del Grande. The 5th Lord Jupiter is in the 6H, in graha yuddha with debilitated Saturn, the 6th Lord Mars in Parivartana with Jupiter, 12th Lord Venus aspects Lagna.

Sharma / Santhanam / Mishra (śl.27) / Tara Chandra (śl.150) / Ganesha Datta Pathaka (śl.130):
लग्नेशे षष्ठराशिस्थे तदीशे षष्ठराशिगे । दशमैकोनविंशेऽब्दे शुनकाद्‌भीतिरुच्यते ॥२८॥
lagneśe ṣaṣṭharāśisthe tadīśe ṣaṣṭharāśige | daśamaikonaviṃśe’bde śunakād‌bhītirucyate ||28||
Translation: If Lagna Lord is in the 6th house (lagneśe ṣaṣṭharāśisthe), the 6th Lord is in the 6th house (tadīśe ṣaṣṭharāśige), then in the 10th and in the 19th year (daśama-eka-ūna-viṃśe ’bde) there will be danger from dog (śunakād-‌bhītir) – they say (ucyate).

Note: Chandra: tadīśe -> tadaṃśe (means ‘Lagna or Lagneśa’s navāṃśa’); Pathaka: ’bde -> ca

Illustration: Joseph Meister – in 1885, in his 10th year, Meister was badly bitten by a rabid dog. He became the first person to be inoculated against rabies by Louis Pasteur, and the first person to be successfully treated for the infection. Lagna Lord Venus is in the 6th house; the 12th Lord Rāhu and the 6th Lord Ketu are in Parivartana. Mo-Me can invoke the parivartana in Virgo, and the 6th Lord Ketu appears in the 6th house.
End of Ṣaṣṭha Bhāva Phala Adhyāya (19)
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